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NADIGEST  July 2022, Week 1

NADIGEST July 2022, Week 1


NA Digest, V. 22, # 23


"Dunlavy, Daniel" <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Wed, 6 Jul 2022 12:47:49 +0000





text/plain (492 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 22, # 23

NA Digest  Wednesday, July 06, 2022  Volume 22 : Issue 23

Today's Editor:

        Daniel M. Dunlavy
        Sandia National Labs
        [log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

        deal.II Version 9.4.0 released
        New Book, Set Theory and Its Applications in Physics and Computing
        Ghana Numerical Analysis Day, ONLINE, Aug 2022
        Domain Decomposition for Optimal Control Problems, France, Sep 2022
        Honoring Amiya K. Pani/Carsten Carstensen, India, Sep 2022
        Certified Symbolic-Numeric Computation, France, May 2023
        Professor Position, Algebra, Univ of Graz
        Assistant Professor Position, Financial Mathematics/Comp Finance
        PhD/Postdoc Position, Applied Mathematics, HSU/UniBw, Germany
        PhD/Postdoc Position, Goethe Univ Frankfurt
        PhD/Postdoc Positions, Randomized Methods, France
        PhD Position, CFD and Optimization
        PhD Position, Iterative solvers, EDF/Cerfacs, France
        Contents, Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation, 4(3)
        Contents, Constructive Approximation, 55 (3)

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From: Matthias Maier [log in to unmask]
Date: July 04, 2022
Subject: deal.II Version 9.4.0 released

Version 9.4.0 of deal.II, the object-oriented finite element library
awarded the J. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software, has been
released. It is available for free under an Open Source license from
the deal.II homepage at

The major changes of this release are:
- Advances in simplex- and mixed-mesh support
- Repartitioning of distributed meshes
- Advances in matrix-free infrastructure
- Advances in multigrid infrastructure
- CutFEM support
- Support for the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL)
- Performance improvements in the particle infrastructure
- Improvements to unstructured communication
- Three new tutorial programs (steps 81, 82, and 85) and one new code
  gallery program

For more information see the preprint at

The main features of deal.II are:
- Extensive documentation and 83 fully-functional example programs
- Support for dimension-independent programming
- Locally refined adaptive meshes and multigrid support
- A zoo of different finite elements
- Built-in support for shared memory and distributed parallel
  computing, scaling up towith 100,000+ processor cores
- Builtin fast linear algebra, and interfaces to Trilinos, PETSc,
  METIS, UMFPACK and other external software
- Output for a wide variety of visualization platforms


From: Yair Shapira [log in to unmask]
Date: July 02, 2022
Subject: New Book, Set Theory and Its Applications in Physics and Computing

Why learn set theory? This book provides the answer - it is
interesting, and also useful! Taking a new approach and looking from a
fresh perspective, the discussion flows in a friendly and transparent
way, supplemented with a lot of examples and figures. This makes the
theory easily comprehensible: the proofs get vivid and visual,
enveloped with interesting applications for students in (applied)
math, physics, and engineering.

Given the theory and the applications, the book could serve as a
textbook in four (undergraduate) math courses: Introduction to set
theory and its application; Chaos theory and stability - a geometrical
point of view; Functional analysis - Han-Banach theory; and
Cryptography with quantum computing. It teaches set theory from the
basics, including the axiom of choice, the well ordering theorem, and
Zorn's lemma. Furthermore, it uses Cantor's set to introduce chaos
theory from a geometrical point of view. Moreover, it introduces the
binomial formula (and other related formulas), and uses them in
quantum statistical mechanics. And finally, it uses Zorn's lemma in
functional analysis, general relativity, and quantum mechanics. There
are also practical applications in cryptography, error correction,
quantum computing and programming.

World Scientific, 2022


From: stephen moore [log in to unmask]
Date: July 05, 2022
Subject: Ghana Numerical Analysis Day, ONLINE, Aug 2022

Ghana Numerical Analysis invites you to its second Ghana Numerical
Analysis Day (ONLINE) from August 24-25, 2022

The goal of this workshop is to inform about research activities in
the areas of numerical analysis and applied mathematics. Students,
post-docs, faculty and scientists from Ghanaian universities and other
research institutions are invited to present their results/interests
and discuss their ideas. Apart from strengthening already established
contacts, this workshop also hopes to provide an opportunity to start
new collaborations. It will be a two-day event with contributed talks
of 20 minutes including questions and 5 minutes for Poster

There is no registration fee, however, all interested participants are
required to register.  Selected articles will be peer-reviewed and
published as a special issue in "Mathematical and Computational
Applications" free of charge.

Registration to participate via online platform and to receive the
link is open on the workshop website via

The application deadline is August 15, 2022.


From: Martin J. Gander [log in to unmask]
Date: July 02, 2022
Subject: Domain Decomposition for Optimal Control Problems, France, Sep 2022

A research school on Domain Decomposition for Optimal Control Problems
will be held at CIRM center (the Oberwolfach of France) in Marseille
FRANCE, September 5-9, 2022,

The registration deadline is July 15th 2022, and stipends for room and
board for participants, especially young scientists, are available on


From: Akhlaq Husain [log in to unmask]
Date: July 02, 2022
Subject: Honoring Amiya K. Pani/Carsten Carstensen, India, Sep 2022

Greetings! BML Munjal University (BMU) is pleased to announce the
International Conference on Computational Partial Differential
Equations & Applications (ICCPDEA-2022) to be held during Sep 06-08,
2022.  For more information please visit the website:

The conference will honor Prof. A.K. Pani (IIT Bombay, India) and
Prof.  Carsten Carstensen (Humboldt-Universit t zu Berlin, Germany)
on their 65th and 60th birthdays, respectively to celebrate their
immense contribution to the field of PDEs, Numerical Analysis and

Please circulate among interested colleagues, research scholars and
students. We look forward to welcoming you at BMU in Sep 2022.


From: Nicolas Brisebarre [log in to unmask]
Date: July 05, 2022
Subject: Certified Symbolic-Numeric Computation, France, May 2023

First Announcement: on May 22 - May 26, 2023 a workshop on
will take place at ENS de Lyon (Lyon, France).

More information can be found on our website:

The last twenty years have seen the advent of computer-aided proofs in
mathematics and this trend is getting more and more important. This
workshop aims at discussing the trust issues raised by the rise of
computational mathematics, with an emphasis on numerical methods.
This workshop is part of a special year on Recent Trends in Computer
Algebra in Lyon and Paris in 2023, presented in full at

There will be time for a limited number of short talks by
participants: do not hesitate to propose a talk, or a software demo.

Invited Speakers: Manuel Eberl, U. Innsbruck, Austria; Jordi-Lluis
Figueras, U. Uppsala, Sweden; John Harrison, Amazon Web Services,
Portland, OR, USA; Fredrik Johansson, Inria Bordeaux, France; Mioara
Joldes, LAAS Toulouse, France; Jean-Bernard Lasserre, LAAS Toulouse,
France; Patrick Massot, U. Paris-Saclay, France; Guillaume Melquiond,
Inria Saclay, France; Jason Mireles-James, Florida Atlantic
University, France; Jean-Michel Muller, LIP Lyon, France; Michael
Plum, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany; Daniel Wilczak, Jagiellonian U.,
Krakow, Poland.

Participation is free, but registration is mandatory: simply send us
an email at [log in to unmask] .  We may arrange some funding to
help students or young researchers who want to attend. Please contact
us if you are interested.

Feel free to advertise the meeting to your colleagues and students.
If you have any question, do not hesitate to write at csnc2023@ens-, or to reach any of the organizers (Nicolas Brisebarre, Assia
Mahboubi, Damien Pous, Bruno Salvy).


From: Vanessa Peinhart [log in to unmask]
Date: July 05, 2022
Subject: Professor Position, Algebra, Univ of Graz

At the Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing at the
Faculty of Natural Sciences, the University of Graz is seeking to
appoint a Professor of Algebra (40 hours per week; selection procedure
in accordance with Section 98 of the Universities Act (UG); permanent
employment according to the Salaried Employees Act (AngG); expected
starting date October 1st 2023)

We are looking for an active researcher who is internationally
renowned and will represent the area of "Algebra" in research and
teaching. The candidate should have an outstanding record of
achievements in research, teaching, and acquisition of third-party
funding with substantial contributions to one of the fields of modern
algebra such as, for example, commutative algebra, algebraic geometry,
homological algebra, representation theory, or non-commutative ring
theory. The successful candidate will be involved in the teacher
training programmes in Mathematics as well as their continued
development. Furthermore, the candidate will complement the expertise
of the research group "Algebra and Number Theory" and of the
tenure-track professor of "Algebraic Structures and Geometry";
cooperation with these groups is desired. Participation in the further
development of the Doctoral Academy Graz consortium "Discrete
Mathematics" is expected; participation in the research network NAWI
Graz and participation in the Centre for Didactics "DINAMA" is

Please submit your applications stating the reference number BV/9/98
ex 2021/22 by *July 20th 2022* at the latest.  Planned dates of the
applicant's presentation: 12.12.2022 to 13.12.2022.

For information about the application procedures and other
prerequisites, please visit


From: Kees Oosterlee [log in to unmask]
Date: June 30, 2022
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, Financial Mathematics/Comp Finance

We are looking for a new colleague: An assistant Professor position in
Financial Mathematics/Computational Finance in the Mathematical
Institute of Utrecht University. For more details, please see

Application deadline September 2nd 2023.


From: Thomas Carraro [log in to unmask]
Date: July 05, 2022
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, Applied Mathematics, HSU/UniBw, Germany

Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Federal Armed Forces in
Hamburg (Germany) offers a position as PhD student or Postdoc (f/m/d)
in Applied Mathematics for three years.

Scope of the work: Development of methods for optimal design of
experiments for PDE-based models.  Development of methods for
nonlinear experimental design, space and time adaptivity for PDE
discretization, adaptive time domain decomposition.  Supporting the
teaching of the professorship in analysis, linear algebra, and
numerical mathematics. Courses are taught in German/English.

Qualification Requirements: Master's degree in mathematics; Excellent
knowledge in programming with C++;; Very good knowledge of German and
English, both written and spoken; Experience with numerical solution
methods of partial differential equations with finite elements.

Please send your application with the usual documents exclusively in
electronic form (PDF file), quoting the reference number MB-2622 by
01.08.2022. You can find the job advertisement at: under the
link "Kennziffer MB-2622". Send your application to the following
address: [log in to unmask]

For information on technical questions, please contact
Prof. Dr. Thomas Carraro, e-mail: [log in to unmask]


From: Bastian Harrach [log in to unmask]
Date: July 04, 2022
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, Goethe Univ Frankfurt

The Institute of Mathematics (research area Numerics) of the
Department of Computer Science and Mathematics of the
Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main invites applications for a
Research Assistant (m/f/d) PhD/Postdoc position (75% E13 TV-G-U,
limited to 2 years) in the project QSMN "Quantum supported Maritime
Just-in-time-Navigation". A link to the official job advertisement ad
(in German) can be found here:

The project also involves classical (not quantum-based) numerical
analysis and continuous optimization problems and a candidate with a
background in numerical analysis, optimization, or inverse problems,
would be highly welcome. English applications are welcome, and
applications can be considered can after the stated deadline until the
position is filled.


From: Laura Grigori [log in to unmask]
Date: July 03, 2022
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Positions, Randomized Methods, France

Two openings at the level of Phd and postdoctoral researchers are
available at Inria Paris and Sorbonne Universite to work in the group
of L. Grigori in the context of an ERC Synergy project EMC2

The candidates will join a dynamic group working on numerical linear
and multilinear algebra problems with applications in molecular
simulations, astrophysics, and other fields. The specific topic of
interest is the usage of randomization techniques for solving
eigenvalue problems and linear systems of equations arising in
particular in molecular simulations. These problems are characterized
by large scale, high dimensions, and high ranks.

Profile: the candidate should have a Master in applied mathematics or
computer science for the Phd position. For the postdoctoral position,
the candidate should have a Phd in applied mathematics or computer
science. Experience in linear and/or multilinear algebra is
desirable. Knowledge of randomization techniques and/or parallel
computing will be a plus but it is not required.  If interested in
applying, please send your CV and at least one letter of reference
(directly from referrers) to [log in to unmask] Deadline end of
July or until position filled.


From: Mathias J. Krause [log in to unmask]
Date: July 01, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, CFD and Optimization

At the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) we are looking for a
Research assistant for our team Lattice Boltzmann Research
Group. Within the scope of a research project on the (simulative)
optimal control of fluid flows, a full-time position is to be filled
e-mail: [log in to unmask]


From: Carola Kruse [log in to unmask]
Date: July 04, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Iterative solvers, EDF/Cerfacs, France

An industrially funded 3-year PhD position is available jointly
supervised by EDF R&D (French Electricity Company, Palaiseau) and
Cerfacs (Toulouse).

The project focuses on highly scalable solvers for two-phase two
component flow in porous medium for hydro-mechanical models. In
particular, we want to design an iterative solver for linear systems
arising in the modeling of gas injection in a water-saturated host
rock with the presence of engineered materials such as concrete or
backfill. The storage zone is then a highly heterogeneous porous
medium, almost entirely saturated with water, that is undergoing
several cycles of saturation- desaturation of water during up to one
hundred thousand years.

Requirements: MSc degree or equivalent with a background in one or
several of the following topics: engineering, computational mechanics,
high performance computing, numerical methods, applied
mathematics. The PhD student will be based at EDF R&D (Palaiseau,
France) with a stay at Cerfacs (Toulouse, France) for a period to be

Further information is available at


From: Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation [log in to unmask]
Date: July 01, 2022
Subject: Contents, Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation, 4(3)

Communications on Applied Mathematics and
Computation, Volume 4, Number 3, September 2022
Focused Issue on Discontinuous Galerkin Methods, Part 3
Guest Editors: Jan S. Hesthaven, Jennifer Ryan, Chi-Wang Shu,
Jaap van der Vegt, Yan Xu, Qiang Zhang, Zhimin Zhang


How to Design a Generic Accuracy-Enhancing Filter for Discontinuous
Galerkin Methods, Xiaozhou Li

p-Multilevel Preconditioners for HHO Discretizations of the Stokes
Equations with Static Condensation (Open Access), Lorenzo Botti,
Daniele A. Di Pietro

A Posteriori Error Estimates for Finite Element Methods for Systems of
Nonlinear, Dispersive Equations, Ohannes A. Karakashian, Michael
M. Wise

Energy-Based Discontinuous Galerkin Difference Methods for
Second-Order Wave Equations, Lu Zhang, Daniel Appelo, Thomas Hagstrom

Preventing Pressure Oscillations Does Not Fix Local Linear Stability
Issues of Entropy-Based Split-Form High-Order Schemes (Open Access),
Hendrik Ranocha, Gregor J. Gassner

A Space-Time Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the
Wave Equation (Open Access), Poorvi Shukla, J. J. W. van der Vegt

Von Neumann Stability Analysis of DG-Like and PNPM-Like Schemes for
PDEs with Globally Curl-Preserving Evolution of Vector Fields (Open
Access), Dinshaw S. Balsara, Roger Kappeli

Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Macroscopic Traffic Flow Models on
Networks, Lukas Vacek, Vaclav Kucera


Finite Element Analysis of Attraction-Repulsion Chemotaxis
System. Part I: Space Convergence, Mohammed Homod Hashim, Akil
J. Harfash

Finite Element Analysis of Attraction-Repulsion Chemotaxis
System. Part II: Time Convergence, Error Analysis and Numerical
Results, Mohammed Homod Hashim, Akil J. Harfash

A General Fractional Pollution Model for Lakes, Babak Shiri, Dumitru

On Periodic Oscillation and Its Period of a Circadian Rhythm Model,
Miao Feng, Chen Zhang

On Iterative Algorithm and Perturbation Analysis for the Nonlinear
Matrix Equation, Chacha Stephen Chacha


From: Ed Saff [log in to unmask]
Date: July 01, 2022
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation, 55 (3)

Constructive Approximation
Volume 55, Issue 3, 2022

Table of Contents

Correction to: Entropy Numbers of Finite Dimensional Mixed-Norm Balls
and Function Space Embeddings with Small Mixed Smoothness, Sebastian
Mayer & Tino Ullrich

A Vector Equilibrium Problem for Symmetrically Located Point Charges
on a Sphere, Juan G. Criado del Rey & Arno B. J. Kuijlaars

On the Value-Distribution of Hurwitz Zeta-Functions with Algebraic
Parameter, Athanasios Sourmelidis & Jorn Steuding

On the Connection Problem for the Second Painleve Equation with Large
Initial Data, Wen-Gao Long & Zhao-Yun Zeng

New Analytic Representations of the Hypergeometric Functions p+1Fp,
Jose L. Lopez, Pedro J. Pagola, & Pablo Palacios

Sparse Approximation of Triangular Transports, Part I: The Finite-
Dimensional Case, Jakob Zech & Youssef Marzouk

Sparse Approximation of Triangular Transports, Part II: The Infinite-
Dimensional Case, Jakob Zech & Youssef Marzouk

End of Digest

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