

World Libraries is inviting submission of manuscripts for publication.  World Libraries is a peer-reviewed library and information science journal issued electronically twice a year by the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Dominican University in River Forest, Illinois.  Since it was first published in 1990, World Libraries (formerly known as Third World Libraries) has been dedicated to encouraging scholarly communication and professional development in the field of library and information science focusing on socio-economic development in libraries worldwide.  


Formerly appearing in print, World Libraries entered a new era of free and open access by publishing on the World Wide Web in 2005.  It is an openly accessible journal, without registration, passwords or fees and can be found at: 


World Libraries uses the Open Journal Software (OJS) for efficient manuscript control.  All manuscripts should be submitted to: <>  


Please set up your own personal login and password.  You will then be able to check on the status of your manuscript throughout the editorial process.


If you prefer, however, you may submit your manuscript to: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> 



Authors whose manuscripts are published in World Libraries are given the option of retaining the rights to their works.  In order to do so, authors are encouraged to retain copyright or select a Creative Commons license that best suits their needs. More information will be provided upon acceptance of a manuscript.


Submission Guidelines and Author Guidelines

These are readily available at <> 


To be considered for review, submitted manuscripts must follow the above guidelines.

Diane L. Velasquez
Assistant Professor
Graduate School of Library & Information Science
Dominican University
7900 Division Street, Crown 332
River Forest, IL 60305
Phone:  708-524-6594
Fax:  708-524-6657
Email: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> 
"Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind don't matter,
and those who matter don't mind."
                                 -------  Dr. Seuss