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NADIGEST  November 2021, Week 3

NADIGEST November 2021, Week 3


NA Digest, V. 21, # 42


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Wed, 17 Nov 2021 09:16:17 -0500





text/plain (890 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 21, # 42

NA Digest Tuesday, November 16, 2021 Volume 21 : Issue 42

Today's Editor:

    Daniel M. Dunlavy
    Sandia National Labs
    [log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

    Machine Learning for Physics-Based Modeling, ONLINE, Nov 2021
    HKBU MATH Conference, ONLINE, Dec 2021
    Microstructures, Germany, Jan 2022
    Discrete Mathematics, UK, Apr 2022
    Mathematics in Signal Processing, UK, May 2022
    ALAMA2022-ALN2gg, Spain, Jun 2022
    Model Reduction and Surrogate Modeling (MORE), Germany, Sep 2022
    Faculty Position, HPC Mathematics, Virginia Tech
    Faculty Position, Scientific Computing, Durham Univ, UK
    Permanent Research Positions, Inria Paris, France
    Research Assistant Position, Statistics and ML, WIAS, Germany
    University Assistant Position, Univ of Graz
    University Assistant Position, Univ of Graz
    Postdoc Position, Active Flow Control, HWU
    Postdoc Position, Bayesian Inference & Machine Learning, Sandia
    Postdoc Position, Data Science, Univ of Wollongong
    Postdoc Position, HPC, MPI for Plasma Physics
    Postdoc Position, Wave Phenomena, KIT
    Postdoc Positions, HPC/Data Science/Public Health, UWF
    PhD Position, Inverse Problems+Machine Learning, Bath, UK
    PhD Positions, Applied Mathematics and Applied Statistics, NJIT
    PhD Positions, Data Science Graduate School, Germany
    PhD Positions, ML-based Computational Imaging, Univ of Edinburgh
    CFP, GO/MINLP Algorithms, J Global Optimization
    Contents, Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 10 (4)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Kees Oosterlee [log in to unmask]
Date: November 13, 2021
Subject: Machine Learning for Physics-Based Modeling, ONLINE, Nov 2021

Announcement for an On-line Workshop, 30/11/2021, 10AM-3PM (CET)
Machine Learning for Physics-Based Modeling

The workshop is the second workshop organized in the context of the
Indo-Dutch project, "Digital Twins for pipeline transport networks".

Part 1
10:00 CET / 14:30 IST Karen Veroy-Grepl (TU Eindhoven) - Dimension
reduction: Recent advances towards combining models and data
10:45 CET / 15:15 IST Ankit Tyagi and Abhineet Gupta (Shell India) -
Machine learning for multiphase flow modelling in pipelines
11:15 CET / 15:45 IST Vineet Tyagi (IISc Bangalore) - Digital twin for
real- time detection of leakages in water pipeline networks

Part 2
13:00 CET / 17:30 IST Nikolaj Mucke (CWI) - Markov Chain Generative-
Adversarial Neural Networks for Solving Bayesian Inverse Problems
13:30 CET / 18:00 IST Deepak Subramani (IISc Bangalore) - Machine
Learning in the Geosciences
14:15 CET / 18:45 IST End of Workshop

This workshop will take place, online, via Zoom

For more details, see


From: Sean Hon [log in to unmask]
Date: November 14, 2021
Subject: HKBU MATH Conference, ONLINE, Dec 2021

The year of 2021 marks the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Science
of Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). To commemorate this special
and historical occasion, the MATH department at HKBU is organizing a
three- day virtual conference as a celebratory event - "HKBU
Mathematics Conference for Faculty of Science 60th Anniversary", held
over 7 - 9 December, 2021. The topics will mainly focus on but not
limited to the mathematical aspects of data science, statistics,
scientific computing, and optimization.

Confirmed speakers: Andrea Bertozzi (UCLA); Xiaojun Chen (PolyU, Hong
Kong); Aurore Delaigle (University of Melbourne); Weinan E
(Princeton); Piotr Fryzlewicz (London School of Economics); Ingrid Van
Keilegom (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven); Tim Kelley (North Carolina
State University); Regina Liu (Rutgers); Richard Samworth (Cambridge);
Zuowei Shen (National University of Singapore); Defeng Sun (PolyU,
Hong Kong); Kim-Chuan Toh (National University of Singapore); Hongyu
Zhao (Yale School of Public Health).

For more details about the conference, please visit

The workshop will be held in virtual format via Zoom. The registration
is free of charge, and the deadline is Dec 6, 2021. For registration,
please fill in the form via .


From: Dirk Praetorius [log in to unmask]
Date: November 09, 2021
Subject: Microstructures, Germany, Jan 2022

The GAMM Seminar on Microstructures is the annual meeting of the
GAMM activity group on Analysis of Microstructures.

The 21st seminar will take place on Friday, January 28 and Saturday,
January 29, 2022 at TU Wien. Confirmed invited speakers include Soren
Bartels (Freiburg, Germany), Daniel Peterseim (Augsburg, Germany),
Laurent Stagnier (Nantes, France), Ulisse Stefanelli (Wien, Austria),
Barbara Zwicknagl (Berlin, Germany).

We are very hopeful that the workshop can take place in presence at TU
Wien. However, in exceptional cases we will offer the opportunity to
join the sessions via zoom. Currently, TU Wien strictly enforces the
3G rules and we will need to comply with the regulations in place at
the time of the meeting.

Deadlines for submission of talks: Dec 19, 2021


From: Pamela Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: November 09, 2021
Subject: Discrete Mathematics, UK, Apr 2022

3rd IMA Conference on Discrete Mathematics
Monday April 4 - Tuesday April 5, 2022
University of Essex, Colchester, UK

Discrete mathematics is a branch of the mathematical sciences which
poses a wide range of challenging research problems in its own right
and gives rise to important applications in other fields. This 3rd IMA
conference on discrete mathematics, following on from the previous two
at Derby, will consider a range of aspects of discrete mathematics,
both pure and applied. It is open to researchers working with
mathematical structures and abstract constructs, and to those involved
in the theory and practice of discrete mathematics. Results which
establish links between different areas of discrete mathematics are
welcomed, as are applications and the development of new tools. The
purpose of this event is to highlight progress in the field through
the development of novel theories, methodologies, and applications
accordingly, and to inspire future work.

Topics of discrete mathematics including, but not limited to, the
following: Graph Theory; Extremal Combinatorics: Additive
Combinatorics: Probabilistic Combinatorics: Enumerative and Analytic
Combinatorics: Matroids: Combinatorial Algorithms: Designs and Finite
Geometries: Ordered and partially ordered sets: Set Systems:
Combinatorial optimisation: links with related areas including
discrete probability and number theory: Applications.

Papers will be accepted (or not) for the conference based on a short
300 word abstract for oral presentation. Abstracts should be submitted
online at If your abstract is a less
conventional part of discrete mathematics, please try to make clear
how your abstract relates to discrete mathematics. Please state
whether your title is intended for oral or poster presentation (poster
presentations are optional). Oral presentations are expected to be 25
minutes in length, including 5 minutes for questions and answers.


Registration is currently open at


From: Pamela Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: November 12, 2021
Subject: Mathematics in Signal Processing, UK, May 2022

Wednesday 18 May - Friday 20 May, 2022
Conference Aston, Birmingham, UK

Contributed papers are invited on all aspects of mathematics in
signal processing and will be accepted on the basis of a 300-500
word abstract which should be submitted by 7 January 2022 via The majority of contributed papers will be
presented in the poster sessions. Successful authors will be
invited to submit a four-page paper for inclusion in the
conference proceedings by 18 March 2022.

Papers describing the application of mathematical developments in
Signal Processing and Machine learning for physical modelling,
communications, financial modelling, medicine, meteorology,
radar, seismology, sonar, ocean science, multimedia,
instrumentation and control, audio, and acoustics, etc., are
invited: Statistical Signal Processing; Compressive Sampling;
Graph Signal Processing; Inverse Problems; Adaptive Signal
Processing; Numerical Linear Algebra; Machine Learning, including
Deep Learning; Audio/Image/Video Processing; Array Signal
Processing; Bayesian Signal Processing; Signal Separation
Techniques; Applications of Finite Mathematics; Nonlinear
Optimisation/Modelling; Blind Deconvolution / Equalisation;
Approximation Techniques; Time-frequency / Time-scale Analysis;
Space-Time Adaptive Signal Processing; Vector Sensors and
Geometric Processing; High Resolution Spectral Analysis; Graph
Signal Processing; Signal Processing aspect of digital
communications; Simultaneous localisation and mapping; Inference
for diffusion processes.

Registration for this Conference is currently open.


From: FERNANDO DE TERAN VERGARA [log in to unmask]
Date: November 12, 2021
Subject: ALAMA2022-ALN2gg, Spain, Jun 2022

The ALAMA2022-ALN2gg is a joint international meeting that gathers the
seventh biennial meeting of the Spanish "Red Tematica ALAMA" (Thematic
network on Linear Algebra, Matrix Analysis, and Applications) and the
seventeenth edition of ALN2gg (Due giorni di Algebra Lineare

The meeting will be held at the Universidad de Alcala (Alcala de
Henares, Madrid, Spain) in June, 1-3, 2022.

It is celebrated in honour of Ion Zaballa, professor at the
Universidad del Pais Vasco, and of Dario A. Bini, professor at the
Universita di Pisa, with the occasion of their retirement.

The deadline for submitting a communication proposal is March 1st,
2022, and the deadline for early bird registration is April 12, 2022.

The plenary speakers are: Dario A. Bini (Universita di Pisa);
Francoise Tisseur (The University of Manchester, ILAS speaker); Eugene
Tyrtyshnikov (Moscow State University and Russian Academy of
Sciences); Ion Zaballa (Universidad del Pais Vasco).

The meeting is endorsed and/or sponsored (so far) by ILAS and ALAMA.

Conference website


From: Tobias Breiten [log in to unmask]
Date: November 12, 2021
Subject: Model Reduction and Surrogate Modeling (MORE), Germany, Sep 2022

The first "Model Reduction and Surrogate Modeling (MORE)" conference
will be held in Berlin, Germany, on 19-23 September 2022. The
conference merges activities of the two independent conference series
MoRePaS and MODRED. The goal is to foster an international exchange of
new concepts and ideas related to the fields of model reduction and
surrogate modeling.

Invited speakers: Virginie Ehrlacher (Paris), Laura Grigori (Paris),
Jan S. Hesthaven (Lausanne), Boris Kramer (San Diego), Andrea Manzoni
(Milano), Youssef Marzouk (Boston), Cecilia Pagliantini (Eindhoven),
Benjamin Unger (Stuttgart), Rachel Ward (Austin)

More details on the conference are available at:

Call for abstracts/posters *opens*: November 15, 2021
Abstract/poster submission deadline: March 31, 2022
Notification of acceptance: May 15, 2022


From: Serkan Gugercin [log in to unmask]
Date: November 09, 2021
Subject: Faculty Position, HPC Mathematics, Virginia Tech

The Virginia Tech Department of Mathematics anticipates a tenure-track
opening in High Performance Computational Mathematics with a start
date of August 10, 2022, at our Blacksburg, VA, campus. The successful
candidate will have a strong background at the intersection of
computational mathematics and advanced high performance computing.
Possible specialties include, but are not limited to, numerical linear
algebra, randomized numerical linear algebra, big data, mathematics of
data, tensors, inverse problems, numerical PDE modeling, PDE solvers,
reduced order data driven modeling, machine learning, or uncertainty
quantification. Application areas of interest include, but are not
limited to, geosciences, neurosciences, physics, biology, or

Appointment as an Assistant Professor of Mathematics is anticipated,
but exceptional senior candidates will be considered for positions of
Associate Professor of Mathematics or Professor of
Mathematics. Teaching and service duties will be split between the
Mathematics Department and the Computational Modeling and Data
Analytics (CMDA) program. The CMDA program is a collaborative effort
involving faculty members from several departments, located in the
College of Science's Academy of Data Science
( The college's recently launched Academy
of Data Science embodies Virginia Tech's commitment to its land-grant
mission of using leadership in teaching, research, and service to
address society's pressing problems.

The Mathematics Department is committed to building an inclusive
community of mathematical scientists through programs and activities
that are woven into the department's research, teaching, and outreach

An online application is required. To apply, please visit
professor-in-high-performance-computational-mathematics. Questions
may be addressed to: [log in to unmask]


From: Tobias Weinzierl [log in to unmask]
Date: November 09, 2021
Subject: Faculty Position, Scientific Computing, Durham Univ, UK

The Department of Computer Science at Durham University is rapidly
expanding. As part of its recent creation of a research group around
scientific computing, the department has intensified its collaboration
with Durham's Advanced Research Computing (ARC) directorate and
Durham's three national and regional supercomputing installations
(Bede, Cosma and Hamilton), it has started to install its own set of
"experimental" hardware, and it has established several industry
collaborations (NVIDIA, Intel, The RSC Group, and others). It also
champions an Msc in Scientific Computing and Data Analysis (MISCADA).

We are searching for a new colleague who wants to make a contribution
to the development of the Department's research around scientific
computing. We wish to strengthen our world-leading expertise around
large-scale numerical simulations, to strengthen our links with
industry and computational disciplines in Durham (Physics, Earth
Sciences, Mathematics, Chemistry, and other disciplines), and to
intensify our collaboration with Durham's three supercomputing centres
(ARC, N8, DiRAC). Areas of interest include, but are not limited to
performance engineering, novel supercomputing architectures,
programming models and numerical schemes. Candidates that complement
our existing theoretical strengths and add a strong supercomputing
flavour to our research portfolio are particularly encouraged to


From: Miguel A. Fernández [log in to unmask]
Date: November 10, 2021
Subject: Permanent Research Positions, Inria Paris, France

For its 2022 recruitment campaign, Inria will offer two class of
permanent research positions:

- Normal Class Researcher (CRCN) positions, which offer a civil
  servant status and do not have teaching obligation;

- Inria Starting Faculty Positions (ISFP), which offer an
  unlimited-term contract and are associated with a teaching service
  in an Inria partner higher education institution (approximately 32
  to 64 hours per year).

COMMEDIA project-team ( is seeking
candidates whose research demonstrably aligns with one or more of our
research themes, which include mathematical modeling, scientific
computing and inverse problems for the simulation of cardiovascular or
respiratory flows. For full details about the positions and to apply,
please contact [log in to unmask]


From: Heike Sill [log in to unmask]
Date: November 11, 2021
Subject: Research Assistant Position, Statistics and ML, WIAS, Germany

WIAS invites applications for a Research Assistant Position (m/f/d)
(Ref. 21/23) in the Research Group "Stochastic Algorithms and
Nonparametric Statistics" (Head: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Spokoiny) starting
at earliest possible date.

The preconditions are a completed scientific university education as
well as a doctorate in the field of mathematics. Wanted: We are
seeking outstanding scientists in a research field in the field of
statistics or machine learning.

The research area comprises the following topics among other:
- Image processing
- statistical inverse problems
Very good English skills are still expected. International experience
is also advantageous. See here for more information:


From: Kristian Bredies [log in to unmask]
Date: November 10, 2021
Subject: University Assistant Position, Univ of Graz

At the University of Graz, researchers and students work across a
broad disciplinary spectrum to enlarge our knowledge, and find
strategies to deal with challenges our society is confronted with and
to shape tomorrow's world. The University of Graz is a place which
combines high quality academic research and teaching, where
achievement is rewarded, careers are promoted, and social diversity is
encouraged - all within a modern, award-winning working
environment. Our motto: We work for tomorrow. Join us!

The Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing is looking for a
University Assistant with doctorate (m/f/d), 40 hours a week,
fixed-term employment for 6 years, position to be filled as of now.

Further information:


From: Vanessa Peinhart [log in to unmask]
Date: November 11, 2021
Subject: University Assistant Position, Univ of Graz

The Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing is looking for
an University Assistant with doctorate (m/f/d): 40 hours a week;
fixed-term employment for 6 years; position to be filled as of

Your duties: Independent research and publication activity in the
field of mathematics education (work on own habilitation desired);
Participation in national and international research projects, beside
others in the area of multimodality (embodiment) and language in
mathematical thinking and learning, as well as inclusive mathematics
education; Conducting lectures in the Bachelor and Master studies
"Lehramt" mathematics; Collaboration in the supervision of Bachelor's
and Master's theses and dissertations; Involvement in the institute's
administration and the university's self-government; Collaboration in
projects of the educational center "Mathematics and Geometry".

Your Profile: Completion of a doctoral/Ph.D. program in mathematics
education; Proof of teaching experience at secondary level desirable
(desirable); Didactic aptitude for independent teaching; Ability to
work independently and autonomously; Organizational skills and ability
to work in teams; High personal motivation to academic excellence;
Reliability, high level of social and communicative skills; Interest
in questions of inclusive mathematics education; Basic to good
knowledge of German; Very good english skills.

Our Offer: Classification-Salary scheme of the Universitaten-KV
(University Collective Agreement): B1; The minimum salary as stated in
the collective agreement and according to the classification scheme is
EUR 3.945,90 gross/month (for full-time employment). This minimum
salary may be higher due to previous employment periods eligible for
inclusion and other earnings and remunerations.

We offer a job rich in variety and allowing for a high degree of
autonomy within a team working on an international level in
mathematics education. You can expect an enjoyable work climate,
flexible work hours and numerous opportunities for training and
personal development. Application deadline: 08.12.2021 Applicants
with proof of COVID-19 vaccination will be given preference if equally
qualified. For further information, please refer to our general
application regulations . For further information or questions,
please contact Dr. Christina Krause via [log in to unmask] .


From: Ahmed H. Elsheikh [log in to unmask]
Date: November 10, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Active Flow Control, HWU

The School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society (EGIS) at
Heriot-Watt university (HWU), Edinburgh, has an opening for a
postdoctoral research associate position in active flow control using
reinforcement learning (RL) techniques. The selected candidate will
work on developing sample efficient RL techniques utilizing coarse
scale CFD models, reduced order models and machine learning
surrogates. Further, we aim to accelerate RL algorithms using
multi-level and multi-fidelity Uncertainty Quantification (UQ)
techniques. Please check the review paper on using RL for flow control

Key Duties and Responsibilities: The position requires collaboration
within a multi-disciplinary research environment consisting of
mathematicians, computational scientists, and engineers. Specific
responsibilities include: Development of model-free Reinforcement
learning (RL) techniques for laminar flow control; Coupling the
developed algorithms with open-source computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) packages (e.g., OpenFoam); Perform large-scale scale industrial
active flow control studies; Publish the research output in
peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Basic Qualifications: The minimum required education is a Ph.D. in
mathematics, physics, computational science and/or engineering with
strong computational background. Essential Qualifications: Prior
experience in computational fluid dynamics using open-source software
packages; Prior experience in Multi-Level/Multi-Fidelity Uncertainty
Quantification (UQ) methods; Prior experience in developing/applying
Machine Learning algorithms using open-source packages (e.g.,
pytorch); Strong track record of publications in high impact
scientific journals; Demonstrated written and oral communication skills.

For further information please check .

How to apply: Only applications submitted through HWU website
( will be considered. All applicants must
submit a job application package consisting of: Curriculum Vitae (CV)
including a recent list of publications; Statement of Research,
detailing the significance of your current research activities as well
as the technical background that fits within the advertised position;
A minimum of 2 Letters of reference, describing your research
contributions; Verifiable list of programming skills (e.g., GitHub
repositories, Kaggle account).

Application deadline is midnight (UK time) on Sunday 28th November


From: Thomas Catanach [log in to unmask]
Date: November 09, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Bayesian Inference & Machine Learning, Sandia

Postdoctoral Position
Bayesian Inference & Machine Learning
Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA

To Apply: go to
or ,
click 'View All Sandia Openings', search for "Bayesian Inference &
Machine Learning".

We are seeking a Postdoctoral Appointee at Sandia National
Laboratories in Livermore, CA. This position involves foundational
research at the intersection of Bayesian inference and Machine
Learning. This research will broadly support projects that seek to
develop principled Bayesian approaches to learning and computational
methods to make them tractable. Potential research topics include
understanding prior belief in the machine learning context, optimizing
information-efficient model representations and variational posterior
approximations, computationally efficient and numerically stable
implementations, and building robust testing environments to validate
novel approaches. This position will involve significant collaboration
with researchers within Sandia and at other academic institutions.

Qualifications We Require: Ph.D. in computer science, applied
mathematics, or a related engineering or science subject area.
Technical expertise in at least one of Bayesian inference, information
theory, variational inference, or Monte Carlo methods. Experience with
neural networks and using platforms like Jax, TensorFlow, and/or
PyTorch. Publication record indicative of relevant research expertise
Excellent written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills
Demonstrated expertise in one or more of the following areas: applied
mathematics, statistics, uncertainty quantification, feature
identification techniques, machine learning, compression, nonlinear
optimization, Bayesian inference.

Qualifications We Desire: Expertise in Bayesian Neural Networks.
Experience in high performance, distributed, or parallel
computing. Ability to work in collaborative, interdisciplinary
research environments on problems comprising diverse application
domains. A background in solving practical problems in science and
engineering that involve encounters with real-world data. Proven
research community leadership through activities such as participation
in student or professional organizations, outreach activities,
etc. Related professional experience such as internships in industry
or at other national labs, participation in visiting research
programs, etc. Proven software development experience in C++, C,
Matlab, R, Python, Julia, or related languages.


From: Matt Moores [log in to unmask]
Date: November 10, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Data Science, Univ of Wollongong

The National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia at
the University of Wollongong, Australia, invites applications for a
Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow to join the Institute and the
Data Science Team in the Research Hub for Transforming energy
Infrastructure through Digital Engineering (TIDE).

Areas of research include (and are not limited to)
- Statistical spatial and spatio-temporal modelling;
- Physical-statistical modelling;
- Bayesian inference and uncertainty quantification;
- Statistical machine learning;
- Time series modelling.

The appointee will collaborate closely with researchers at NIASRA, as
well as other members of the Hub, which is based at the University of
Western Australia. The successful candidate will have, or be close to
having, a PhD in Statistics or a closely related discipline, good
statistical modelling skills, good programming skills, and good
communication skills. The position is for three years, with a
possibility for extension. For selection criteria, and to apply,
please visit

Applications close on 17 December 2021 23:59 AET. Any queries should
be directed to Andrew Zammit-Mangion ([log in to unmask])


From: Roman Hatzky [log in to unmask]
Date: November 09, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, HPC, MPI for Plasma Physics

On behalf of the European Fusion Community the Max-Planck Institute
for Plasma Physics (IPP) offers an opportunity to participate in a
group for the high level support of European code developments for
magnetic fusion related plasma physics and material modelling. Experts
in high performance computing (HPC) are invited to apply for a
position in this group.

More information can be found under the code number 21/077 at:


From: Laurette Lauffer [log in to unmask]
Date: November 16, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Wave Phenomena, KIT

The Collaborative Research Center "Wave phenomena - analysis and
numerics" (CRC 1173), is currently seeking to recruit, as soon as
possible, limited to two years, a Postdoctoral Researcher (f/m/d -
100%) Project A11 "Electromagnetic fields interacting with Quantum

The CRC has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) since
2015. Its goal is to analytically understand, numerically simulate,
and eventually manipulate wave propagation under realistic scenarios
by intertwining analysis and numerics.

The Project A11 "Electromagnetic fields interacting with Quantum
matter" deals with quantum systems possibly in the presence of
external classical or quantized electromagnetic fields. Examples of
such systems are atoms or molecules, polarons, graphene. More details
can be found in

Further details can be found on our website

Please apply online via [log in to unmask] until December 15th,
2021. For further information, please contact Mr. Ioannis
Anapolitanos, [log in to unmask], or Ms. Laurette Lauffer,
[log in to unmask]


From: Ashok Srinivasan [log in to unmask]
Date: November 10, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Positions, HPC/Data Science/Public Health, UWF

We have multiple positions related to the VIPRA project
( involving interdisciplinary collaborations at
the intersection of high performance computing, scientific computing,
data science, and public health. This work will entail collaboration
with researchers at several universities from different disciplines,
outreach to public health decision-makers, and mentoring students. The
VIPRA project is funded by multiple grants from NSF and NIH. The
current positions will be at the University of West Florida.

The ideal candidates will have strong programming skills and expertise
in one or more of the following: high performance computing, machine
learning, big data analytics, and mathematical modeling. Applicants
must have a Ph.D. in Computer Science or a closely related discipline,
such as computational sciences or engineering, by the start date of
the appointment. One of the positions requires a Computer Science
Ph.D. and involves teaching one course a semester in addition to

Additional details are available at You may contact Prof. Ashok
Srinivasan at [log in to unmask] for further information.


From: Matthias J Ehrhardt [log in to unmask]
Date: November 10, 2021
Subject: PhD Position, Inverse Problems+Machine Learning, Bath, UK

The UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Accountable, Responsible and
Transparent AI (ART-AI) at the University of Bath is inviting
applications for a fully funded PhD studentship based in the
Department of Computer Science and under the joint supervision of Dr
Mohammad Golbabaee (Computer Science dept.) and Dr Matthias Ehrhardt
(Mathematics dept.). The position is an opportunity to conduct
cutting-edge research at the intersection of computational medical
imaging, machine learning and mathematical analysis, with the
possibility of collaboration with world leading healthcare industries.

This project is concerned with the development of interpretable and
transparent machine/deep learning algorithms for image reconstruction
in medical imaging.

In this project you will bridge this gap by developing new algorithms
and analysis techniques for computational medical imaging towards
transparent and reliable solutions. You are expected to further
advance current developments within this theme including (but not
limited to) reliable generative models to capture prior knowledge
about data and their transparent and inspectable integration within
model-based image reconstruction algorithms.

For more information, see


From: Roy Goodman [log in to unmask]
Date: November 08, 2021
Subject: PhD Positions, Applied Mathematics and Applied Statistics, NJIT

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the New Jersey Institute of
Technology (NJIT) invites candidates to apply for one of our doctoral
program tracks: (1) Applied Mathematics or (2) Applied Probability &
Statistics. The Department's research focus spans Scientific
Computing, Fluid Dynamics, Materials Science, Wave Propagation,
Applied Analysis, Mathematical Biology and Computational Neuroscience,
and Applied Probability and Statistics, including Biostatistics and
Data Science. We offer teaching and research assistantships, which
include a tuition waiver, a competitive stipend starting at $25,000
per academic year and, pending funding availability, at least $3,500
in summer support. The application target date is December 15, 2021,
but review will be ongoing until all available positions are filled.

To apply, go to

For more information, please email us [log in to unmask]
Cc:[log in to unmask]


From: Sabine Le Borne [log in to unmask]
Date: November 15, 2021
Subject: PhD Positions, Data Science Graduate School, Germany

The DASHH Call for Applications 2021 is open now (deadline 1st of
Dec. 2021): 13 exciting PhD positions are advertised at DASHH: Data
Science in Hamburg - Helmholtz Graduate School for the Structure of

DASHH is seeking highly qualified and highly motivated candidates with
an excellent academic background in the Natural Sciences or Computer
Science/Mathematics as well as a solid experience in
programming. DASHH offers data-driven interdisciplinary research
topics in Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Applied Mathematics,
Informatics, and Structural Biology with a work contract at the level
of the German E13 salary scheme for 3 years.

Please find all PhD topics as well as the application requirements


From: Nick Polydorides [log in to unmask]
Date: November 14, 2021
Subject: PhD Positions, ML-based Computational Imaging, Univ of Edinburgh

We invite applications for two PhD positions expected to begin in fall
2022. The respective topics are:

1. Real-Time Quantitative Imaging of GHG Dispersion in Urban
Environments: The aim of this project is on real-time imaging of
greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in three-dimensional plumes
dispersed in urban environments using optical (Lidar) remote sensing
measurements. To achieve real-time performance the project will
explore effective ways to reduce the dimensionality of the optical
scattering model in conjunction with a data-driven model for wind
field prediction in the form of a physics informed neural network.

2. Deep Spectral Single Photon Counting Computer Tomography for Plaque
Calcification: The aim of this project is to develop a novel image
reconstruction framework for SPCCT to yield high-resolution images
from limited-angle and low-dose data acquisition cycles. This work
will focus explicitly on the application of imaging coronary artery
disease at micro resolution to distinguish between calcified and
non-calcified vascular plaques by conducting in-vitro experiments. The
project is a continuation of our work on 2D SPCCT and will benefit from existing
SPCCT datasets on cardiac valves acquired explicitly for this project
and a collaboration with an extensive network of partners.

Interested candidates should contact Nick Polydorides directly on
[log in to unmask] before the 30th of December 2021.


From: Eligius MT Hendrix [log in to unmask]
Date: November 09, 2021
Subject: CFP, GO/MINLP Algorithms, J Global Optimization

Call for papers "GO and MINLP Algorithms" for participants of EURO
2021 in the Journal of Global Optimization, new deadline December 31.

We invite participants of EURO 2021 to submit a contribution to a
special issue of the Journal of Global Optimization called "GO and
MINLP Algorithms" The final question in the development of
optimization algorithms is which algorithms are more convenient to
solve which type of instances of optimization problems. Many of the
participants have shown an interest in Global Optimization and MINLP
problems and suggested ideas on solution methods. We invite them to
submit a full paper to the Journal of Global Optimization before
December 31, 2021. The papers will undergo the usual peer review
process. The main acceptance criteria are the quality and originality
of the contribution.

Guest editors:
Gabriele Eichfelder, [log in to unmask]
Eligius MT Hendrix, [log in to unmask]
Martin Schmidt, [log in to unmask]

For the submission, use the editorial manager and choose SI: EURO-2021 in the
"additional information" stage of the submission process.


From: Irena lasiecka [log in to unmask]
Date: November 09, 2021
Subject: Contents, Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 10 (4)

New Issue Evolution Equations and Control Theory, EECT, vol 10, nr 4.

1. A blow-up result for the semilinear Moore-Gibson-Thompson equation
with nonlinearity of derivative type in the conservative case. Wenhui
Chen and Alessandro Palmieri

2. Solvability in abstract evolution equations with countable time
delays in Banach spaces: Global Lipschitz perturbation, Tomomi Yokota
and Kentarou Yoshii

3. Deterministic control of stochastic reaction-diffusion equations,
Wilhelm Stannat and Lukas Wessels

4. Lifespan of solutions to a parabolic type Kirchhoff equation with
time- dependent nonlinearity, Haixia Li

5. S-asymptotically omega-periodic mild solutions and stability
analysis of Hilfer fractional evolution equations, Pallavi Bedi, Anoop
Kumar, Thabet Abdeljawad and Aziz Khan

6.Approximate controllability of network systems, Yassine El Gantouh,
Said Hadd and Abdelaziz Rhandi

7.Uniform stability in a vectorial full Von Karman thermoelastic
system with solenoidal dissipation and free boundary conditions,
Catherine Lebiedzik

8.Hadamard well-posedness for a structure acoustic model with a
supercritical source and damping terms, Andrew R. Becklin and Mohammad
A. Rammaha

9.Lipschitz stability for an inverse source problem in anisotropic
parabolic equations with dynamic boundary conditions, El Mustapha Ait
Ben Hassi, Salah-Eddine Chorfi, Lahcen Maniar and Omar Oukdach

10. Stabilization of higher order Schrodinger equations on a finite
interval: Part I, Ahmet Batal, Turker Ozsar1 and Kemal Cem Yilmaz

11. Controllability of neutral stochastic functional
integro-differential equations driven by fractional brownian motion
with Hurst parameter lesser than 1/2, Brahim Boufoussi and Soufiane

12. Optimal distributed control of the three dimensional primitive
equations of large-scale ocean and atmosphere dynamics, Bo You

13.Well-posedness of linear first order port-Hamiltonian Systems on
multidimensional spatial domains, Nathanael Skrepek

14. Stability and stabilization for the three-dimensional
Navier-Stokes- Voigt equations with unbounded variable delay, Vu Manh

End of Digest

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