

For those of you in agencies that may be interested, TVA plans to issue an
RFP (Request For Proposals) for a contractor to handle communications
services.  The contractor will not replace TVA's existing communications
staffs, but will supplement their work.

The contractor should be able to provide concept development, production
management of various communications activities, including graphic services,
publications, electronic, video and internet sites.  The contractor should
be able to handle multiple assignments simultaneously, and respond to the
demands of a $6 billion, multi-state company.

If you are interested or can recommend someone for us to consider please
send me the company name, contact person, mailing address and telephone
number by Thursday, October 26.

You can reach me at [log in to unmask] or (865) 632-8632.  I am on the
selection team, so I will not be able to provide you with any details about
the selection process; but we will be happy to include you on the
distribution list for the RFP.  Thanks!

Barb Martocci