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NADIGEST  May 2021, Week 1

NADIGEST May 2021, Week 1


NA Digest, V. 21, # 16


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Sun, 2 May 2021 16:41:20 -0600





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Subject: NA Digest, V. 21, # 16

NA Digest Sunday, May 02, 2021 Volume 21 : Issue 16

Today's Editor:

        Daniel M. Dunlavy
        Sandia National Labs
        [log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

        Tom Coleman, 1950-2021
        New Book, B-Series
        From Runge-Kutta methods to B-series, ONLINE, May 2021
        Detecting, Locating and Characterising Metal, ONLINE, Jun 2021
        Mathematics of Robotics, ONLINE, Sep 2021
        PhD/Postdoc Positions, High Performance Computing, Germany
        PhD Position, Applied Mathematics, RWTH Aachen
        PhD Position, Parallel-in-Time Integration, JSC, Germany
        PhD Positions, Computational Mathematics, NTNU, Norway
        CFP, Model Development for the Classroom

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From: Stephen Vavasis [log in to unmask]
Date: April 27, 2021
Subject: Tom Coleman, 1950-2021

We are saddened to announce that our colleague and friend Tom Coleman,
Professor of Combinatorics and Optimization at University of Waterloo,
passed away on April 20 after a battle with cancer. Tom was a pioneer
in many aspects of optimization and scientific computing including
combinatorial scientific computing, parallel optimization, automatic
differentiation, and portfolio optimization. In addition to his
influential scientific work including eight books, he was an advisor
and mentor to dozens of masters, PhD and postdoctoral students. He
also served in multiple leadership roles in our community, including
as Director of the Cornell Theory Center and as Dean of Mathematics at
Waterloo, and was awarded several honors including SIAM Fellow and the
Ophelia Lazaridis University Research Chair at Waterloo. He will be
greatly missed. A longer biography will appear soon on the University
of Waterloo C&O department website.

Alex Pothen, Steve Vavasis, and Henry Wolkowicz


From: Helmut Podhaisky [log in to unmask]
Date: April 29, 2021
Subject: New Book, B-Series

B-Series -- Algebraic Analysis of Numerical Methods
John C. Butcher, Springer 2021

B-series have become an indispensable tool in the analysis of
numerical methods. This monograph is by John Butcher who has developed
algebraic and combinatorial analysis of numerical methods from 1963
onwards. The book contains a concise treatment of the subject
including recent developments and algorithms.

A virtual book launch event will be held on 11th May 2021, 09:00
British Summer Time with opening remarks given by Remi Lodh (Springer)
followed by a talk on "From Runge--Kutta methods to B-series" by John
Butcher chaired by Arieh Iserles.

See for further details and
the Zoom link.


From: Ruth Crane [log in to unmask]
Date: April 28, 2021
Subject: From Runge-Kutta methods to B-series, ONLINE, May 2021

On Wednesday, May 12, 2021, ICERM is pleased to host "From Runge-
Kutta methods to B-series", a virtual lecture and Q&A with John

In the early days of Runge-Kutta methods, 1895-1901, the numerical
order of particular methods was found by working out the Taylor series
for the solution of a generic scalar differential equation. By
comparing this with the Taylor series for the Runge-Kutta result, the
order of the approximation can be found. This approach was highly
successful in finding methods up to order 4 but it became more and
more complicated until eventually, in the 1950s, methods up to order 6
were found.

It was discovered, about that time, that the theory based on a scalar
problem was not adequate, and a vector differential equation system
had to be used as the test problem.

The theory, arising from this high-dimensional approach, has now
become B-series analysis.

Register at:


From: Paul Ledger [log in to unmask]
Date: April 30, 2021
Subject: Detecting, Locating and Characterising Metal, ONLINE, Jun 2021

Workshop on "Mathematics for Detecting, Locating and Characterising
Metal Objects", 1st June 14:00-17:00 BST.

Researchers from Keele University, The University of Manchester and
their project collaborators are jointly organising, with ICMS, an
afternoon to promote their recent research developments and to build a
research/end-user community for metal detection. Sponsored by EPSRC
and the Royal Society, research on the mathematical theory
underpinning new developments in detecting, locating and
characterising metal objects has progressed in recent years.
Application areas for this technology are widespread. Areas of
interest include, but are not limited to: early detection of threat
objects (e.g. knives and guns) for security screening at transport
hubs and public events; identification of hidden anti-personal mines
and unexploded ordnance in areas of former conflict; identification of
metallic objects of value in treasure hunts and in archaeological
searches; non-destructive testing and determining integrity of
reinforcement in concrete structures; ensuring food safety by
identification of unwanted metallic contamination; scrap sorting to
identify precious metals; finding hidden cables in walls and
underground; discriminating between different coins in vending
machines and automated checkouts.

This afternoon event is our initial community building activity and
will include: A series of short presentations from Keele University
and The University of Manchester overviewing the research in this
area; Short metal detection challenges 'pitches' by end users -
followed by breakout sessions linking these challenges and the
research; Discussion forum - how to support the activity going forward.

To find out more and to register please go to


From: Pamela Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: April 30, 2021
Subject: Mathematics of Robotics, ONLINE, Sep 2021

2nd IMA Conference on Mathematics of Robotics
8-10 September 2021, Online Conference via Zoom

The IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Robotics aims to bring
together researchers working on all areas of robotics which have a
significant Mathematical content. The idea is to highlight the
Mathematical depth and sophistication of techniques applicable to
Robotics and to foster cooperation between researchers working in
different areas of Robotics. This Conference has been organised in
cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: Topology.
Kinematics. Algebraic topology of configuration spaces of robot
mechanisms. Topological aspects of path planning and sensor
networks. Differential topology and singularity theory of robot
mechanism and moduli spaces. Algebraic Geometry. Varieties generated
by linkages and constraints. Geometry of stiffness and inertia
matrices. Rigid-body motions. Computational approaches to algebraic
geometry. Dynamical Systems and Control. Dynamics of robots and
mechanisms. Simulation of multi-body systems, e.g. swarm
robots. Geometric control of robots. Optimal control and other
optimisation problems. Combinatorial and Stochastic Methods. Rigidity
of structures. Path planning algorithms. Modular robots.
Statistics. Stochastic control. Localisation. Navigation with
uncertainty. Statistical learning theory. Cognitive
Robotics. Mathematical aspects of Artificial Intelligence,
Developmental Robotics and other Neuroscience based approaches.

Original technical contributions are currently being accepted in the
form of full papers of at most 8 pages. Papers should be submitted by
18 June 2021 via


From: Philipp Neumann [log in to unmask]
Date: April 27, 2021
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Positions, High Performance Computing, Germany

Positions at salary grade TVoD E13 (PhD/Postdoc) are available, funded
until 31.12.2024, at the chair for high performance computing,
Helmut-Schmidt-Universitat Hamburg. Research directions are given
across the wide range of topics (multiscale flow simulations;
molecular dynamics; machine learning; exploration of novel/existing
computational techniques for novel HPC hardware; performance
engineering; hardware benchmarking; etc.).

Information on the research group and corresponding projects can be
found at:

For inquiries on the positions, please contact Philipp Neumann:
[log in to unmask]


From: Frank Knoben [log in to unmask]
Date: April 27, 2021
Subject: PhD Position, Applied Mathematics, RWTH Aachen

At the Chair for Numerical Mathematics of the RWTH Aachen University
we offer a PhD position in the field of Numerical mathematics. In our
group we work on the analysis, implementation and application of
numerical simulation methods for partial differential equations. Main
research topics are on numerical methods for two-phase incompressible
flow problems and for partial differential equations on surfaces. More
information on these topics can be found on and

The application deadline is May 20, 2021

The full job ad can be found at


From: Robert Speck [log in to unmask]
Date: April 27, 2021
Subject: PhD Position, Parallel-in-Time Integration, JSC, Germany

The Juelich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) is looking to recruit a PhD
student in the field of fault-tolerant and robust parallel-in-time
integrators. JSC operates one of the most powerful computer systems
for scientific and technical applications in Europe and makes it
available for research purposes to scientists at Forschungszentrum
Juelich, in Germany, and throughout Europe.

The goal of this project is to develop parallel-in-time integration
methods with the ability to recover after hardware faults or data
corruption. The approaches will be adapted to modern supercomputer
architectures, also with respect to scheduling and load
balancing. Also, compression techniques for reducing the memory and
communication footprint will be assessed. This project is part of the
EuroHPC JU project TIME-X.

The ideal candidate should hold a Master's degree in the field of
mathematics, computer science, engineering or a related
discipline. She/he should have experience working with numerical
methods and algorithms, preferably in the domain of numerical methods
for time-dependent partial differential equations, as well as with
writing numerical software, preferably in C++ and Python.

More information can be found here:


From: André Massing [log in to unmask]
Date: April 28, 2021
Subject: PhD Positions, Computational Mathematics, NTNU, Norway

Two new PhD fellowships in computational mathematics are available at
the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the Norwegian University of
Science and Technology ( Both PhD projects
will focus on the development and application of novel computational
tools for the accurate and efficient simulation of complex
multiphysics problems. While the first project is concerned with the
simulation and optimization of multiphysics processes in large-scale
liquid hydrogen transport, the second project focuses on the
development of novel computational methods for complex multiphysics
flows arising in biology and biomedicine. We are looking for highly
motivated candidates with a sound background in numerical mathematics
and a strong interest for developing novel numerical schemes and
applying them to challenging application problems in science and
engineering. Both projects require good programming skills,
preferably in C++/Python/Julia, and basic knowledge in partial
differential equations and their numerical
solution. Knowledge/interest in fluid mechanics and/or scientific
computing are considered merits. Experience with open source finite
element/volume libraries such as deal.ii, mfem, dune, FEniCS,
Firedrake, NGSolve, Gridap, OpenFOAM etc. are advantageous but not
required. Successful candidates will be offered a three-year,
full-time research position. The Department may offer a twelve month
extension as a teaching assistant. The work place will be Trondheim.

For further details and to apply, please visit: for the PhD position on "Numerical
solution and optimization of multiphysics problems in large-scale
liquid hydrogen transport" and for the
PhD position on "Numerical methods for complex flow problems in
biology and biomedicine".

Application deadline is the 26th of May, 2021. For further
information, please contact Assoc. Prof. Andre Massing
([log in to unmask]).


From: Janos D. Pinter [log in to unmask]
Date: April 27, 2021
Subject: CFP, Model Development for the Classroom

A Springer Nature Operations Research Forum Special Issue
GUEST EDITOR: Janos D. Pinter, [log in to unmask]

This special issue presents a collection of articles discussing the
innovative use of model development environments in courses held at
colleges and universities. We solicit submissions discussing
curriculum development, research and teaching practice.

Topics of interest include courses offered in the area of Business
Analytics, Data Science, Management Science, Operations Research,
Operations Management, and Statistics. Modeling environments include
e.g., AMPL, GAMS, Excel, Julia, LINGO, Matlab, Mathematica, Maple,
Python, R, SAS. Examples and cases used in the classroom, and made
available for educational use, will be particularly welcome.

Papers should be submitted at the SN Operations Research Forum website: .

Article submission deadline: July 31, 2021.
1st Round of review: September 30, 2021.
Revised submission deadline: October 31, 2021.
Notification of decision: December 31, 2021.
Publication Date: Accepted papers will be made available online on the
Springer website shortly after acceptance. The publication date of the
printed version will be determined when the SI is finalized.

End of Digest

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