Subject: NA Digest, V. 22, # 13
NA Digest Wednesday, April 27, 2022 Volume 22 : Issue 13
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[log in to unmask]
Today's Topics:
Computational Finance, Germany, Jun 2022
Advances in Numerical Linear Algebra, UK, Jul 2022
Induction Course for New Lecturers, UK, Sep 2022
Low-Rank Models and Applications, Belgium, Sep 2022
Tenure Track Positions, Mathematics, Morgan State Univ
University Assistant Position, Univ of Graz
Postdoc Position, Applied Mathematics, Germany
Postdoc Position, Lund Univ, Sweden
Postdoc Position, Medical Image Reconstruction, UK
Postdoc Positions, Airbus Central R&T/Cerfacs/INRIA
Postdoc Positions, Exascale Computing for PDEs, Univ of Cambridge
PhD Position, Lightweight Design, TU Wien
Special Issue, Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
Contents, Comm Applied Mathematics and Computation, 4 (2)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Matthias Ehrhardt [log in to unmask]
Date: April 23, 2022
Subject: Computational Finance, Germany, Jun 2022
International Conference on Computational Finance
Wuppertal (Germany), June, 6-10th, 2022
The 4th International Conference on Computational Finance will be one
of the first face-to-face conferences in this field. We have extended
the submission deadlines and welcome contributions of minisymposia
proposals until April 30, minisymposia talks and contributed talks
until May 15.
Please check details on
From: Stefan Güttel [log in to unmask]
Date: April 22, 2022
Subject: Advances in Numerical Linear Algebra, UK, Jul 2022
Registration is now open for the Advances in Numerical Linear Algebra
workshop taking place at the University of Manchester (UK) from 6th to
8th of July 2022:
The workshop celebrates the 60th birthday of Nick Higham and features
more than 30 invited speakers and a poster session. The workshop will
bring together researchers to discuss current developments in
numerical linear algebra, challenges in the light of evolving computer
hardware and the changing needs of applications.
Registration is open until 6th of June at the latest, but places are
strictly limited and early registration is advisable. Further details
can be found on
From: Pamela Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: April 21, 2022
Subject: Induction Course for New Lecturers, UK, Sep 2022
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge
14 - 15 September 2022
Through a community initiative supported by the Institute of
Mathematics and its Applications, the Isaac Newton Institute for
Mathematical Sciences and the Heads of Departments of Mathematics
Sciences (HoDoMS) and endorsed by the Royal Statistical Society and
the London Mathematical Society, we are delighted to announce that in
September 2022 the two-day Induction Course for lecturers new to
teaching mathematics and statistics within Higher Education will once
again take place. Whilst arrangements may still be subject to change
due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation and any future Government
guidance, we are currently preparing for the Induction Course to be
delivered as an in-person only activity to maximise the opportunities
for informal networking and discussion that have long formed a
highly-valued part of this meeting. The Induction Course for New
Lecturers in the Mathematical Sciences has been designed by the
mathematics community so that it is ideally suited for anyone who is
new to or has limited experience teaching mathematics or statistics
within UK higher education. It will be delivered by individuals with
significant experience of teaching in the mathematical sciences and
will focus upon the specific details and issues that arise in
mathematics and statistics teaching and learning within higher
education including topics such as: Lecturing; Supporting student
learning; Making teaching interactive; Assessment, examinations and
feedback; Linking teaching & research; Using technology to enhance
teaching and learning; Using examples and mathematical problem
solving; Teaching statistics and its applications.
Registration is now open via
A full programme for the Induction Course will be released in July
2022, but for questions or queries about the academic content or
structure of the Induction Course, please contact Michael Grove:
mailto:[log in to unmask] For general conference queries please
contact: mailto:[log in to unmask]
From: Nicolas Gillis [log in to unmask]
Date: April 20, 2022
Subject: Low-Rank Models and Applications, Belgium, Sep 2022
The 2022 Workshop on Low-Rank Models and Applications (LRMA) will take
place the 15-16th of September 2022 at the University of Mons,
Belgium. The LRMA workshop offers a vibrant and intimate venue for
interaction between researchers from fields such as computer science,
information theory, (applied) mathematics and signal processing. The
scientific program of the LRMA workshop will include invited plenary
lectures, as well as regular contributed talks and posters. The
plenary speakers are: Jerome Bobin (CEA Saclay), Eric Chi (Rice
University), Lieven De Lathauwer (KULeuven), Nicolas Dobigeon
(IRIT/INP-ENSEEIHT, Universite de Toulouse), Le Hien (Huawei Research
Center), Kejun Huang (University of Florida), Yuji Nakatsukasa
(University of Oxford), and Elisa Riccietti (ENS de Lyon).
The deadline for submitting an abstract is the 8th of July 2022.
All the information can be found on the following
From: Mingchao Cai [log in to unmask]
Date: April 21, 2022
Subject: Tenure Track Positions, Mathematics, Morgan State Univ
Two tenure-track positions are open in the Department of Mathematics
at Morgan State University. One position is for Actuarial Science, the
other is for Data Science/Computational Math/Math Biology/Pure math.
Usually, we start to review on around May 20th, although the deadline
for application is June 14th.
The ad will be also available in However, the
application link is
The Department of Mathematics is one of three HBCUs in the nation that
offers a PhD degree in the mathematical sciences. Situated next to the
nation's capital in the city of Baltimore, this location is one of
America's most exciting and cosmopolitan centers for research,
teaching, and employment in the mathematical sciences. The
department's Industrial and Computational Mathematics (ICM) PhD
program is an interdisciplinary program that provides a home for
scholars from many fields and directions who share a passion for
mathematics and its applications.
From: Vanessa Peinhart [log in to unmask]
Date: April 20, 2022
Subject: University Assistant Position, Univ of Graz
The Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing of the
University of Graz is looking for an University Assistant with
doctorate (m/f/d) (40 hours a week; fixed-term employment for 6 years;
position to be filled as of now) within the group of Dr. Christina
We are looking for: Independent research and publication activity in
the field of mathematics education (work on own habilitation desired);
Participation in national and international research projects, beside
others in the area of multimodality (embodiment) and language in
mathematical thinking and learning, as well as inclusive mathematics
education; Conducting lectures in the Bachelor and Master studies
"Lehramt" mathematics; Collaboration in the supervision of Bachelor's
and Master's theses and dissertations; Involvement in the institute's
administration and the university's self-government; Collaboration in
projects of the educational center "Mathematics and Geometry".
More information about the job and how to apply can be found on the
job page of the University of Graz or via this link:
From: Knut Klingbeil [log in to unmask]
Date: April 23, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Applied Mathematics, Germany
Please find below an advertisement for a postdoc position within the
big German Collaborative Research Center TRR181
( The position is available in
subproject M5 with the overarching goal of Reducing Spurious Mixing
and Energetic Inconsistencies in Realistic Ocean-Modelling
Applications. In this context the postdoc will be employed in work
package #3, dealing with Stabilized kernel reconstructions on optimal
stencils. Particular focus is on the development of algorithms for the
construction of optimal stencils on two-dimensional layers of
triangular grids for high-order WENO schemes and kernel-based
reconstructions using the information on the land/bottom mask.
More details can be found at
From: Tony Stillfjord [log in to unmask]
Date: April 25, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Lund Univ, Sweden
A 2-year postdoc position is available in my group at the Centre for
Mathematical Sciences, Lund University, Sweden.
In the project, we will develop and analyze numerical methods for
neural differential equations. The intended focus is on the forward
and backward time integration of the underlying differential
equation. That is, classical numerical analysis rather than
optimization or machine learning. However, given a strong candidate
with a background in optimization, we may also consider e.g. the
overall optimization process for neural networks of such structure.
For more information and instructions on how to apply, please see .
We are funded by the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software
Program (WASP), .
From: Matthias Ehrhardt [log in to unmask]
Date: April 24, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Medical Image Reconstruction, UK
We are looking for a Research Associate passionate about Medical Image
Reconstruction in the department of Mathematical Sciences.
A position exists for a Research Associate to work on the development
of stochastic optimisation methods for large-scale tomographic image
reconstruction, within the EPSRC project PET++: Improving
Localisation, Diagnosis and Quantification in Clinical and Medical PET
Imaging with Randomised Optimisation GrantRef=EP/S026045/1.
This project is a collaborative project between mathematicians in Bath
and Cambridge, medical researchers and clinicians from Addenbrookes'
hospital and GE Healthcare, with support from advisors from UCL,
Oxford, Kings College London, University of Helsinki and KTH
Stockholm. We build on the insights from our previous research and
continue to develop advanced image reconstruction techniques directly
tailored to PET imaging applications, putting a strategy in place to
ensure that successful methods are adopted widely in healthcare.
From: Sofiane Haddad [log in to unmask]
Date: April 21, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Airbus Central R&T/Cerfacs/INRIA
Airbus Central R&T, Cerfacs and INRIA are actively collaborating on
many scientific topics, especially numerical simulation, learning &
HPC. In the frame of a joint project, two post-doctoral positions (up
to 24 months) are available starting from October 1st 2022.
First position targets the hybridization of machine learning and
numerical simulation. A detailed description for this position is
available here
Second position targets the high performance computing for learning in
Tree-based tensor format. A detailed description for this position is
available here 04835
From: Garth Wells [log in to unmask]
Date: April 21, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Exascale Computing for PDEs, Univ of Cambridge
Applications are invited for two post-doctoral research associate
positions at University of Cambridge as part of the UK ExCALIBUR
Program on Exascale computing ( The posts
are part of a collaborative project led by University of Cambridge and
together with Imperial College London, University College London and
University of Oxford. Focus areas for the two posts include design
optimisation and construction of reduced-order models.
Further information and instructions on how to apply for the posts can
be are available at The closing
data for applications is 12 May 2022.
From: Stefanie Elgeti [log in to unmask]
Date: April 26, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Lightweight Design, TU Wien
In the research area of lightweight design, the Institute of
Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics (ILSB) of TU Wien,
Vienna, Austria, is searching for a new PhD candidate. Your tasks
include contribution to the scientific research of the ILSB in the
areas of nonlinear mechanics of materials and structures, optimization
and numerical design, as well as machine learning in modeling,
simulation and optimization. Furthemore, your assistance in teaching
the courses offered by the Lightweight Design research unit is
The job advertisement can be found here:
Applications are accepted until May 12, 2022. We are looking forward to
hearing from you!
From: Everett Zhu [log in to unmask]
Date: April 21, 2022
Subject: Special Issue, Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
Discontinuous Galerkin methods are widely employed in computational
science and engineering fields, as they offer accurate and efficient
simulations. The development, analysis and applications of
discontinuous Galerkin methods have thus stimulated significant
research. This Special Issue aims to create a platform for papers for
the exchange of knowledge on all aspects of discontinuous Galerkin
This Special Issue ( will present the
latest scientific advances, reviews, communications, and short notes
considering discontinuous Galerkin methods.
For further information please send an email to:
[log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask] The publication fee
will be waived for well- prepared submissions.
From: Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation [log in to unmask]
Date: April 27, 2022
Subject: Contents, Comm Applied Mathematics and Computation, 4 (2)
Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation
Volume 4, Number 2, June 2022
Local Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the abcd Nonlinear Boussinesq
System, Jiawei Sun, Shusen Xie, Yulong Xing
Capitalizing on Superconvergence for More Accurate Multi-Resolution
Discontinuous Galerkin Methods, Jennifer K. Ryan
Convergence and Superconvergence of the Local Discontinuous Galerkin
Method for Semilinear Second-Order Elliptic Problems on Cartesian
Grids, Mahboub Baccouch
Superconvergent Interpolatory HDG Methods for Reaction Diffusion
Equations II: HHO-Inspired Methods, Gang Chen, Bernardo Cockburn, John
R. Singler, Yangwen Zhang
A Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Blood Flow and Solute Transport in
One-Dimensional Vessel Networks, Rami Masri, Charles Puelz, Beatrice
Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for KdV
Type Equations, Xue Hong, Yinhua Xia
Dual-Wind Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Stationary
Hamilton-Jacobi Equations and Regularized Hamilton-Jacobi Equations,
Xiaobing Feng, Thomas Lewis, Aaron Rapp
Hybrid High-Order Methods for the Acoustic Wave Equation in the Time
Domain, Erik Burman, Omar Duran, Alexandre Ern
Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for a Class of Nonvariational Problems,
Andreas Dedner, Tristan Pryer
Extendible and Efficient Python Framework for Solving Evolution
Equations with Stabilized Discontinuous Galerkin Methods, Andreas
Dedner, Robert Klofkorn
Uniform Subspace Correction Preconditioners for Discontinuous Galerkin
Methods with hp-Refinement, Will Pazner, Tzanio Kolev
Development of a Balanced Adaptive Time-Stepping Strategy Based on an
Implicit JFNK-DG Compressible Flow Solver, Yu Pan, Zhen-Guo Yan,
Joaquim Peiro, Spencer J. Sherwin
End of Digest