

IiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=G%2F68kkV2FQhU4AJqmGCs7yXBBU%2FA5T1bWJH%2B9hypD5U%3D&reserved=0> (JR66211). This is a great position for an emerging professional, recent Master's level graduate, or someone transitioning from education, social work, etc. The Academic Services Coordinator (ASC) will provide a broad range of assistance for students seeking disability-related accommodations at Washington University. They will work closely with disabled students and those suspecting they may have disabilities to coordinate accommodations and additional resources, while also playing a role in DR's objective to create a more inclusive and equitable University experience. Individuals hired must live be willing to relocate, or live locally, to the St. Louis area. While this position is primarily onsite, there is some allowance for consideration of hybrid employment (e.g. 1-2 days/week remote). Salary Range: $19.56 - $30.35 / Hourly If you (or someone you know) is passionate about supporting inclusion and equitable opportunity for disabled students, and looking to help shape a growing department, we encourage you to explore WashU and consider submitting your application and necessary materials. Individuals hired must live be willing to relocate, or live locally, to the St. Louis area. Unless otherwise noted, positions require full-time onsite work. Position ID: JR66211 Regards, Chris Stone, Ed D Director, Disability Resources Washington University in St. Louis One Brookings Drive MSC 1218-321-01 St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 [log in to unmask] ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the CSPTalk list, click the following link: