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NADIGEST  June 2021, Week 1

NADIGEST June 2021, Week 1


NA Digest, V. 21, # 21


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Sun, 6 Jun 2021 21:54:01 -0600





text/plain (442 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 21, # 21

NA Digest  Sunday, June 06, 2021  Volume 21 : Issue 21

Today's Editor:

        Daniel M. Dunlavy
        Sandia National Labs
        [log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

        Legacy of Peter Wynn
        Oleg Burdakov
        New Book, Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization
        Celebrating 70th Birthday of Jack Dongarra, ONLINE, Jul 2021
        SCAN, ONLINE, Sep 2021
        ATMA2021, Italy, Nov 2021
        Cryptography and Coding, ONLINE, Dec 2021
        Professor Position, Computer Science, Univ of Cologne
        Postdoc Position, Image Processing, Univ of Sao Paulo
        Postdoc Position, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
        Postdoc Position, Keele Univ, UK
        PhD Positions, Compl Math and Decision Sci, Italy/Switzerland
        Contents, EECT, 10 (3)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Claude Brezinski [log in to unmask]
Date: June 03, 2021
Subject: Legacy of Peter Wynn

After the death of Peter Wynn (an English mathematician and a
numerical analyst, well known for his epsilon-algorithm) in December
2017, handwritten unpublished documents by him came to light.

We have listed and analyzed them in the Open-Access paper Claude
Brezinski, F. Alexander Norman, M. Redivo-Zaglia The legacy of Peter
Wynn Mathematics 2021, 9, 1240.

A web site on Wynn has been constructed at the University of Texas at
San Antonio It
contains a small biography, a list of Wynn's publications, a
bibliography on the topics treated, photos, and all the unpublished
papers of Wynn which can be freely downloaded.  These papers cover
extrapolation and acceleration, Pade and rational approximation and
interpolation, continued fractions, complex analysis, abstract
algebra, and other topics.  They can be freely exploited to start new
research.  We offer them to the international community of

The papers and reports published by Wynn during this lifetime are
analyzed in the book:
Claude Brezinski, Michela Redivo-Zaglia
Extrapolation and Rational Approximation
The Works of the Main Contributors
Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2020

Claude Brezinski, F. Alexander Norman, M. Redivo-Zaglia


From: Serge Gratton [log in to unmask]
Date: June 02, 2021
Subject: Oleg Burdakov

It is a sad duty to let you know that Oleg Burdakov has passed away on
the night of June 1-2, 2021, after courageously fighting illness for
many months. Beyond his well-known scientific achievements and his
important role as the founder and EIC of Optimization Methods and
Software, Oleg will be remembered as a lively, enthusiastic colleague,
always open to new ideas and willing to promote them. Many of his
friends will regret his wonderful sense of humour and love of life.
We express our deepest sympathy to Galya and Dasha, his wife and
daughter, whom many of us have met and appreciated.  Good bye dear
Oleg, we will not forget you.

Serge Gratton and Philippe Toint


From: Kris ONeill [log in to unmask]
Date: June 02, 2021
Subject: New Book, Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization

Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization
by Philip E. Gill, Walter Murray, and Margaret H. Wright

This classic volume covers the fundamentals of two closely related
topics: linear systems (linear equations and least-squares) and linear
programming (optimizing a linear function subject to linear
constraints). For each problem class, stable and efficient numerical
algorithms intended for a finite-precision environment are derived and
analyzed. While linear algebra and optimization have made huge
advances since this book first appeared in 1991, the fundamental
principles have not changed. These topics were rarely taught with a
unified perspective, and, somewhat surprisingly, this remains true 30
years later. As a result, some of the material in this book can be
difficult to find elsewhere.

2021 / xxii + 426 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611976-56-4 / List $89.00
/ SIAM Member $62.30 / CL83

Link to book:


From: Nick Higham [log in to unmask]
Date: June 01, 2021
Subject: Celebrating 70th Birthday of Jack Dongarra, ONLINE, Jul 2021

New Directions in Numerical Linear Algebra and High Performance
Computing: Celebrating the 70th Birthday of Jack Dongarra, July 7-8,
2021, University of Manchester.

This international workshop focuses on numerical linear algebra and
high performance computing and brings together researchers working in
these areas to discuss current developments and challenges in the
light of evolving computer hardware. The workshop, delayed from July
2020 and being held virtually, honours Jack Dongarra on the occasion
of his 70th birthday.

For details of the conference, including the invited speakers, and
registration (deadline Friday July 2, 2021) see


From: Tibor Csendes [log in to unmask]
Date: June 05, 2021
Subject: SCAN, ONLINE, Sep 2021

The 19th International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer
Arithmetic, and Verified Numerical Computations will be held online
between the 13th and 17th of September 2021 (Monday to Friday).

The five plenary speakers will be Jay Mireles James, Fabienne
Jezequel, Kazuaki Tanaka, and the two Moore Prize winners to be

Those interested in presenting a contribution are asked to submit a
short abstract (1 to 2 pages in PDF-format) using the LaTeX template.

Submission of the abstract should be done no later than June 30, 2021
by easychair (  conf=scan2020). The
accepted abstracts will be published in electronic form at the
web-site of SCAN2020 ( and in a
printed book of abstracts. At least one author of an accepted abstract
must pay the registration fee to be published in the book of

The basic early registration fee will be 100 Euro, that contains the
volume of abstracts, the online conference environment, and other
organization costs. We plan to have special issues of three scientific
journals (among them Acta Cybernetica and Reliable Computing).


From: Mariantonia Cotronei [log in to unmask]
Date: June 01, 2021
Subject: ATMA2021, Italy, Nov 2021

ATMA2021 - Approximation: Theory, Methods, and Applications
November 10--12, 2021, Reggio Calabria, Italy

ATMA2021 is the fourth Conference organized within the activities of
RITA (Rete ITaliana di Approssimazione) and UMI - TAA (Teoria
dell'Approssimazione e Applicazioni) workgroup.  The main goal of
ATMA2021 is to bring together researchers working in different fields
of approximation and to present recent advances from both a
theoretical and a numerical perspective.

Topics include but are not limited to: Radial Basis Functions;
Subdivision Schemes; Kernel methods; Meshless approximation and
applications; Frames; Mathematical signal and image processing;
Computer Aided Design; Approximation by sampling-type operators;
Inverse problems; Time-frequency transforms; NURBS; Wavelets;
Multi-Resolution Methods.

Invited Speakers:
- Maria Charina, University of Vienna, Austria
- Frank Filbir, HelmholtzZentrum, Technical Univ of Munich, Germany
- Gheorghe S. Gal, University of Oradea, Romania
- Elisabeth Larsson, Uppsala University, Sweden

- Registration: September 10, 2021
- Abstract submission for presentations and posters: September 30, 2021

Conference website:


From: Pamela Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: June 04, 2021
Subject: Cryptography and Coding, ONLINE, Dec 2021

18th IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding
14-15 December 2021, Online Conference via Zoom

Cryptography and coding theory play an essential role in the provision
of effective security and reliability for data communication,
processing and storage. This eighteenth International Conference in an
established and successful IMA series on the theme of "Cryptography
and Coding" encompasses applied aspects of these fields as well as the
mathematical theory that underpins them.

Original research papers on all technical aspects of cryptography and
coding theory are solicited for submission. Areas of interest include,
but are not limited to: Post-Quantum Cryptography; Construction and
Cryptanalysis of Symmetric Cryptographic Primitives; Boolean
Functions; Applications of Sequences in Communications; Protocols;
Secure Implementation of Cryptographic Primitives; Information
Theoretic Security; Applications of Coding Theory to
Cryptography/Security; Locally Decodable and Locally Recoverable
Codes; Storage Codes.

Submissions should be submitted via EasyChair: by the deadline of
16 July 2021


From: Christian Sohler [log in to unmask]
Date: June 01, 2021
Subject: Professor Position, Computer Science, Univ of Cologne

The University of Cologne is one of the largest and most research-
intensive universities in Germany, offering a wide range of
subjects. With its six faculties and its interfaculty centres, it
offers a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines and internationally
outstanding profile areas, supported by the administration with its
services. In the context of expanding the Division of Computer
Science, the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science aims to
increase its expertise in the field of information and data
science. Possible research topics include, but are not limited to data
analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, information
retrieval, knowledge discovery, and computer vision.

We are looking for applicants with an outstanding research and
teaching track record in the field of information and data science
with successful acquisition of competitive third-party
funding. Interdisciplinary applications, e.g., in medicine, science,
or industry as well as interactions with existing research topics in
the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science are
expected. High-performance computing capabilities are available at the
Regional Computing Center Cologne (RRZK) and participation in the
Center for Data and Simulation Science (CDS) is intended. Furthermore,
applicants should actively engage in the expansion of the Division of
Computer Science at University of Cologne. Participation in the
mathematics, economathematics and the planned Computer Science
programs of the department as well as in the offered service courses
in the area of computer science is expected.

For the full job announcement please go to the University of Cologne's
Academic Job Portal (


From: Jo Ueyama [log in to unmask]
Date: May 31, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Image Processing, Univ of Sao Paulo

The Center for Research in Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry
(CEPID-CeMEAI) at the University of Sao Paulo opens a post-doctoral
research position in Image Processing. The selected candidate will
work at the Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences of the
University of Sao Paulo in Sao Carlos/SP, Brazil. Sao Paulo Research
Foundation provides financial support with a monthly salary of R$
7.373,10 and a research contingency fund, equivalent to 10% of the
annual value of the fellowship which should be spent in items directly
related to the research activity. The position is for one year.

Project: Image processing for flood detection
Supervisor: Prof. Jo Ueyama
This position focuses on detecting and forecasting floods using images
and thus automating flood identification without human intervention.
With such an approach, it will be possible to use only the cameras
without a river height sensor submerged in the river. Applicants must
have completed, or are nearing completion, a doctorate in Computer
Science or related subjects in the past five years. The selection
criteria will include demonstrated research capacity in the field of
call, a solid background in image processing, machine learning, and
English speech and writing skills. It is also desirable that the
candidate knows how to work in groups and has the ability to interact
with researchers from other areas, such as hydrology. To apply, send
the following items by email to Professor Jo Ueyama until
06/30/2021. Professor Ueyama email address is
[log in to unmask] Please send the pdf files of the following
documents: 1. Letter of interest, containing complete information of
contact, year of graduation, and citizenship/immigration status,
clearly addressing the research above; 2. Resume; 3. Cover letter
including names and contact information for three references.  Enter
"Postdoc" in the subject field of the message.


From: Barbara Verfürth [log in to unmask]
Date: June 04, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Seeking to recruit, limited to 2 years, a PostDoctoral Researcher
(f/m/d) for the Project "A new TEstbed for Exploring Machine LEarning
in Atmospheric Prediction (TEEMLEAP)"

TEEMLEAP is funded in the framework of KIT's Excellence Initiative
"Future Fields". Its goal is to establish a testbed based on the
operational system of the German Weather Service (DWD) to explore
potential improvements to weather prediction through machine
learning. Current weather predictions still suffer from systematic
errors and weather services around the world are now realising that
circumventing these deficits through machine learning could
revolutionise the discipline in the next decades. This requires a
fundamental rethinking, interlinking meteorology much better with
mathematics and computer science.

We seek an ambitious postdoctoral researcher with an interest in
mathematical and computational challenges of machine learning and its
combination with numerical weather prediction. Main tasks of the
position are to analyze the fundamental mathematical characteristics
of the envisioned new testbed, to develop a strategy for optimisation
using machine learning methods and to quantify forecast
uncertainty. More details about the position can be found here:

Applicants should have: PhD in Mathematics, Computer Sciences or
closely related subject; Strong background in numerical analysis,
statistics or mathematical aspects of machine learning; Programming
skills (e.g.  python, MATLAB, C++, R); the ability to work within an
interdisciplinary team. Please apply via E-mail to Dr Barbara Verfurth
[log in to unmask] until 23/06/2021 including a detailed CV,
scans of degree certificates, a letter of motivation, contact
information for two referees. Planned start date is 01/09/2021.


From: Paul Ledger [log in to unmask]
Date: June 01, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Keele Univ, UK

We have open 3 year RA (post-doctoral) position at the School of
Computing & Mathematics, Keele University (UK) on a new EPSRC funded
project with Department of Mathematics, The University of Manchester
(UK). The position would suit an Applied Mathematician/Computational
Engineer/Physicist with a background in Numerics, an interest in
Inverse Problems/Electromagnetics/Object Classification and good
programming skills.

For further details and to apply please see


From: Luca Pavarino [log in to unmask]
Date: May 30, 2021
Subject: PhD Positions, Computational Math and Decision Sciences,

We are seeking highly motivated graduate students for our
international PhD program in Computational Mathematics and Decision
Sciences, jointly organized by the University of Pavia (UNIPV), Italy
and the Universita della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Lugano, Switzerland.

We have openings for 6 new PhD positions, fully funded with a
competitive salary and an additional research budget for the second
and third year. The PhD research areas are Computational Mathematics,
Computational Physics, Scientific Computing, Statistics, Decision
Sciences, Optimization, Machine Learning, with an interdisciplinary
view of Applied Mathematics, Physics and decision processes under
uncertainty. For details, see the program webpage

The application procedure can be found at
Application deadline is June 24, 2021.


From: lasiecka [log in to unmask]
Date: May 30, 2021
Subject: Contents, EECT, 10 (3)

Vol 10, Nr 3 Evolution Equations and Control Theory [EECT} is on line.


1. Decay rates for the moore-gibson-thompson equation with memory.
Hizia Bounadja and Belkacem Said Houari

2. A remark on the attainable set of the Schrodinger equation.  Jonas

3. Approximate controllability of nonlocal problem for non-autonomous
stochastic evolution equations.  Pengyu Chen and Xuping Zhang

4. New results on controllability of fractional evolution systems with
order \alpha \in (1,2.).  Yong Zhou and Jia Wei He

5. Conditional regularity for the 3D Navier-Stokes equations in terms
of the middle eigenvalue of the strain tensor.  Fan Wu

6. Funnel Control for boundary control systems.  Marc Puche, Timo Reis
and Felix L. Schwenninger

7. Null controllability for singular cascade systems of n -coupled
degenerate parabolic equations by one control force.  Brahim Allal,
Abdelkarim Hajjaj, Lahcen Maniar and Jawad Salhi

8. On finite Morse index solutions of higher order fractional elliptic
equations.  Belgacem Rahal and Cherif Zaidi

9. Blow-up criteria for linearly damped nonlinear Schrodinger
equations.  Van Duong Dinh

10. Results on controllability of non-densely characterized neutral
fractional delay differential system.  Kasthurisamy Jothimani,
Kalimuthu Kaliraj, Sumati Kumari Panda, Kotakkaran Sooppy Nisar and
Chokkalingam Ravichandran

11. A nonlocal Weickert type PDE applied to multi-frame super-
resolution.  Fatimzehrae Ait Bella, Aissam Hadri, Abdelilah Hakim and
Amine Laghrib

12. On some damped 2 body problems.  Alain Haraux

End of Digest

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