

Good morning! Since you are a member of Golden Key, we would like to ask
your help in determining how Career Services can better educate UT students
in the job search process. If you could take the time to answer this quick,
five question, multiple-choice survey below, you will be entered into a
drawing for one of two gift certificates for the UT Bookstore. Your
participation is greatly appreciated.
Please copy and paste the survey into an email to be sent to [log in to unmask]
by Friday, November 15 before noon.
The drawing winnners will be contacted on Monday, November 18. Thank you!!

Student Survey
Fall 2002

Student Information: (used for door prize drawing)
Name: ___________________________________________________
Year: _______________________
Major: ___________________________________________________
Live on-campus or off-campus  (Choose One)
Email address: ______________________________________

Survey Questions:

1. Are you seeking...
a. Full-time permanent employment
b. Internship / Co-Op
c. Part-time employment
d. None

2. When did you begin your job search?

a. Have not begun, but plan to
b. Junior Year
c. Senior Year
d. Will be attending graduate school
e. After graduation

3. Which of the following resources have you already used  in your job
(Choose all that apply)

a. Career counseling
b. Career Fairs
c. Career Resource Center
d. Career Services Web Site
e. On-campus interviews
f. Job and internship listings
g. Resume and Cover Letter advice and critiques
h. Employer information sessions
i. Workshops
j. None

4. What is your perception of UT Career Services?

a. Didn't know they existed
         If so, how could they have better informed you?
b. Didn't think they could help me because of my major
c. Not helpful
         If so, how could they have been of better service?
d. Have not utilized the services
e. Helpful

5. Are you stuck in your job search and want more direction?

  ___ YES         ___NO

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. Have a good