Thank you for sharing this.
Tommy Wayne Kramer is  a satirist who has attacked everyone from "old people" to environmentalists.
I do find it disturbing that some readers actually agree with him (based on some of the comments on this particular column).
On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 4:47 PM, B.G. Sloan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I have no idea whether or not this column was written tongue-in-cheek, but it does offer an "interesting" citizen point of view about public libraries...

An excerpt:

"If Mendocino County is strapped for money, and I believe it is, the most logical thing it could do is close down all the libraries...Some folks are going to argue that we need libraries because they are centers for research and intellectual inquiry. Historically this has certainly been the case, but it's no longer true. There was a revolution about 20 years ago and it was called the Internet. Any teenager can unearth more information in a five minute Google session than you could discover in five days at the library."

Full text at:

Bernie Sloan