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NADIGEST  October 2023, Week 2

NADIGEST October 2023, Week 2


NA Digest, V. 23, # 20


"Dunlavy, Daniel" <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Tue, 10 Oct 2023 16:40:02 +0000





text/plain (1098 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 23, # 20

NA Digest  Tuesday, October 10, 2023  Volume 23 : Issue 20

Today's Editor:

    Daniel M. Dunlavy
    Sandia National Labs
    [log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

    New Book, Parameterized, Deformed and General Neural Networks
    Bohemian Matrices, ONLINE, Oct 2023
    Vector- and Tensor-Valued Surface PDEs, Germany, Nov 2023
    Parallel-in-Time Integration, Belgium, Feb 2024
    Winter School, Hierarchical Matrices, Germany, Feb 2024
    GAMM Annual Meeting, Applied NLA, Germany, Mar 2024
    Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, Germany, Mar 2024
    Math/Numerical Modeling of the Cardiovascular System, Italy, Apr 2024
    Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing, Switzerland, Jun 2024
    NSF CompMath PIs Meeting, USA, Jul 2024
    Model Reduction and Surrogate Modeling, USA, Sep 2024
    Faculty Position, Scientific Machine Learning, Univ of Waterloo
    Faculty Positions, Eastern Institute of Technology, China
    Tenure-Track Position, Applied Math, RPI
    Tenure-Track Position, Engineering Math, FSU
    Tenure-Track Positions, Math/CMSE, Michigan State Univ
    Tenure-Track Positions, Math/Statistics/Data Science, UT Dallas
    Tenured Position, Computational Applied Math, Univ of Sao Paulo
    Assistant Professor Position, Applied Mathematics, Univ of New Mexico
    Postdoc Position, Comp Sensing/Optim/Tensor/Wavelet/ML, SZU, China
    Postdoc Position, Mathematical Optimization & Learning, Berkeley Lab
    Postdoc Position, Mathematics, UCL, UK
    Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Malaga
    Postdoc Position, Physics Informed Neural Networks, BCAM
    Postdoc Positions, Data Science, Arizona State Univ
    Postdoc Positions, Mathematics, Univ of Munster
    Postdoc Positions, Wave Phenomena, KIT, Germany
    PhD Position, Appl Mathematics/Comp Mechanics, TU Dresden
    PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Bonn, Germany
    PhD Positions, Applied Mathematics/Applied Statistics, NJIT
    PhD Positions, European Joint Doctorates Program, Datahyking
    PhD Positions, Mathematics, Univ of Munster
    PhD Positions, NLA and HPC, Charles Univ

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: GEORGE ANASTASSIOU [log in to unmask]
Date: October 05, 2023
Subject: New Book, Parameterized, Deformed and General Neural Networks

George A. Anastassiou

This monograph is the continuation of author's earlier three
monographs.  Here we introduce the parametrized, deformed and general
activation function neural networks. The parametrized activation
function kills much less neurons than the original one. The asymmetry
of the brain is best expressed by deformed activation functions. We
provide also the related neural network theory using general
activation functions. Thus, in this monograph all presented is
original work by the author given at a very general level to cover a
maximum number of different kinds of Neural Networks over a wide list
of activation functions: giving ordinary, fractional, fuzzy and
stochastic approximations. Namely it is presented here univariate,
fractional and multivariate approximations. Iterated-sequential
multi-layer approximations are also covered. The functions under
approximation and neural networks are Banach space valued.

For more visit


From: Ida Tassens [log in to unmask]
Date: October 09, 2023
Subject: Bohemian Matrices, ONLINE, Oct 2023

Seminar 2: Prof. Dr. Robert M. Corless "Bohemian Matrices: An
introduction and some open problems"

The second seminar in our series for 2023-2024, organized by
Prof. Dr. Bart De Moor (KU Leuven, ESAT-STADIUS) and centered around
the themes of his ERC project "Back to the roots of data-driven
dynamical system identification", will be delivered by
Prof. Dr. Robert M. Corless on Wednesday 11 October at 2pm in the
Auditorium of the Arenberg Castle.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

More information can be found here:

The slides and recording of the previous seminar are available on our website.


From: Simon Praetorius [log in to unmask]
Date: October 09, 2023
Subject: Vector- and Tensor-Valued Surface PDEs, Germany, Nov 2023

We are pleased to announce the international workshop on "Vector- and
Tensor-Valued Surface PDEs" to be held at the Technische Universitat
Dresden, Germany, from November 29 to December 01, 2023.

We would like to invite researchers from various mathematical and
application areas, including analysis, numerics, computational
simulation, modeling in biology and materials science, to present
their recent work and engage in in-depth discussions.

The workshop features presentations by invited speakers:
Helmut Abels (University of Regensburg, Germany)
Sami Al-Izzi (University of Oslo, Norway)
Fridtjof Brauns (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
Evan S. Gawlik (University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA)
Andre Massing (NTNU, Norway)
Robert Nurnberg (University of Trento, Italy)
Max Wardetzky (University of Gottingen, Germany)
Shuo Yang (BIMSA, China)
Chandrasekhar Venkataraman (University of Sussex, UK)

The deadline for registration and submission of abstracts for
contributed talks is October 29, 2023.

Registration and further information can be found at


From: Giovanni Samaey [log in to unmask]
Date: October 05, 2023
Subject: Parallel-in-Time Integration, Belgium, Feb 2024

We are pleased to announce that the 13th Workshop on Parallel-in-Time
Integration will be organized in Bruges from 5 to 9 February 2024.
Registration is currently open, see the event webpage:

The deadline for registration is 1 December, and will (conforming to
academic folklore) be extended only once to 15 December.

Thanks to the support of the EuroHPC project TIME-X, the workshop is
offered free of charge. (We only impose a no-show fee.)  Please note
that registration is mandatory.

We invite all interested researchers to present their work in a talk.
Instruction are on the registration form.


From: Steffen Boerm [log in to unmask]
Date: October 06, 2023
Subject: Winter School, Hierarchical Matrices, Germany, Feb 2024

Winter School on Hierarchical Matrices
Date: 5th to 9th of February, 2024
Location: Christian-Albrechts-Universitat zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany
Hierarchical matrices offer an efficient approach to handling
non-local operator resulting, e.g., from the discretization of an
integral equation or the inversion of a partial differential
equation. They rely on a decomposition of a matrix into sub-matrices
of low numerical rank that can be represented efficiently in
factorized form. Taking advantage of this representation, operations
like the matrix-vector multiplication, matrix multiplication,
inversion, factorization, evaluation of matrix functions or solution
of matrix equations can be performed in almost linear complexity.

The winter school is split into lectures and practical exercises. The
lectures present the fundamental concepts and algorithms. The
exercises use the H2Lib software package to allow the participants to
experience the discussed methods first-hand and discuss specific
questions with experts in the field.

Participation at the site of the workshop is preferred. On request,
online participation can be made possible.

Limited funds will be available to support the participation of young
scientists financially. If you are interested, please send a
motivation letter and a supporting letter.

Participants are requested to bring their own laptops capable of
compiling and running programs written in C.


Website H2Lib:

Registration via mail to [log in to unmask]


From: Davide Palitta [log in to unmask]
Date: October 03, 2023
Subject: GAMM Annual Meeting, Applied NLA, Germany, Mar 2024

Registration for GAMM 2024, to be held 18-22 March 2024 in Magdeburg,
Germany, is now open.

We, Davide Palitta and Kathryn Lund, will be organizing Section 17 on
Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra this year.  We highlight
important dates for those of you who would like to participate in S17:
- Abstract submission deadline: 1 December 2023
- Start of online registration: 20 November 2023

We encourage everyone interested in attending GAMM to make hotel
reservations as soon as possible.  We have been told that hotel blocks
were exceptionally difficult to reserve this year, so please take
advantage of them.  For more information on important deadlines,
registration fees, and hotel options, please visit the conference

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Best wishes,
Dr. Kathryn Lund, [log in to unmask]
Dr. Davide Palitta, [log in to unmask]


From: Herbert De Gersem [log in to unmask]
Date: October 02, 2023
Subject: Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, Germany, Mar 2024

SCEE 2024 (Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering) will be
held in Darmstadt (Germany) from 4 to 8 March 2024 and will bring
together mathematicians and electrical/electronic engineers. Abstract

Abstract submission deadline: 13 November 2023


From: Christian Vergara [log in to unmask]
Date: October 02, 2023
Subject: Math/Numerical Modeling of the Cardiovascular System, Italy, Apr 2024

The second edition of the INdAM Workshop "Mathematical and Numerical
Modeling of the Cardiovascular System" will be held in Rome, Italy, on
April 15-19, 2024 (the venue will be the "Istituto Nazionale di Alta
Matematica" (INDAM), located at the Mathematics Department of the
University of Rome). The complete list of invited speakers could be
found here

The call for submission for contributed talks is now open, see  Due
to logistic constraints, there is a limited number of contributed
talks scheduled for the workshop.  Submissions will be evaluated by
the organizers and, in case, priority will be given to those submitted


From: Rongliang Chen [log in to unmask]
Date: October 05, 2023
Subject: Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing, Switzerland, Jun 2024

Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC24)
ETH Zurich, HCI Campus Honggerberg, Zurich, Switzerland,
3-5 Jun 2024

Deadline for Submitting an Expression of Interest: Oct 21, 2023

The Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) invites
minisymposium submissions for PASC24, co-sponsored by the Association
for Computing Machinery (ACM) and SIGHPC, which will be held at ETH
Zurich, Switzerland, from June 03 to 05, 2024.

The PASC Conference series is an international and interdisciplinary
platform for the exchange of knowledge in scientific computing and
computational science with a strong focus on methods, tools,
algorithms, application challenges, and novel techniques and usage of
high-performance computing.

The technical program of PASC24 is organized around the following
scientific domains: Chemistry and Materials (incl. ceramics, metals,
and polymers); Climate, Weather, and Earth Sciences (incl. solid earth
dynamics); Applied Social Sciences and Humanities (incl. behavioral,
economic, legal, political and business sciences, philosophy,
languages, etc.); Engineering (incl. CFD, computational mechanics,
computational engineering and materials, turbulent flow); Life
Sciences (incl. biophysics, genomics, bioinformatics, systems biology,
neuroscience, and computational biology); Physics (incl. astrophysics,
cosmology, plasma modelling, and quantum information sciences);
Computational Methods and Applied Mathematics


From: Akil Narayan [log in to unmask]
Date: October 08, 2023
Subject: NSF CompMath PIs Meeting, USA, Jul 2024

We would like to announce the organization of an NSF PI meeting in
summer 2024 for those involved in DMS's Computational Mathematics
program. The goal is to serve as a forum where NSF-sponsored
researchers in the CompMath program can report on progress in their
projects and exchange ideas with other researchers.

Save the date: NSF CompMath PI meeting
When: July 15-16, 2024
Where: Seattle, WA, USA, University of Washington.

Note in particular that these dates fall conveniently between the 2024
SIAM Annual Meeting in nearby Spokane WA, and WCCM 2024 in nearby
Vancouver (July 8-12 and 21-26, respectively).

Further details will be provided in the coming weeks, including a
webpage, speaker list, and travel and venue information.

While the NSF CompMath program supports a diverse range of topics, the
2024 PI meeting will spotlight the following topics: data science;
imaging; inverse problems; mathematics of machine learning; model
order reduction; numerical approximation; numerical linear algebra;
numerical methods for solving PDEs; optimization.


From: Boris Kramer [log in to unmask]
Date: October 02, 2023
Subject: Model Reduction and Surrogate Modeling, USA, Sep 2024

Submissions are now open for the Model Reduction and Surrogate
Modeling 2024 (MORe24) conference to be held at the Scripps Seaside
Forum, UC San Diego, from September 9 - 13, 2024.

Model reduction and surrogate modeling is a field of research that
combines applied and computational mathematics, computer science, and
many engineering domains. Approximating high-dimensional complex
systems with low-dimensional efficient surrogate models requires
rigorous mathematical analysis, efficient algorithms, and can leverage
domain expertise. This 5-day conference will bring together
computational scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and domain
experts from industry, the national laboratories, and academia.

Confirmed plenary speakers are: Nicole Aretz (UT Austin), Francesca
Bonizzoni (Politecnico di Milano), Youngsoo Choi (Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratories), Tamara Kolda (, Tommaso Taddei
(INRIA-Bordeaux), Olivier Zahm (INRIA-Grenoble).

Abstract submission for MORe24 is now open and can be accessed via the
conference website The website
also contains up-to-date information and logistics about the
conference.  Abstract submission will close March 1, 2024.

The organizers:  Serkan Gugercin (Virginia Tech), Boris Kramer (UC San
Diego), Matthias Morzfeld (Scripps Institution of Oceanography)


From: Hans De Sterck [log in to unmask]
Date: October 06, 2023
Subject: Faculty Position, Scientific Machine Learning, Univ of Waterloo

The Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Waterloo
invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position
in the area of Scientific Machine Learning. The successful candidate
will be expected to establish an outstanding research program. We are
looking for applicants with an enthusiasm for teaching at both the
undergraduate and graduate level, and for the supervision of graduate

The department has 30 regular faculty members and a substantial
graduate program with over 100 graduate students and strong
undergraduate programs in applied mathematics, scientific computing
and mathematical physics. More information about the department can be
found at With 300 faculty
members, 8,000 undergraduate students and more than 1,000 graduate
students in mathematics and computer science, Waterloos Faculty of
Mathematics is a global powerhouse in research, education and

Interested individuals should apply using MathJobs (see for complete job
information). Applicants should arrange to have at least three
reference letters submitted on their behalf. Applications will be
reviewed starting November 1, 2023, but all complete applications
received by December 1, 2023 will receive full consideration.


From: Jie Shen [log in to unmask]
Date: October 07, 2023
Subject: Faculty Positions, Eastern Institute of Technology, China

The School of Mathematical Science at the Eastern Institute of
Technology, Ningbo (EIT) invites applications for multiple
tenure-track or tenured faculty positions at all ranks (assistant,
associate, full and chair professors).  We are seeking outstanding
global candidates (of all races) with demonstrated potential for
excellence in research and teaching. All areas of mathematical science
will be considered, but preference will be given to computational and
applied mathematics, data science and statistics, analysis, geometry
and algebra. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in mathematics or related
field, a demonstrated record of research achievement with publications
in top journals, and in the case of senior appointment, a demonstrated
record of external funding. Candidates must have a good command of
English and a commitment to teaching and student mentoring.

EIT provides globally competitive salaries and generous start-up fund,
commensurate with qualifications and experiences. Stable funding is
also provided to support hiring of graduate students and postdocs.

Candidates within a few years of their PhD degrees are particularly
invited to apply for the participation of "2023 Yongriver Forum" to be
held online or locally in Ningbo on November 25-26, 2023. Please refer
to: for more information
about EIT and on how to apply.


From: Fengyan Li [log in to unmask]
Date: October 02, 2023
Subject: Tenure-Track Position, Applied Math, RPI

Department of Mathematical Sciences
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Troy, New York

Applications are invited for a tenure-track position as an Assistant
or Associate Professor in applied mathematics to begin in August 2024.
Assistant Professor candidates must have a Ph.D., or foreign degree
equivalent, in mathematics or applied mathematics, or a closely
related discipline, along with the ability to demonstrate, through
their record of accomplishments, promise of future distinction in
scholarship and education.  Suitable candidates can be considered for
a position as a tenured Associate Professor.  Such candidates, in
addition to the requirements for an Assistant Professor, must have an
established record of high-quality education and service, and national
prominence and emerging international prominence in research.  All
successful candidates will be expected to develop and maintain a
robust program of externally funded research, to teach courses in the
department at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and to provide
academic and professional service.  Please visit for more information
about the department.

We welcome candidates with a commitment to applied mathematics and
interdisciplinary research.  Of particular interest are candidates
whose work involves one or more of the following areas: mathematical
foundations of data science or machine learning, mathematical
optimization, and modeling and novel computational approaches for
challenging problems with societal or technological impact in such
areas as quantum systems, energy, health, and climate and
environmental sciences, among others.

Applicants must submit a cover letter, curriculum vita, research and
teaching statements, and three letters of recommendation to
MathJobs.Org.  Full consideration will be given to applications
received by October 16, 2023, and applications received after that
date will continue to be evaluated until the position is filled.

We welcome candidates who will bring diverse cultural, ethnic,
national, and international perspectives to Rensselaer's work and
campus communities. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is an Affirmative
Action/Equal Opportunity, Race/Gender/Veterans/Disability Employer.


From: Sanghyun Lee [log in to unmask]
Date: October 05, 2023
Subject: Tenure-Track Position, Engineering Math, FSU

The Department of Mathematics at Florida State University invites
applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in
engineering mathematics, broadly construed, beginning in August
2024. The main responsibilities will be to teach undergraduate and
graduate courses, mentor students, and conduct research. Candidates
should have a Ph.D.  in mathematics or a related discipline and
postdoctoral experience. The ideal candidate will have experience
working in research areas at the crossroads between applied and
computational mathematics and mechanical or aerospace engineering,
materials science, quantum or photonic engineering, or other areas of
engineering that can enhance interactions between the Mathematics
Department and the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. The Mathematics
Department offers BS, MS, and PhD degrees in applied and computational
mathematics, as well as degrees in several other areas of
mathematics. Currently, there are 16 faculty members (core and
affiliated) and 39 graduate students specializing in applied and
computational mathematics. There is also significant interaction with
faculty members and students in pure mathematics, biomathematics, and
financial mathematics through shared research interests such as data

Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, research
and teaching statements, and four letters of recommendation (at least
one of the letters should address the candidate's teaching
capability). They should be submitted electronically through and, in addition, through the FSU Employment and
Recruiting Services website (Job Opening ID

The deadline to apply for this position is November 15, 2023.

Florida State University is an Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative
Action/Pro Disabled & Veteran Employer. FSU's Equal Opportunity
Statement can be viewed at:


From: Jianliang Qian [log in to unmask]
Date: October 06, 2023
Subject: Tenure-Track Positions, Math/CMSE, Michigan State Univ

The Department of Mathematics (MATH) and the Department of
Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering (CMSE) at Michigan
State University (MSU) invite applications for two open rank tenure
system positions in applied and computational mathematics beginning
Fall 2024, jointly appointed between MATH and CMSE.  The jointly
appointed open rank positions are established on strong bonds between
the two departments, and preference will be given to applicants with
research in applied and computational harmonic analysis, numerical
partial differential equations, and optimization, or working at their
interfaces. The successful candidates will have demonstrated the
ability to carry out cutting edge research, commitments to teaching
and mentorship of students, and initiative in building an equitable
and diverse scholarly and instructional environment. While we expect
the appointment to be at the assistant professor level, an appointment
at the level of associate or full professor can also be considered
depending on the experience of the candidate. Preference will be given
to candidates with at least 2 years of experience beyond the Ph.D.

We request that applications include: 1.  One-page cover letter that
frames the application in the context of the ad of this joint-search
and addresses the relation of the candidate's research to the areas of
research preference.  2.  CV, including a list of publications, a
history of external funding, contributed and invited talks, teaching
and mentoring roles, contributions to the academic community, and
efforts in public outreach.  3.  A two-to-six-page research statement
highlighting past research accomplishments and future plans that frame
the applicant's ability to conduct independent research.This statement
should include experience or plans to advance diversity, equity, and
inclusion within the applied and computational mathematics research
community.  4.  A two-to-three-page teaching statement describing the
applicant's experience in instruction and research mentoring of
graduate and undergraduate students, including experiences or plans to
create an inclusive and equitable learning environment for students.
5.  Four (4) letters of reference. Three of these letters should
address the applicant's research while one letter should address the
applicant's instructional experience.

All applicants must submit their application via job
posting at  A background
check is required for employment.


From: John Zweck [log in to unmask]
Date: October 10, 2023
Subject: Tenure-Track Positions, Math/Statistics/Data Science, UT Dallas

Tenure-Track Faculty Positions in Mathematics, Statistics, and Data

The Department of Mathematical Sciences within the School of Natural
Sciences and Mathematics (NSM) at The University of Texas at Dallas
invites applications for multiple tenure-track faculty positions at
the Assistant Professor level in the following areas: Mathematics;
Statistics; and Data Science.

Successful candidates will have an outstanding record of research
excellence in the field with a strong likelihood of obtaining funded
grants from federal agencies; a commitment to effective and engaging
teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels; and a commitment
to mentoring students in the respective programs.

The appointment commences for the fall 2024 semester.

Minimum Education and Experience: A PhD or equivalent in Mathematics,
Statistics, or a related discipline is required prior to employment;
those with ABD status will be considered at the
application/interviewing stage. Candidates are expected to demonstrate
the ability to work effectively in a highly collaborative, engaging,
and dynamic environment comprised of individuals with a range of
backgrounds, skills, and perspectives. We are seeking candidates able
to produce research and scholarly or creative achievements that
enhance the program and the discipline, and able to deliver high
quality teaching using evidence-based practices to effectively engage
students from a range of backgrounds and experiences.

Applicants should upload the following via the online application:

Full curriculum vitae and cover letter summarizing their interests and
qualifications for the position.  Statement of teaching philosophy
describing their conceptualizations of teaching and learning, and
teaching and assessment methods, and how their teaching practices will
engage students from a range of backgrounds and experiences.  Research
statement describing past, present, and future research, including how
they mentor (or will mentor) student researchers and foster (or will
foster) collaborative research environments; and Full contact
information for at least three academic or professional references.

Priority will be given to completed applications received by November
1, 2023. Reviews will continue until the position is filled or the
search is closed on May 1, 2024.


From: Pedro S. Peixoto [log in to unmask]
Date: October 04, 2023
Subject: Tenured Position, Computational Applied Math, Univ of Sao Paulo

Open tenured position at the Department of Applied Mathematics at the
Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (IME) - University of Sao
Paulo (USP)

The position to be filled corresponds roughly to that of tenure-track*
assistant professor in US universities (*there is a so-called
'probative' period of 2 years, after which tenure is usually
granted). The position is called "Professor Doutor 1", or "MS-3.1",
and is full-time, called "RDIDP" (an acronym for a position with full
dedication to teaching and research).  The monthly salary is R$
14.761,02 (with other benefits and after taxes, this amounts to 150K
BRL annually). Applications should be submitted by Dec 13, 2023 at 5pm
(Brasilia) (or 8pm UTC).

The area of interest is Computational Applied Mathematics. The
selection is competitive, taking the form of a formal examination,
graded by a committee.

Further information:

Contact: Pedro S. Peixoto ([log in to unmask])


From: Dr. Jacob Schroder [log in to unmask]
Date: October 02, 2023
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, Applied Mathematics, Univ of New Mexico

The Department of Math and Statistics anticipates the appointment of
an Assistant Professor in Applied Mathematics beginning August 2024.
Minimum qualifications include a Ph.D. in applied mathematics,
mathematics, statistics, or a related field by the appointment start
date.  The Department seeks candidates pursuing fundamental research
in all areas of applied mathematics, such as, but not limited to,
numerical analysis, optimization, scientific computing, machine
learning, applied and asymptotic analysis, dynamical systems, and
mathematical statistics. Preference will be given to candidates whose
work has significant applications in the biological, engineering, or
physical sciences and who can foster ties with other units on campus
and with local national laboratories and industries. The Department's
current strengths in applied mathematics include numerical analysis,
high performance computing, nonlinear waves, continuum and fluid
dynamics, biological modeling, uncertainty quantification, multigrid
methods, electromagnetics, and classical relativity.

Specifically, preference will be given to candidates as follows: A. An
independent research program and an emerging national/international
reputation, or in the case of junior candidates, expectation of
such. B. Commitment to teaching and service, and the expectation of
excellence in teaching; potential for mentoring graduate students;
interest in undergraduate mathematics education. C. Expected
contributions to research in areas of interest to the Department and
ability to help expand the group's interactions with other departments
and/or local laboratories and industry. D. Research interests
motivated by scientific problems. E. Demonstrated commitment to
diversity, equity, inclusion, and student success, as well as working
with broadly diverse communities.

Albuquerque has a rich heritage and boasts a vibrant scientific
environment that provides many opportunities for research
collaborations and funding. UNM houses the Center for Advanced
Research Computing, the Center for Quantum Information and Control,
and the Center for High Technology Materials, among others, and it is
near Sandia National Laboratories, Kirtland's Air Force Research
Laboratory, and Los Alamos National Laboratory.

A complete application consists of a cover letter (1-2 pages),
curriculum vitae, a description of research interests (3-5 pages),
teaching statement (3-5 pages), and a diversity statement. Applicants
must also submit the name, affiliation, address, and email address for
three references.

For best consideration, completed applications should be received by
October 27, 2023. The Applicant is required to provide official
certification of successful completion of all degree requirements
prior to her/his initial employment with UNM.

Please apply at
Contact: Amy Hathaway, 505-277-0697, Email: [log in to unmask]


From: J. Lu [log in to unmask]
Date: October 05, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Comp Sensing/Optim/Tensor/Wavelet/ML, SZU, China

Job Type: Full-Time for PostDoc
Duration: 2 years
Number of Position: 2 Positions
Salary for Postdoc: about 360,000 RMB (about 49000 US dollars) --
460,000RMB (about 6300 US dollars) per year.
Closing Date: Open Until Filled.

Description: We have projects that are looking for Postdoc in
Optimization/Tensor Computation/Wavelet/Machine Learning,
Image/Video/Signal Processing/Analysis, Matrix theory, Numerical
Computation, etc.

We have no teaching tasks.

Promotors: Prof. Jian Lu (Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Advanced Machine
Learning and Applications, College of Mathematics and Statistics,
Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China. email: [log in to unmask];
[log in to unmask])


From: Stefan Wild [log in to unmask]
Date: October 02, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Mathematical Optimization & Learning, Berkeley Lab

The AMCR division at Berkeley Lab is seeking a postdoctoral researcher
in the area of mathematical optimization and machine learning. We
value and strive for diversity in backgrounds, experiences, and

The researcher will work with Berkeley Lab staff to design, analyze,
and apply methods for derivative-free/zeroth-order optimization
especially relevant to challenging classes of data-driven and
automated discovery problems.

Desired but not required knowledge and interests include:
- Analyzing algorithms.
- Designing randomized, stochastic, or derivative-free algorithms.
- Researching statistical and machine learning techniques.
- Developing parallel algorithms and software.

Find out more details and apply at

US citizenship is not required. Openings are available immediately,
but there is flexibility in start dates.


From: Erik Burman [log in to unmask]
Date: October 06, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Mathematics, UCL, UK

At the Department of Mathematics, UCL, we are advertising a
Postdoctoral Research Assistant (PDRA) position (up to 3 years) in
computational methods for partial differential equations, with special
focus on compressible flow problems. The position will start during
spring 2024. For further specifics please see the link,


From: Maria Lopez-Fernandez [log in to unmask]
Date: October 04, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Malaga

A postdoctoral position is open at the University of Malaga, Spain, to
start as soon as possible and finishing on December 31st, 2024. The
research will focus on advance numerical methods for partial
differential equations involving non local terms. The appointee is
expected to have strong programming skills and a solid mathematical
background in numerics for partial differential equations. The salary
will be in the range 2000-2400 Euro per month, depending on
experience. The candidate will work under the supervision of Professor
Maria Lopez-Fernandez.

To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter to
[log in to unmask]  For full consideration, applications should be
sent before October 31st, 2023, although the position will remain open
until filled.


From: Anabel Terradillos [log in to unmask]
Date: October 03, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Physics Informed Neural Networks, BCAM

Topics: Design algorithms for efficiently solving PINNs, implement
them and use them to solve inverse problems. Possibly apply them to
industrial applications. PI in charge: David Pardo

How to apply: Applications must be submitted on-line at:

Scientific Profile Requested Requirements: Ph.D. Degree in
Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, or related fields. IC2023_09 BCAM
International Call Skills and track-record: Good interpersonal skills.
Fluency in spoken and written English. Ability to effectively
communicate and present research ideas to researchers and stakeholders
with different backgrounds.

Scientific Profile: Strong background in numerical analysis, some
knowledge of neural networks, and some experience in programming.
Also, a proven publication record. Application and Selection Process

Formal Requirements: The selected candidate must have applied before
the application deadline online at the webpage The candidates that do not fulfil the
mandatory requirements will not be evaluated with respect to their
scientific profile. Additional documents could be requested during the
evaluation process so as to check this fulfilment.

Application: Required documents: CV; Letter of interest; 2
recommendation letters; Statement of past and proposed future research
(2-3 pages).

Evaluation: Based on the provided application documents of each
candidate, the evaluation committee will evaluate qualitatively: the
adaption of the previous training and career to the profile offered,
the recommendation letters, the main results achieved (papers,
proceedings, etc.), the statement of past and proposed future research
and other merits; taking in account the alignment of these items to
the topic offered.


From: Rosemary Renaut [log in to unmask]
Date: October 06, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Data Science, Arizona State Univ

The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (SoMSS) at Arizona
State University (ASU) invites applications for up to two postdoctoral
scholar positions in an area of data science.  The School of
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, part of The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences, invites applications for up to two Presidential
Postdoctoral Fellow positions, with an anticipated start in the
2024-2025 academic year. Fellows will conduct research in an area of
data science, with expertise in computational mathematics,
optimization, or statistics, with a faculty mentor in the School of
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. The Fellows' activities will
include production of relevant scholarly products, contributions to
grant proposals, participation in the School's seminars, teaching up
to two courses per year, and mentoring of students. Fellows will bring
life experiences and expertise that promote diverse representation in
the mathematical sciences. With grants from the National Science
Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Department of Defense,
National Security Agency and more, our mathematics and statistical
sciences faculty are leading game-changing research, training, and
education projects. In particular, the computational and statistics
faculty at ASU have broad interdisciplinary data science interests in
machine learning, artificial intelligence, and interpretation of
large-scale data sets.  The postdoctoral scholars selected will join a
cohort of 10-15 other postdoctoral scholars at ASU as part of the
Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. The goal of the program
is to support the career development of outstanding Ph.D. recipients
with great potential for advancing the ASU Charter into a future
tenure track appointment at ASU.  The program seeks applicants whose
professional preparedness, experience, and accomplishments are
informed by experiences working with and within groups historically
underrepresented or underserved in higher education in the United
States. Where pools of qualified applicants are strong, priority will
be given to applicants who demonstrate, through prior actions and
achievements, intentional and actioned commitment to inclusive
excellence.  Examples of such contributions are research, teaching,
mentorship, service or creative activity focused on empowering
underserved populations that increases equitable access and inclusion
in fields where historically excluded populations are
underrepresented.  The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
has committed to providing individualized mentorship and career
development to ensure each candidate is well prepared to succeed in a
future tenure track appointment. Career development and community
building will also occur through programmatic support at the ASU
Graduate College's Postdoctoral Affairs Office.

Please see for further


From: Kristina Wensing [log in to unmask]
Date: October 09, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Mathematics, Univ of Munster

Be part of Mathematics Munster!

The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Munster: Dynamics - Geometry -
Structure at the University of Munster, Germany invites applications
for postdoctoral positions in all fields of mathematics related to the
work being undertaken at Mathematics Munster.

We offer full positions (100% FTE, salary level E13 TV-L) for three
years. Positions are available in all fields of mathematics related to
the work being undertaken at Mathematics Munster. Benefit from the
amenities of the Cluster of Excellence, including funding for
conference travel, attendance of summer schools, hosting guest
researchers, and organising academic events.

All information and the online application form are available at:


From: Laurette Lauffer [log in to unmask]
Date: October 10, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Wave Phenomena, KIT, Germany

The Collaborative Research Center 1173 at Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology is inviting applications for Postdoctoral Positions (2
years) in the area of analysis or numerics of wave phenomena,
particularly the analysis or numerics of PDEs.

Positions are fully funded (T-VL E13, full-time)
Application deadline is November 20th, 2023.

The full announcement can be found at:


From: Axel Voigt [log in to unmask]
Date: October 09, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Appl Mathematics/Comp Mechanics, TU Dresden

The Institute of Scientific Computing at TU Dresden is looking for PhD
candidates (full- or part-time, salary grade E13, duration initially 3
years) within the coordinated programmes DFG-Research Training Group
"Vector- and tensor-valued surface PDEs" and EU-Marie SkBodowska-
Curie Doctoral Network "DurAMat".

The research focus is on modeling and simulation of thin structures in
nature and man-made systems. These structures display fascinating and
often unexpected mechanical properties that enable countless
applications, but have proven challenging to model and
simulate. Within the projects we focus on multiphase field and phase
field crystal models to resolve the individual building blocks and
coarse grained models.

Requirements: Successfully completed university degree (Master or
equivalent) in mathematics, theoretical pysics or mechanics.
Excellent knowledge in numerics for partial differential equations
and/or differential geometry and/or physics and mechanics of thin
structures and experience in scientific programming.

The coordinated PhD program will be done in close coopreation with
participating universities in Warwick (UK) and Gothenburg (Sweden).

Please send full application inclucing a motivation for application, a
CV, and copies of your certificates to Prof. Dr. Axel Voigt
axel.voigt@tu- until November 15th 2023.


From: Barbara Verfürth [log in to unmask]
Date: October 10, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Bonn, Germany

The Institute for Numerical Simulation (INS) is looking for a research
assistant (75%, with possibility of obtaining a PhD) in the area of
numerical analysis or a period of three years as soon as possible. The
research group of Prof. Barbara Verfurth at University of Bonn is
interested in the design and numerical analysis of computational
multiscale methods. The candidate will work on the project
"Homogenization of time-varying metamaterials", which is funded by DFG
within the Collaborative Research Center 1173 Wave phenomena. The
project is in collaboration with physicists at Karlsruhe Institute of

Candidates should have a Master's degree in mathematics (or closely
related field) with a strong background in the theory of numerical
methods for partial differential equations and numerical
analysis. Some programming knowledge is highly beneficial.

The Institute or Numerical Simulation covers research and teaching of
numerical analysis, simulation and scientific computing. It is part of
Bonn Mathematics and provides a stimulating research environment.

For further information and how to apply, please see the full
advertisement at
or e-mail Barbara Verfurth.


From: Roy Goodman [log in to unmask]
Date: October 06, 2023
Subject: PhD Positions, Applied Mathematics/Applied Statistics, NJIT

The Ph.D. Programs in the Department of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) at
New Jersey Institute of Technology provide students with training and
research experience in the methods of applied mathematics, statistics,
and computing needed to tackle real-world problems in science and
engineering. DMS invites candidates to apply for one of our doctoral
program tracks: (1) Applied Mathematics or (2) Applied Probability and
Statistics. The interdisciplinary research in DMS spans Scientific
Computing, Fluid Dynamics, Materials Science, Wave Propagation,
Applied Analysis, Mathematical Biology and Computational Neuroscience,
and Applied Probability and Statistics, including Biostatistics and
Data Science. DMS offers teaching and research assistantships, which
include a tuition waiver, a competitive stipend starting at $25,000
per academic year, and, pending funding availability, at least $3,500
in summer support.  The application target date is December 15, 2023,
but the review will continue until all available positions are filled.

For more information and to submit an application, visit

For further questions, please email us at [log in to unmask] and cc:
[log in to unmask]


From: Giovanni Samaey [log in to unmask]
Date: October 06, 2023
Subject: PhD Positions, European Joint Doctorates Program, Datahyking

With this message, I would like to announce 3 PhD vacancies within the
Marie Curie Doctoral Network DATAHYKING.  The project offers 13 joint
PhD degrees on topic related to data assimilation and uncertainty
quantification for hyperbolic and kinetic equations between two of the
partner institutes and includes a 6-month secondment to a non-academic

The three positions that are currently still open are:
- Forward uncertainty quantification for hyperbolic and kinetic
  equations (KU Leuven and Universite Cote d'Azur, secondment at
- Bayesian model calibration with uncertainty for traffic flow models
  (KU Leuven and INRIA (U. Cote d'Azur), secondment at Neovya)
- Accelerated training methods for deep learning based on mean-field
  limits of neural ODEs (RWTH Aachen and KU Leuven, secondment at

More information, including how to apply, can be found at Applications will be screened as
they arrive until the positions are filled.


From: Kristina Wensing [log in to unmask]
Date: October 09, 2023
Subject: PhD Positions, Mathematics, Univ of Munster

Be part of Mathematics Munster!

The Mathematics Munster Graduate School at the University of Munster,
Germany invites applications for doctoral research associates in all
fields of mathematics related to the work being undertaken at
Mathematics Munster.

We offer fully funded PhD positions (75% FTE, salary level E13 TV-L)
for three years. Positions are available in all mathematics fields
related to the work being undertaken at Mathematics Munster. Benefit
from the amenities of the Cluster of Excellence and the Mathematics
Munster Graduate School, including funding for conference travel or
summer schools and opportunities to co-organise academic events and
participate in numerous networking opportunities and events.

All information and the online application form are available at:


From: Erin Claire Carson [log in to unmask]
Date: October 04, 2023
Subject: PhD Positions, NLA and HPC, Charles Univ

Funded PhD positions at the intersection of NLA and HPC are available
within the framework of the ERC project "Analyzing and Exploiting
Inexactness in Exascale Matrix Computations", led by Dr. Erin Carson
at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles
University. Applications are invited from candidates who have strong
background in numerical linear algebra, numerical analysis, parallel
computing, or computational/data science application domains. The
anticipated start date is February 2024, by which time the applicants
must hold a Master's degree. Successful candidates must formally
enroll in the PhD program at Charles University.

Further details about the project can be found at the project website:

Application instructions may be found at:

Application deadline: October 31, 2023

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