


Who:  You and your fellow GK members
What:  Elections and General Membership Meeting
When:  Wednesday, February 19th 6:30pm
Where:  University Center Room 220
Why:  Because you want to be an involved member, make a difference and
build your resume!

*Remember there is no meeting on Tuesday night because everyone needs to be
at Wednesday's meeting!

Other topics of discussion include our Sophomore Recognition with Dr.
Shumaker as our Key Note speaker and Relay for Life.

*Notes on Elections:

1.  Newly elected officers are not immediately taking over positions.  They
will be entering a "shadow period" with the current officer in that role.
2.  Offices will be assumed by the new officers on April 6th at Officer
3.  ALL offices are open and awaiting you to fill them!
4.  The offices of President, VP, Secretary, and Treasurer must be filled
by Lifetime Members (juniors or seniors).
5.  The offices of Historian, Social Director, Academic Director, Community
Service Director, Service Initiatives Director, Honorary Member Liaison,
Publications Director, Public Relations Director, Corporate Development
Chair and Webmaster may be assumed by ANY member!
6.  Come to elections with a short speech prepared about yourself, why you
want the office, and your involvement (no more than 3 minutes)!

That's all for now!  Please email me with any questions!

I'll see you Wednesday at 6:30pm in UC 220!


Elisa Sugar
Correspondence Secretary