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            - The text of the job listing is below -

Assistant Professor Computer and Information Sciences --  University of
Delaware -- Delaware

Computer Information Systems: Tenure-Track Faculty Position:
Department of Computer and Information Sciences University of Delaware.
Applications are invited for a tenure-track Assistant Professor to begin
Fall 2008. Of primary interest are candidates whose research is in
networks, especially network security, or in information retrieval,
broadly defined. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. or its equivalent, and be
committed to excellence in research and teaching. The standard teaching
assignment is three courses per year. The Department has 20 tenure-track,
4 research, and 2 teaching faculty members, 103 graduate students and 215
undergraduate students. We have significant external funding, including
NSF Career and DOE Young Investigator Awards, and a grant in
Communications and Networks that is part of the Army Research Lab's
Collaborative Technology Alliance. A major University of Delaware
biotechnology initiative ( offers opportunities
for collaborative research in bioinformatics. Considerable information
about the Department is available at Applications
should be submitted as a single PDF file to [log in to unmask] and
include in order: a cover letter (addressed to Dr. Chien-Chung Shen,
Faculty Search Committee Chair), curriculum vitae including a list of
references, a statement on research and a statement on teaching. Please do
NOT include copies of publications.  In addition, candidates should have
three (3) confidential letters of reference sent directly to
[log in to unmask] Alternatively, applications and letters may be
mailed to: Dr. Chien-Chung Shen, Faculty Search Committee Chair,
Department of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Delaware,
Newark, Delaware 19716. Application deadline is January 22, 2008. The
curriculum vitae and all application materials shall be shared with
departmental faculty. The University of Delaware is an Equal Opportunity
Employer which encourages applications from Minority Group Members and


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