

Golden Key members,

Here is how you can help us this week!  This is our biggest event of the
year where we welcome new members to the Society.  Please make it a
priority to help YOUR chapter.

Induction is from 6-7pm in the UC Auditorium Thursday, November 21st.

We NEED people to help at the following times (These are each committees
and can be written up on YOUR RESUME!):

5pm-6pm  For set-up and simple decorations
5:30pm-6:30pm  Registration Table
6:45pm-7:30pm  Selling table with cords, stoles, and GK t-shirts
7pm-7:45pm  Clean up after the cermony

If you are being inducted as a Lifetime Member, please come and learn how
you can benefit.  Bring friends and/or family!

If you are graduating soon, stop by and purchase a cord for $15 or a stole
for $25 for graduation.

If you are just a member, come by and purchase your UT Chapter's t-shirt
for only $10!  Also, you can socialize with new members or stop by our
informational booths in the hall of the UC after the conclusion of the
ceremony at 7pm.

Any questions?  Email our Vice President, Lee West, at [log in to unmask]

Thanks for being an AMAZING membership and supporting YOUR chapter!


Elisa Sugar
Corresponding Secretary
Council Student Representative