We have wireless at our library and about a year ago, I had the network "guru" over at our town hall set it up via DHCP.  We only have 12 "slots" on our network for those folks wanting to use wireless.  We don't authenticate and it has worked well for the most part.  Once in a while I would have to release a lease because all of the slots were used up.  Well -- about 3 weeks ago, all of the sudden the leases are all in use constantly!  When I go into the DHCP settings it almost looks like something is automatically taking up all the slots and I don't know how to stop that from happening.
Our server that this is set up on is a Windows 2000 server if that helps.  Also -- we use Access Points throughout the building rather than wireless routers.  Is there a way to have the leases automatically expire after an hour?  That is how much time we allow patrons to use the computers in our Technology Center.
Any help on this would be much appreciated!
Mary E. Rogers
Associate Director
Trumbull Library System
33 Quality St.
Trumbull, CT 06611
203-452-5116 (voice)
203-452-5125 (fax)
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