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            - The text of the job listing is below -

Social Sciences and Spatial Data Librarian --  University of Michigan at
Ann Arbor -- Michigan


The Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library serves the research needs of scholars
and students in the humanities and social sciences.  The Spatial and
Numeric Data Services (SAND) provides support to Hatcher and to all of the
other libraries in the University Library system, as well as in partnership
with independent libraries on campus, and to a lesser extent the local and
regional public libraries.  SAND supports the use of spatial data, numeric
data, and statistics in research and teaching by the University of Michigan
community.  This is a two-year term appointment.
Under the direction of the Head of Onsite Access and Distributed
Libraries, and working closely with the Spatial and Numeric Data Services
librarian, this position would:
·Assist faculty, staff, students and researchers in locating and
acquiring numeric data sets, especially social science data sets;
·Assist in using statistical software for data analysis;
·Help ensure that data sets of interest to the UM community are
cataloged in MIRLYN and otherwise accessible to users.
Specifically for spatial data, the position will:
·Assist in locating and acquiring digital spatial data sets;
·Provide instruction and assistance in using geographic information
systems (GIS) software.
·Maintain an online searchable catalog of digital spatial data,
whose content focuses on data of potential interest to the UM community;
help acquire, store, and provide access to digital spatial data sets in a
repository, accessible via the online catalog.
The position will serve as a liaison to one or more academic departments
to help support and identify their GIS needs and initiatives.  Regular
office/reference hours will be maintained at the SAND Lab on central
campus (located within the Government Documents Center in Hatcher Library)
and at SAND-North, a newly opened lab operated cooperatively with the
College of Architecture and Urban Planning, in the Spatial Analysis Lab at
Art & Arch Bldg on North Campus.  The position may also provide reference
hours at the Hatcher Graduate Library Information Center, the Government
Documents Center and/or the Social Work Library.  Independently or in
partnership with other librarians the incumbent will provide classroom
instruction sessions in the use of GIS and related topics.
Further information may be found at 
The successful candidate will have significant strengths and experience in
spatial and/or numeric data, and familiarity with and demonstrated
willingness and capability to develop skills in the other. 
·ALA accredited Masters Degree, or an equivalent combination of a
relevant advanced degree and experience. 
· Demonstrated experience with ArcGIS, ArcView.  Knowledge about
data producers including local, state, national and international
· Experience using spatial and numeric data for research,
and/or working with faculty and students who are doing research with
these resources.  Experience providing hands-on instruction and assistance
to GIS users, including troubleshooting data set conversion and projection
· Experience with metadata development and organization. 
· Ability to work with and integrate diverse data resources
including print and electronic to enhance user instruction and research. 
· Knowledge of cartographic resources, including knowledge of the
geographical and mathematical content of these resources, and how they
relate to research in an academic environment. 
· Excellent oral and written communication skills; excellent
interpersonal skills, including the ability to work in a diverse
university environment.
· Experience in programming with higher level languages or creating
complex web and database applications 
· Experience working in an academic environment 
· Experience with statistical methods, data and programs such as
SPSS, Stata or SAS.
· Knowledge of census data, particularly the decennial census of
population and housing, and related federal government censuses. 
Rank, Salary, and Leave:   Rank is anticipated at Assistant or
Associate Librarian.  Final rank and salary are dependent on
qualifications and experience.  Professional positions receive 24 days of
vacation a year & 15 days of sick leave a year with provisions for
extended benefits as well as opportunities for professional development
and travel.  Retirement:  TIAA/CREF or Fidelity Investments 
To Apply:  Send cover letter and copy of resume to Library Human
Resources; 404 Hatcher Graduate Library North; University of Michigan; Ann
Arbor, MI  48109-1205 or by email to:  [log in to unmask]
Contact (734) 764-2546 for further information.  
Application Deadline:  Review of applications will begin on
12/19/07 and continue until the position is filled.  The
University of Michigan is a non-discriminatory, affirmative action


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