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Subject: NA Digest, V. 20, # 38
NA Digest Sunday, October 04, 2020 Volume 20 : Issue 38
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[log in to unmask]
Today's Topics:
Pat Gaffney
Einstein Field Equations, ONLINE, Oct 2020
Numerical Analysis Biennial, Scotland, Jun 2021
Research Group Head Position, Data-driven Computational Optimization
Research Group Head Position, Statistical Inversion and UQ
Postdoc Position, Complex Network Analysis, Univ of Pisa, Italy
Postdoc Position, Mathematics, Oxford Univ
Postdoc Position, Membrane Biophysics
Postdoc Position, RandNLA and Sca/LAPACK
Postdoc Position, Structure-preserving Approximation, Univ of Salerno
Postdoc Positions, Modeling, Sim, and Optim for Digital Twins
PhD Positions, Process Engineering, Systems and Control
Contents, Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 9 (4)
Contents, TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 11 (2)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Van Snyder [log in to unmask]
Date: September 28, 2020
Subject: Pat Gaffney
From Ronald Cools, chair of IFIP WG 2.5:
Pat Gaffney, a regular member of our Working Group, passed away on
Sunday 13th September in Bergen District, Norway. Below is a CV that
Berit Hilt prepared for her husband.
Patrick W. Gaffney was awarded his M.Sc. in Mathematics from Oxford
University in 1974 and his D.Phil in Mathematics from Oxford
University in 1977.
From October 1975 until July 1977 he was a research assistant at the
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority in Harwell from where he moved
to Oak Ridge National Laboratory in USA, Tennessee. Between July 1977
and June 1984 he worked as a Numerical Analyst-Consultant becoming a
Senior Research Staff member of the Computer Sciences Organization.
In September 1984 he moved to Norway to establish a Centre for
Computer Science at the Christian Michelsen Institute in Bergen,
In October 1986 he joined IBM as manager of the newly created Bergen
Scientific Centre - now renamed to the IBM Bergen Environmental
Sciences & Solutions Centre. IBM closed the Centre in June 1994. His
research areas are Numerical Software and Approximation. 1994-2016 he
had his own company, BSSI.
He has been editor of the ACM SIGNUM newsletter (1984-1994), and from
1991 he was associate editor of the ACM Transactions on Mathematical
Software. He has been a member of the Society for Industrial and
Applied Mathematics, a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its
Applications (IMA), the IMA representative for Norway, a member of the
International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working
Group 2.5 on Numerical Software, a member of the Ada-Europe Numerics
Working Group, and a Professor II at the Department of Information
Science at the University of Bergen.
From: Scott Field [log in to unmask]
Date: September 27, 2020
Subject: Einstein Field Equations, ONLINE, Oct 2020
We would like to invite you to the second workshop as part of the
semester-long program "Advances in Computational Relativity".
This second workshop will focus on theoretical and computational
approaches to solving the vacuum Einstein field equations (the master
equation of general relativity: a nonlinear, coupled,
hyperbolic-elliptic PDE system) without matter field sources. A
particular important special case is the simulation of two merging
black holes, which will be emphasized throughout the workshop.
Gravitational wave solutions will be another important aspect of this
workshop, and special attention will be given to modeling techniques
for the computation of these waves. Important, recent advances in
mathematical aspects of Einstein's theory of general relativity will
also be a central topic of the workshop.
Please apply using the link "Apply with Cube" at the workshop website
(https://icerm.brown.edu/programs/sp-f20/w2/) if you would like to
participate in this workshop.
From: Philip Knight [log in to unmask]
Date: September 30, 2020
Subject: Numerical Analysis Biennial, Scotland, Jun 2021
We're happy to announce the 29th Biennial Conference on Numerical
Analysis June 22-25, 2021, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow,
Scotland. Subject to the evolution of the pandemic, we plan to hold
the meeting in its customary fashion and that we aim to offer you a
warm Scottish welcome.
This long established conference is open to all researchers in the
field, and you are invited to contribute a talk on your current work.
PhD students and young researchers will find the environment
particularly welcoming. We will solicit proposals for mini-symposia to
be submitted on-line.
The following distinguished researchers have accepted invitations for
plenary lectures at the conference: Yves Achdou (Paris VII), Coralia
Cartis (Oxford), Lars Elden (Linkoping), Emmanuil Georgoulis
(Leicester), Chen Greif (UBC), Laura Grigori (INRIA Paris), Angela
Kunoth (Koln), Sven Leyffer (Argonne), Ricardo Nochetto (Maryland),
Daniel Peterseim (Augsburg), Catherine Powell (Manchester),
Chrtistiane Tretter (Bern)
The A R Mitchell lecture will be given by Ricardo Nochetto and the
Fletcher-Powell lecture by Sven Leyffer. Note that the Mitchell
lecture will take place on the 100th anniversary of his birth.
Registration is likely to open by the end of the year. Further
information may be found at http://www.naconf.org.uk
From: Caren Tischendorf [log in to unmask]
Date: September 29, 2020
Subject: Research Group Head Position, Data-driven Computational Optimization
Deadline Oct 20, 2020
We are looking for a highly motivated and scientifically outstanding
researcher in continuous optimization with emphasis on the design,
analysis and numerical realization of efficient solvers for problems
inspired by applications in data science, in particular, machine
learning, and information extraction from large scale data. We are
particularly interested in researchers advancing the development of
solvers that utilize stochastic techniques for efficiency purposes,
and distributed optimization approaches. The successful candidate fits
the scope of the Berlin Cluster of Excellence MATH+ and complements
the scientific profile of the Institute of Mathematics at
Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, while exhibiting a large cooperation
potential within Berlin mathematics and neighbouring disciplines.
Job Description: Leadership of a junior research group in the area of
Data-Driven Computational Optimization (limited until December 31,
2025); research in continuous optimization with emphasis on the
design, analysis and numerical realization of efficient solvers for
problems inspired by applications in data science, in particular,
machine learning, and information extraction from large scale data
Requirements: Master's degree in Mathematics or equivalent and PhD in
Mathematics; excellent knowledge in continuous optimization; very good
written and spoken English skills
Application: Please send your application, quoting the reference
number DR/166/20, to Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Mathematics,
Prof. Tischendorf, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany. Your
application must include a curriculum vitae, copies of certificates
and documents, a detailed description of your teaching experience as
well as current and future research projects and a list of
publications with up to three selected reprints. The application
should be sent as a single-document PDF via email to:
[log in to unmask]
Please visit our website
which gives you access to the legally binding German version.
From: Caren Tischendorf [log in to unmask]
Date: September 30, 2020
Subject: Research Group Head Position, Statistical Inversion and UQ
Deadline Oct 20, 2020
We are looking for a highly motivated and scientifically outstanding
researcher in the area of computational inverse problems with an
emphasis on statistical approaches including the quantification of
uncertainties. We are particularly interested in researchers working on
problems related to partial differential equations or large-scale data.
Application areas of interest include image processing and sustainable
energy and markets. The successful candidate fits the scope of the
Berlin Cluster of Excellence MATH+ and complements the scientific
profile of the Institute of Mathematics at Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin,
while exhibiting a large cooperation potential within Berlin mathematics
and neighbouring disciplines.
Job Description: Leadership of a junior research group in the area of
statistical inversion and quantification of uncertainties (limited
until December 31, 2025); research in computational inverse problems
with an emphasis on statistical approaches including the
quantification of uncertainties and problems related to partial
differential equations or large-scale data
Requirements: Master's degree in Mathematics or equivalent and PhD in
Mathematics; excellent knowledge in mathematical statistics and
uncertainty quantification; very good written and spoken English skills
Application: Please send your application, quoting the reference
number DR/167/20, to Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Mathematics,
Prof. Tischendorf, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany. Your
application must include a curriculum vitae, copies of certificates
and documents, a detailed description of your teaching experience as
well as current and future research projects and a list of
publications with up to three selected reprints. The application
should be sent as a single-document PDF via email to:
[log in to unmask]
Since we will not return your documents, please submit copies in the
application only. Please visit our website
which gives you access to the legally binding German version.
From: Federico Poloni [log in to unmask]
Date: October 04, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Complex Network Analysis, Univ of Pisa, Italy
The Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa is
offering a 1-year postdoctoral research position in the fields of
either Numerical Analysis/Linear Algebra or Optimization/Operations
The candidate will bring their expertise to a research project on
Complex Network Analysis: From Theory to Applications, joining the
research efforts of the participants to the project from various
departments of the University of Pisa.
Applications must arrive before October 31, 13:00 local time. A
doctoral degree is a mandatory requirement. The yearly employee gross
salary is 21.169,00 Euro, under a low taxation regime (Italian
"assegno di ricerca").
Full information available at
Please apply at https://pica.cineca.it/unipi/ass-inf2020-3/ .
From: Jared Tanner [log in to unmask]
Date: September 30, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Mathematics, Oxford Univ
Closing Date: Monday, November 2, 2020 - 12:00
We are looking for a talented postdoctoral researcher to take up a
Hooke Research Fellowship here at the Mathematical Institute,
University of Oxford. This prestigious Fellowship is full-time,
fixed-term up to 36 months, and provides an ideal opportunity for
candidates to pursue an independent research programme in the
mathematics of data science. The Department is also advertising a
similar fellowship scheme for a Titchmarsh Research Fellow, for
candidates who would like to pursue research in pure
mathematics. There will be one appointment made to each of the Hooke
and Titchmarsh Fellowships in this recruitment. Applications for job
shares or for part-time working to accommodate family circumstances
will be considered.
Candidates will have, or be close to completing, a PhD in mathematics
or a related discipline. They must show evidence of independence and
the ability to undertake research of the highest academic standard;
hold an outstanding record of papers published in major international
journals (commensurate with career stage), some of which should have a
clear data science focus; and have a realisable and relevant research
plan, relevant to the existing activities and/or expertise of the Data
Science research group, which would enhance the research profile of
the Mathematical Institute. Additional information about the post, and
a full list of selection criteria, are available in the job
To apply, please visit
Please direct informal enquiries to the Recruitment Co-ordinator at
the address below, quoting vacancy reference 147713.
Please note that applicants will be selected for interview purely
based on their ability to satisfy the selection criteria outlined in
the attached job description. You will be required to upload a
supporting letter setting out how you meet the selection criteria, a
curriculum vitae including full list of publications with top three
papers starred, a statement of research interests including a plan for
research during the Fellowship, and the names and contact details of
two referees as part of your online applicatiClosing Date: Monday,
November 2, 2020 -
We are looking for a talented postdoctoral researcher to take up a
Hooke Research Fellowship here at the Mathematical Institute,
University of Oxford. This prestigious Fellowship is full-time,
fixed-term up to 36 months, and provides an ideal opportunity for
candidates to pursue an independent research programme in the
mathematics of data science. The Department is also advertising a
similar fellowship scheme for a Titchmarsh Research Fellow, for
candidates who would like to pursue research in pure
mathematics. There will be one appointment made to each of the Hooke
and Titchmarsh Fellowships in this recruitment. Applications for job
shares or for part-time working to accommodate family circumstances
will be considered.
Candidates will have, or be close to completing, a PhD in mathematics
or a related discipline. They must show evidence of independence and
the ability to undertake research of the highest academic standard;
hold an outstanding record of papers published in major international
journals (commensurate with career stage), some of which should have a
clear data science focus; and have a realisable and relevant research
plan, relevant to the existing activities and/or expertise of the Data
Science research group, which would enhance the research profile of
the Mathematical Institute. Additional information about the post, and
a full list of selection criteria, are available in the job
To apply, please visit
You will be required to upload a supporting letter setting out how you
meet the selection criteria, a curriculum vitae including full list of
publications with top three papers starred, a statement of research
interests including a plan for research during the Fellowship, and the
names and contact details of two referees as part of your online
on. (NOTE: Applicants are
responsible for contacting their referees and making sure that their
letters are received by the closing date.)
Only applications received before 12.00 noon on Monday 2 November 2020
can be considered. Interviews are due to take place on Monday 30
November 2020.
From: Michael Miksis [log in to unmask]
Date: September 28, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Membrane Biophysics
We have an opening for a postdoctoral fellow to work on a NIH funded
project to model the coupling of lipid bilayer deformation and
transmembrane potential. The research is a collaboration between Petia
Vlahovska and Michael Miksis at Northwestern University. The position
is for one year, renewable for a 2nd year. The candidate should have
strong computational and analytical skills, and interested in working
at the interface of biophysics, soft matter physics, and applied
math. A PhD in applied mathematics, engineering or science is
required. Please send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, summary of
previous research accomplishments (2-page limit), plus the names and
contact information of two references to provide letters of
recommendation to: [log in to unmask] Review of applications
will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
From: James Demmel [log in to unmask]
Date: September 27, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, RandNLA and Sca/LAPACK
We seek a postdoc to join our team at UC Berkeley on a project to
develop and implement randomized matrix algorithms. This is part of
an NSF-funded project to enhance and update Sca/LAPACK libraries for
the ongoing revolution in processor architecture, system design, and
application requirements. The project involves incorporating random
sampling and random sketching methods from Randomized Numerical Linear
Algebra within the Sca/LAPACK environment. The work will involve
developing high-quality software, collaborating with other project
members in an interdisciplinary team, and documenting work and results
in publications to be presented at scientific meetings.
Basic qualifications for this position include a PhD, within the last
3 years, in computer science, applied math, machine learning,
computational science, or a related technical field; knowledge of
numerical linear algebra, machine learning, and Randomized Numerical
Linear Algebra techniques; demonstrated coding experience in C and/or
C++; experience in (or willingness to learn) parallel programming
using tools like MPI and OpenMP; being a proven consensus builder in a
highly collaborative environment; and excellent written and oral
communication skills. The term of this position is for 1 year, and
To apply for this position, please contact James Demmel (UC Berkeley,
[log in to unmask], https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~demmel/) or
Michael Mahoney (UC Berkeley, [log in to unmask],
From: Dajana Conte [log in to unmask]
Date: September 29, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Structure-preserving Approximation, Univ of Salerno
The Department of Mathematics of the University of Salerno has
published a call for applications for a research grant as part of the
PRIN2017 project "Structure-preserving approximation of evolutionary
problems" (PI: Prof. Raffaele D'Ambrosio, local coordinator:
Prof. Dajana Conte). The deadline for submitting the application is
set for 21 October 2020. The duration of the grant is 12 months. The
notice is available at:
The application form must be submitted exclusively electronically
through the page https://pica.cineca.it/unisa/unisa2020-adr059/
The research activities will be carried out within the PRIN2017
project "Structure-preserving approximation of evolutionary problems",
which focuses on numerical structure-preserving modeling for numerous
evolution problems in time, in space, with memory, deterministic and
stochastic. The main activity of the research fellow will focus on
the development and analysis of numerical schemes which, in addition
to verifying the usual properties of accuracy, efficiency and
stability, are also capable of retaining important qualitative
properties of the solution of the problem in question, the geometry of
the problem, any non-linear invariants. This investigation will
involve deterministic and stochastic operators, with consequent
repercussions on the peculiarity of the required analysis, as well as
in the development of prototype mathematical software based on the
produced numerical modeling.
From: Volker Mehrmann [log in to unmask]
Date: September 29, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Modeling, Sim, and Optim for Digital Twins
Three open positions are available as Postdocs (or potentially also
PhD students in the Numerical Mathematics Group for research within
the Werner von Siemens Center Berlin. The work is concerned with
modeling, simulation and optimization and the construction of digital
For the advertisements see
The deadline for applications is October 15, 2020.
Volker Mehrmann, Institute for Mathematics, TU Berlin
From: Peter Benner [log in to unmask]
Date: October 02, 2020
Subject: PhD Positions, Process Engineering, Systems and Control
Several PhD positions (pay scale: German public service, TVL/TVoD
E13 75%) are available in the International Max Planck Research School
for Advanced Methods in Process and Systems Engineering (IMPRS ProEng)
in Magdeburg, Germany.
IMPRS ProEng is a graduate school jointly run by the Max Planck
Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems in Magdeburg and
the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU). Our structured PhD
program offers talented junior scientists the opportunity to obtain a
doctorate under excellent research conditions, a multidisciplinary
environment and close scientific supervision. In combining
cutting-edge mathematical and systems-oriented engineering research,
we investigate problems of process and systems engineering,
characterized by both high complexity and high practical relevance.
Deadline for applications: November 12, 2020
More information:
From: lasiecka [log in to unmask]
Date: September 27, 2020
Subject: Contents, Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 9 (4)
New issue of EECT vol 9, nr 4, December 2020.
December 2020, Volume 9, Issue 4
Special issue on modeling, analysis and control of contact problems
Weimin Han, Stanislaw Migorski and Mircea Sofonea
1. A nonsmooth approach for the modelling of a mechanical rotary
drilling system with friction, Samir Adly and Daniel Goeleven
2.Measurable solutions to general evolution inclusions, Kevin
T. Andrews, Kenneth L. Kuttler, Ji Li and Meir Shillor
3.Numerical analysis of a nonmonotone dynamic contact problem of a
non-clamped piezoelectric viscoelastic body, Krzysztof Bartosz
4. A dynamic viscoelastic problem with friction and rate-depending
contact interactions, Marius Cocou
5. Stability analysis and optimal control of a stationary Stokes
hemivariational inequality, Changjie Fang and Weimin Han
6. On dynamic contact problem with generalized Coulomb friction,
normal compliance and damage, Leszek Gasinski and Piotr Kalita
7. Relaxation of optimal control problems driven by nonlinear
evolution equations, Leszek Gasinski and Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou
8. Measurable solutions for elliptic and evolution inclusions, Kenneth
9. Differential inclusion problems with convolution and discontinuous
nonlinearities, Yongjian Liu, Zhenhai Liu and Dumitru Motreanu
10. History-dependent differential variational-hemivariational
inequalities with applications to contact mechanics, Zhenhai Liu, Van
Thien Nguyen, Jen-Chih Yao and Shengda Zeng
11. Fully history-dependent evolution hemivariational inequalities
with constraints, Stanislaw Migorski, Yi-bin Xiao and Jing Zhao
12. Topological optimization and minimal compliance in linear
elasticity, Cornel Marius Murea and Dan Tiba
13. Vibrations of a beam between stops: Collision events and energy
balance properties, Laetitia Paoli
14. Existence for a quasistatic variational-hemivariational
inequality, Zijia Peng, Cuiming Ma and Zhonghui Liu
15. Tykhonov well-posedness of a viscoplastic contact problem, Mircea
Sofonea and Yi-bin Xiao
16. Convergence of simultaneous distributed-boundary parabolic optimal
control problems, Domingo Tarzia, Carolina Bollo and Claudia Gariboldi
From: Fikret Aliev [log in to unmask]
Date: September 30, 2020
Subject: Contents, TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 11 (2)
TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 11, No.2, 2020
ISSN 2076-2585
Volume 11, No. 2, 2020
Effects of Two-Equation Turbulence Models on the Convective
Instability in Finned Channel Heat Exchangers. Survey, Y. Menni,
H. Ameur, G. Lorenzini, M.M. Rashidi, A. Youcef, R. Maouedj
New Integral Operator for Solution of Differential Equations,
A. Ozyapici, T. Karanfiller
The Coefficient Estimates for a Class Defined by Hohlov Operator using
Conic Domains, M. Caglar, P. Gurusamy, H. Orhan
Invertible Square Matrices over Residuated Lattices, S. Balaei,
E. Eslami, A. Borumand Saeid
Bivariate general random threshold models and exceedance Statistics,
A. Erem, I. Bayramoglu, On Interpolative Boyd-Wong and Matkowski Type
Contractions H. Aydi, E. Karapinar, Z.D. Mitrovic
Parabolic Nonsingular Integral Operator and its Commutators on
Parabolic Vanishing Generalized Orlicz-Morrey Spaces, M.N. Omarova
An Inverse Boundary Value Problem for the Boussinesq- Love Equation
with Nonlocal Integral Condition, N.S. Isgendarov, S.I. Allahverdiyeva
Analytical Approach to a Class of Bagley-Torvik Equations,
F.A. Aliyev, N.A. Aliyev, N.I. Mahmudov, I.T. Huseynov
End of Digest
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Week 4 February 2017, Week 2 February 2017, Week 1 January 2017, Week 3 January 2017, Week 2 December 2016, Week 5 December 2016, Week 3 December 2016, Week 2 December 2016, Week 1 November 2016, Week 3 November 2016, Week 2 November 2016, Week 1 October 2016, Week 4 October 2016, Week 3 October 2016, Week 2 October 2016, Week 1 September 2016, Week 4 September 2016, Week 3 September 2016, Week 2 September 2016, Week 1 August 2016, Week 5 August 2016, Week 4 August 2016, Week 2 August 2016, Week 1 July 2016, Week 4 July 2016, Week 3 July 2016, Week 1 June 2016, Week 4 June 2016, Week 3 June 2016, Week 1 May 2016, Week 5 May 2016, Week 4 May 2016, Week 3 May 2016, Week 2 May 2016, Week 1 April 2016, Week 4 April 2016, Week 3 April 2016, Week 2 April 2016, Week 1 March 2016, Week 5 March 2016, Week 4 March 2016, Week 2 March 2016, Week 1 February 2016, Week 5 February 2016, Week 3 February 2016, Week 1 January 2016, Week 5 January 2016, Week 4 January 2016, Week 3 January 2016, Week 2 January 2016, Week 1 December 2015, Week 5 December 2015, Week 2 November 2015, Week 5 November 2015, Week 4 November 2015, Week 3 November 2015, Week 1 October 2015, Week 4 October 2015, Week 3 October 2015, Week 2 September 2015, Week 5 September 2015, Week 4 September 2015, Week 2 September 2015, Week 1 August 2015, Week 4 August 2015, Week 2 July 2015, Week 5 July 2015, Week 3 July 2015, Week 2 June 2015, Week 5 June 2015, Week 4 June 2015, Week 3 June 2015, Week 2 June 2015, Week 1 May 2015, Week 4 May 2015, Week 3 May 2015, Week 2 May 2015, Week 1 April 2015, Week 4 April 2015, Week 2 April 2015, Week 1 March 2015, Week 5 March 2015, Week 4 March 2015, Week 3 March 2015, Week 2 March 2015, Week 1 February 2015, Week 4 February 2015, Week 3 February 2015, Week 2 February 2015, Week 1 January 2015, Week 4 January 2015, Week 3 January 2015, Week 1 December 2014, Week 5 December 2014, Week 4 December 2014, Week 3 December 2014, Week 2 December 2014, Week 1 November 2014, Week 4 November 2014, Week 3 November 2014, Week 2 October 2014, Week 5 October 2014, Week 4 October 2014, Week 3 October 2014, Week 2 October 2014, Week 1 September 2014, Week 4 September 2014, Week 3 September 2014, Week 2 September 2014, Week 1 August 2014, Week 4 August 2014, Week 3 August 2014, Week 2 August 2014, Week 1 July 2014, Week 5 July 2014, Week 3 July 2014, Week 2 June 2014, Week 5 June 2014, Week 4 June 2014, Week 3 June 2014, Week 2 June 2014, Week 1 May 2014, Week 4 May 2014, Week 3 May 2014, Week 2 May 2014, Week 1 April 2014, Week 4 April 2014, Week 3 April 2014, Week 2 April 2014, Week 1 March 2014, Week 5 March 2014, Week 4 March 2014, Week 3 February 2014, Week 3 February 2014, Week 1 January 2014, Week 3 January 2014, Week 1 December 2013, Week 3 December 2013, Week 2 December 2013, Week 1 November 2013, Week 4 November 2013, Week 3 November 2013, Week 2 November 2013, Week 1 October 2013, Week 4 October 2013, Week 2 October 2013, Week 1 September 2013, Week 4 September 2013, Week 3 September 2013, Week 2 August 2013, Week 4 August 2013, Week 3 July 2013, Week 5