Contact: Jeannette Bastian
Simmons GSLIS Receives $138K Grant from National Historic Publications
and Records Commission (NHPRC)
BOSTON (March 1, 2010) — The Simmons College Graduate School of Library and
Information Science (GSLIS) has received a grant of $138,182 from the National Historic
Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) for the project "Building an Archives &
Preservation Digital Curriculum Laboratory.”
Through this NHPRC grant and an IMLS grant received in 2009, GSLIS will build a digital
curriculum laboratory to enhance archives and preservation education. The Lab will enable
students, educators and researchers to learn, instruct and experiment with digital materials in a
digital environment. Goals built into this grant include building the infrastructure of the lab, and
producing learning modules.
The Simmons Archives and Preservation Digital Curriculum Lab will be a controlled digital
space providing integrated access to digital content, content tools, curriculum-based scenarios,
and workspaces. Students will have opportunities to experiment with and implement a range of
digital archival and preservation procedures from record creation through preservation and
delivery. The Lab will allow educators and students to evaluate and gain practical experience
with current software and standards and a variety of open source content management systems.