

Golden Key members,

This weekend is the Mid-South Regional Conference at Clemson.  Many of your
executive board members will be representing you, and I wanted to make
everyone aware of what we are doing:

Mason Jones (President-elect) and Stuart Griswold (Academic Director) are
presenting a workshop on doing Community Service the Volunteer Way!

I (Elisa Sugar) am giving a workshop to all of the Presidents and Vice
Presidents in the region.

Crystal Gilreath (our AMAZING advisor) is giving a workshop on career
development to all attendees.

Also, I have a special announcement!  Stuart Griswold is running for the
Mid-South Regional Student Representative position.  We wish him the best
of luck, and he definitely has our vote!

I just wanted to keep everyone updated on your chapter!  We have one more
set of meetings left, which are next Tuesday and Wednesday.


Elisa Sugar
Corresponding Secretary