As a graduate of the University of Michigan’s Library school (I got my AMLS in 1986 and my Phd in 1992), I can remember the whole room full of these card catalogs when they were still on the same floor as the reading room and the reference desk, and I remember, too, when MIRLYN was first introduced. Since this was before Windows and other GUIs, it was a pain to use!
Johan Koren, Assoc. Prof.
Coordinator, Library Media Program
College of Education
3201 Alexander Hall
Murray State University
Murray KY 42071
Telephone: +1-270-809-2760
Fax: +1-270-809-3799
From: Open Lib/Info Sci Education Forum [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of B.G. Sloan
Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2010 6:17 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [JESSE] University of Michigan Library to bid farewell to card catalogs
"Nothing lasts forever. So it will be said about the University of Michigan Library's card catalogs when they are removed from their home in the bowels of the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library on March 8." Full text at: Bernie Sloan |