


On Tuesday, October 15 from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Knoxville
Museum of Art, the fifth edition of the Creative Exchange will showcase
our region's communications/marketing talent and production resources.

The event is designed to offer a unique -- and very affordable --
opportunity for professionals and businesses to showcase their services.
The majority of exhibit space is priced at only $75 for the whole day
and admission to the exhibition is $10 with discounts for students and
others. Admission includes food, presentations throughout the day and
access to the Museum's exhibits which include the exhibit of the first
50 Years of Polaroid Photography.

Sponsoring Organizations
With the help of volunteers from sponsoring organizations (American
Institute of Graphic Arts, Knoxville Advertising Federation.
Knoxville/American Marketing Association, East TN SIGGRAPH, Public
Relations Society of America, the Knoxville Area Chamber Partnership,
and the Knoxville Museum of Art) and the generous support of our
sponsors, Creative Exchange 5 has the potential to be one of the best of
this young enterprise. Admission discounts for members of these groups
is available.

As in past years, there will be formal presentations. Scheduled at this
writing are demonstrations of new products by Apple Computer, a
presentation by one of this region's leading video and new media
production studios -- Rivr Media, a special viewing of The Electronic
Theater a film of winners of the 2002 SIGGRAPH international computer
animation competition which includes categories ranging from scientific
to Hollywood special effects, plus a variety of speakers addressing
issues such as business relationships to effective sales techniques.

Lasting Market Value for Exhibitors
To offer lasting value to exhibitors, there are two means to reach
consumers of their services -- listing on the CE web site lasting
through March 31, 2003 beginning as soon as registration is received and
processed and the opportunity to have business self-promotion sheet
included in 1,000 3-ring binders distributed to attendees. (See for details.)

Details & Registration at CE Website
To learn more details including a preliminary exhibit floor plan,
illustrations of exhibit space and to register online, please visit the
Creative Exchange website at

If you have questions please call Lee Hume at UT at  974-2520