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NADIGEST  June 2022, Week 3

NADIGEST June 2022, Week 3


NA Digest, V. 22, # 21


"Dunlavy, Daniel" <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Mon, 20 Jun 2022 22:29:28 +0000





text/plain (619 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 22, # 21

NA Digest  Monday, June 20, 2022  Volume 22 : Issue 21

Today's Editor:

        Daniel M. Dunlavy
        Sandia National Labs
        [log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

        Possible Proof of Goldbach's Conjecture
        MPLAPACK version 2.0.0 alpha released
        Biological Multiscale Systems, Germany, Sep 2022
        Finite Element Symposium, Germany, Sep 2022
        Supercomputing Spotlights, ONLINE, Jun 2022
        Assistant Professor Position, TU/e
        University Assistant Positions, Univ of Graz
        Postdoc Positions, Quantum Computing Algorithms, Univ of Stuttgart
        PhD/Postdoc Positions, Parametric and random PDEs, Germany
        PhD Position, Computational Physiology, Univ of Twente, Netherlands
        PhD Position, H2020 Project ASTROTECH
        PhD Position, Medical imaging and inverse problems, Univ Innsbruck
        PhD Position, Modelling and Simulation, FAU Erlangen
        PhD Position, Optimal control of fluid flows
        PhD Positions, Scientific Machine Learning
        Deadline Extension, Copper Mountain Special Issue
        Contents, Adv Comput Math (ACOM), 48 (3)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Peter Schorer [log in to unmask]
Date: June 13, 2022
Subject: Possible Proof of Goldbach's Conjecture

I invite readers of the two-page paper, "A Possible Proof of
Goldbach's Conjecture" on to tell me the first sentence
that the reader believes contains an error, and what that error is.

Following the clarification of some obscurities more than a year ago,
I have received no claims of an error in the paper.

The strategy is an adaptation of one that has enabled me to apparently
solve two other very difficult problems.  In brief, it begins with
finding a structure that contains all possibilities, and that shows
important relationships between them.

Peter Schorer


From: Nakata Maho [log in to unmask]
Date: June 15, 2022
Subject: MPLAPACK version 2.0.0 alpha released

MPLAPACK version 2.0.0 alpha was released on 2022-06-14. Now, MPLAPACK
supports all complex routines and Rectangular Full Packed (RFP)
routines, except for those that use iterative refinement.

We would like to ask you to try and find issues for this alpha
release. Feel free to raise issues on GitHub.

MPLAPACK 2.0.0 alpha runs on Linux, macOS, and Windows. MPAPACK is
available at under the 2-clause
BSD license.

MPLAPACK is a multiple-precision version of LAPACK. It provides
solvers for systems of simultaneous linear equations, least-squares
solutions of linear systems of equations, eigenvalue problems,
singular value problems, and related matrix factorizations in
arbitrary high accuracy. Supported multiple-precision types are:
double (binary64), _Float64x (80-bit extended precision), _Float128
(binary128), dd (approx. binary128), qd (approx. binary256), MPFR
(arbitrary precision), and GMP (arbitrary precision).


From: Alfonso Caiazzo [log in to unmask]
Date: June 14, 2022
Subject: Biological Multiscale Systems, Germany, Sep 2022

We are very happy to invite you to our upcoming workshop MathBio22 -
Mathematical models for biological multiscale systems (Weierstrass
Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, September
12-14, 2022)


The aim of the meeting will be to present and discuss research results
on mathematical methods that bridge the gap in scale and complexity
between microscopic descriptions of biological and biophysical systems
with corresponding PDE descriptions.  The focus is on the multi-scale
nature innate to biological processes connecting interacting
biomolecules with complex systems such as cells, tissue, and organs to
elucidate macroscopic phenomena, e.g., (cross)diffusion, liquid-liquid
phase separation, gelation, growth.

The corresponding model hierarchies require innovative and structure-
preserving numerical methods, novel simulation techniques, and new
analytical tools for the resulting nonlinear PDE systems. The latter
concerns in particular questions of well-posedness, long-term
behavior, qualitative properties of solutions, and coupling to
microscopic, stochastic, or agent-based models. Variational and
energy- or entropy-based methods are of particular interest.

The workshop will take place in a hybrid form, contributed talks and
posters are welcome (limited capacity).  Registration (on-site and
online) and submission of abstract:

Contact: [log in to unmask]


From: Thomas Apel [log in to unmask]
Date: June 13, 2022
Subject: Finite Element Symposium, Germany, Sep 2022

35th Chemnitz Finite Element Symposium, September 15-17, 2022
Location: Herrsching at Lake Ammersee near Munich, Germany
Conference website:
Reminder: deadline for abstract submission: June 30, 2022

The symposium is devoted to all aspects of finite elements and other
computer-based methods for solving partial differential equations.
Invited speakers 2022: Gitta Kutyniok, Mariano Mateos, Serge Nicaise,
Joachim Schoberl, Max Winkler

The symposium can be perfectly combined with the Summer School
"Uncertainty, Adaptivity, and Machine Learning" (September 12-14 in


From: Michael Bader [log in to unmask]
Date: June 14, 2022
Subject: Supercomputing Spotlights, ONLINE, Jun 2022

Supercomputing Spotlights is a new webinar series, featuring short
TED-style presentations that highlight the impact and successes of
high-performance computing (HPC) throughout our world. Presentations,
emphasizing achievements and opportunities in HPC, are intended for
the broad international community, especially students and newcomers
to the field. Join us!

First session: Supercomputing for Everyone

Presenter: Professor Satoshi Matsuoka, RIKEN Center for Computational
Science, Japan

Monday, June 27, 1:00-1:30 pm UTC (30 minutes)
9 am EDT / 1 pm UTC / 3 pm Central Europe / 10 pm Japan

Participation is free, but registration is required. Register:

Abstract: Come and learn how high-performance computing (HPC) fosters
scientific discovery! We will look back at nearly two decades of
supercomputing innovations that have reshaped the gaming industry,
enhanced climate/weather predictions, and facilitated research on drug
design. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is yet another game changer. Did
you know that AI powered by supercomputers has been at the forefront
of rapid research responses in the international fight against
Covid-19? This presentation will highlight successful HPC advances and
call out opportunities for impacting the future of our global society.

Bio: Satoshi Matsuoka is the Director of RIKEN Center for
Computational Science, and he oversees the deployment and operation of
the Fugaku supercomputer. He has been the leader of the TSUBAME series
of supercomputers that pioneered the use of GPUs in supercomputing. He
has been a major driving force behind the development of Fugaku, which
won first place in four major rankings of supercomputer performance
(Top500, HPCG, HPL-AI, and Graph500) in June 2020. He is the recipient
of the 2014 IEEE-CS Sidney Fernbach Memorial Award and more recently
was awarded the Medal of Honor with purple ribbon from the emperor of

The Supercomputing Spotlights webinar series is presented by the SIAM
Activity Group on Supercomputing (SIAG/SC) as part of new SIAG/SC
initiatives that focus on raising awareness of HPC opportunities and
growing the community. We invite you to get involved!


From: Karen Veroy-Grepl [log in to unmask]
Date: June 15, 2022
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, TU/e

Eindhoven University of Technology is aiming to appoint a Tenure-track
Assistant Professor in Computational Science at the Center for
Analysis, Scientific Computing and Applications in the Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science.

The Computational Science group focuses on numerical methods for
(partial) differential equations, model order reduction, and
scientific machine learning, particularly for the efficient solution
of differential equations in the context of data assimilation,
control, optimization, inverse problems, Bayesian methods, uncertainty
quantification, and optimal experimental design.  For this position,
we are looking for an applied mathematician with expertise in one or
more of these fields, and an interest in exploring connections not
only to current developments in applied mathematics, but also to
applications through academic and industrial collaborations in fields
such as medicine, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering,
geophysics, and others.

During the first six months the position is open to female applicants
only; if, after six months, the position has not been filled, the
position will then be opened to all applicants.  For more information,
please visit

or contact Karen Veroy-Grepl .

Applications received before 31 July 2022 are guaranteed full
consideration, but applications will continue to be screened until the
position is filled.


From: Vanessa Peinhart [log in to unmask]
Date: June 15, 2022
Subject: University Assistant Positions, Univ of Graz

The Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing is looking for
two University Assistant with doctorate (m/f/d) within the group of
Prof. Dr. Christian Clason: 40 hours a week; fixed-term employment for
6 years*; position to be filled as of now.

Your duties: Research in the field of continuous, infinite-dimensional
optimization (analysis and numerics); Collaboration in major projects
of the institute; if appropriate, own acquisition of third-party
funding; Conducting courses and examinations, including in the area of
optimisation/numerics; Collaboration in the supervision of students;
Possibility to work on a relevant habilitation or qualification for a

Your Profile: Completed doctorate in mathematics; Sound knowledge of
infinite-dimensional, nonsmooth, and/ or stochastic/ statistical
optimisation; Sound knowledge of the algorithmic implementation of
optimisation methods; Interest in interdisciplinary cooperations; High
potential for scientific excellence (demonstrated by e.g. relevant
publication activity in international peerreviewed journals
commensurate with career status); Excellent proficiency in English;
Didactic aptitude for independent teaching; Ability to communicate and
work in a team.

Application deadline: 06.07.2022

Application Links:


From: Dominik Göddeke [log in to unmask]
Date: June 15, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Quantum Computing Algorithms, Univ of Stuttgart

There are several postdoc positions available in the field of Quantum
Computing, more precisely in developing novel QC algorithms for
questions from applied mathematics, computational chemistry,
optimization and PDE solvers. The positions are embedded into the
Cluster of Excellence "Data-driven Simulation Science".

More information is available at


From: Markus Bachmayr [log in to unmask]
Date: June 17, 2022
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Positions, Parametric and random PDEs, Germany

Several positions in DFG-funded projects that can be filled at PhD or
Postdoc level are available at RWTH Aachen, on several different
subjects in numerical methods for parameter-dependent or random
partial differential equations:

- Variationally correct methods based on neural networks for direct
  and inverse problems for parametric PDEs (project leaders: Markus
  Bachmayr and Wolfgang Dahmen),

- Construction and analysis of solvers combining sparse and low-rank
  approximations for parametric and random problems with multiscale
  features (project leaders: Markus Bachmayr and Lars Grasedyck),

- Adaptive stochastic Galerkin solvers of optimal computational
  complexity for PDEs with low-regularity random coefficients (project
  leader: Markus Bachmayr).

Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. To
apply, please send your application materials (motivation letter, CV,
publication list, statement of research interests, transcripts) to
Julia Schmitt-Holtermann ([log in to unmask]), indicating
which of the above areas you are interested in. Informal inquiries are


From: Kartik Jain [log in to unmask]
Date: June 20, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Computational Physiology, Univ of Twente, Netherlands

A funded PhD position for four years is available in my group at the
University of Twente, Netherlands. The goal of the project is to
improve our understanding of Type II endoleaks in abdominal aortic
aneurysms that occur after an endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR)
procedure in some patients. We aim for a fundamental understanding of
the etiology of endoleaks in this project through modeling and
simulation. A computational model within the Lattice Boltzmann
framework will be developed in the PhD project to enable simulations
of arterial pulsations and thrombosis in abdominal aortic
aneurysms. Simulations will be carried out on high performance
computing resources.

The candidate will collaborate with the consortium partners including
Rijnstate hospital in Arnhem as well as Medtronic, a global leader in
medical devices.

The applicants must hold a master's degree in Engineering or Physics,
preferably with a focus on Computational Sciences. Programming
expertise, thorough understanding of fluid mechanics and exposure to
HPC resources are highly desirable. The candidate must be excited to
work in an interdisciplinary environment and willing to contribute to
medicine using engineering and physics. Salary and other benefits
including holiday allowance, vacation days and end of year bonus are
in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch

For further information, or to apply, please send the usual documents
to Kartik Jain, [log in to unmask]


From: Idoia Hernandez [log in to unmask]
Date: June 16, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, H2020 Project ASTROTECH

The past four decades demonstrated that non-neuronal cells, called
astrocytes are emerging as crucial players for brain function &
dysfunction. A major obstacle of previous and current initiatives on
neurotechnologies is a lack of focus on astrocytes and most of the
tools used to probe and sense astrocytes are derived from those
developed to study neurons. The ASTROTECH
( Consortium aims at pioneering the
field of "Glial Engineering," to develop a consistent range of tools
to record, study, and manipulate astrocytes in the healthy and
diseased brain. ASTROTECH will train 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs)
on research, training and complimentary skills aiming at: (i)
engineering biomaterials and nanostructured interfaces to provide in
vivo-like in vitro models for controlled and reliable studies of
astrocytes in vitro; (ii) fabrication and characterization of
nanostructured devices for stimulation, recording and biosensing of
astrocytes; (iii) optogenetics tools, optoelectronic device and
photonic methods for precise and cell selective stimulation of
astrocytes; and (iv) computational approaches to characterize
neuron-astrocytes interactions. Specifically, training on
state-of-the-art biomaterials interfaces, electronic, photonic devices
will be combined with in-depth knowledge on optogenetics,
neuroscience, glial physiology and biology and computational
approaches to validate the developed tools in vitro, ex vivo and in
silico with emphasis on pathological models of glioma, ischemia,
epilepsy and depression.

Deadline: 15 July 2022

Requirements: MSc degree, preferably in Physics, Mathematics,
Engineering or Computer Sciences.  High proficiency in spoken and
written English. Skills: Proven record of excellence in the Master's
training with knowledge of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) and
numerical methods of solution thereof, specifically in the context of
Finite Element methods (FEM) and Comptuational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Methods.  Programming proficiency in at least one of the following
languages: Python/C++/Julia, and knowledge of FEM/CFD software
packages.  Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with
ability to effectively communicate ideas to an heterogeneous audience
of biologists, medical doctors, and physicists.  Ability to work in a
fast-changing, international environment.  Ability to meet deadlines.
Openness towards inclusive science, racial and LGBTQ+ minorities.
Excellent capacity for planning, independence, and creativity.  The
preferred candidate will have a strong interest in neurobiology, and
aims to pursue a career in multidisciplinary research in Neuroscience,
Quantitative Medicine and Computational Psychiatry. They must be
committed to academic research to the highest standards, capable of
enduring stressful conditions, including being able to live, integrate
and train in multiple international settings.


From: Heiko Gimperlein [log in to unmask]
Date: June 17, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Medical imaging and inverse problems, Univ Innsbruck

The new multidisciplinary FWF Forschungsgruppe "Oxidative damage &
repair of membrane lipids in health and disease" offers 5 fully funded
PhD positions between mathematics and medicine.

The projects are jointly supervised by colleagues from different
backgrounds at the University and the Medical University of Innsbruck.

The following two PhD projects may be of most interest to

P2: LC-MS/MS inverse problem data analysis approach (based at Medical

P3: Artificial neural network based imaging analysis (based at
University of Innsbruck)

Screening of applications starts on June 22, 2022. Late applications
are welcome.

Further information is available at or by
email ([log in to unmask] or Dr. Lukas Neumann,
[log in to unmask]).


From: Alexander Prechtel [log in to unmask]
Date: June 13, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Modelling and Simulation, FAU Erlangen

Within the German Priority Program PP 2089 "Rhizosphere Spatiotemporal
Organisation - a Key to Rhizosphere Functions" we have an open
position in the section "Modelling and Numerics" (Chair of Applied
Mathematics) at the Department of Mathematics,
Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg. We are offering a
PhD Position in the field of Reactive Transport and Structure
Formation in Porous Media for three years starting as soon as

The project deals with modelling and simulation of multiscale
processes for structure formation in the rhizosphere, which is the
region of the soil influenced by plant roots. We use models on the
basis of cellular automata and coupled partial differential
equations. Further information can be given by the PD Dr. Nadja Ray
and Dr. Alexander Prechtel, for information on the priority program
see also .

Required is an above-average master's degree in mathematics, physics,
integrated life sciences, computational mathematics or a related
discipline. We suppose you have some knowledge in mathematical
modelling, numerical methods for PDEs, and experience with programming
and implementation of algorithms. In particular the interest for
solving applied problems in a highly interdisciplinary cooperation
with, e.g., soil physicists, chemists, or plant physiologists, is

For more details please see the pdf at

Send your application (cover letter, CV, an official listing of your
grades, and contact details of a reference, if possible)
electronically to [log in to unmask]


From: Mathias J. Krause [log in to unmask]
Date: June 15, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Optimal control of fluid flows

At the Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics (MVM)
and the Institute of Applied and Numerical Mathematics (IANM) at the
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) we are looking for a Research
assistant for our team Lattice Boltzmann Research Group. Within the
scope of a research project on the (simulative) optimal control of
fluid flows, a full-time position is to be filled temporarily. After
familiarisation, remuneration is paid according to TV-L, E 13. There
is the possibility of a doctorate.

Besides enjoying scientific problem analysis as well as mathematical
and/or process engineering problems and/or computer science, we expect
you to have good programming skills, initiative, imagination and good
communication skills in written and spoken German and English. Great
importance is attached to working in a team.

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology strives to increase the
proportion of women and therefore particularly welcomes applications
from women. Severely handicapped applicants will be given preferential
consideration if they are equally qualified.

Please send applications with the usual documents, preferably
electronically in a pdf file, to [log in to unmask]


From: Romit Maulik [log in to unmask]
Date: June 12, 2022
Subject: PhD Positions, Scientific Machine Learning

We are looking for multiple Ph.D. students (for Fall 2023) in the
Informatics program of the Department of Information Science and
Technology (IST) at Pennsylvania State University (PSU) with a focus
on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. We are interested in
developing novel algorithms at the intersection of data science,
dynamical systems, high-performance computing, and real-world
applications such as data-driven forecasting, surrogate-based
optimization, multi-fidelity modeling, closure development, extreme
value detection, etc.

In addition to the team at PSU, the group will also be composed of
postdoctoral fellows, graduate, and undergraduate students at Argonne
National Laboratory and allow for research at the intersection of
academia and National Labs. Successful applicants will have a unique
Ph.D. experience with access to Argonne's state-of-the-art
supercomputing resources and the ability to deploy their ideas in
large-scale collaborative research projects of strategic
importance. Interested candidates can reach out Romit Maulik at
[log in to unmask]


From: Andreas Stathopoulos [log in to unmask]
Date: June 18, 2022
Subject: Deadline Extension, Copper Mountain Special Issue

The deadline for submissions to SIAM J. Scientific Computing for the
Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods has been extended to
Monday June 27.

You can use the journal's submission system at,
with a statement in the cover letter requesting that the paper be
considered for the special issue. In addition, the "Copper Mountain
Special Section 2022" should be selected in the Special Section


From: Alex Barnett [log in to unmask]
Date: June 16, 2022
Subject: Contents, Adv Comput Math (ACOM), 48 (3)

Tensor rank bounds for point singularities in R3.  C. Marcati,
M. Rakhuba, Ch. Schwab (open access).

Linear/Ridge expansions: enhancing linear approximations by ridge
functions.  Constantin Greif, Philipp Junk, Karsten Urban (open

A new local projection stabilization virtual element method for the
Oseen problem on polygonal meshes.  Yang Li, Minfu Feng, Yan Luo

Numerical investigation into the dependence of the Allen-Cahn equation
on the free energy.  Yunho Kim, Dongsun Lee

Inexact GMRES iterations and relaxation strategies with fast-multipole
boundary element method.  Tingyu Wang, Simon K. Layton, Lorena
A. Barba (ACIE topical collection)

The essence of invertible frame multipliers in scalability.  Hossein
Javanshiri, Mohammad Abolghasemi, Ali Akbar Arefijamaal

Optimal control for a coupled spin-polarized current and magnetization
system.  Xin An, Ananta K. Majee, Andreas Prohl, Thanh Tran (open

A well-conditioned direct PinT algorithm for first- and second-order
evolutionary equations.  Jun Liu, Xiang-Sheng Wang, Shu-Lin Wu, Tao

Stability and convergence of some parallel iterative subgrid
stabilized algorithms for the steady Navier-Stokes equations.  Bo
Zheng, Jin Qin, Yueqiang Shang

Development and analysis of two new finite element schemes for a time-
domain carpet cloak model.  Jichun Li, Chi-Wang Shu, Wei Yang

Implicit finite volume method with a posteriori limiting for transport
networks.  Matthias Eimer, Raul Borsche, Norbert Siedow.  (open

Randomized continuous frames in time-frequency analysis.  Ron Levie,
Haim Avron.

A multilevel Newton's method for the Steklov eigenvalue problem.
Meiling Yue, Fei Xu, Manting Xie

A wavelet-in-time, finite element-in-space adaptive method for
parabolic evolution equations.  Rob Stevenson, Raymond Venetie, Jan
Westerdiep (open access).

A fast solver for elastic scattering from axisymmetric objects by
boundary integral equations.  J. Lai, H. Dong (ACIE topcial

One-step optimization method for equilibrium problems.  Dang Hieu, Le
Dung Muu, Pham Kim Quy

H2Opus: a distributed-memory multi-GPU software package for non- local
operators.  Stefano Zampini, Wajih Boukaram, George Turkiyyah, Omar
Knio, David Keyes.  (ACIE topical collection)

Numerical analysis of a chemotaxis model for tumor invasion.  Jhean
E. Perez-Lopez, Diego A. Rueda-Gomez, Elder J. Villamizar-Roa

Fast gradient methods for uniformly convex and weakly smooth problems.
Jongho Park

Stokes equations under Tresca friction boundary condition: a truncated
approach.  Jules K. Djoko, Jonas Koko, Sognia Konlack

A new linearized fourth-order conservative compact difference scheme
for the SRLW equations.  Yuyu He, Xiaofeng Wang, Ruihua Zhong

Stabilization of spline bases by extension.  Ba-Duong Chu, Florian
Martin, Ulrich Reif (open access).

End of Digest

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