Application deadline for support is April 15.

West-coast algebraic topology summer school on K-Theory
at Stanford University, July 16-21, 2012.

This summer school is aimed at graduate students and post-docs, though all are welcome.  We  have support from the National Science Foundation for  at  least forty student/post-doc participants, including local accommodations and  partial reimbursement of travel expenses (depending on interest and available funds). The  Pacific Institute for the Mathematical  Sciences will support travel by  Canadian students.

Scientific plan: The scientific goal  is to provide a modern introduction to algebraic K-theory, with the aim of bringing participants to the research frontier.  In particular, the workshop will focus on
(1) the current understanding and interpretation of the construction, functoriality, and multiplicative structures on the algebraic K-theory spectrum,
(2) trace methods for  computing via comparison to TC and THH,
(3) Rognes' program to understand K(S) and localization phenomena, and
(4) an exploration of the modern applications of the algebraic K-theory of brave new rings to the topology of manifolds.

Format:  Some participants will be preparing and giving lectures which have been planned in advance by the scientific committee.   The number of lectures each day  will be limited, and the the additional time used for activities to complement lectures.  Some possible activities could be: question sessions;  students working on problems; smaller lectures which could fill in background for less experienced participants or go further into recent advances for more experienced participants;  reading or side discussions.

Scientific committee:  Andrew Blumberg, Bill Dwyer, Teena Gerhardt, John Klein, and Mike Mandell
Organizing committee: Alejandro Adem, Ralph Cohen and Dev Sinha.
Sponsoring organizations: the National Science Foundation, the University of Oregon, Stanford University, and the Pacific Institute for the
Mathematical Sciences.

In the following week also at Stanford will be the Algebraic Topology, Applications and New Directions conference in honor of Gunnar Carlsson, Ralph Cohen and Ib Madsen  (See  ).  
WCATSS participants are strongly encouraged to attend that conference as well.

Applications will be taken through the web site
Those requesting financial support should are asked to apply by April 15, but we ask all interested to register so that we can plan appropriately.  Graduate students and post-docs requesting support need to have a one-paragraph letter of support from a faculty member, sent to [log in to unmask].   
More information will become available at the web site

Further questions can be directed to Dev Sinha ([log in to unmask]).

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