

Save the date for PCOC 2010:October 7–9, Nashville, Tennessee


Building and sustaining a technical communication career


The East Tennessee Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication continues a Tennessee

tradition with the Practical Conference on Communication (PCOC) at the Millennium Maxwell

House Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee, October 7–9. The event begins Thursday evening,

October 7, with a reception on the patio of this popular Music City hotel. A Friday keynote

breakfast and Friday and Saturday break-out sessions complete the weekend.


Our theme this year, “Building and sustaining a technical communication career,” focuses on new

ways to apply communication skills in the marketplace. In our call for presentations, we’re

seeking ideas for conference sessions in the following areas:


Going green: Marketing green technologies

Marketing green products, managing non-profit green initiatives, communicating the value of

sustainable practices to corporate staff or the public

Going paperless: Writing and designing communications for electronic media

Developing web-based or multimedia products, harnessing the power of social media,

experimenting with user-generated and user-extracted content

Going back to basics: Writing, editing, and designing effective communication products

Merging basic writing, editing, and design skills with new tools and techniques: Minimalism,

topic-based writing, collaborative writing, information architecture, content management

Preparing customers to go it alone: Training and accessibility tips and tricks

Developing classroom or online training programs, designing user assistance, preparing

procedures, providing accessible communications products

Going with the flow: How to choose and use new communications technologies

Making the right choices and using new tools productively

Going to work: Managing the communicator’s workplace

Creating a positive work environment for large and small communications groups, lone writers,

and members of virtual teams


If you are interested in speaking, please respond to our call for presentations. If you’re a

communicator interested in growing your career, consider joining us at PCOC 2010 in Nashville

this fall. See for details and refreshed information.