

*/Justin Winsor Prize Essay Award /*

The Justin Winsor Prize Essay Award, first presented in 1979, honors the 
19th Century Harvard Librarian and President of the American Library 
Association [ALA] and the American Historical Association.  The ALA 
Library History Round Table makes the award through its Justin Winsor 
Prize Essay Committee.  The winning author receives $500 and 
consideration for publication in /Libraries & the Cultural Record/.

Manuscripts submitted for consideration address subjects of significance 
in the history of libraries, librarianship, or book culture.  
Submissions should not be previously published, or previously submitted 
for publication, or under consideration for another award.  Essays 
should embody original historical research, be based on primary sources, 
and demonstrate good English and superior style.

Essays should adopt style and format similar to those in /Libraries & 
the Cultural Record/, using the /Chicago Manual of Style/, and not to 
exceed 35 typewritten double-spaced pages [plus notes, bibliography].

Interested scholars should send four copies to:


Mark Tucker, LHRT Winsor Prize Committee
c/o Office for Research and Statistics
50 E. Huron St.
Chicago, Illinois 60611

Due date:  15 January 2010

Melanie A. Kimball, Assistant Professor
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Simmons College
300 The Fenway
Boston, MA  02115-5898
Phone:  (617) 521-2795