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NADIGEST  December 2022, Week 2

NADIGEST December 2022, Week 2


NA Digest, V. 22, # 40


"Dunlavy, Daniel" <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Mon, 12 Dec 2022 13:25:20 +0000





text/plain (800 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 22, # 40

NA Digest  Monday, December 12, 2022  Volume 22 : Issue 40

Today's Editor:

    Daniel M. Dunlavy
    Sandia National Labs
    [log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

    Seymour Victor Parter, June 9, 1927 – October 21, 2022
    New Book, A Journey through the History of Numerical Linear Algebra
    New Book, Extremum Seeking through Delays and PDEs
    New Book, Inverse Scattering Theory and Transmission Eigenvalues
    RIMS Workshop, HYBRID/Japan, Jan 2023
    Optimal Guidance & Control, Autonomous Systems, USA, Mar 2023
    PDSEC-23 Workshop, USA, May 2023
    AMiTaNS'23, Bulgaria, Jun 2023
    SIAM Geosciences (GS23), Norway, Jun 2023
    Department Head Position, Mathematics, Colorado State Univ
    Endowed Chair Position, Oden Institute, UT-Austin
    Theoretical Physicist/Applied Mathematician Position, NIST
    Faculty Position, Computational Science, Univ of Texas El Paso
    Faculty Position, Data Science, Ohio Univ
    Tenure-Track Position, Applied Mathematics, Austria
    Tenure-Track Position, San Diego State Univ, USA
    Lecturer/Senior Lecturer Position, Applied Math, Univ of Sydney
    Research Software Engineer Position, WWU Munster, Germany
    Postdoc Position, Econometrics and Statistics, Austria
    Postdoc Positions, NA and Applications, Univ Innsbruck
    PhD Position, Computational Sciences, UCI/SDSU, USA
    PhD Position, Randomized Parallel Algorithms, Univ of Reading, UK
    PhD Position, Scientific Machine Learning, Denmark
    CFP, Symmetry, Nonlinear Analysis and Its Applications

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Mac Hyman [log in to unmask]
Date: December 07, 2022
Subject: Seymour Victor Parter, June 9, 1927 – October 21, 2022

Seymour Victor Parter, professor emeritus of mathematics and computer
sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, died peacefully at
home in Madison.  He was 95 years old.  Seymour earned a bachelor's
degree in math with a minor in physics at the Illinois Institute of
Technology in 1949 and a master's degree in mathematics in 1951,
writing a thesis in topology under the direction of Karl Menger.  Los
Alamos Scientific Laboratory hired him in March 1951, where, as a
staff member, he programmed numerical algorithms to be run on machines
such as the IBM CPC and 602-A.  This was his introduction to the
serious scientific computing that engaged him for the rest of his
career and to many accomplished mathematicians and physicists who
became long-time friends.

The work led him to NYU, where he wrote a Ph.D. thesis in pure
mathematics under the direction of Lipman Bers while continuing to
compute.  Sputnik and an increasing national interest in science,
aerospace, and computation made people with both mathematical and
computational skills desirable to industry and academia.  Seymour
chose academia: beginning in 1957, successive appointments at MIT,
Indiana, Cornell, and Stanford led to Wisconsin in 1963, where he
stayed with a joint appointment in mathematics and computer science.
He continued his relationship with Los Alamos National Laboratory, and
at least 5 of his 15 Ph.D. students also worked there at some time.
He retired from Wisconsin in 1996 but remained active for another
decade, collaborating in research and participating in seminars, topic
courses, and conferences.  He served SIAM and the mathematical
sciences communities in several capacities.  He was a Fellow of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science and a SIAM Fellow.

Seymour's research involved the modeling, analysis, and computational
solution of various physical problems and the design and analysis of
computational methods.  It included complex analysis (quasiconformal
maps), singular perturbations, sparse matrix theory and its connection
to graphs, numerical (finite difference, finite element, and
first-order least squares) methods for partial differential equations,
particularly elliptic ones, iterative methods, and preconditioners for
numerical solutions of matrix equations.  His paper on linear graphs
in Gaussian elimination played a significant role in developing sparse
elimination methods.  He wrote influential papers on block iterative
methods for finite difference and finite element matrices, the
convergence of multigrid schemes, and the norm and spectral
equivalence of elliptic partial differential equations.  An important
consequence of the latter is preconditioning the discrete form of a
PDE by the discrete form of another PDE that is equivalent.  He
frequently participated in the Copper Mountain conference series on
iterative and multigrid methods.  His work has been broad and
influential.  His family -- Ruth, sons Paul and David, daughter-in-law
Susan, grandchildren Alicia, Ezra, and Danielle -- and the
intersecting circles of his friends, colleagues, and students all
remember him as an attentive, kind, caring, competent, and
accomplished friend.

Michael Steuerwalt


From: Mitchell Graham [log in to unmask]
Date: December 09, 2022
Subject: New Book, A Journey through the History of Numerical Linear Algebra

A Journey through the History of Numerical Linear Algebra by Claude
Brezinski, Gerard Meurant, and Michela Redivo-Zaglia

This expansive volume describes the history of numerical methods
proposed for solving linear algebra problems, from antiquity to the
present day. The authors focus on methods for linear systems of
equations and eigenvalue problems and describe the interplay between
numerical methods and the computing tools available at the time. The
second part of the book consists of 78 biographies of important
contributors to the field.

2022 / xvi + 790 pages / Hardcover / 978-1-611977-22-6 / List $135.00
/ OT183

Bookstore Link:


From: Mitchell Graham [log in to unmask]
Date: December 09, 2022
Subject: New Book, Extremum Seeking through Delays and PDEs

Extremum Seeking through Delays and PDEs by Tiago Roux Oliveira and
Miroslav Krstic

Extremum Seeking through Delays and PDEs, the first book on the topic,
expands the scope of applicability of the extremum seeking method,
from static and finite-dimensional systems to infinite-dimensional
systems.  Readers will find:
- numerous algorithms for model-free real-time optimization are
  developed and their convergence guaranteed,
- extensions from single-player optimization to noncooperative games,
  under delays and PDEs, are provided,
- the delays and PDEs are compensated in the control designs using the
  PDE backstepping approach, and stability is ensured using infinite-
  dimensional versions of averaging theory, and
- accessible and powerful tools for analysis.

This book is intended for control engineers in all disciplines
(electrical, mechanical, aerospace, chemical), mathematicians,
physicists, biologists, and economists. It is appropriate for graduate
students, researchers, and industrial users.

2022 / xviii + 442 pages / Hardcover / 978-1-61197-734-9/ List $119.00
/ DC41

Bookstore link:


From: Mitchell Graham [log in to unmask]
Date: December 09, 2022
Subject: New Book, Inverse Scattering Theory and Transmission Eigenvalues

Inverse Scattering Theory and Transmission Eigenvalues, Second Edition
by David Colton, Fioralba Cakoni, and Houssem Haddar

Inverse scattering theory is a major theme in applied mathematics with
applications to many areas. In the first edition of this book, the
authors discussed methods for determining the support of inhomogeneous
media from measured far field data and the role of transmission
eigenvalue problems in the mathematical development of these
methods. In this second edition, three new chapters describe recent
developments in inverse scattering theory. In particular, the authors
explore the use of modified background media in the nondestructive
testing of materials and methods for determining the modified
transmission eigenvalues that arise in such applications from measured
far field data. They also examine nonscattering wave numbers -- a
subset of transmission eigenvalues -- using techniques taken from the
theory of free boundary value problems for elliptic partial
differential equations and discuss the dualism of scattering poles and
transmission eigenvalues that has led to new methods for the numerical
computation of scattering poles.

December 2022 / vii + 252 pages / Softcover / 978-1-61197-741-7 / List

Bookstore Link:


From: Manabu Machida [log in to unmask]
Date: December 12, 2022
Subject: RIMS Workshop, HYBRID/Japan, Jan 2023

RIMS Workshop on Inverse Problems, Medical Imaging, and Related Topics

Date: From January 10, 2023 to January 13, 2023

Venue: Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS) at Kyoto
University, Japan

This is a hybrid conference. So, online (Zoom) participation is also

On Wednesday, January 10, a lecture by Professor Samuli Siltanen
(University of Helsinki) is planned for researchers who are
interested in but not familiar with inverse problems.

Registration is necessary for both in-person and online participation
(by January 4, 2023):


From: Dilmurat Azimov [log in to unmask]
Date: December 07, 2022
Subject: Optimal Guidance & Control, Autonomous Systems, USA, Mar 2023

IUTAM Symposium on Optimal Guidance and Control for Autonomous Systems
Location: University of Hawaii, Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96822
Event Type: Symposium
Submission Type: Abstract (with no more than two pages in PDF.)
Symposium Website:

Important due dates:
December 20, 2022: abstract due
January 20, 2023: acceptance notification
February 20, 2023: final upload of papers
February 1 - March 10, 2023: early registration
March 14 - March 16, 2023: on-site registration

Areas of the symposium include, but not limited to: Autonomous
systems; Motion planning; Optimal Control; Feedback control; Machine
learning; Reinforcement learning; Swarm network control; Centralized
or decentralized control; Guidance, navigation and control;
Stability; Targeting; Data processing; Sensor fusion; On-board control


From: Suzanne Shontz [log in to unmask]
Date: December 06, 2022
Subject: PDSEC-23 Workshop, USA, May 2023

The 24th IEEE International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Scientific and Engineering Computing (PDSEC-23) ( will be held on May 19, 2023 in St. Petersburg,
Florida in conjunction with IPDPS 2023.

Deadline: PDSEC-23 deadline: 15 Jan 2023 (AoE)

Scope and Interests: The technological trends in HPC system evolution
indicates an increasing burden placed on application developers due to
the management of the unprecedented complexity levels of hardware and
its associated performance characteristics. Many existing scientific
applications codes are unlikely to perform well on future systems
without major modifications or even complete rewrites. In the future,
it will be necessary to utilize, in concert, many characteristics such
as multiple levels of parallelism, many lightweight cores, complex
memory hierarchies, novel I/O technology, power capping, system-wide
temporal/spatial performance heterogeneity and reliability concerns.
The parallel and distributed computing (PDC) community has developed
new programming models, algorithms, libraries and tools to meet these
challenges in order to accommodate productive code development and
effective system use. However, the scientific application community
still needs to identify the benefit through practical evaluations.

Thus, the focus of this workshop is on methodologies and experiences
used in scientific and engineering applications and algorithms to
achieve sustainable code development for better productivity,
application performance and reliability. In particular, we will focus
on the following topics in parallel and distributed scientific and
engineering applications, and not limited to: Big scientific data;
Performance modeling and simulation for the execution of scalable
scientific applications on new heterogeneous architectures; Graph
analytics with their (scientific) applications; Code modernization
methodologies and experiences for adapting the changes in future
computing systems; Languages for scientific computing on hybrid
systems (e.g. Python, MPI+X where X is OpenMP, OpenCL, CUDA etc.);
Tools and techniques for improving the performance, reliability and
resilience of scientific applications; Use cases of enterprise
distributed computing technology (such as MapReduce, Data Analytics
and Machine-learning tools) in scientific and engineering
applications; Scalable parallel and distributed algorithms supporting
science and engineering applications; Performance portability across
heterogeneous architecture.

Paper submission due: January 15, 2023
Notification of Acceptance: February 23, 2023


From: Michail Todorov [log in to unmask]
Date: December 10, 2022
Subject: AMiTaNS'23, Bulgaria, Jun 2023

The Euro-American Consortium for Promotion of the Application of
Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences is pleased to announce
its Fifteenth Conference AMiTaNS'23 to be held in Bulgarian Black-Sea
resort Albena. The conference will be scheduled in plenary and keynote
lectures followed by special and contributed sessions. The accents of
the conference will be on Mathematical Physics, Solitons and Transport
Processes, Numerical Methods, Scientific Computing, Continuum
Mechanics, Applied Analysis, Applied Physics, Biomathematics, which
can be complemented by some specific topics in contributed special

Conference website:
Conference coordinator: Professor Michail Todorov


From: Jan Martin Nordbotten [log in to unmask]
Date: December 07, 2022
Subject: SIAM Geosciences (GS23), Norway, Jun 2023

The 2023 edition of the SIAM Conference on Mathematical and
Computational Issues in the Geosciences (SIAMGS23) will take place in
Bergen, Norway, June 19-22, 2023. Abstract submission is open and the
deadline is quickly approaching. Further information is available on

Submit your abstract until Dec 19, 2022!

About SIAMGS23: The study of geophysical systems at all scales,
whether from a scientific or technological perspective, calls for
sophisticated mathematical modeling, efficient computational methods,
and pervasive integration with data. This effort is fundamentally
interdisciplinary. This conference aims to stimulate the exchange of
ideas among geoscientific modelers, applied mathematicians, engineers,
and other scientists, having special interests in flow in porous media
and geophysics.


From: Wolfgang Bangerth [log in to unmask]
Date: December 09, 2022
Subject: Department Head Position, Mathematics, Colorado State Univ

The Department of Mathematics at Colorado State University seeks
applications for the position of a Department Chair. This position
serves as the chief administrative officer of the department and is
appointed by the Dean of Natural Sciences. With the aid of appropriate
departmental committees, the Chair institutes recommendations for
appointments, promotion, contract renewal, tenure, salary increases,
and dismissals; manages the department budget and teaching
assignments; and is the direct liaison between the department and the
university administration.  The Chair is expected to provide dynamic
leadership conducive to excellence in research, instruction, and
outreach, hold a doctoral degree in Mathematics or a
Mathematics-related field, and have experience at the rank of Full
Professor or comparable experience at a research institution.

For a full job announcement, full list of required and preferred
qualifications, or to submit an application, visit Applications will be
accepted until the position is filled, but for full consideration,
materials should be submitted before 11:59 (MT) January 16, 2023.

CSU is an EO/EA/AA employer and conducts background checks on all
final candidates.


From: Per-Gunnar Martinsson [log in to unmask]
Date: December 09, 2022
Subject: Endowed Chair Position, Oden Institute, UT-Austin

The Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences at The
University of Texas at Austin is seeking a distinguished investigator
working at the interfaces of Data Science and Computational Science to
fill a Moncrief endowed faculty position at the Associate or Full
Professor level. We are particularly interested in candidates who
pursue the development and analysis of computational techniques for
data science that are relevant to applications in science and
engineering. The position comes with a competitive salary, and a
generous endowment that provides both a substantial startup and
continuing research funding. The Oden Institute is an
interdisciplinary research and education institute working to
transform science, engineering, and medicine through computation. Oden
Institute research is building the mathematical and statistical
foundations for predictive science, data science, and machine
learning; developing next-generation computational science on advanced
computing platforms; and addressing grand challenges in science,
engineering, and medicine through computational modeling, scalable
algorithms, and high-performance computing. Full details of the Oden
Institute are available at

Applicants with an outstanding record of research accomplishments,
publications, and external funding are encouraged to apply. Candidates
are also expected to have a successful record of mentoring pre and
post doctoral researchers, strong interest in undergraduate and
graduate teaching in computational science and engineering, as well as
a commitment to professional service.  Interested persons should
submit: Cover Letter; Detailed Curriculum Vitae (including academic
and professional experience and peer reviewed publications); Statement
of Research; Statement of Teaching Philosophy; Statement describing
past contributions and plans for promoting diversity and inclusion
through research, teaching, and/or service; Names and e-mail addresses
of at least three references (references will not be contacted without
prior permission from the candidate).

All application materials should be submitted through Interfolio at Only complete applications will be
considered and reviewed until the position is filled. The Oden
Institute will contact applicants of interest for the next stage of
the process.

Please direct inquiries to Ms. Lorraine Sanchez at
[log in to unmask], or to Prof. Gunnar Martinsson at
[log in to unmask]


From: Tim Burns [log in to unmask]
Date: December 07, 2022
Subject: Theoretical Physicist/Applied Mathematician Position, NIST

The Applied and Computational Mathematics Division (ACMD) of the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) anticipates an
opening for an engineering scientist, theoretical physicist, or
applied mathematician. A successful candidate will (a) engage in
research in mathematics of metrology, with emphasis on mathematical
modeling of physical, chemical, and/or biological systems being
studied at NIST, as well as for fundamental metrology, (b) work
closely with scientists at NIST and elsewhere to design and analyze
the results of corresponding experiments and instrument performance,
(c) work with external groups to establish benchmarks for
biometrology, (d) disseminate results through research articles and
technical presentations, and (e) provide technical guidance to
postdocs and student interns. Applicants will be expected to have a
Ph.D. degree or equivalent experience. The salary range for the
position is $101,028-$155,196 per annum.

When available, the position will be posted at

NIST is a Federal Government measurement science and engineering
laboratory with state-of-the-art research facilities and excellent
benefits.  For information on what it's like to work at NIST, see US citizenship is
required. NIST is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer.

For more information about ACMD, see

Interested parties should send an expression of interest, including a
CV, to Anthony Kearsley ([log in to unmask]) and Paul Patrone
([log in to unmask])


From: Son-Young Yi [log in to unmask]
Date: December 08, 2022
Subject: Faculty Position, Computational Science, Univ of Texas El Paso

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at The University of Texas at
El Paso (UTEP) is seeking a mathematical scientist with expertise in
computational science to fill a tenure-track position at the Assistant
Professor level. Preference will be given to candidates with
experience in applying computational intelligence or high-performance
computing to STEM areas. Successful candidates are expected to develop
productive research programs, mentor and teach at undergraduate and
graduate levels, and direct Ph.D. dissertations in computational
science. Candidates with experience in the industry and/or applied
interdisciplinary research projects are encouraged to apply. The
anticipated appointment date is Fall 2023. Review of applications will
begin immediately, and applications will be accepted until the
position is filled.

For more information about the position and to apply, please visit


From: Martin Mohlenkamp [log in to unmask]
Date: December 08, 2022
Subject: Faculty Position, Data Science, Ohio Univ

The Department of Mathematics at Ohio University seeks to hire an
Assistant Professor (tenure-track) to

1. Support course offerings and program development in Data Science
  and Data Analytics.
2. Direct dissertations and conduct research in Data Science or
  allied fields such as Statistical Computing or Numerical Analysis.
3. Support the department's overall teaching and service needs.

The department has a broad mission, from teaching general education
classes through mentoring doctoral students and conducting research.
For information about our programs and faculty, see

Ohio University is a Carnegie Foundation R1 (doctoral universities -
very high research activity) institution. It has a rich history,
diverse campuses, international communities, and beautiful Appalachian
settings.  The city of Athens provides a classic and vibrant
residential learning environment for over 20,000 students, and is a
family-friendly and culturally rich community. The charm of tree-lined
brick walkways on the University's College Green makes you feel as if
you are at a small college rather than a large university. Recently,
Athens was rated the Best College Small Town by the readers of USA

Full information and application at


From: Anna Legenstein [log in to unmask]
Date: December 09, 2022
Subject: Tenure-Track Position, Applied Mathematics, Austria

At the Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing, a motivated
team of international scientists researches and teaches mathematics in
its full range. The Institute offers a friendly working environment
that leaves space for creativity and independent work. We value
appreciative interaction, family friendliness and diversity.  At the
Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing at the Faculty of
Natural Sciences, the University of Graz is seeking to appoint a
Tenure Track Professor of Applied Mathematics (40 hours per week;
selection procedure in accordance with Section 99 (5) of the
Universities Act (UG). Initially the successful candidate starts as an
Assistant Professor with a qualification agreement for a fixed term
tenure phase of six years. After successful completion of the
qualification goals the position will be converted into a permanent
Associate Professor position in accordance with the Salaried Employees
Act (AngG). Expected starting date September 1st 2023) The Institute
is committed to increasing the number of women in highly qualified
positions and is looking for an internationally renowned researcher
who will represent an area of applied mathematics in research and
teaching. The candidate should have an outstanding track record of
achievements (commensurate with the stage of academic career,
recognising breaks due to, e.g., care duties) in a promising
mathematical subject area, including but not limited to the
mathematics of machine learning, modern calculus of variations, or
mathematics for biomedical applications. The successful candidate will
have the qualifications and motivation to establish and develop an
area of expertise at the Institute and to strengthen the Institute's
subject-specific gender equality profile. Potential to contribute to
the existing research profile of the Institute is expected;
participation in a Field of Excellence of the University of Graz is


From: Jose E. Castillo [log in to unmask]
Date: December 11, 2022
Subject: Tenure-Track Position, San Diego State Univ, USA

CSRC Tenure Track Faculty Position

The Computational Science Research Center is seeking to hire a
tenure-track assistant professor in Computational Science in the
College of Sciences beginning Fall 2023. Review of applications will
begin on January 2, 2023 and will continue until the position is

Find out more:


From: Lindon Roberts [log in to unmask]
Date: December 09, 2022
Subject: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer Position, Applied Math, Univ of Sydney

The University of Sydney is welcoming applications for a Lecturer (B)
/Senior Lecturer (C) in Applied Mathematics to join leading experts at
the School of Mathematics and Statistics. We are one of the largest
mathematical sciences schools in Australia, and the University of
Sydney is the only Australian university to have received the highest
rating of 5 out of 5 for research in the mathematical sciences in
every Australian Research Council Excellence in Research for Australia
assessment to date.

We are welcoming applicants from different research backgrounds who
can bring their own research agenda, complementing the Schools'
current research foci, whilst benefiting from our supportive community
of world- class mathematicians and statisticians. Applicants with
expertise in computational mathematics or optimization are
particularly encouraged to apply.

For more details, see:

Applications close: January 12, 2023 (AEDT)


From: Stephan Rave [log in to unmask]
Date: December 06, 2022
Subject: Research Software Engineer Position, WWU Munster, Germany

The Institute for Analysis and Numerics in the Faculty of Mathematics
and Computer Science at the University of Munster (WWU), Germany, is
seeking to fill the position of a Research Software Engineer (salary
level TV-L E 13) for the externally funded project MaRDI at the
earliest possible date. We are offering a fixed-term full-time
position until 30 September 2026.

For further information we refer to


From: Viktoria Schildhammer [log in to unmask]
Date: December 07, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Econometrics and Statistics, Austria

The Department of Statistics and Operations Research at the University
of Vienna invites applications for a postdoctoral position in the
field of Econometrics and Statistics, with particular -- but not
exclusive -- focus on financial markets and quantitative finance.  We
are looking for candidates with a strong background in econometrics,
(financial) economics and statistics, ideally with some knowledge in
machine learning and interest in financial applications. Accordingly,
applicants should have completed (or should be close to completing) a
PhD in statistics, economics, statistics, data science or related
fields with strong quantitative orientation.  The contract is
fixed-term and limited to 4 years. Applications should include (i) a
curriculum vitae, (ii) a letter of motivation, (iii) a list of
publications, (iv) two selected papers and (v) and at least two
recommendation letters. Salary in accordance with collective
bargaining agreement: S48 VwGr. B1 lit.b (postdoc) with relevant work
experience determining the assignment to a particular salary grade.
We offer a pleasant work environment within a friendly, dynamic and
international team, being placed in a city with the world-wide highest
living quality. Information about the Department of Statistics and
Operations Research can be found at Collaborations with researchers in the
Research Network "Data Science @ Uni Vienna",, are highly welcome.  Candidates
should send all application material in a single pdf or zip file to
Viktoria Schildhammer ([log in to unmask]). The
recommendation letters should be sent by the reviewers directly to
Viktoria Schildhammer ([log in to unmask]).

Deadline: 15.01. 2023

Knowledge of German is an asset, but not required. The University of
Vienna is an equal opportunity employer and aims at increasing the
number of female faculty members. Therefore, in particularly,
qualified women are encouraged to apply.  If you need further
information regarding the position, please, contact Professor Nikolaus
Hautsch ([log in to unmask]).


From: Heiko Gimperlein [log in to unmask]
Date: December 11, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Positions, NA and Applications, Univ Innsbruck

Applications are invited for two long-term postdoctoral positions (3
years, resp. 6 years) at the University of Innsbruck in applied and
computational mathematics in the following areas: numerical analysis
of partial differential equations, scientific computing and
applications in the natural and computer sciences.  The successful
candidates will contribute to the research and teaching activities of
the new group in engineering mathematics: .  A strong background and excellent
track record of accomplishments is expected in numerical analysis,
scientific computing or an application area. The successful candidates
are expected to start in 2023, at a mutually agreed date. Candidates
must have obtained a PhD in mathematics or a related subject preceding
the start date of appointment.

For additional information e-mail [log in to unmask]

Position 1: university-funded postdoc position (6 years), application
deadline January 19.  Details of the position and the application
procedure can be found at:

Position 2: postdoc position (3 years) funded by the Austrian Science
Fund FWF to develop fast and highly accurate numerical methods for
simulations in soft matter / bio-nano physics. The project is led by
the theoretical physics group . It will develop new
boundary element and finite element methods for parabolic equations,
which allow to address the long-time dynamics of many-particle systems
outside equilibrium.  For details please contact Heiko Gimperlein
([log in to unmask]) or Thomas Franosch
([log in to unmask]).


From: Jose E. Castillo [log in to unmask]
Date: December 11, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Computational Sciences, UCI/SDSU, USA

The Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Computational Science is aimed
at training scientists and engineers who will create advanced
computational methods and tools to model and solve challenging
problems at the intersections of scientific disciplines. The doctoral
program offers coursework and research in a broad range of subjects
that develop expertise in Mathematical Modeling, Data Visualization,
Cybersecurity and Scientific Computing with applications to Biological
Science, Earth Science, Engineering Science, Health, Physical and/or
Chemical Science.  UCI and SDSU campuses are recognized as Hispanic
Serving Institutions offering a welcoming and supportive environment
for diverse students.  Admitted graduate students are offered a range
of financial assistance options while they are pursuing advanced
degrees, including Teaching, Graduate, and Research Assistantships and
Fellowships. Applicants with strong backgrounds in mathematics,
physical, biological and geological sciences, computer science, and
engineering are invited to apply. Please check our website for details
regarding the doctoral program and the application process. We have 20
positions available.


From: Jennifer Scott [log in to unmask]
Date: December 06, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Randomized Parallel Algorithms, Univ of Reading, UK

The Department of Mathematics & Statistics at the University of
Reading invites applications for a PhD Studentship in Randomized
parallel algorithms for data assimilation in numerical weather

The project is joint with the European Centre for Medium-range Weather
Forecasts (ECMWF) and the student will have the opportunity to spend
time working at ECMWF. The start date is September 2023, and funding
is available for up to 3.5 years (fees and stipend).

Details of the project and how to apply may be found at
The deadline for applications is 20 January 2023.

Applicants must be citizens of an ECMWF member state.


From: Roland Löwe [log in to unmask]
Date: December 06, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Scientific Machine Learning, Denmark

We are looking for a bright and motivated PhD student that is
interested in developing a new kind of hybrid simulation models for
environmental systems that combine machine learning and classical
modelling approaches (that are based on physical theory). You will
work with different application domains (e.g. flooding, freshwater
quality, air quality) and in the end our objective is to create models
that are more accessible (fast enough to run e.g. in web environments)
and that easily integrate physical knowledge and data.

The scholarship is part of DTUs Digitalization initiative and will
involve collaboration with DTU Compute as well as internal and
external partners.

Please share with anyone that might be interested, and contact me
([log in to unmask]) for any additional of information.  Deadline for
application is January 29th. Please note that the only way to apply is
through DTU's online system.


From: Amelia Sun [log in to unmask]
Date: December 07, 2022
Subject: CFP, Symmetry, Nonlinear Analysis and Its Applications

This Special Issue of Symmetry is devoted to recent advances in
non-linear analysis and its applications.

The growing significance of non-linear analysis and its applications
has been realized in recent years. This is due not only to theoretical
achievements in this area but also because of numerous applications to
engineering, economics, biology, behavioral sciences, etc. It has
become more and more evident that non-linear analysis is of crucial
importance in the mathematical sciences. Its ideas and methods have
turned out to be essential tools in the analysis of non-linear
phenomena in many areas of mathematics. Among these areas, one can
mention ordinary differential equations, partial differential
equations, non-linear operator theory, the calculus of variations,
optimal control theory, optimization, and mathematical economics.

Our aim is for this Special Issue to be valuable to mathematicians and
applied scientists who are interested in recent developments in
nonlinear analysis and its applications. Please note that all
submitted papers must be within the general scope of the Symmetry

More information can be found at:

If you are interested, please contact the Symmetry Editorial Office
([log in to unmask]), or the leading Guest Editor,
Prof. Dr. Alexander Zaslavski ([log in to unmask]).

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