

Dept. of Library and Information Science in National Taiwan University is seeking to employ two full-time faculties

  Ph. D. of library and information science or related fields. (Information Organization, Information Retrieval, 
  Information Services, Information Resources, Information Science included.) 
  or Ph. D. of Information Management, Information Engineering or related fields.
2.Documents Necessary:
  *copy of Ph.D. diploma; 
   those who have not yet received the diploma at the time of application must provide a formal statement from the doctoral institution indicating that it will be in hand by the time of appointment
  *transcripts of graduate study
  *copy of certification of working experience
  *at least one published academic article within 3 years (published after Nov.1, 2007, doctoral dissertation included)
  *a list of articles published
  *a list of courses instructed with course outlines, syllabus and bibliography
3.Date of appointment and position official rank:
  Appointment will be assigned by February 1, 2011. Official rank is according to working experience and qualifications.
4.Deadline: August 31, 2010
5.How to apply:
  All the documents mail to Dr. Clarence Tsa-Kang Chu, Chairman and Director

  Address: Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University
           No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 106, Taiwan, R. O. C.
  Email: [log in to unmask]
  Tel: 886-2-3366-2958 or 886-2-3366-2968
  Fax: 886-2-2363-2859