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NADIGEST  April 2021, Week 2

NADIGEST April 2021, Week 2


NA Digest, V. 21, # 13


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Sun, 11 Apr 2021 10:23:35 -0600





text/plain (435 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 21, # 13

NA Digest  Sunday, April 11, 2021  Volume 21 : Issue 13

Today's Editor:

        Daniel M. Dunlavy
        Sandia National Labs
        [log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

        LA Software Survey of Freely Available Software to be Updated
        New Book, Constructive Fractional Analysis with Applications
        Hyperbolic Equations, Structure Preservation, ONLINE, Apr-Jun 2021
        Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science, ONLINE, Apr 2021
        IMA Maths Online Series, ONLINE, May 2021
        Call for Minisymposia, DMV-OMG Meeting, Germany, Sep 2021
        Associate Editor Position, Math Reviews, AMS
        Professorship Position, Numerics, Univ of Magdeburg, Germany
        Postdoc Position, Multilevel Monte Carlo in Quantum Physics, Germany
        PhD/Postdoc Position, Quantum Computing in Material Sciences
        Research Intern Position, Quantum Algorithms, Fujitsu
        CFP, Mathematical Foundations of Control Driven by Large Data
        Contents, Constructive Approximation, 53 (2)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Jack Dongarra [log in to unmask]
Date: April 06, 2021
Subject: LA Software Survey of Freely Available Software to be Updated

We are planning to update the survey of freely available software for
the solution of linear algebra problems. The current version of the
survey can be found at:

The aim is to put in "one place" the source code that is freely
available for solving problems in numerical linear algebra,
specifically dense, sparse direct and iterative systems and sparse
iterative eigenvalue problems.  Please send Dalal Sukkari
[log in to unmask] updates and corrections. We will post a note on
the na-digest when the new list is available.

Jack Dongarra and Dalal Sukkari


From: GEORGE ANASTASSIOU [log in to unmask]
Date: April 08, 2021
Subject: New Book, Constructive Fractional Analysis with Applications

George A. Anastassiou
Constructive Fractional Analysis with Applications, SPRINGER 2021

Constructive and Computational Fractional Analysis recently are more
and more in the center of mathematics because their great applications
in the real world. In this monograph all presented is original work by
the author given at a very general level to cover a maximum number of
cases in various applications. The author applies generalized
fractional differentiation techniques of Riemann-Liouville, Caputo and
Canavati types and of fractional variable order to various kinds of
inequalities such as of Opial, Hardy, Hilbert-Pachpatte and on the
spherical shell. He continues with E. R. Love left and right sides
fractional integral inequalities. They follow fractional Landau
inequalities, of left and right sides, univariate and multivariate,
including ones for Semigroups.These are developed to all possible
directions and right side multivariate fractional Taylor formulae are
proven for the purpose. It continues with several Gronwall fractional
inequalities of variable order. The last part of book includes
constructive approximation theory, it presents: ordinary and
fractional approximations by positive sublinear operators, and high
order approximation by multivariate generalized Picard,
Gauss-Weierstrass, Poisson-Cauchy and Trigonometric singular
integrals. This book results are expected to find applications in many
areas of pure and applied mathematics. As such this monograph is
suitable for researchers, graduate students, and seminars of the above
disciplines, also to be in all science and engineering libraries.


From: Christian Klingenberg [log in to unmask]
Date: April 06, 2021
Subject: Hyperbolic Equations, Structure Preservation, ONLINE, Apr-Jun 2021

Our online series of seminar lectures "Hyperbolic equations, Structure
preserving methods and other topics" will continue, see here

The upcoming speakers are:

April 9: Francois Dubois (Universite d'Orsay, France),
April 16: Qin Li (Univ. of Wisc., Madison, USA),
April 23: Mohammed Lemou (Rennes, France),
April 30: Bojan Popov (Texas A&M USA),
May 7: Claus-Dieter Munz (Stuttgart, Germany),
May 14: Deep Ray (Univ. South. Calif, USA),
May 21: Christiane Helzel (Dusseldorf, Germany),
May 28: Matthias Maier (Texas A&M USA),
June 4: Chi-Wang Shu (Brown Univ., USA)

All are welcome to join us via Zoom. Please email Christian
Klingenberg at Wuerzburg University (Germany)
[log in to unmask] to obtain the Zoom address.


From: Sean Hon [log in to unmask]
Date: April 08, 2021
Subject: Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science, ONLINE, Apr 2021

The Hong Kong Baptist University is pleased to announce the HKBU
Virtual Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science to be
held online during the week of 19th - 23rd April 2021. The conference
focuses on recent advances in the application of mathematical and
statistical theories to all aspects of data science and machine

For details about the speakers, schedule and abstract of
talks, please visit and register at
before 19th April.

There is no registration fee, and updates will be emailed to
registered participants. Please direct all of your inquiries to
[log in to unmask]


From: Pamela Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: April 06, 2021
Subject: IMA Maths Online Series, ONLINE, May 2021

IMA Mathematics 2021 Online Series
6 and 25 May 2021, Online Event via Zoom

For a number of years, the IMA has been running a series of
conferences to promote mathematics with the aim of demonstrating to
both mathematicians and non-mathematicians the many uses of modern
mathematics. Following last summer's very successful IMA
Mathematics 2020 series collaboration with the Newton Gateway to
Mathematics, we are pleased to announce two events for 2021 taking
place this May.  The first talk at the 6 May event will be from Nick
Higham who has been awarded the Gold Medal award in recognition of
outstanding contributions to mathematics and its applications. This
will be followed by Jane Leeks and David Abrahams discussing future
developments in mathematical sciences knowledge exchange. (See the
event page for further details) On Tuesday 25 May, we will have two
talks which feature the work of V-KEMS (Virtual Forum for Knowledge
Exchange in Mathematical Sciences). Presentations will feature the
work of two very successful virtual study groups, which ran in the
earlier this year, on Reducing the Risk of Covid-10 Transmission on
Trains and Modelling Solutions to the Impact of COVID-19 on
Cardiovascular Waiting Lists. (See the event page for further

Registration for both weeks is currently open at Registration closes on 3 May for Week One and
21 May for Week Two.


From: Brigitte Forster [log in to unmask]
Date: April 05, 2021
Subject: Call for Minisymposia, DMV-OMG Meeting, Germany, Sep 2021

We call for proposals for minisymposia for the DMV-OMG-conference
which is held at Passau from September 27 to October 1 2021.
We welcome applications in all areas of mathematics.

A minisymposium (MS) is generally a session of 4 or more coordinated
presentations on a single topic of substantial current interest and
importance in mathematics and its applications.  The MS organizer is
the chair of the minisymposium and may also be one of the speakers
within the minisymposium.  You can indicate one talk as a 50 minute
keynote talk, all remaining talks will be 25 minute
talks. Minisymposia may be held in English or German.

The scientific committee will decide on the minisymposia.  To apply
for a minisymposium send an email to [log in to unmask] .
Your application of not more than 2 pages shall include Your name,
affiliation, address, email, phone number, website; Your co-chair's
name, affiliation, address, email, phone number, website; Title of the
minisymposium; Scientific abstract; A short description on the
importance of the topic; At least four confirmed speakers for your
minisymposium; Decision whether you are planning a fully virtual or an
in person minisymposium.  (Note: The local organizers will not provide
a hybrid solution for minisymposia. The local organizers may decide to
host a fully virtual conference, if the situation caused by the
pandemic requires this.)

Deadline for the application for minisymposia: May 31 2021


From: Edward Dunne [log in to unmask]
Date: April 07, 2021
Subject: Associate Editor Position, Math Reviews, AMS

Associate Editor
Mathematical Reviews Editorial Department - Ann Arbor, MI

Applications are invited for a full-time position as an Associate
Editor for Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet to commence as early as
possible summer / fall 2021. We also welcome applications from
suitably qualified candidates interested in spending a sabbatical year
from their institution in the position and continuing as an editor
working remotely under contract afterwards.  Associate Editors select
articles and books for coverage, classify these items, determine the
type of coverage, assign selected items for review to reviewers, and
edit the reviews for mathematical content on their return.

The successful applicant will have mathematical breadth with an
interest in current developments, and will be willing to learn new
topics in pure and applied mathematics.  In particular, we are looking
for an applicant with expertise in numerical analysis and an interest
in related topics, such as computational fluid dynamics, computational
biology, and numerical methods in mathematical physics or other
sciences. The review of the applications will begin on April 26, 2021
and will continue until the position is filled.

Applications are via MathJobs:

Inquiries may be sent to the Executive Editor: Edward Dunne
([log in to unmask]).


From: Thomas Richter [log in to unmask]
Date: April 11, 2021
Subject: Professorship Position, Numerics, Univ of Magdeburg, Germany

The candidate in question brings a research profile in a modern field
of numerical mathematics that complements the existing focal points of
the Institute of Analysis and Numerics and enables interdisciplinary
cooperation to be strengthened.  Preference will be given to
applicants with a background in numerics of partial differential
equations, scientific computing, mathematical image processing or
scientific machine learning.  Furthermore, we expect interdisciplinary
cooperation within the framework of the research priorities of the
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, both within university and
with non-university research institutions (e.g. Max Planck Institute
for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems or Fraunhofer Institute for
Factory Operation and Automation IFF).

The call is aimed at young scientists with extraordinary potential for
a further career in science. The requirements for an appointment
result in particular from S35 of the Higher Education Act of the State
of Saxony-Anhalt (S35 Hochschulgesetz des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt).

For further questions please contact the dean of the Faculty of
Mathematics Prof. Dr. Alexander Pott ([log in to unmask]).

Applicants with severe disabilities will be given priority in the case
of equal suitability, ability and professional expertise.  Otto von
Guericke University aims to increase the proportion of female
researchers within the university and specifically encourages women to

Please note the information on the collection of personal data at:

For the full job description and further details please see


From: Robert Scheichl [log in to unmask]
Date: April 08, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Multilevel Monte Carlo in Quantum Physics, Germany

We are seeking ambitious applicants, who are interested to work on the
interface between theoretical physics, numerical mathematics and
scientific computing. This Exploratory Project in the DFG Cluster of
Excellence STRUCTURES aims to develop new mathematical approaches to
substantially reduce the computational cost of lattice simulations,
such as lattice QCD, with novel multilevel Monte Carlo methods.

The successful applicant will work in an interdisciplinary team of
applied mathematicians and theoretical physicists at Heidelberg
University, in collaboration with Karl Jansen (DESY Zeuthen) and Eike
Muller (Bath, UK). We are looking for applicants at postdoctoral level
with a background in theoretical physics and a strong computational
focus, or for researchers from scientific computing and computational
statistics with a keen interest or background knowledge in quantum

The position is offered for 24 months and it is available as of
now. We aim to fill the position as soon as possible within the next 6
months.  For more details about the position and how to apply see .

Application Deadline: May 3, 2021

For any questions and to obtain more information you can contact me.
Robert Scheichl, Heidelberg University
[log in to unmask]


From: Matthias Kabel [log in to unmask]
Date: April 09, 2021
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, Quantum Computing in Material Sciences

In cooperation with IBM Germany, the Competence Center for Quantum HPC
has been established at Fraunhofer ITWM. The Competence Center Q-HPC
has access to the newest IBM quantum computers.  In the Material
Simulation Group of the Competence Center Q-HPC, the research will
focus on the usage of IBM quantum computers for mechanical
characterization of composite materials.  We are looking for
candidates with strong background in numerical methods and interest in
quantum algorithms. Knowledge in numerical methods for solving partial
differential equations is desired.  The initial appointment will be
for one year in case of Postdoc and three years for a PHD with the
possibility of extension.

Applications should contain the following information: a cover letter,
curriculum vitae, transcript(s) of records, lists of publications and

For more information about the Competence Center Q-HPC see:


From: Sarvagya Upadhyay [log in to unmask]
Date: April 05, 2021
Subject: Research Intern Position, Quantum Algorithms, Fujitsu

Fujitsu Laboratories of America (FLA) is offering research internship
opportunities for graduate students pursuing research in quantum
information processing. The research projects broadly focus on quantum
algorithms and applications in areas such as machine learning and
optimization. FLA serves as the US based research arm of Fujitsu, the
global information and communications technologies leader
headquartered in Japan.

Qualified candidates should have i) Research interest and experience
in quantum computing, specially in quantum algorithms; ii) Background
in linear algebra, machine learning, and probability theory; iii)
Demonstrated ability to publish research papers in peer-reviewed
conference proceedings and/ or journals; iv) Strong programming
skills; v) Ability to work creatively and quickly.

Students pursuing Masters and PhD programs with relevant coursework or
research experience are invited to apply. Successful candidates are
expected to have exceptional communication skills, work independently
as well as a part of a team, and grasp information outside their
research expertise when required.

Due to the current pandemic situation, we are accepting candidates who
are currently enrolled in universities in Canada or the US. If this
sounds like something you'd be interested at, please send a recent CV
to [log in to unmask]


From: Lars GrĂ¼ne [log in to unmask]
Date: April 08, 2021
Subject: CFP, Mathematical Foundations of Control Driven by Large Data

Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS) is inviting
mathematically rigorous original research articles for a special issue
on the Mathematical Foundations of Control Driven by Large Data.

Topics include but are not limited to:

- Learning controllers directly from data
- Systems identification from large data sets
- Sample complexity of learning dynamical systems
- Data driven optimization of dynamical systems
- Machine learning inspired approaches to learning and controlling
  dynamical systems, including but not limited to Reinforcement
- Use of control theoretic techniques to improve learning, including
  convergence rates and robustness against adversarial attacks
- Handling different scales of data availability and informativity.

Guest Editors of the special issue are Alessandro Chiuso, Necmiye
Ozay, Mario Sznaier, and Rene Vidal. Submission deadline is October
31, 2021. For more information see .


From: Ed Saff [log in to unmask]
Date: April 05, 2021
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation, 53 (2)

Constructive Approximation
Volume 53, Issue No. 2, April 2021
Table of Contents

On a Uniqueness Theorem of E. B. Vul, Sasha Sodin

Entropy Numbers of Finite Dimensional Mixed-Norm Balls and Function
Space Embeddings with Small Mixed Smoothness, Sebastian Mayer and Tino

Rhodonea Curves as Sampling Trajectories for Spectral Interpolation on
the Unit Disk, Wolfgang Erb

Polynomial Approximation of Anisotropic Analytic Functions of Several
Variables, Andrea Bonito, Ronald DeVore, Diane Guignard, Peter Jantsch
and Guergana Petrova

Scaling Limits of Jacobi Matrices and the Christoffel-Darboux Kernel,
Jonathan Breuer

Kesten-McKay Law for Random Subensembles of Paley Equiangular Tight,
Frames, Mark Magsino, Dustin G. Mixon, and Hans Parshall

Constructive Approximation
An International Journal for Approximations and Expansions
Published by Springer

End of Digest

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