

GK Members,

First of all, I would like to recognize our newly elected officers!
-Co-Vice President, Connie Pullum
-Recording Secretary, Rebekah McCarty
-Co-Community Service Director, Kirsten Watson
-Public Relations Director, Courtney Wall
-Corporate Sponsor Chair, Danialle Smith

We still have events for the rest of the semester!  Here's what's going on:

-ANGEL TREE SHOPPING- We will meet at 3pm at the Money Wall and all carpool
together.  We're shopping at the Chapman Hwy Wal-Mart and Big Lots.  Please
come join us!  No sign up is necessary.

-UC LATE NIGHTER- We are helping SGA sponsor a late-night study time at the
UC since the library is always overcrowded.  It December 9-10.  We will
help sign in students at the door, and we need more people!  The time slots
still available are 11:30pm, 12:30am, 1:30am, 2:30am.  You can sit there
and study if you're not busy!  Please reply to this email if you can help.
Also, wear your Golden Key t-shirt!  If you don't have one, you can
purchase one for merely $10 from our advisor, Crystal Gilreath.  Contact
her at [log in to unmask] to see when you can stop by to get one at 109

-GK HOLIDAY PARTY- We are having a holiday get-together at our advisor's
place right off of Summit Hill.  It will be Thursday evening, after the
Angel Tree Shopping, at 6pm.  Directions will be emailed out shortly (she
is currently at a conference).  If you want, we will be playing Dirty
Santa, so bring a $5-$10 gift.  There will be food, fun, and fellow GK

That's all for now!  Thanks for your involvement this semester!  Because of
you, we can have such an outstanding chapter.  We look forward to seeing
you in January!

OUR NEXT MEETING:  January 21 & 22 at 6:30pm in UC 220

Good luck on those exams!

Elisa Sugar
Corresponding Secretary

P.S.  Congratulations to our President, Katie Wolfe, who got engaged over
Thanksgiving Break!!!