


School Librarian (Vacancy Announcement)


A private, college-preparatory school in Virginia is seeking a librarian
to commence work in August 2010.


This is a full-time position for a high-school librarian.


The successful candidate will be expected to participate in the full
life of the school by coaching athletic teams or supervising
extracurricular activities.


Location:  Norfolk, Virginia


Work Begins:  August 2010


Compensation:  Highly competitive salary and compensation.


Requirements:  Master's degree in library science or related field.
Excellent communication and leadership skills.  Strong academic record.
Teacher certification not required.


To apply, visit our website and complete the online application:

Southern Teachers Agency
7 Elliewood Ave., Suite 2A
Charlottesville, VA  22903-2603
Tel (434) 295-9122

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