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NADIGEST  September 2022, Week 1

NADIGEST September 2022, Week 1


NA Digest, V. 22, # 28


"Dunlavy, Daniel" <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Sun, 4 Sep 2022 22:09:09 +0000





text/plain (400 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 22, # 28

NA Digest  Sunday, September 04, 2022  Volume 22 : Issue 28

Today's Editor:

        Daniel M. Dunlavy
        Sandia National Labs
        [log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

        New Book, Fundamentals of Numerical Computation: Julia
        Mid-Atlantic NA-Day, USA, Oct 2022
        Professor Position, Inverse Problems, TU Chemnitz
        Professor Position, Numerical Analysis, Milan Univ
        Tenure-Track Position, Mathematics, North Carolina State Univ
        Tenure-Track Positions, Statistics, Case Western Reserve Univ
        Postdoc Position, Industrial Mathematics, CRM
        Postdoc Position, Large-Scale Biophysical Modeling of Neurons
        Postdoc Position, Stochastic Modeling and Simulation, EPFL
        Postdoc/PhD Position, Parallel Alg/Programming, HU Berlin
        PhD Position, Landslide Simulation, Graz Univ

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Mitchell Graham [log in to unmask]
Date: September 01, 2022
Subject: New Book, Fundamentals of Numerical Computation: Julia

Julia is an open-source and fast-growing programming language for
scientific computing that offers clarity and ease of use for beginners
but also speed and power for advanced applications. Fundamentals of
Numerical Computation: Julia Edition by Tobin A Driscoll and Richard
J.  Braun provides a complete solution for teaching Julia in the
context of numerical methods. It introduces the mathematics and use of
algorithms for the fundamental problems of numerical computation:
linear algebra, finding roots, approximating data and functions, and
solving differential equations. A clear progression from simple to
more advanced methods allows for use in either a one-semester course
or a two-semester sequence.

August 2022 / xxiv + 590 Pages / Hardcover / 978-1-611977-00-4 /
Price: $104.00 / Order Code OT177



From: Daniel Szyld [log in to unmask]
Date: August 29, 2022
Subject: Mid-Atlantic NA-Day, USA, Oct 2022

The Mid-Atlantic NA Day 2022 will take place at Temple University,
Philadelphia on Friday 28 October 2022.

The purpose of this one-day meeting is to provide a forum for Graduate
Students and Postdoctoral Fellows, i.e., researchers and practitioners
at the very beginning of their careers, from the Mid-Atlantic region,
to exchange ideas in numerical analysis, scientific computing,
computational mathematics, and related application areas.  More
established scientists are encouraged to attend as well.  Talks start
at 10 AM to facilitate same-day travel.

Keynote speaker: Qiang Du, Columbia University, "Learning Hidden
Dynamics: From Practice to Numerical Analysis"

Please encourage your students and postdocs to attend.  You can print
the NA Day poster available here:

Abstract submission deadline is 30 September 2022.  There will be no
registration fee, but we ask participants to please register.

Submissions, registration, and more at:

Questions? write to us at [log in to unmask]


From: Martin Stoll [log in to unmask]
Date: August 29, 2022
Subject: Professor Position, Inverse Problems, TU Chemnitz

The Department of Mathematics at the Technical University of Chemnitz
invites applications for a W2-Professorship (tenured) in Inverse
Problems (m/f/d) to be filled in early 2023.

Successful candidates are expected to be internationally visible in
the area of inverse problems with a strong focus on topics such as
data assimilation, machine learning, parameter identification for
PDEs, and image processing.

The successful candidate will demonstrate outstanding achievements and
potential in research as well as international recognition within the
field of inverse problems and is expected to complement and strengthen
the department's active research areas numerical linear algebra,
uncertainty quantification, approximation theory, partial differential
equations, inverse problems and optimization. Strong candidates are
desired to have a record of acquiring external funding and exhibit
willingness for interdisciplinary collaboration.

Applicants are requested to submit the usual application materials
(cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications, teaching
evaluations, research and teaching statement) electronically as a
single pdf document no later than October, 09, 2022 to
[log in to unmask]

Please address all other inquiries to
[log in to unmask]


From: Andreas Veeser [log in to unmask]
Date: September 04, 2022
Subject: Professor Position, Numerical Analysis, Milan Univ

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Milan (Italy)
invites applications for a full professor position in Numerical

The application deadline is September 9, 2022, 12:00 (Italian time).

For details about the position and how to apply, please see:


From: Ilse Ipsen [log in to unmask]
Date: August 30, 2022
Subject: Tenure-Track Position, Mathematics, North Carolina State Univ

The department of mathematics at North Carolina State University
invites applications for a junior tenure-track position beginning Fall
2022. Applications from suitably qualified candidates for more senior
positions will be considered. We are seeking exceptionally
well-qualified individuals with research interests in the general area
of applied and computational mathematics. Among the areas of interest
are mathematical foundations of data science and machine learning,
data-driven mathematical biology, data-driven mathematical modeling,
high-performance computing, computational optimization, and numerical
analysis.  Candidates must have a PhD in mathematics, applied
mathematics, or a related area; post-doctoral experience; strong
research record; and commitment to excellence in teaching at the
undergraduate and graduate level.  Inclusiveness and diversity are
critical to the success of the Department of Mathematics, the College
of Sciences, and NC State University
( We welcome applicants
committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion and fostering
an environment that is supportive and welcoming of all students,
faculty, and staff.

Applications should be submitted electronically at, and must include: Curriculum vitae;
Research statement; Teaching statement; Statement on diversity and
inclusion; and At least three letters of recommendation.

Applicants must apply at both and at NC State at

Reference letters should only be included in the
application. Application review will begin on 1 November, 2022.

Applications received by 1 November 2022, will be given full
consideration. Information and university posting for this position is
located at .  For questions
concerning the position, contact Dr. Ilse Ipsen at [log in to unmask]


From: Daniela Calvetti [log in to unmask]
Date: August 31, 2022
Subject: Tenure-Track Positions, Statistics, Case Western Reserve Univ

The Department of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics at
Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) is searching for at least two
tenure-track assistant professors in Statistics to begin in AY
2023/2024. Preference will be given to candidates whose research is in
areas of statistics that complement and enhance the existing expertise
in the department and who can meaningfully interact with the current
group of statisticians, probabilists, and applied mathematicians in
the department. This hiring is part of an effort to continue building
a statistics group that collaborates with faculty in other fields,
including, for example, data science, biology, physics, astronomy,
biostatistics, as well as researchers in the Schools of Engineering,
Management, and Medicine. All candidates must hold a Ph.D. in
Statistics or a related field by the time of the appointment, have
demonstrated teaching/mentoring experience, and have a publication
record appropriate to rank. Candidates should submit a letter of
application, curriculum vitae, a statement of current and future
research plans, a statement of teaching philosophy and experience, and
the candidate should arrange for three letters of recommendation to be
submitted directly by the writers, at least one of which should
address teaching. In addition, applicants are asked to submit a
statement explaining how they value diversity, equity, and inclusion
within their research and discipline(s) and how their own scholarly
work might contribute to structural justice inside and outside
institutions of higher learning. This statement should also suggest
how the candidate's work, while as a member of Case Western Reserve
University, will contribute to diversity, equity, and inclusion and
how moving forward they intend to foster a culture of diversity,
pluralism, and individual difference.

All application materials should be submitted electronically through
the AMS website Applications will be reviewed upon
arrival. All applications received prior to October 3rd, 2022, will
get full consideration.  General correspondence about this position
should be sent to Daniela Calvetti, Search Committee Chair at
[log in to unmask] . Application Materials Required: Submit the following
items online at this website to complete your application: Cover
letter; Curriculum Vitae; Research statement; Teaching statement;
Diversity Statement; and Three reference letters (to be submitted
online by the reference writers at this site help popup). And anything
else requested in the position description.

Further Info:, (216) 368-2880
Case Western Reserve University
Department of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics & Statistics
Yost Hall Room #231, 10900 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland Ohio 44106-7058


From: Francesc Font [log in to unmask]
Date: September 01, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Industrial Mathematics, CRM

The Industrial Mathematics Research Group at the CRM (Barcelona, Spain
- is looking for a short-term Post-doctoral
researcher to join the project Exploiting mathematics to aid in the
design of adsorption columns, funded by the Spanish Ministry of
Science and Innovation. The project involves mathematicians and
environmental chemists and will build on the group's previous work on
modelling the removal of environmental contaminants, such as
greenhouse gases from air and industrial outlets or pharmaceuticals
and Volatile Organic Compounds from water. The ultimate project goal
is to develop software, taking advantage of mathematical techniques,
which will provide accurate and efficient results and so aid in the
design and improvement of sorption equipment.  This contract is
envisaged to start as soon as possible (according to availability) and
will last until Dec. 2023 or soon thereafter.

TASKS: Developing numerical solutions of advection-diffusion systems.
Refining and analysis of mathematical models for advection-diffusion.
Data collection and interpretation.  Liaising between group
collaborators (mathematicians, chemists and future industrial

REQUIREMENTS: PhD in Mathematics, Engineering or Physics.  Experience
in numerical and analytical methods for partial differential
equations.  Good command of the English language.  Ability to
communicate between mathematicians and experimental scientists.

EVALUATION PROCESS AND CRITERIA: The selection process will be
evaluated by the CRM Director or deputy director, the principal
investigator of the Industrial Mathematics Research group, Prof. Tim
Myers, and another member from the research group.

All enquiries can be made by contacting Prof. Tim Myers
([log in to unmask]).

See job add:


From: Fabrizio Gabbiani [log in to unmask]
Date: September 01, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Large-Scale Biophysical Modeling of Neurons

The group of Fabrizio Gabbiani at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM,
Dept of Neuroscience) is looking to hire a postdoctoral fellow to work
on the optimization of biophysical models for single neurons. The
project will be carried out in close collaboration with the group of
Jeffrey Magee at BCM (also in the Dept of Neuroscience) and that of
Matthias Heinkenschloss at Rice University (in the Dept of
Computational Applied Mathematics & Operations Research). The goal of
the project is to apply methods derived from large-scale optimization
and optimal control towards the optimization of neuron models having a
large number of electrical compartments. The developed techniques will
be used to fit in vivo and in vitro electrophysiological data from
murine CA1 pyramidal cells to understand the formation of their
associated place fields. In addition, the same techniques will be
applied to fit electrophysiological data from a visual neuron that
detects impending collision in grasshoppers. We are looking for a
highly motivated scholar with the ability to bridge theoretical and
experimental work in neuroscience. The ideal candidate will be
familiar with systems of ordinary differential equations of
Hodgkin-Huxley type used to model neurons. In addition, the applicant
will have experience in computer programing which will be central to
the project's execution. The ideal candidate will have a Ph.D. in
Computational Neuroscience, or a related field such as Electrical
Engineering, Computer Science, Biophysics or Applied Mathematics.

We are committed to training the next generation of interdisciplinary
scientists to tackle complex, multidisciplinary problems. Both BCM and
Rice University support efforts to broaden diversity by fostering the
careers of individuals with unconventional backgrounds. Interested
candidates should email a CV, a statement of research interests and
the contact information of at least two and preferably three
references to Fabrizio Gabbiani ([log in to unmask]).


From: Fabio Nobile [log in to unmask]
Date: September 03, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Stochastic Modeling and Simulation, EPFL

A postdoc position for up to 3 years is available in the Chair of
Scientific Computing and Uncertainty Quantification (CSQI, at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
(EPFL) on the stochastic modeling, simulation, data assimilation and
optimization/control of renewable energy hubs. The position is within
a large collaborative project UrbanTwin involving several Swiss
institutions of the ETH-domain (EPFL, ETHZ, WSL, EMPA, EAWAG) aiming
at developing and validating an integrated model of critical urban
infrastructure, such as energy, water, buildings, and mobility, to
support decision-makers in achieving energy strategic goals.

The ideal candidate holds a PhD degree in applied mathematics,
computational science and engineering or related fields, with a solid
background in at least some of these areas: stochastic modeling and
simulation, stochastic optimal control, stochastic optimization,
uncertainty quantification, data assimilation, numerical methods for
differential equations. The position requires a strong attitude toward
collaborative and interdisciplinary research.

The starting date is January 2023.

Applicants should send a full application package directly to
Prof. Fabio Nobile ([log in to unmask]), containing: a letter of
motivation, a CV including a list of publications, a research
statement, names and contacts of 3 references.


From: Henning Meyerhenke [log in to unmask]
Date: September 04, 2022
Subject: Postdoc/PhD Position, Parallel Alg/Programming, HU Berlin

The research group "Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems" headed
by H. Meyerhenke at the Dept. of CompSci of HU Berlin advertises a
fixed-term PostDoc/PhD student position (pay grade 13 TV-L, 100%) on
parallel graph algorithms with MPI. Starting date asap, end date: June
30th, 2024. Application deadline: Sep 21st.

This DFG-funded position combines research in graph/matrix algorithms,
parallel programming with MPI, and network analysis.

More details (in German) at:

Submit your formal application with ref number DR/116/22 with the
relevant documents (preferably as 1 PDF attachment) by Sep 21st to
sekr-maks (at) Informal inquiries should be
sent to meyerhenke (at)


From: Martin Mergili [log in to unmask]
Date: August 31, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Landslide Simulation, Graz Univ

PhD position with focus on the further development and
transdisciplinary implementation of a model for the dynamic simulation
of landslide processes

This position announced at the Institute of Geography and Regional
Science, University of Graz, Austria, is one of two PhD positions
within the project "MOVEMONT: Moving mountains - Landslides as
geosystem services in Austrian Geoparks", funded by the Austrian
Academy of Sciences over a period of three years. The focus of the
work shall be put on the further development of the r.avaflow
landslide simulation software, for example in regard to enhanced
user-friendliness and numerics, and its applicability to additional
types of processes and their representation in virtual reality
environments. A very important part of the work will consist in inter-
and transdisciplinary action towards the implementation of the
developed concepts for environmental education in the three Austrian
UNESCO Global Geoparks.

Please find all the details here:

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