

Plan to come to a chapter meeting Tuesday, June 29, for food, fun, info, and some business. By law, the chapter needs to meet to conduct business at an annual meeting. We will include networking as well, and Katrina Gramelspacher and Mary Knepper will give an overview of salient points from the STC International Summit in Dallas. Dorothy McDuffie will give an overview of PCOC plans—that is, for the Practical Conference on Communication to be held this year in Nashville, October 7-9. It will be a fun and informative meeting—and the IRS will be happy we have met our legal obligation.


Topic: Networking, annual business meeting, and overview of the STC Summit in Dallas

Place: Downtown Grill and Brewery, 424 South Gay Street; Knoxville, TN 37902-1103; (865) 633; second floor meeting room

Date: Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Time: 6:00–8:30pm

Food: Order from the menu and pay for whatever you order.

Cost: To cover program costs, $5.00 for STC members; $10.00 for non-members; pay at the door, cash or check made out to STC-ETC

Benefit: Meet and greet new and familiar colleagues; conduct chapter business; learn what happened at the Summit related to changes in STC organizationally and what topics were presented

Action: RSVP to [log in to unmask]; put the date on your calendar; call a buddy to come with you, or plan to come solo and greet STC colleagues and meet new ones.


From Mary Knepper, Program Manager and VP