

For those of you who missed this week's meeting, here is what we covered.

*Thanks to all those who contributed to the Valentine's Day Chocolate Rose
Sale and the Green School Scholars Bowl. Both were successes!

*Sophomore Recognition Ceremony
    -March 11, 2003 @ 6:00pm
    -Black Cultural Center Multi-Purpose Room
    -The speaker will be Dr. Shumaker
    -If you would like to help setup or cleanup for this event, contact
Tiffany Wright at [log in to unmask]
    -We will be selling GK t-shirts, cords, and stoles for graduation

*Relay for Life
    -If you would like to join the Golden Key team or want more information
contact Kirsten Watson at [log in to unmask]
    -April 4, 2003 @ Circle Park
    -Benefits the American Cancer Society

*Helping the Homeless
    -Before every wednesday night meeting we will be serving dinner at the
Salvation Army.
    -Meet at money wall @ 4:00pm
    -You do not have to drive unless you want to, you can ride with someone

*Also we elected new officers! Congratulations to all of them!