

Meeting: 2/3/2009
Cross Country Ski Trip this weekend 2/6/2010
*Look for detailed email from Randy.
It will only be a day trip.
Everyone will be leaving from Lot 66 (on the AG campus) at 9:00 DON'T BE LATE.
Expect to return around 10:00 PM.
If you are renting gear from UTOP go pick it up either tomorrow or Friday.
UTOP only have 13 sets of X-country ski equipment.  If they are out of your shoe size, Sorry. 
Please do not be disrespectful it is not utop's fault. 
*Remember to return your gear on Monday.
Trip Roster:
Melissa McKenzie
Jesse Weber
Logan Johnson
Kody Honeyman
Ross Snow
Isaac Bosley
Chris Sisneros
Reese DeBlois
David Jacobs
Jessica Davis
Yuki Kawata
Reminder: All forms and dues must be turned in to go on trips.
Upcoming Trips:
2/19 - 2/21  Snowshoe, WV
2/27  Trail Maintenance @ Obed & Day of Fun and Service : )
2/28  Possible Full Moon Bike Ride
I hope everyone enjoyed the snow and had a good time at the full moon get together this past weekend. 
Thank you Ross for hosting.
Katie Warf
Canoe and Hiking Club VP
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