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NADIGEST  May 2022, Week 5

NADIGEST May 2022, Week 5


NA Digest, V. 22, # 18


"Dunlavy, Daniel" <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Tue, 31 May 2022 03:04:27 +0000





text/plain (562 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 22, # 18

NA Digest Monday, May 30, 2022 Volume 22 : Issue 18

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

New preCICE Release v2.4
New Book, The Mathematics of Errors
pyMOR School, Germany, Aug 2022
Industrial and Applied Mathematics (LACIAM), Brazil, Jan 2023
Call for Proposals, Householder Symposium 2025
Tenure-Track Positions, Mathematics, Morgan State Univ
Research Technician Position, Computational Methods, BCAM
University Assistant Position, Univ Graz, Austria
Postdoc Position, Applied Mathematics, FGV-EMAp, Brazil
Postdoc Position, Biomathematics, Bulgaria
Postdoc Position, Inverse Problems, Goethe Univ, Germany
Postdoc Position, TUM, Germany
Postdoc Position, Univ Grenoble Alpes/INRIA, France
PhD and Postdoc Position, NA, Austria
PhD/Postdoc Positions, Germany
Postdoc/PhD Position, Comp Mathematics and Optim, Germany
Predoc+Postdoc Position, Probability, TU Braunschweig, Germany
PhD Positions, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Univ of Udine
PhD Positions, Univ of Bergen/NORCE, Norway

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From: Kyle Davis [log in to unmask]
Date: May 25, 2022
Subject: New preCICE Release v2.4

A new preCICE release, v2.4, is out. This includes new features such
as the nearest-neighbor gradient mapping, improved time interpolation,
improved usability and building, and much more. More information can
be found at:

What is preCICE?

preCICE is a coupling library for partitioned multi-physics
simulations, including, but not restricted to fluid-structure
interaction and conjugate heat transfer simulations. The software
offers methods for transient equation coupling, communication, and
data mapping. preCICE is written in C++ and offers additional bindings
for C, Fortran, Matlab, Python and Julia. Ready-to-use adapters for
many solvers, such as OpenFOAM, deal.II, FEniCS, SU2, or CalculiX, are
available. Due to the minimally-invasive approach of preCICE, adapters
for in-house codes can be implemented and validated in only a few
weeks. preCICE is an open-source software under the LGPL3 license.


From: Richard Kruel [log in to unmask]
Date: May 24, 2022
Subject: New Book, The Mathematics of Errors

This new book by Nicolas Bouleau might be of interest to you.
You will find the information text below.

The Mathematics of Errors presents an original, rigorous and
systematic approach to the calculus of errors, targeted at both the
engineer and the mathematician.

Starting from Gauss's original point of view, the book begins as an
introduction suitable for graduate students, leading to recent
developments in stochastic analysis and Malliavin calculus, including
contributions by the author. Later chapters, aimed at a more mature
audience, require some familiarity with stochastic calculus and
Dirichlet forms. Sensitivity analysis, in particular, plays an
important role in the book. Detailed applications in a range of
fields, such as engineering, robotics, statistics, financial
mathematics, climate science, or quantum mechanics are discussed
through concrete examples. Throughout the book, error analysis is
presented in a progressive manner, motivated by examples and appealing
to the reader's intuition.

By formalizing the intuitive concept of error and richly illustrating
its scope for application, this book provides readers with a blueprint
to apply advanced mathematics in practical settings. As such, it will
be of immediate interest to engineers and scientists, whilst providing
mathematicians with an original presentation.


From: Petar Mlinariæ [log in to unmask]
Date: May 26, 2022
Subject: pyMOR School, Germany, Aug 2022

We are very happy to invite you to the fourth pyMOR School, which will
take place August 22-26, 2022, at the Max Planck Institute for
Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg, Germany.

This school is targeted at anyone interested to apply model order
reduction in their work using pyMOR ( The school
will consist of both introductory lectures to model order reduction
and pyMOR, as well as interactive sessions. Participants are strongly
encouraged to bring their own problems to work on. The timetable and
the content of the introductory topics will be adapted to match the
participants' requirements, based on the information provided in the
registration forms.

Registration is open until 22 July 2022:

Please feel free to forward this message to anyone who might be

Contact: [log in to unmask]


From: José A Cuminato [log in to unmask]
Date: May 26, 2022
Subject: Industrial and Applied Mathematics (LACIAM), Brazil, Jan 2023

The School of Applied Mathematics of the Getulio Vargas Foundation -
FGV EMAp and the Brazilian Society for Computational and Applied
Mathematics - SBMAC, with the support of Scientific Societies from
Latin America, are happy to announce the Latin American Congress on
Industrial and Applied Mathematics (LACIAM). The meeting will be held
from January 30th to February 3rd 2023, at FGV, in Rio de Janeiro,

The aim of the meeting is to bring together researchers and graduate
students, mainly from Latin American countries or linked to the
region, working in Applied Mathematics and related topics. We expect
that the event is an occasion for discussion of the recent
developments in the field, and the space to consolidate existing
collaborations and encourage the creation of new partnerships between
the participating researchers and research groups.

The one-week program will include conferences, minicourses, special
sessions, poster presentations, and discussion panels.

A call for special sessions' proposals and abstract submission for
poster presentation will be announced soon.

Updated information will be posted regularly on the conference


From: Heike Faßbender [log in to unmask]
Date: May 27, 2022
Subject: Call for Proposals, Householder Symposium 2025

The Householder Committee seeks a team to organize the 2025
Householder Symposium on Numerical Linear Algebra. The deadline for
submitting a proposal is June 10, 2022.

Guidelines for preparing a proposal can be found at

Complete proposals as well as any questions that may arise can be
emailed to the Chair of the Householder Committee, Heike Fassbender
([log in to unmask]).

Please note: Proposals by professional congress and convention bureaus
will not be considered. No contact information about local members of
our community will be provided.


From: Mingchao Cai [log in to unmask]
Date: May 25, 2022
Subject: Tenure-Track Positions, Mathematics, Morgan State Univ

Two tenure-track positions are open in the Department of Mathematics
at Morgan State University. One position is for Actuarial Science, the
other is for Data Science/Computational Math/Math Biology/Pure math.
Usually, we start to review on around May 20th, although the deadline
for application is June 14th.

The application link is

Please note that although the description is for Actuarial Science, we
welcome candidates with different research directions.

The Department of Mathematics is one of three HBCUs in the nation that
offers a PhD degree in the mathematical sciences. Situated next to the
nation's capital in the city of Baltimore, this location is one of
America's most exciting and cosmopolitan centers for research,
teaching, and employment in the mathematical sciences. The
department's Industrial and Computational Mathematics (ICM) PhD
program is an interdisciplinary program that provides a home for
scholars from many fields and directions who share a passion for
mathematics and its applications.


From: Idoia Hernandez [log in to unmask]
Date: May 26, 2022
Subject: Research Technician Position, Computational Methods, BCAM

Research Technician on Computational Methods for Reliability and
Structural Health Monitoring

Basque Center for Applied Mathematics is offering a Computational
Methods for Reliability and Structural Health Monitoring. This work is
framed in IA4TES - Inteligencia Artifical para la Transicion
Energetica Sostenible project. This offer, in particular, is to work
in Computational Mathematics area at Basque Center for Applied
Mathematics - BCAM, where Machine Learning, Data-Driven Computing,
Numerical Simulation, Degradation Models, Transfer Learning, Deep
Learning, Partial Differential Equations, Inverse Problems topics will
be worked.

Deadline: 13 June 2022
Applications at:

Requirements: Applicants must have their Bachelor's or Master degree
preferable in Physics, Mathematics, Civil/Mechanical/industrial
Engineering, or related fields Possess of PhD in the fields will be
positively considered in the evaluation

Skills: Good interpersonal skills. A proven track record in quality
research, as evidenced by research publications in top scientific
journals and conferences. Demonstrated ability to work independently
and as part of a collaborative research team. Ability to present and
publish research outcomes in spoken (talks) and written (papers) form.
Ability to effectively communicate and present research ideas to
researchers and stakeholders with different backgrounds. Fluency in
spoken and written English.

The preferred candidate will have: Background in inverse problems.
Background in reliability modelling applied to structural mechanics.
Experience in treatment and simulation of time series. Good
programming skills in Python and R. Interest and disposition to work
in interdisciplinary groups.


From: Kristian Bredies [log in to unmask]
Date: May 25, 2022
Subject: University Assistant Position, Univ Graz, Austria

The Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing is looking for a
University Assistant with doctorate (m/f/d) 40 hours a week,
fixed-term employment for 6 years*, position to be filled as of now.

Further information:


From: Hugo de la Cruz [log in to unmask]
Date: May 24, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Applied Mathematics, FGV-EMAp, Brazil

The School of Applied Mathematics at Fundacao Getulio Vargas (FGV-
EMAp) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, invites applications for postdoctoral
fellowship in Applied Mathematics beginning no later than October 30,

The successful candidate is expected to develop collaborative research
within the department, supporting our ongoing expansion in the area.
The post holder will be paid R$10,000.00 tax free per month. This
position is 2 years fixed term contract with possibility of extension
for another 12 months.

Applicants should send their applications to: [log in to unmask],
including: cover letter describing their experience, interests, and
suitability for the position; curriculum vitae; list of publications;
two recommendation letters. Applications received by June 25, 2022
will receive full consideration.

Please see for


From: Peter Rashkov [log in to unmask]
Date: May 27, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Biomathematics, Bulgaria

The Group of Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis at the
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of
Science has a position available for a postdoctoral researcher to
support and develop our research in mathematical biology. The position
is in the field of mathematical models of within-host viral dynamics
for HIV, under the supervision of Dr. Peter Rashkov. The position is
funded by the Ministry of Education and Science in Bulgaria through
the Scientific Program PIKOM for a period of up to 24 months.

Job posting and details are available at the link:

Application Deadline: June 26 2022


From: Sarah Eberle [log in to unmask]
Date: May 25, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Inverse Problems, Goethe Univ, Germany

The Institute of Mathematics (research area Numerics) of the Goethe
University Frankfurt am Main invites applications for a Postdoc

The appointment date is for a period of 5 months (until December 31,
2022). The starting date is August 1, 2022. The salary grade is based
on the job characteristics of the collective agreement applicable to
Goethe University (TV-G-U).

The successful candidate should participate in research in the field
of "Inverse Problems", especially in the development of solution
methods for inverse problems of linear elasticity. In more detail,
this position has a strong connection to the DFG research project
"Inclusion Reconstruction with Monotonicity-based Methods for the
Elasto-oscillatory Wave Equation" by Dr. Sarah Eberle.

For this position, a completed scientific university degree as well as
a PhD in Mathematics and strong knowledge in numerics and inverse
problems is required.

For more information please visit the homepage:

To apply for this position, please send your application (including a
cover letter, your CV and copies of your university degree
certificates) in on PDF document until 08.06.2022 with subject
"Application Postdoc" to Dr. Sarah Eberle,
[log in to unmask]

For questions regarding the content of this position please ask
Dr. Sarah Eberle, [log in to unmask]


From: Elisabeth Ullmann [log in to unmask]
Date: May 30, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, TUM, Germany

I am looking for a postdoctoral researcher for a project in
collaboration with Professor Nina Gantert (Chair of Probability
Theory, TUM). Candidates should have a strong background in some of
the following fields: numerical analysis of differential equations,
uncertainty quantification, high-dimensional probability, stochastic
geometry, large deviation principles, statistical learning theory. In
addition, candidates should be interested in working on topics in
Uncertainty Quantification for PDE-based models. Details are posted

I would be grateful if you could bring the advertisement to the
attention of suitable candidates. Thank you very much and apologies
for any cross-postings.


From: Martin Schreiber [log in to unmask]
Date: May 29, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Univ Grenoble Alpes/INRIA, France

We are searching a Postdoc to work on the heterogeneous HPC support of
our two main ocean simulation codes CROCO and NEMO. The ideal
candidate should be experienced in heterogeneous HPC architectures
(different programming models, shared- and distributed memory systems,
large scale systems), compiler technologies and have prior experience
in the numerical field of ocean simulations or a similar field. The
initial duration of this position is 1.5 years with some possibility
to be extended.

The chosen candidate will become member of the AIRSEA team at the
Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann located in the "green capital of the alps".

More information is available here:

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with me:
[log in to unmask]


From: Peter Kritzer [log in to unmask]
Date: May 27, 2022
Subject: PhD and Postdoc Position, NA, Austria

We advertise a PhD Position (3 yrs.) and a Post-Doc Position (1-2
yrs.) in the field of Information-Based Complexity at JKU Linz and at
RICAM of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, respectively.

Both positions will be supervised in cooperation by Aicke Hinrichs and
Peter Kritzer. The PhD Position is formally affiliated with JKU Linz,
while the Post-Doc Position is affiliated with RICAM.

Both positions remain open until suitably filled.

Further details on the PhD Position are available at:

Further details on the Post-Doc Position are available at:


From: Christiane Helzel [log in to unmask]
Date: May 26, 2022
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Positions, Germany

The newly established Research Unit "Structure-Preserving Numerical
Methods for Bulk- and Interface-Coupling of Heterogeneous Models" (FOR
5409), funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG), seeks candidates
for PhD and PostDoc positions in Applied Mathematics and Computational
Physics, starting October 1st, 2022 or as soon as possible afterwards.

This research unit is located at RWTH Aachen, Bochum University,
Cologne University, Dusseldorf University and the High Performance
Computing Center (HLRS) in Stuttgart and focusses on the modeling,
numerical approximation and simulation of physical processes that can
be described by coupled systems of partial differential equations.

For more information:


From: Christian Offen [log in to unmask]
Date: May 30, 2022
Subject: Postdoc/PhD Position, Comp Mathematics and Optim, Germany

The Department of Mathematics at Paderborn University is looking for a
Research Assistant (f/m/d) (pay scale E13 TV-L) with 100 % of the
regular working time. Both doctoral candidates and postdocs are

The employee will be part of the group "Applied Mathematics - Numerics
and Control" of Prof. Sina Ober-Blobaum. The group's research topics
are in the field of computational mathematics and optimization with a
particular focus on structure-preserving simulation methods and modern
engineering applications such as vehicle dynamics, space mission
design or robotics. Current research projects include the areas of
optimal control of differential equations, the development and
analysis of numerical geometric integrators, the combination of
mathematical methods with learning processes, and the use of
symmetries in model predictive control.

The groups webpage is available here:
The job posting can be found here:


From: Benedikt Jahnel [log in to unmask]
Date: May 26, 2022
Subject: Predoc+Postdoc Position, Probability, TU Braunschweig, Germany

At the Institute of Mathematical Stochastics of the TU Braunschweig
Germany, the following positions are expected to be filled by October
1, 2022:

1. PreDoc: One research assistant (m/f/d) (pay group 13 TV-L) with 75%
of the weekly working time and with a fixed-term employment contract
(3 years).

2. PostDoc: One research associate (m/f/d) (pay group 13 TV-L) with
100% of the weekly working time and a fixed-term employment contract
(2 years + possible extension, part-time employment is possible).

The duties of the position holders include qualified independent
scientific work in a modern field of applied stochastics, for example
in statistical mechanics, interacting particle systems or stochastic
geometry. A university degree (Master or Diploma) in mathematics or a
related field is required. Applicants for the PostDoc position should
have a completed or about to be completed PhD in mathematics or a
closely related field. Holders of the PreDoc position should be
pursuing a PhD.

Further information about the positions can be found here:

For more information about the advertised position, please contact
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Jahnel ([log in to unmask]). Please submit
your electronic application by July 10, 2022 with CV and copies of
certificates via email in a single PDF to the Institute for
Mathematical Stochastics at TU Braunschweig
([log in to unmask]). Online interviews are expected to be
scheduled during the week of July 18 - 22, 2022.


From: Dimitri Breda [log in to unmask]
Date: May 24, 2022
Subject: PhD Positions, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Univ of Udine

The call for admission 2022/23 is now open, applications are invited
for 3+1 positions.

Information at

Deadline June 22, 2022 - 2.00 pm (Italian time).


From: Jakub Both [log in to unmask]
Date: May 24, 2022
Subject: PhD Positions, Univ of Bergen/NORCE, Norway

PhD Positions available at the Center for Sustainable Subsurface
Resources (, Bergen, Norway:
- PhD Research Fellow in Applied and Computational Mathematics,
University of Bergen, Norway
- PhD Research Fellow in Optimization and Data Assimilation, NORCE,

We are searching for highly motivated candidates with a strong
background in scientific computing (mathematics/physics/machine
learning) and a passion to work on the intersection of physics,
numerics and machine learning with application to sustainability and
the energy transition.

The PhD Research Fellow positions are part of the interdisciplinary
Center for Sustainable Subsurface Resources (CSSR). The main ambitions
for CSSR are to provide the knowledge required for the Norwegian
petroleum industry to transition to zero-emissions production and
clean energy resources in the next decades. Intermittency of renewable
power and late- life conversion to H2/CO2 storage place new demands on
how petroleum reservoirs are understood and managed. CSSR will provide
improved subsurface understanding and updated digital tools to meet
the challenges of future reservoir operations and explore business
opportunities in the green transition.

For more information about the positions and how to apply, check out

End of Digest

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