Hey guys and gals, I know it's been a while since you've read one of these but this should be the last from me. First off I would like to congradulate the new officers.  For those of you sticking around for next year, it should be a good one.
Logan Johnson - Pres
Ben Dorger - VP
Chris Sisneros - secretary
Melissa McKenzie - treaurer (Melissa does such a good job we won't let her leave)
We still have have a position open for webmaster so if anyone wants to step up and take over, let me know.
Now to the parties....
Tuesday 5/11 - T shirt party at my place.  We have a stencil in the making for the T-shirts and we will supply tie - dye supplies and paint for the stensil.  If you want bring your own shirt feel free or you can send me your size and I can pick one up when I go and get mine.  I'm getting cheap white t's so they should be around 3-5$ but i will send an email when i found out for sure.  There will be a keg of cold beer if enough people rsvp (so let me know) and a hot grill(s) so bring something to cook.  We will start the festivities at 4:30 so we will have enough time to eat and make t's while there's still light out.  So Come make a t shirt and eat or do it all and celebrate into the night, its up to you.
Thursday 5/13 - Graduation party.  The whole fam damily is coming, so the first keg is on the house.  Any one who wants to get down is more than welcome to come.  We will probably start around 6 or 7 and some food will be supplied.
Thank you fellow canoers and hikers, its been a good year.  Hope to see you guys at one or both of the parties, but if I don't have a great summer. 
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