

We use deep freeze with library online and trend micro. It works fine  
in that setup. If any problems or virus warnings come up staff can  
just restart the machine and it'll be like nothing has happened.

The only real issue is scheduling updates to be done as the machines  
are frozen. This includes windows updates or any software installed  
including trend. There is a scheduler to setup update times.  It is a  
good product. They will to unifying their management console  
eventually so I'm told so you can admin all their software from one  

On Apr 5, 2010, at 9:00 AM, "Gretchen Garcia - LIBRARY" <[log in to unmask] 
 > wrote:

> Good morning LibNT! ;-) I am curious about your stories (good and  
> bad) about using Deep Freeze in your environment. Especially if you  
> have your public machines on a domain and use any sort of PC access  
> management system (We are using SAM.) We are currently running XP  
> and using Trend Micro as our Anti-virus.
> We seem to be running into walls using our current solution and we¡¯r 
> e not getting the response we would like from the vendor.
> Any and all stories (again, good, bad and ugly) would be  
> appreciated. ;-) Thanks much!
> Thanks,
> Gretchen Garcia
> MCLD IT Services
> [log in to unmask]
> "There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand  
> binary and those who don't." =)

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