Dear Colleagues,

The 2012 Midwest Geometry Conference will take place May 12-13, 2012 at the University of Oklahoma, located in Norman, Oklahoma.

Whereas the Midwest Geometry Conference had been an annual meeting since its founding in 1991 until 2007, this 2012 conference is committed to revive the Midwest Geometry Conference.

Everyone is welcome! Minorities, women, persons with disabilities, graduate students, recent Ph.D.s, postdoctoral researchers, junior faculty, and high school math teachers are especially encouraged to participate.

There will be no registration fee. Lectures will take place in Physical Sciences Building. There will be a conference dinner on Saturday night, and there will be no fee to attend.


The conference will highlight recent developments and new research directions in a number of areas that include (but are not limited to): p-harmonic geometry, minimal varieties, geometric flows, complex and Riemannian geometry, conformal geometry, geometry of submanifolds, convex geometry, stochastic geometry, algebraic geometry, geometric measure theory, metric geometry, partial differential equations, several complex variables, Finsler geometry, mathematical physics, and related problems.


Bang-Yen Chen(Michigan State University)

Jui-Tang Chen(National Taiwan Normal University)

Chenxu He (Lehigh University)

Ralph Howard (University of South Carolina)

Lan-Hsuan Huang(Columbia University )

Xiang-Dong Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

Ye Li (University of Oklahoma)

Xiaochun Rong (Rutgers University)

Christina Sormani (L.C. and City University of New York)

Changyou Wang (University of Kentucky)

Shihshu Walter Wei (University of Oklahoma)

Henry Wente (University of Toledo)

Damin Wu (Ohio State University)

Lina Wu ( B.M.C.C. and City University of New York)

Paul Yang (Princeton University)

Jiazu Zhou (Southwest University, China)


There will also be contributed talks.


The Midwest Geometry Conference has traditionally provided at least limited support for its participants, including

graduate students, and we expect this to be the case with the 2012 conference as well.


The Midwest Geometry Conference 2012 is supported by:


        The National Science Foundation(Pending)

        The University of Oklahoma Research Council(Pending)

        The University of Oklahoma College of Arts and Sciences(Pending)


More details for the conference can be found at


The web page contains hotel information and a registration form allowing those interested in giving a contributed talk to submit its title and abstract. We'll continue updating the page.


We look forward to seeing you in Norman.


Best regards,


Shihshu Walter Wei,


Contact Person or Organizer for the 2012 Midwest Geometry Conference




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