

I'll have more to say on this later, but for now I've got to add a
couple of comments...

On 5/6/2010 2:05 PM, Chad Neeper (list) wrote:
> It takes just one trip to the computer to repair something a patron
> did to pay for the DF license for that computer. It's all "profit"
> after that.

You need the enterprise version of Deep Freeze!  No trip to the 
computer, you can shutdown and restart from any machine with the 
enterprise console installed.  There is no limit on the number of 
consoles you can install at your site, once you have rights to use it. 
With only 10 computers in my lab, I would not want to live without the 
enterprise version!

I was very happy with Deep Freeze before I switched to SteadyState.

> Also worthwhile knowing: Microsoft apparently has no plans to
> continue development of Steady State. There is no SS intended for
> Windows 7.

Yes, this has been announced, but I still have a little bit of hope that 
M$ may see reason.  If you have any interest in SteadyState at all, 
please stop by TechNet and add your vote for SteadyState on Windows 7. 
I am currently dragging my feet on updating our public computers to Win 
7 in hope that they will relent before I have to move.

There are quite a few people unhappy with this decision.

At least there are still a couple of years left before XP becomes 
unsupported, and you can still get XP for public computers from Tech 
Soup.  (It was still listed Tuesday when I looked...)
