

Hello, Golden Key members (welcome all new members!),

We are having our final meeting of the semester tomorrow evening!  Tuesday,
November 26, 6:30pm in the UC Hermitage Room (on the 3rd floor).

Why is this meeting SO important?

1.  We are electing four officers for next semester!  If you cannot attend,
write up a speech and send it to me at [log in to unmask] and it will be read
in your honor.  Lifetime Members only can run for Co-Vice President and
Recording Secretary.  Lifetime Members AND Associate Members can run for Co-
Community Service Director and Public Relations Director.  This is a great
way to get some involvement in one semester!  This especially great for
graduating seniors in May.  You can get involved and hold an office before
you graduate!

2.  Cords and stoles will be for sale for those of you that are graduating
soon!  Cords are 15 and stoles 25!  You won't want to miss them!

3.  UT Golden Key Chapter t-shirts will be for sale for ONLY $10!  They are
one of a kind!  Get one before we sell out!

4.  The meeting will also host a service project!  We will be making
holiday tray cards for the children at East Tennessee Children's Hospital.
Bring any stickers, markers, or fun decorating supplies.  Brighten a
child's day during the holiday season!

5.  We will be taking our final Angel Tree donations, so grab that change
you have in odd places and bring it!  Plus, you can sign up to go buy the
presents for the children.

Other things will be on the agenda as well.  But, these are the
highlights!  Please make plans to be there.  Our meeting information will
be done in 30 minutes, and the rest will be dedicated to service!  So, stop
by and give as much time as you can.

See you Tuesday, 6:30pm, in the UC Hermitage Room!


Elisa Sugar
Corresponding Secretary