The 31st Annual Geometry Festival will be held at Princeton University from
Friday, April 8, to Sunday, April 10, 2016.
* Ian Agol (UC Berkeley and IAS)
* Claude LeBrun (SUNY, Stony Brook)
* Fengbo Hang (NYU, Courant)
* Nancy Hingston (The College of New Jersey)
* Jennifer Hom (Georgia Tech and IAS)
* Fernando Marques (Princeton)
* Davi Maximo (Stanford)
* Jake Solomon (Hebrew University)
For hotel information, schedule, and registration, please visit the website:
PLEASE NOTE: we kindly ask *everyone* to fill out the registration form
available on the website and indicate whether you intend to attend the
conference's buffet dinner.
Everyone is invited to the Geometry Festival, and graduate students are
especially encouraged to attend. A continuing grant from the National Science
Foundation makes it possible for us to partially reimburse the expenses of a
large number of graduate students, post-docs and younger faculty who do not
have access to travel funds from other sources. Preference will be given for
applications received before *March 8*. We will notify applicants on March 15,
Please check the website for the usual conference information.
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The Geometry List is sponsored and maintained by the Mathematics Department, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.