

Dear Geometry Listserv Moderator,

It is rather short of notice, but please place
the following announcement if possible.

Thank you very much!
Motohico Mulase

Title: Algebra and Topology in Interaction --- A Conference in
honor of Professor Dmitry Fuchs on the occasion of his 70th Birthday

Place: University of California, Davis

Date: September 11- 13, 2009


Tentative schedule:

Friday	 	11 Sept
9:30-  10:20   J. Bernstein
	A remark about the definition of pseudo-differential operators.
11:00-  11:50   M. Khovanov
	Categorification of quantum groups
1:30pm- 2:20   A. Kirillov
3:00-   3:50   O. Viro
5:15-   6:15   S. Tabachnikov (public lecture)
	Flavors of "bicycle mathematics"


Saturday		12 Sept
9:00am-  9:50   S. Novikov
10:00-  10:50   Y. Eliashberg
	Fuchs quillenization and Madsen-Weiss theorem
11:40-  12:30   S. Gindikin
	Harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces: between algebra and
2pm-    2:50    V. Retakh
	From factorizations of noncommutative polynomials to
	combinatorial topology
3:00-   3:50    A. Khovanskii
	Newton Convex Bodies
4:30-   5:20    E. Frenkel, UC Berkeley
	Quantization of soliton systems and Langlands duality


Sunday		13 Sept
9:00am-  9:50   C. Roger
	Lie algebra cohomology, infinite dimensional symplectic
	structures and hamiltonian systems.
10:00-  10:50   A. Givental
11:15-  12:05   G. Segal
	The Lie algebra cohomology of some groups related to loop groups

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