ALA Committee on Research & Statistics (CORS) invites you to…
CORS 2010 Research Program:
"Reaching out to Generation Y: Conducting Research to Understand Digital Natives"
Date: Monday, June 28th
Time: 10:30am-12:00pm
Location: Washington Convention Center, Room 204B/C (@ALA 2010, Washington, DC)
- Susan Gibbons (Vice Provost, Andrew H. & Janet Dayton Neilly Dean, River Campus Libraries, University of Rochester)
This presentation demonstrates how through the use of anthropological and ethnographic methods, the River Campus Libraries of the University of Rochester have studied the academic work practices of students. This research has helped to clarify Generation Y’s technology use and facility needs, as well as their understanding of “library.”
- Carol Gordon (Associate Professor, Co-Director, Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries, Rutgers University, School of Communication and Information)
This presentation introduces studies that examine the information behavior of youth indicate a need for a method that analyzes sparse, quantifiable data collected in qualitative studies with small sample sizes. It explores the Theory of Expected Information, derived from the Fano measure (1961) and Bayesian statistics (1764), and demonstrates its application in studies that measure the information behavior of adolescents.
The CORS program flier is also available at:
Kyung-Sun Kim
Chair, CORS
Associate Professor
School of Library and Information Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison