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NADIGEST  May 2023, Week 3

NADIGEST May 2023, Week 3


NA Digest, V. 23, # 13


"Dunlavy, Daniel" <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Thu, 18 May 2023 12:24:50 +0000





text/plain (1102 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 23, # 13

NA Digest  Thursday, May 18, 2023  Volume 23 : Issue 13

Today's Editor:

    Daniel M. Dunlavy
    Sandia National Labs
    [log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

    15th Feng Kang Prize of Scientific Computing
    New Book, Algorithms for Sparse Linear Systems, Open Access
    Register to Attend, IMA Leslie Fox Prize 2023, UK, Jun 2023
    Algorithmic Optimization, Germany, Jul 2023
    British Early Career Mathematicians’ Colloquium, UK, Jul 2023
    Numerical Methods for Mean Field Games/Related PDE, UK, Jul 2023
    Peridynamics Short Course, USA, Jul 2023
    PinT2023 Workshop: Germany, Jul 2023
    Coupled Complex Systems, Canada, Aug 2023
    IMACS World Congress, Italy, Sep 2023
    SIAM Central States Annual Meeting, USA, Oct 2023
    School, Scientific Machine Learning, The Netherlands, Oct 2023
    CFP, SIAM PP24, USA, Mar 2024
    Permanent Research Positions, Rutherford Appleton Lab, UK
    Faculty Position, Numerics for Quantum Computing, KU Leuven
    Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor Position, Sweden
    Research Engineer Position, Scientific Computing, Inria Paris, France
    Researcher Position, Methods for Slope Stability, Italy
    University Assistant Position, Univ of Graz, Austria
    Postdoc Position, Computational Mathematics, INESC-ID, Portugal
    Postdoc Position, Sapienza Univ of Rome, Italy
    Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing and UQ, EPFL, Switzerland
    Postdoc Positions, HPC/NA, MPCDF, Germany
    Postdoc Positions, Scientific Deep Learning for Digital Twins, USA
    Postdoc Positions, Univ of Strathclyde/Trinity College Dublin
    PhD/Postdoc Position, Inverse Problems, Germany
    Postdoc/PhD Positions, Mathematical Optimization, Germany
    PhD Position, AI for 3D Printing, The Netherlands
    PhD Position, CFD, Ocean/Structure Interaction, USA
    PhD Position, Network Analysis, Univ of Strathclyde, UK
    PhD Position, Numerical Methods/Quantum Systems, Germany
    PhD Position, Scientific Computing, Norway
    CFP, Fourier-based Methods, AMSES Special Issue
    CFP, SISC Special Section on Multigrid Methods
    Contents, EECT Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 12 (5)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Rujuan Ding [log in to unmask]
Date: May 12, 2023
Subject: 15th Feng Kang Prize of Scientific Computing

The 15th Feng Kang Prize of Scientific Computing has been honored to:

- Dr. Pingbing Ming, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese
  Academy of Sciences, China
- Dr. Jianfeng Lu, Duke University, USA

For their significant contributions in mathematical theory of the
Cauchy-Born rule and the theoretical prediction of the ideal strength
of graphene; electronic structure theory, multiscale modeling and
methods, and numerical methods for high dimensional problems.

The ceremony will be held at the General Assembly of the China Society
for Computational Mathematics, Nanjing, July 15 - July 19, 2023.


From: Wim Michiels [log in to unmask]
Date: May 11, 2023
Subject: TDS-CONTROL, MATLAB Release

TDS-CONTROL is an integrated MATLAB package for the analysis and
control of linear time-delay systems. The package can deal with delay
systems of retarded and neutral type. These systems are assumed in
state-space form, although functionality is provided to convert a
transfer matrix representation. Firstly, the package offers various
methods to analyze LTI time-delay systems. More specifically, it
contains methods for computing the spectral abscissa, the H-infinity
norm, the pseudospectral abscissa, and the distance to instability. As
TDS-CONTROL is designed with neutral equations in mind, it has the
appealing feature that the sensitivity of certain quantities (such as
the spectral abscissa and H-infinity norm) with respect to
infinitesimal delay perturbations is explicitly taken into
account. Secondly, TDS-CONTROL contains functionality to design
fixed-order dynamic output feedback controllers for which the order of
the controller may be smaller than that of the plant. These
controller-design algorithms are based on optimizing the spectral
abscissa, the H-infinity norm or a combination of both. For example,
to design a (strongly) stabilizing controller the (strong) spectral
abscissa is minimized. Furthermore, structure can be imposed on the
controller, which enables the design of decentralized and PID
controllers. Finally, by allowing the plant to be described in delay
descriptor form (i.e. by delay differential-algebraic equations),
Pyragas-type, acceleration and delay-based feedback controllers can be

TDS-CONTROL has been written by P. Appeltans, under the supervision of
H. Silm and W. Michiels. The software is available from

The manual has been conceived to provide also a tutorial on spectral
properties and control of time-delay systems, by means of 32 examples:


From: Jennifer Scott [log in to unmask]
Date: May 15, 2023
Subject: New Book, Algorithms for Sparse Linear Systems, Open Access

We are pleased to announce the publication of our new open access book

Algorithms for Sparse Linear Systems
by Jennifer Scott and Miroslav Tuma

Necas Center Series, Birkhauser Cham, April 2023
Softcover ISBN: 978-3-031-25819-0
eBook ISBN: 978-3-031-25820-6
Number of pages: XIX, 242

Large sparse linear systems of equations are ubiquitous in science,
engineering and beyond. This open access monograph focuses on
factorization algorithms for solving such systems.  It presents
classical techniques for complete factorizations that are used in
sparse direct methods and discusses the computation of approximate
direct and inverse factorizations that are key to constructing
general-purpose algebraic preconditioners for iterative solvers.  A
unified framework is used that emphasizes the underlying sparsity
structures and highlights the importance of understanding sparse
direct methods when developing algebraic preconditioners.  Theoretical
results are complemented by sparse matrix algorithm outlines.

The book is aimed at students of applied mathematics and scientific
computing, as well as computational scientists and software developers
who are interested in understanding the theory and algorithms needed
to tackle sparse systems. It is assumed that the reader has completed
a basic course in linear algebra and numerical mathematics.


From: Azimah Said [log in to unmask]
Date: May 11, 2023
Subject: Register to Attend, IMA Leslie Fox Prize 2023, UK, Jun 2023

Partnering with the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
(IMA) in this year's Leslie Fox Prize for the first time, The Alan
Turing Institute is pleased to invite numerical analysts to attend the
21st Leslie Fox Prize presentation day. The exclusively in-person
event takes place between 09:00 and 17:00 on Monday 26 June at the
University of Strathclyde.

Featuring the next generation of worldwide leaders in numerical
analysis, the presentation day will showcase a great range of
important research topics, as well as current research developments in
numerical analysis.  The day-long event includes presentations from
this year's six shortlisted candidates, as well as outstanding
networking opportunities with a brilliant selection of leaders and
researchers in the field.

Registration page:


From: Yasmine Beck [log in to unmask]
Date: May 14, 2023
Subject: Algorithmic Optimization, Germany, Jul 2023

The SIAM Student Chapter and the Research Training Group on
Algorithmic Optimization (ALOP) are hosting the workshop "German SIAM
Chapters Meet Algorithmic Optimization" to take place in person at
Trier University, Germany, July 24-26, 2023. Registration is free but

The scientific program is particularly suited for PhD students and
young researchers organized in a German SIAM Student Chapter but other
interested individuals are welcome to participate. The goal is to
bring together researchers from various fields of mathematical
optimization and applied mathematics. There will be plenary and
contributed talks as well as a poster session.

For more details and a link to the registration form, please follow
Registration will close on June 26, 2023.

Feel free to share this news and encourage your PhD students and
colleagues to join this three-day event in Trier.

For more information, please contact Laura Sokolowski
([log in to unmask]).


From: Camila Zárate Guerén [log in to unmask]
Date: May 02, 2023
Subject: British Early Career Mathematicians’ Colloquium, UK, Jul 2023

Registration and abstract submissions are now open for the British
Early Career Mathematicians' Colloquium (BECMC).

The BECMC will be held on the 20th - 21st July 2023 at the University
of Birmingham. This will be a two-day event aimed at PhD students and
early career mathematicians. It offers participants a valuable
opportunity to network with others in their field, gain an insight
into the active areas of research in a wide range of mathematical
disciplines, and give a talk in a relaxed and friendly
environment. The deadline for submission of abstracts will be 9th June
2023 with the deadline for registration being 30th June 2023. (For
more details, please visit

The committee recognises that the standard of access at academic
conferences across the UK is largely unacceptable. Our team are
working to improve this within their capabilities, both for this BECMC
2023 and for future conferences. Please see our website for full
details about the accessibility at the conference.

For any questions or concerns, please email the committee on
[log in to unmask]

Key dates:
The BECMC: 20th - 21st July 2023
The deadline for registration: 30th June 2023
The deadline for submission of abstracts:  9th June 2023


From: Iain Smears [log in to unmask]
Date: May 15, 2023
Subject: Numerical Methods for Mean Field Games/Related PDE, UK, Jul 2023

We are pleased to announce the workshop Numerical Methods for Mean
Field Games and Related PDE which will be held at University College
London, UK, on 6-7 July 2023.

This workshop will gather leading international and UK researchers on
the analysis, numerical approximation and applications of Mean Field
Games (MFG) and related Partial Differential Equations (PDE) such as
Hamilton- Jacobi-Bellman equations. The two-day meeting will
accommodate an interdisciplinary mix of 10 talks on topics including,
but not limited to: numerical analysis and PDE analysis of MFG and
nonlinear PDE, monotone numerical schemes, high-dimensional problems,
optimal control and stochastic processes, scientific computing, as
well as applications in financial mathematics and engineering.

All are welcome to this event, with registration being required to
attend.  Registration is currently open and will close on 27th June
2023. For further information, including a list of speakers and
details on how to register, please visit


From: Pablo Seleson [log in to unmask]
Date: May 11, 2023
Subject: Peridynamics Short Course, USA, Jul 2023

A short course on "Peridynamic Theory of Solid Mechanics: Modeling,
Computation, and Applications" will be given at the 17th U.S. National
Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM 2023) to be held July
23-27, 2023, in Albuquerque, New Mexico (

The short course will provide an overview of peridynamics, including
its mathematical, computational, and modeling aspects. The course will
also review advanced research topics and software in peridynamics, and
it will include a hands-on tutorial on 3D simulation of solid
mechanics problems.  The short course targets all career levels:
students, postdocs, and early- career, mid-career, and senior

USNCCM 2023 short courses will be held on Sunday, July 23, 2023 at the
Albuquerque Convention Center, where the Congress is taking place. The
fee for each short course is $250, which includes instructor
materials, breaks, and lunch.


From: Daniel Ruprecht [log in to unmask]
Date: May 15, 2023
Subject: PinT2023 Workshop: Germany, Jul 2023

The registration deadline for the 12th Workshop on Parallel-in-time
Integration in Hamburg, Germany has been extended to 15 June 2023. To
register, please visit

Thanks to the generous support by TUHH, Helmut Schmidt University
Hamburg, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and the Euro-HPC
Time-X project, we can host the workshop without charging a
registration fee (however, registration is mandatory).

You can submit one scientific presentation (oral or poster) plus a
project poster. Project posters give participants the opportunity to
present a planned research project and receive early feedback. Any
project, from a one-person PhD project up to a multi-million grant,
can be submitted.

Looking forward to seeing you in Hamburg in July! Please get in touch
if you have any questions.


From: Sundeep Singh [log in to unmask]
Date: May 06, 2023
Subject: Coupled Complex Systems, Canada, Aug 2023

We would like to invite you to submit your abstract in a special
symposium entitled "Coupled Complex Systems and Multiple Scales, Their
Modelling, and Applications" (ID: SS-CCSMS, This symposium
welcomes theoretical, computational, and experimental advances in the
areas of physical, engineering, biological, and social systems,
covering all aspects of the coupled problems and the systems from nano
to macro scales.

Abstract can be submitted using
abstracts/. While submitting your abstract to this session, please
select "SS-CCSMS - Coupled Complex Systems and Multiple Scales, Their
Modelling, and Applications" as your preferred session.

This special symposium is a part of 6th edition of the AMMCS
International Conference that will be held in Waterloo, Canada on
August 14 -18, 2023: The AMMCS Conference
Series aims at promoting interdisciplinary research and collaboration
involving mathematical and computational sciences within a larger
international community, and highlighting recent advances in Applied
Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science (AMMCS).

For additional details about the conference and to stay up to date
with the latest information, please visit the conference
website. Questions may be addressed to the conference organizing
committee at [log in to unmask]


From: Thiab Taha [log in to unmask]
Date: May 08, 2023
Subject: IMACS World Congress, Italy, Sep 2023

The 21ST IMACS WORLD CONGRESS will be held at ROMA - University La
Sapienza during Septmeber 11-15, 2023.

The deadlines have been extended. For more information, please click
on the link:


From: George Avalos [log in to unmask]
Date: May 05, 2023
Subject: SIAM Central States Annual Meeting, USA, Oct 2023

Call for Proposals for Minisymposia, 2023 SIAM Central States Annual

We cheerfully announce the 2023 Central States Annual Meeting, to be
held October 7-8, at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  Currently,
we are soliciting submissions of Minisymposium Proposals.  Each
Minisymposium may have up to 4 sessions. Each session will consist of
4 talks (20 minutes for each talk). Mini-symposium Proposals can be
submitted as a pdf file to the following email address:
[log in to unmask] The deadline for the submission of Minisymposium
proposals is July 24, 2023. Contributed Talks and Poster
Presentations: In addition, we are soliciting contributed talks; each
contributed talk will be of 20 minutes duration. The deadline for the
submission of titles and abstracts for contributed talks and Poster
Presentations is July 31, 2023.

At this early stage, we anticipate the availability of partial support
for Early Career Mathematicians.

Important Dates:
- July 24, 2023: Mini-symposium proposal deadline for organizers
- July 31, 2023: Contributed talks and poster presentation deadline
- August 31, 2023: Financial support application deadline
- September 8, 2023: Early bird conference registration deadline

Further Conference particulars may be found at the Conference website,


From: Mengwu Guo [log in to unmask]
Date: May 02, 2023
Subject: School, Scientific Machine Learning, The Netherlands, Oct 2023

We are organizing an Autumn School on "Scientific Machine Learning and
Dynamical Systems" (October 9-13, 2023) at CWI in Amsterdam.

The Autumn School aims at introducing PhD students, postdocs and other
early career researchers to the emerging field of Scientific Machine
Learning, in which machine learning is used in close connection with
physical modeling and simulation. Pioneers in the field will give
lectures on the state-of-the-art in both theory and applications.

For details and registration (open until July 1), please visit the


From: Michael Bader [log in to unmask]
Date: May 10, 2023
Subject: CFP, SIAM PP24, USA, Mar 2024

SIAM PP24, the SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific
Computing, will be held March 5 - 8, 2024 in the Lord Baltimore Hotel,
Baltimore, MD, USA.

The call for participation is now open for all contribution formats:
- Paper submission to the SIAM PP24 Proceedings: (deadline: Jun 30)
- Minisymposia (deadline: Aug 7)
- Contributed talks or posters (deadline: Sep 4)

For details on how and where to submit, please see the full CfP on

SIAM PP24 will be the 20th conference of the PP series, which has
played a key role in promoting parallel scientific computing,
algorithms for parallel systems, and parallel numerical
algorithms. The conference is unique in its emphasis on the
intersection between HPC and scalable algorithms, architectures, and
software, and it provides a forum for communication among the applied
mathematics, computer science, and computational science and
engineering communities.


From: Jaroslav Fowkes [log in to unmask]
Date: May 11, 2023
Subject: Permanent Research Positions, Rutherford Appleton Lab, UK

Are you a mathematician who wants to see your research have a direct
impact on cutting-edge science?

We are now seeking one or two researchers with a passion for
optimization to join the Computational Mathematics Group at RAL. This
post will appeal to an ambitious and highly motivated numerical
analyst who wishes to work in a research environment as part of one of
the UK's leading computational mathematics groups. As the successful
applicant, you will have the opportunity to work in both optimization
research and numerical software development at the highest levels.

Informal enquiries about the position can be made to Jaroslav Fowkes
([log in to unmask]). The closing date for the position is 9th
June 2023. For more information about the role, or to apply, please


From: Wim Michiels [log in to unmask]
Date: May 06, 2023
Subject: Faculty Position, Numerics for Quantum Computing, KU Leuven

The Science, Engineering, and Technology Group of KU Leuven invites
applications for a full time research professorship in the research
unit Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (NUMA). The research
of NUMA covers many aspects of computational mathematics, including
approximation theory, numerical integration, numerical (multi-) linear
algebra, numerical partial differential equations, uncertainty
quantification, optimization and control, discrete optimization and
scheduling, and high-performance computing. The research unit also
performs research in collaboration with industry. The new position
aims to strengthen the experience in the domain of quantum computing.

Quantum computing is a novel computing paradigm relying on fundamental
properties of quantum physics. It features new core building blocks
that can lead to exponential speedups relative to traditional
computing. This requires a fundamental shift in the design of
numerical algorithms and their optimized mapping to available quantum
circuits. Candidates are expected to have already obtained excellent
research results within the research field of design, analysis,
development, and implementation of new quantum algorithms for
numerical computing.

The successful candidate is expected to develop a research program on
numerical methods for quantum computing, ensure high-quality education
within the area of mathematical engineering, and be prepared to
provide scientific and administrative services.

For further details, contact information and the application procedure
(deadline September 14, 2023), follow the link:


From: Larisa Beilina [log in to unmask]
Date: May 09, 2023
Subject: Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor Position, Sweden

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Chalmers University of
Technology and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, is looking for a
highly motivated researcher and teacher in mathematical optimization,
interpreted in a broad sense, to strengthen the research groups in
mathematical optimization and computational mathematics at the
division of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. Full information about
the position, including link to the application system, can be found

Deadline to apply: 11-th of June 2023.


From: Miguel A. Fernández [log in to unmask]
Date: May 03, 2023
Subject: Research Engineer Position, Scientific Computing, Inria Paris, France

The engineer will join the group of permanent research engineers of
Inria, represented at the level of Inria Paris Research Center by the
Experimentation and Development Department.  The large-scale project
targeted with this open position is the support for the development of
the scientific computing software FELiScE
( developed by
COMMEDIA project-team. COMMEDIA is a joint projet team between Inria,
Sorbonne Universite and the CNRS (Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, UMR
7598) devoted to the modeling and numerical simulation of bio-fluids,
with two areas of application: hemodynamics and lung ventilation.

Required skills: Solid expertise in scientific computing; Mastery of
C++ programming language; Mastery of software architecture and
programming paradigms, software engineering, best practices and
software development tools (versioning, documentation, compilation,
packaging, CI, CD ...); Good knowledge of numerical methods for PDE
resolution and their implementation, notably the finite element
method; Experience in HPC; Ability to lead and coordinate the
development team, manage expectations and capacities at different
levels (researchers, doctoral students, engineers); Ability to write
and present in French and English.

- Deadline for applications: May 29, 2023
- Selection for auditions: From June 1st to 12, 2023
- Auditions: From June 12 to July 7, 2023
- Nonination: From September 2023.

To apply to this position:;idOffre=442

Job description (in French):

For further information: [log in to unmask]


From: Lorenzo Tamellini [log in to unmask]
Date: May 09, 2023
Subject: Researcher Position, Methods for Slope Stability, Italy

Applications are invited for a researcher position ("Ricercatore a
Tempo Determinato", non-permanent) in the field of physics-based and
data-driven methods for evaluation of rainfall-induced landslide risk
in Liguria (Italy).

The position is financed by the Italian project PNRR-RAISE, and is
based at the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information
Technologies (CNR-IMATI), located in Pavia (Italy), starting in the
fall of 2023 with term in September 2025.

Candidates should have at least three years of previous experience on
numerical methods for PDEs and/or ODEs, as well as on C/C++ or
Matlab/Python programming, or in engineering applications related to
the theme of the call. Note however that having already obtained a PhD
title is not required.

The work will focus on topics such as slope stability, groundwater
flows, rainfall-runoff models, geomechanics, software for
environmental applications, uncertainty quantification, sensitivity
analysis, machine learning.

The full call (Italian and English) and the online procedure to apply
are available at
Candidates should submit the application following the procedure at
the same URL before June 1st (6pm CEST).

For more information, send an email to Lorenzo Tamellini
([log in to unmask]) or Andrea Bressan
([log in to unmask])


From: Melanie Moser [log in to unmask]
Date: May 12, 2023
Subject: University Assistant Position, Univ of Graz, Austria

At the University of Graz, researchers and students work across a
broad disciplinary spectrum to enlarge our knowledge, and find
strategies to deal with challenges our society is confronted with and
to shape tomorrow's world. The University of Graz is a place which
combines high quality academic research and teaching, where
achievement is rewarded, careers are promoted, and social diversity is
encouraged - all within a modern, award-winning working
environment. Our motto: We work for tomorrow. Join us!

The Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing is looking for a
University assistant with doctorate (m/f/d) 40 hours a week fixed-term
employment for 6 years* position to be filled as of now.

Inverse Problems and Mathematical Image Processing is one of the
research areas at the Institute of Mathematics and Scientific
Computing, which is represented in Graz by a dedicated team of
international scientists. The associated research group covers a broad
spectrum of current applications with a special focus on
interdisciplinarity. It offers a friendly working environment, space
for creativity and independent work, an appreciative attitude and
family friendliness.

Further information about this Job offer:


From: Juan A. Acebron [log in to unmask]
Date: May 05, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Mathematics, INESC-ID, Portugal

The research center INESC-ID in Lisbon invites interested candidates
to apply for a postdoctoral position focusing on the development of
new Monte Carlo algorithms for computing efficiently matrix functions
for current and future high performance supercomputers. This position
is funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation FCT, and the successful
candidate will be part of an integrated team led by Prof. Jose
Monteiro and Prof. Juan A. Acebron. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in
Applied Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science or a related
field. They should possess a solid knowledge in applied mathematics,
numerical methods, good programming skills, and a proven publication

Successful candidates will be able to work well within small cross
disciplinary teams, including working with researchers using both
theoretical and computational mathematics. Experience with common
scientific computing methods, computational tools, mathematical
software, and parallel computing is highly desired.

The successful Post Doctoral Fellow will interact closely with
national and international collaborators and will have the opportunity
to publish in high impact journals, present their work at
international conferences and gain access to major supercomputing
facilities through existing networks of collaborative partners.

This is a one-year appointment, eventually renewable up until 3 years.
There are no teaching duties associated with this position.

How to apply: Qualified candidates should send by email to
[log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask] a CV, and a cover letter
describing your relevant expertise and research interests.

For further information of the project see the website


From: Chiara Sorgentone [log in to unmask]
Date: May 10, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Sapienza Univ of Rome, Italy

The Department of Basic and Applied Sciences for Engineering at
Sapienza University of Rome is looking for a post-doctoral researcher
in numerical analysis. The project will focus on boundary integral
methods for Stokes flow.

In recent years, the boundary integral method (BIM) has proved itself
to be a valuable tool for the solution of many physical and
engineering problems.  One of the main advantage of this approach is
that the equations are defined only at the boundary, which then plays
a key role. We are interested in those problems with large surface to
volume ratio, where the dynamic at the interface is very important and
it is then natural to consider integral equations. The project will
focus on how electric fields can affect the dynamics of drops: this
effect is studied with the Leaky Dielectric model, that we solve using
a BIM, that is also used to solve the Stokes equations. Special
attention will be spent for dealing with non-smooth surfaces.

For further information, please contact Chiara Sorgentone at
[log in to unmask]

For full details about the position and to apply, visit:


From: Fabio Nobile [log in to unmask]
Date: May 03, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing and UQ, EPFL, Switzerland

The Chair of Scientific Computing and Uncertainty Quantification
(CSQI) at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) invites
applications for one or more postdoctoral researcher positions. We
seek outstanding candidates with expertise in at least some of the
following areas: numerical methods for deterministic and stochastic
differential equations, high dimensional approximation, uncertainty
quantification, optimization under uncertainty, stochastic
optimization, reduced order modeling, digital twins, data
assimilation, scientific machine learning. The precise research topics
will be discussed with the successful candidate depending on their
background and affinities but should align with the ongoing research
in the chair.

More details on the position and the application procedure are
available here


From: Markus Rampp [log in to unmask]
Date: May 02, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Positions, HPC/NA, MPCDF, Germany

The Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF) has opened two
postdoc positions in HPC and numerical analysis.

The successful candidates will be associated with the applications
group at the MPCDF (located on the research campus Garching near
Munich, Germany) and will work on the development and optimization of
scientific HPC simulation codes for upcoming Exascale computer
architectures as well as on the underlying numerical methods in the
fields of numerical plasma physics and biophysics (classical molecular
dynamics), and in the context of the EU Centers of Excellence
Plasma-PEPSC and Bioexcel, respectively.

For detailed information please visit


From: Tan Bui-Thanh [log in to unmask]
Date: May 08, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Scientific Deep Learning for Digital Twins, USA

There are two immediate postdoc positions in Prof. Tan Bui group at the Oden Institute, UT

Research topics: scientific deep learning and machine learning for
applications plasma (fluid + electromagnetics) and geophysics (storm,
hurricanes, weather)

Research tasks: from these applications or other applications of
interests, develop scientific machine learning methods/algorithms for
either forward or inverse (parameter calibration) or UQ problems,
provide rigorous foundations for these approaches when applicable, and
implement these methods/algorithms on large GPU/CPU systems at Texas
Advanced Computing Centers

Qualifications: Having backgrounds/experiences in machine learning
methods, in computational methods (such as numerical methods and
optimization), in machine learning platforms (such as Jax, Pytorch,
etc), and in related applications are essential

Salary: $70K+/year depending on the qualifications.

Please contact Prof. Tan Bui at [log in to unmask] if you are
interested in knowing more about the positions.


From: Kirk M. Soodhalter [log in to unmask]
Date: May 11, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Univ of Strathclyde/Trinity College Dublin

We are please to announce that we are seeking strong postdoctoral
candidates for the project Krylov subspace methods for non-symmetric
PDE problems: a deeper understanding and faster convergence.  The
positions will start as soon as possible after July 1, 2023.  The
project concerns the solution of linear systems arising from the
numerical discretisation of partial differential equations (PDEs),
which are critical to simulations in a swathe of applications. The
methods of choice for these systems are often preconditioned Krylov
subspace methods, but for nonsymmetric problems theory for
preconditioners and solvers is still lacking. The overarching aim of
this research is to develop novel theory that underpins preconditioner
design and efficient solvers for systems with nonsymmetric coefficient
matrices.  The investigators are Jennifer Pestana at the University of
Strathclyde (Glasgow) and Kirk M. Soodhalter at Trinity College,
Dublin. The project is funded by the UK Engineering and Physical
Sciences Research Council and Science Foundation Ireland.

The postdoctoral researchers will have opportunities to work with a
range of international experts on fundamental problems in numerical
linear algebra, and will apply novel methods to applications in wave
problems and wind farms.  The funding will support postdoctoral
research associates' travel to select conferences and visits to
related researchers so that the postdoctoral associates can benefit
from a wide array of knowledge and perspectives about the researched
topics, as well as for networking purposes.  The funding will also
bring colleagues to both Strathclyde and Trinity for collaboration,
and it will further support two related workshops, one at Trinity and
one at Strathclyde.

One postdoctoral research associate will be appointed to work in each
of Strathclyde and Trinity College for three years each, with
substantial interaction and collaboration between the two groups. A
formal advertisement will be placed on in the near

If you are interested in one of these positions (or if you know
someone who may be interested) please contact Jennifer Pestana
([log in to unmask]) Kirk M. Soodhalter
([log in to unmask]) or pass this announcement on as appropriate.


From: Bastian Harrach [log in to unmask]
Date: May 14, 2023
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, Inverse Problems, Germany

The Institute of Mathematics (research group of Prof. Dr. Bastian
Harrach) of the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics of the
Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main invites applications for a
Research Assistant (m/f/d) PhD/Postdoc position (100% E13 TV-G-U,
limited to 3 years) in the field of Inverse Problems. A link to the
official job advertisement can be found here: (please click "EN" in the upper right
corner for the english job ad). Applications can be considered after
the stated deadline until the position is filled.


From: Christian Kirches [log in to unmask]
Date: May 02, 2023
Subject: Postdoc/PhD Positions, Mathematical Optimization, Germany

The mathematical optimization group at TU Braunschweig, Germany is
looking to fill 1 PostDoc and 3 PhD positions to work with Christian
Kirches on the ERC Consolidator Grant project "SCARCE".

PostDoc call:
PhD call:


From: Olga Mula [log in to unmask]
Date: May 08, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, AI for 3D Printing, The Netherlands

A PhD position is available at TU Eindhoven within the Data-Driven
Computational Science group. The project is concerned with the
mathematical and algorithmic foundations of learning 3D printing.

For more information on the project and instructions on how to apply,
please see

Deadline for applications: June 18, 2023.
Expected starting date: Between September and December 2023.


From: Hansong Tang [log in to unmask]
Date: May 16, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, CFD, Ocean/Structure Interaction, USA

Applications are solicited for Ph.D. student positions (1-2) in
computational fluid dynamics / computational engineering, at the City
College of New York (CCNY) of the City University of New York
(CUNY). The successful candidate will develop new and enhanced models
for ocean flows and flow-structure interaction problems. Preferably
the candidates have

1. MS degree in oceanography, applied math, civil engineering,
mechanical engineering, naval architecture engineering, or other
related discipline

2. Solid knowledge of mathematics and physics

Preference will be given to those with experience in computer
programming, modeling algorithm development, and simulation of
floating objects. Applicants with US citizenship will be considered
for a special program.

If interested, please send an email with materials including CV
(including TOFEL score for international applicants, those with no
such scores cannot be considered), transcripts, and publications (if
any) for a pre-review with "Ph.D. student" in the subject line of your
email to: [log in to unmask]


From: Philip Knight [log in to unmask]
Date: May 11, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Network Analysis, Univ of Strathclyde, UK

Applications are invited for a fully funded 4 year PhD position in
network analysis (large scale graph alignemt) in the Dept of
Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Strathclyde. Strength
in linear algebra/graph theory is a plus, as is a good background in
programming mathematical software. The project is a partnership
between academia and industry and attracts an enhanced stipend. As
part of the project, the successful applicant will spend at least 3
months working at one of the industrial partner's sites in the south
of England. Appications should be made by the end of June with a
starting date in October.

For more details see
or contact Dr Knight directly.


From: Christian Lubich [log in to unmask]
Date: May 14, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Methods/Quantum Systems, Germany

We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student to work on theoretical
aspects related to the mathematics and physics of open quantum
many-body systems. The research will focus in particular on the
development of numerical methods based on tree-tensor networks; the
simulation of open many-body quantum systems with long-range
interaction; and the characterisation of quantum phases and phase
transitions. This PhD position will be embedded in the Research Unit
FOR 5413 "Long-range interacting quantum spin systems out of
equilibrium: Experiment, Theory and Mathematics" which is funded by
the German Research Foundation (DFG). The Research Unit addresses
questions concerning many-body quantum systems with long-range
interactions.  Its ultimate goals are the understanding, realisation
and control of complex quantum matter possessing collectively enhanced
yet robust properties with applications in emerging quantum
technologies, such as metrology and sensing. It builds on the Center
for Quantum Science at the University of Tubingen and seeks to
establish a flourishing research environment that brings together an
interdisciplinary group of scientists from experimental and
theoretical physics as well as mathematics. The PhD will be supervised
by Prof. Dr. Christian Lubich (Department of Mathematics) and
co-supervised by Prof. Dr. Igor Lesanovsky (Institute for Theoretical
Physics). Candidates need to have a strong background in mathematics
and physics, a strong academic record and commitment. They need to be
committed to engage with all the members of the Research Unit FOR 5413
and to support and participate in the activities of the research
group.  Applications should include a cover letter (including
motivation for applying to this position), a CV (including publication
list), a copy of the applicant's master thesis and transcripts (all
collated in a single pdf file). Applicants should also arrange for at
least one recommendation letter. All documents shall be sent to
[log in to unmask] and [log in to unmask]

The offered position will run for at least 3 years. Review of the
applications will begin on June 30th 2023. The position should start
on October 1st 2023.

For enquiries please send an email to Prof. Dr. Christian Lubich
([log in to unmask]) and Prof. Dr. Igor Lesanovsky
([log in to unmask]).


From: Eirik Valseth [log in to unmask]
Date: May 02, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Scientific Computing, Norway

A PhD position in Scientific Computing is available at the Faculty of
Science and Technology at The Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
The project is concerned with the development of finite element models
for coastal hydrodynamics in Norway. For more information on the
projects and instructions on how to apply, please see

Contact: Eirik Valseth - [log in to unmask]


From: Faisal Amlani [log in to unmask]
Date: May 07, 2023
Subject: CFP, Fourier-based Methods, AMSES Special Issue

SpringerOpen's Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering
Sciences (Q1 applied math; modeling and simulation)

Special Issue: Recent advances in Fourier-based computational
approaches for PDEs

The use of Fourier analysis for frequency domain representation or
high- order trigonometric interpolation can be found in a plethora of
applications throughout science and engineering, including those
related to surface representation, scattered data approximation,
signal processing, and differential equations. This special issue aims
to highlight recent contributions on the general development of
Fourier-based approaches toward solving problems in acoustics, solids,
or fluids (including non- standard representations, numerical PDE
methods, and new Fourier neural operators):

The scope can be larger than what has been described, so feel free to
submit any relevant paper. The deadline for submission is July 1st
2023 (but may be extended), with guidelines available in the link

Any questions can be directed to:
- Faisal Amlani, CNRS/Universite Paris-Saclay, France,
  [log in to unmask]
- Niema M. Pahlevan, University of Southern California, USA,
  [log in to unmask]
- Carlos Perez-Arancibia, University of Twente, Netherlands,
  [log in to unmask]


From: Scott MacLachlan [log in to unmask]
Date: May 11, 2023
Subject: CFP, SISC Special Section on Multigrid Methods

Submission deadline: June 15, 2023;
Special Section Editors-in-Charge: Eric C. Cyr and Scott MacLachlan

The 21st Copper Mountain Conference On Multigrid Methods took place
from April 16 - 20, 2023
(  The SIAM Journal on
Scientific Computing (SISC) plans a Special Section, dedicated to
recent progress in multigrid methods.

Submissions are encouraged in all aspects of multigrid methods
including the following areas: multi-modeling and multi-scale;
algebraic multigrid; algorithm design and performance for emerging
architectures; software; parallel time integration; coupled physics
problems; structured and matrix- free methods; hierarchical low-rank
matrix decompositions; graph problems; multilevel methods for
stochastic problems; applications; artificial intelligence and
multilevel methods.

Submissions will be accepted through June 15, 2023. Attendees and
participants of the conference, as well as the general community, are
invited to submit papers. Papers will be subject to review by a guest
Editorial Board.

Please submit a manuscript and cover letter in PDF format via SISC's
online submission site (  Note the block
labeled Section (just under the keywords block on your submission
screen) and select "Special Section" from the dropdown box. Directly
below this is a second block labeled Special Section, where you'll
want to select "Copper Mountain Special Section, Multigrid Methods,
2023" from the dropdown.

For questions about submission, please contact Heather Blythe
([log in to unmask]), SIAM Publications Manager, or the
Editors-in-Charge, Eric C. Cyr ([log in to unmask]) or Scott
MacLachlan([log in to unmask]).


From: Irena Lasiecka [log in to unmask]
Date: May 17, 2023
Subject: Contents, EECT Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 12 (5)

Contents, EECT, October 2023 Vol. 12, No. 5

1. The continuous Redner-Ben-Avraham-Kahng coagulation system:
Well-posedness and asymptotic behaviour, Pratibha Verma, Ankik Kumar
Giri and F. P. da Costa

2. Motion planning problem for a class of hyperbolic PDEs, Abdelhadi
Elharfi, Mustapha El Hassani and Samir El Mourchid

3. Null boundary controllability for some biological and chemical
diffusion problems, Mansur I. Ismailov and Isil Oner

4.Regularity results for degenerate wave equations in a neighborhood
of the boundary, Bruno S. V. Araujo, Reginaldo Demarque and Luiz Viana

5.Analysis and simulation of an adhesive contact problem governed by
fractional differential hemivariational inequalities with
history-dependent operator, Hailing Xuan and Xiaoliang Cheng

6.Well-posedness and approximate controllability for some
integrodifferential evolution systems with multi-valued nonlocal
conditions, Mamadou Abdoul Diop, Mohammed Elghandouri and Khalil

7.Effective filtering for slow-fast systems via Wong-Zakai
approximation, Haoyuan Li, Wenlei Li, Shiduo Qu and Shaoyun Shi

8.Total approximate controllability of non-instantaneous impulsive
fractional differential systems involving Riemann-Liouville
derivatives of order, Lavina Sahijwani and N. Sukavanam

9. The necessary optimal condition of inverse heat source problem,
Nguyen Thi Ngoc Oanh and Le Thi Thu Giang

End of Digest

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