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NADIGEST  April 2021, Week 3

NADIGEST April 2021, Week 3


NA Digest, V. 21, # 14


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Sun, 18 Apr 2021 10:58:43 -0600





text/plain (462 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 21, # 14

NA Digest Sunday, April 18, 2021 Volume 21 : Issue 14

Today's Editor:

        Daniel M. Dunlavy
        Sandia National Labs
        [log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

        New Software, HSS Matrices, Julia
        Software Release, AMG4PSBLAS v. 1.0 - rc1
        Course, Parallel Computing with MPI, Jun-Jul 2021
        Modelling the Cardiac Function, ONLINE, Jul 2021
        Summer School, Shape and Topology Optim, Austria, Jul 2021
        Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms, ONLINE, Sep 2021
        Postdoc Position, Computational Science, Univ of Minnesota
        Postdoc Position, Coupling Multi-physics Problems, IFPEN
        PhD Position, Applied Mathematics, KU Leuven
        PhD Position, Linkoping Univ, Sweden
        PhD Position, Mixing and Resonances in Magnetic Fluids, KIT
        PhD Position, Univ of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
        PhD Positions, Computational UQ, Technical Univ of Denmark
        CFP, CMB, COVID-19 and Dynamics of Infectious Diseases

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From: Boris Bonev [log in to unmask]
Date: April 16, 2021
Subject: New Software, HSS Matrices, Julia

We are happy to announce the release of our new library for working
with HSS matrices - HssMatrices.jl.

You can find out more details here:


From: Fabio Durastante [log in to unmask]
Date: April 14, 2021
Subject: Software Release, AMG4PSBLAS v. 1.0 - rc1

The AMG4PSBLAS development team gladly announce the release of version
1.0 (release candidate 1 - rc1) of the package.

AMG4PSBLAS (Algebraic MultiGrid Preconditioners Package based on
PSBLAS) is a package of parallel algebraic multilevel preconditioners
included in the PSCToolkit (Parallel Sparse Computation Toolkit)
software framework (; its development is
supported by the EU-H2020 EoCoE (Energy Oriented Center of Excellence)
project, and the package has been selected by EU Innovation Radar as
recent excellent innovation.

AMG4PSBLAS is designed to provide scalable and easy-to-use
preconditioners in the context of the PSBLAS (Parallel Sparse Basic
Linear Algebra Subprograms) parallel computing framework, to be used
in conjunction with the PSBLAS Krylov solvers. The library uses a
fully algebraic approach to generate a hierarchy of coarse-level
matrices and operators; it includes a new parallel-coupled aggregation
algorithm exploiting maximum edge-weighted matchings. The
preconditioners in AMG4PSBLAS can combine different types of AMG
cycles with many smoothers and coarsest-level solvers. AMG4PSBLAS runs
on most parallel computers, requiring only PSBLAS, the BLAS, and MPI.

A GPU plugin for PSBLAS (available separately from enables the execution of AMG4PSBLAS
applications on clusters with hybrid CPU/GPU nodes.


From: Matthias Gobbert [log in to unmask]
Date: April 13, 2021
Subject: Course, Parallel Computing with MPI, Jun-Jul 2021

I am offering my 3-credit senior undergraduate level course on
Parallel Computing in the UMBC Summer session 2021, June 01 to July
08. This can be an effective way for any student, undergraduate or
graduate, to gain a quick introduction to this important topic.

I would appreciate identifying interested and suitable students and
forward of this ad to anyone with potential use of this course. It
would require paying tuition to UMBC for 3 undergraduate credits, but
the course would be fully transferable to the home institution.
Admission to UMBC would be as non-degree seeking student and is
stream-lined for the special sessions. The URL with a detailed
schedule and list of topics is below. Do not hesitate to let me know,
if you have questions.

For complete information on the course with a detailed schedule and
list of topics, please see

Matthias Gobbert, gobbert@umbc, Math & Stat, UMBC


From: Luca Paglieri [log in to unmask]
Date: April 16, 2021
Subject: Modelling the Cardiac Function, ONLINE, Jul 2021

2021 iHEART Online Conference
Modelling the Cardiac Function
July 1-3, 2021

This conference aims at highlighting the state of the art in the
mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of the cardiac
function and its clinical applications. The event will take place
online and it will host plenary lectures from distinguished scientists
as well as contributed talks. Abstract submission for contributed
talks (15 min.) is now open, deadline is May 31.

Plenary speakers: Luca Dede' (MOX, Politecnico di Milano, IT); Antonio
Frontera (Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, IT); Boyce Griffith
(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA); Julius M. Guccione
(University of California San Francisco, CA USA); Gianluca Pontone
(Centro Cardiologico Monzino, Milan, IT); Kenji Takizawa (Waseda
University, Tokyo JP); Natalia Trayanova (Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore MD USA); Alessandro Veneziani (Emory University, Atlanta GA

Important dates:
May 31, 2021: abstract submission
June 21, 2021: registration (free of charge)
For more information, abstract submission and registration, visit


From: Peter Gangl [log in to unmask]
Date: April 17, 2021
Subject: Summer School, Shape and Topology Optim, Austria, Jul 2021

In the framework of the GAMM Juniors, we are organizing a summer
school on the topic of shape and topology optimization. The workshop
is currently planned to take place in a hybrid format at Graz
University of Technology between July 26 and 30, 2021. It is directed
towards PhD students, master students and postdoctoral researchers who
are working in or interested in the field of design optimization.

The invited speakers are:
- Gregoire Allaire (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)
- Michael Stingl (FAU Erlangen-Nurnberg)
- Kevin Sturm (TU Wien)
- Benedikt Wirth (WWU Munster)
- Jun Wu (TU Delft)

Deadline for registration: May 15, 2021

More information can be found on


From: Przemyslaw Stpiczynski [log in to unmask]
Date: April 12, 2021
Subject: Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms, ONLINE, Sep 2021

We invite you to submit articles for 14th Workshop on Computer Aspects
of Numerical Algorithms (CANA'21),
organized in conjunction with 2021 Federated Conference on Computer
Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS'21; IEEE).

The workshop is devoted to numerical algorithms especially to the
latest scientific trends in this area and to the problems related to
the implementation of libraries of efficient numerical algorithms.
The aim of the workshop is to meet scientists from various institutes
and exchange experiences, as well as integrate research centers.

Paper submission: May 24, 2021
Conference date: September 2-5, 2021
Contact: [log in to unmask]


From: Douglas Arnold [log in to unmask]
Date: April 12, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Science, Univ of Minnesota

The School of Mathematics at the University of Minnesota invites
applications for a post-doctoral position in computational science and
mathematics under the supervision of Douglas Arnold beginning Fall
2021 . The position is supported by the Simons Collaboration on
Localization of Waves and will center on the research projects of the
Collaboration. We seek a candidate with strong background in the
numerical solution of partial differential equations and eigenvalue
problems. Strength in both implementation and analysis are
required. Prior experience with eigenvalue problems, wave propagation,
and/or quantum physics is desirable. The salary will be commensurate
with qualifications and experience. The preferred start date is no
later than the start of the Fall semester of 2021 and could be
sooner. The duration is two years, with a possibility of extending to
the third year depending on funding and performance. Applicants should
submit an AMS cover sheet, complete curriculum vitae, a description of
their research and teaching, and at least three letters of
recommendation at the Mathjobs website A cover letter relating the
applicant's research goals and qualifications to the projects would
enhance the application.

The University of Minnesota is an Equal Opportunity Educator and


From: Ani Anciaux [log in to unmask]
Date: April 13, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Coupling Multi-physics Problems, IFPEN

In the context of geomechanical simulations, a proof of concept of
coupling between a mechanical simulation code and a porous media flow
simulation code has been implemented at IFPEN. After an analysis of
the existing coupled code, the postdoctoral fellow will develop a new
coupling tool in order to increase the performance of the existing
coupled code, to improve its robustness and, possibly, its

Research program: study of existing coupling libraries (e.g.: CWIPI,
Padawan, Precice) in order to be able to select the most suitable one
for the new coupling tool ; study of the existing coupling tool and of
the coupled codes, analysis of the physics of the coupled phenomena;
selection of the coupling library to use for the new coupling tool;
realization of a POC for the defined use case (geomechanical coupling
between a flow code in a porous medium and a mechanical simulator,
such as Code_Aster.); study of the implementation of a direct
communication scheme replacing the centralized one used in the
existing coupling tool; study of the possibility to use more efficient
iterative coupling algorithms for non-linear problems by replacing the
fixed point algorithm currently used in the existing coupled code.

Required skills: knowledge of C/C++, Fortran 90/2003, Python,
numerical analysis, code coupling, Linux; Duration: 12 months;
Simulation environment: IFPEN Linux HPC cluster; Supervision:
multidisciplinary teams with mathematical, physical and computer
skills. Location: IFPEN (Rueil-Malmaison) and Andra (Chatenay-Malabry)

Contact: Bernard Vialay: [log in to unmask], Daniele Colombo:
[log in to unmask] and Ani Anciaux-Sedrakian: ani.anciaux-
[log in to unmask]


From: Wim Michiels [log in to unmask]
Date: April 14, 2021
Subject: PhD Position, Applied Mathematics, KU Leuven

PhD position "Control oriented analysis of linear periodic
delay-differential algebraic equations" @KU Leuven

Delay-differential algebraic equations (DDAEs) naturally appear in
mathematical models for large-scale dynamical systems. A systematic
description of the different components of the system and their
interconnections naturally leads to a combination of differential
equations and algebraic constraints, while delays in the model
describe heredity, propagation and communication lags.

The PhD project contributes to the construction of an overarching
mathematical framework for the analysis of linear time-invariant and
time-periodic DDAEs. First, the fundamental theory will be addressed,
contributing to the stability and Floquet theory, and to perturbation
theory. Second, analysis methods and computational tools will be
designed to assess and optimize the dynamic behavior of the modeled
system. Distinctive methodological features are the role of duality,
in a system theoretic sense, and connections with eigenvalue
problems. The mathematical and computational tools will be validated
on applications in control engineering and vibration control, in the
framework of ongoing collaborations of the hosting research group.

The ideal candidate has a MSc degree in mathematics (applied,
computational) or mathematical engineering. We offer a fully funded
PhD position in an international context at the NUMA section of KU
Leuven, a top university and hub for interdisciplinary research in the
fields of Applied Mathematics and Systems & Control. The position is
open until a suitable candidate has been found.

How to apply: send an application package (cv, transcripts, motivation
letter, refs.) to [log in to unmask], with subject "vac-ddae"


From: Yura Malitsky [log in to unmask]
Date: April 12, 2021
Subject: PhD Position, Linkoping Univ, Sweden

The department of Mathematics at Linkoping University seeks
applications for a PhD student position in the area of mathematical
optimization theory with the aim of developing new techniques for
machine learning. The position is for 4 years without teaching or 5
years with teaching.

The doctoral student will be supervised by Dr. Oleg Burdakov and
Dr. Yura Malitsky

The application deadline is May 7, 2021.

The full job ad:

The position is funded by a national Swedish initiative within the
Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP). For
more information on WASP graduate school, please visit:


From: Laurette Lauffer [log in to unmask]
Date: April 15, 2021
Subject: PhD Position, Mixing and Resonances in Magnetic Fluids, KIT

Doctoral Researcher (f/m/d - 75 %) for the CRC 1173 Project "Mixing
and resonances in magnetic fluids"

We seek for an ambitious doctoral researcher with an interest in
partial differential equations and fluid dynamics. You will study the
dispersive properties of mixing and learn about resonance effects in
magnetic fluids. You will have the opportunity to attend conferences,
workshops, and summer schools. Engagement in teaching is encouraged.
We provide an inspiring, attractive, interdisciplinary, and
internationally recognized scientific environment with access to
excellent facilities of the KIT, a wide scope of advanced training
options within our integrated research training group, and flexible
working time models. Our CRC aims at the implementation of equal
opportunities, it promotes diversity and supports persons with
childcare or eldercare responsibilities as well as persons with
disabilities. Funds for travel and guests are available through the CRC.

The following qualifications are required: Excellent Master or an
equivalent degree in Mathematics. Strong background in one of the
following fields: partial differential equations, harmonic analysis,
mathematical physics. We expect good writing and oral communication
skills in English along with the ability to work independently within
an international team. Applications should include a cover letter, a
curriculum vitae, a statement of research interest, contact
information for two referees, and copies of degree certificate(s).

Please apply until 14.05.2021 using the vacancy number 2009/2021, and
electronically via [log in to unmask] For further information,
please contact Dr. Christian Zillinger, [log in to unmask],
or Ms. Laurette Lauffer, [log in to unmask]


From: Victorita Dolean [log in to unmask]
Date: April 12, 2021
Subject: PhD Position, Univ of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

A fully funded three-year PhD studentship is available in the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of
Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom. The intra-disciplinary research
will be undertaken primarily within the Numerical Analysis and
Scientific Computing group but the student will also have the
opportunity to interact with the Applied Analysis group.

Mathematical and numerical modelling is unavoidable nowadays when one
tries to investigate and understand complex physical phenomena such as
seismic or electromagnetic wave propagation problems. When developing
realistic mathematical models for large-scale physical applications,
one bottleneck in the procedure is often the efficient and effective
solution of the resulting matrix equations. In addition to the
inherent difficulties one can encounter in complex applications, we
often experience extra difficulties when dealing with time-harmonic
wave propagation problems. These difficulties stem from the
indefinite or non-self-adjoint nature of the operators involved. This
requires a paradigm shift in the design and analysis of solvers. The
aim of this project is to build and analyse a new generation of
spectral preconditioners based on generalised eigenvalue problems
allowing a robust behaviour with respect to the physical properties of
the medium. This requires a combination of numerical analysis and
spectral analysis tools. The outcome will be both mathematical but
also practical, as this will fundamentally change the state of the art
of solvers and the results will be incorporated in open-source

Applicants should have, or be expecting to obtain in the near future,
a first class or good 2.1 honours degree (or equivalent) in
mathematics or a mathematical science. Deadline for application 10th
May. Funding Notes: The studentship covers full tuition fees and a
tax-free stipend for three years starting on a commonly agreed
date. Funding is only available to UK nationals and to EU
nationals. For more information contact: [log in to unmask] and
[log in to unmask]


From: Per Christian Hansen [log in to unmask]
Date: April 13, 2021
Subject: PhD Positions, Computational UQ, Technical Univ of Denmark

The Technical University of Denmark opens several 3-year PhD positions
starting in the fall of 2021. They are part of the research project
CUQI: Computational Uncertainty Quantification for Inverse problems

Our goal is to create a platform for modeling and computations needed
to apply UQ to a range of inverse problems in academia and industry.
All PhD students will work individually and as team members supported
by dedicated supervisors. Applicants are also expected to contribute
to teaching, training activities, and supervision of students.

The PhD positions will focus on four areas:
- Handling large-scale inverse problems via dimensionality reduction,
surrogate modeling, multi-fidelity sampling algorithms, etc. We also
study how to handle errors and uncertainties in the reconstr. model.
- Development and use of stochastic optimization methods for efficient
sampling and for handling of implicitly given priors without the
need to tune the algorithm parameters.
- Theory, algorithms and diagnostic tools for handling uncertain
parameters in the likelihoods and priors via hyper-parameters and
associated hyper-priors.
- Besov priors for producing piecewise smooth reconstructions and for
detection of edges and interfaces, e.g., in PDE formulations of
image deblurring and computed tomography.

For more details and to apply (deadline May 25), see:

Per Christian Hansen, Yiqiu Dong and Martin S. Andersen


From: Weihua Geng [log in to unmask]
Date: April 13, 2021
Subject: CFP, CMB, COVID-19 and Dynamics of Infectious Diseases

The ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has
created significant threats to the public health and world economy.
Numerous computational and mathematical studies have been conducted to
accelerate the COVID-19 research. To provide a fast publication
channel for such studies, the De Gruyter affiliated and SCOPUS and
MathSciNet indexed journal Computational and Mathematical Biophysics
(CMB,, will publish a special
issue on "COVID-19 and Dynamics of Infectious Diseases". For this
special issue focusing on the dynamics features of infectious
diseases, we are looking for innovative and unpublished research on
SIR model and Fisher-Kolmogorov model and their related mathematical
modeling, theoretical analysis, data fitting, and numerical simulation
for combating the COVID-19. Additional potential topics included can
be found on the CMB journal website. Prospective authors should
submit their manuscript online at, and select the
Article Type as this special issue. Please contact the CMB Journal
Editor at: [log in to unmask] for any questions.

Important Dates: Manuscript due: July 1st, 2021;
First round of reviews: August 15th, 2021;
Anticipated publication date: October 31st, 2021

End of Digest

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November 2013, Week 1
October 2013, Week 4
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