Virtual Mathematical Meeting


From May 26 to June 4, 2021

Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina

The activities on Zoom (from May 31 to June 4) include 8 plenary talks (English or Spanish, speaker's choice) and 3 graduate-level courses (in Spanish). The activities on June 4 are in homage to Hernán Cendra. Find the schedule (in your local time) from researchseminars.org by clicking here

Plenary talks: 

- Romina Arroyo (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina), “An overview of the Alekseevskii conjecture”.

- Manuel de León (Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, España), “Contact Hamiltonian systems and applications to Thermodynamics”.

- Viviana del Barco (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brasil), “Conformal Killing forms on nilpotent Lie groups”.

- Mauricio Godoy-Molina (Universidad de la Frontera, Chile), “On infinitesimal symmetries of distributions”.

- Marina Logares Jiménez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España), “On character varieties of singular manifolds”. 

- Tudor Ratiu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China), TBA. 

- María Cristina Sardón Muñoz (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España), “Geometry of a SIS epidemic model including fluctuations and quantization”. 

- Pablo Suarez Serrato (Universidad Nacional Autónoma, México), “Aprendizaje geométrico profundo: Aproximaciones de Turing y convoluciones en variedades Riemannianas”.


Courses (in Spanish):

- “Una breve introducción a la geometría simpléctica”, Adrián Andrada (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina).

- “Una introducción a la integración geométrica”, Fernando Jiménez Alburquerque (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España).

- “Geometría de grupos de Lie usando SageMath”, Silvio Reggiani (Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina).

In addition, a conference forum will open on May 26 and collect pre-recorded short talks (around 20 minutes) covering all areas in Mathematics, intended as a place where participants and speakers can discuss. Check here the accepted contributions



- Santiago Capriotti,

- Viviana Díaz,

- Sebastián Ferraro,

- Eduardo García-Toraño Andrés,

- Emilio Lauret.

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