Canoe and Hiking Club,
If you are going on the Clear Creek Trip this weekend you need to come to meeting tonight!!
If this is your first time going on the Clear Creek Trip, (mandatory) around 7:00 you will be headed to Rec Sports to go over a short demonstration of stokes you will need for this weekend (part of our risk management program).  Bring your bathing suit you are getting in canoes in the pool! : )
As of right now the list of people who have not gone on  a water trip with the Canoe and Hiking club are:
Ross Snow
Michelle Kniedinger
Jesse Weber
Megan Spoon
Joey McKee
Isaac Bosley
Tonight, we will be discussing details about the trip as well as what we want to do for the rest of the semester.
See ya tonight,
Canoe and Hiking Club, VP
Katie Warf
(931) 308-7446
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