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NADIGEST  August 2020, Week 2

NADIGEST August 2020, Week 2


NA Digest, V. 20, # 30


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Sun, 9 Aug 2020 19:48:14 -0600





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[External Email]

Subject: NA Digest, V. 20, # 30

NA Digest  Sunday, August 09, 2020  Volume 20 : Issue 30

Today's Editor:

        Daniel M. Dunlavy
        Sandia National Labs
        [log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

        Dominik Schoetzau (1970 - 2020)
        KaHiP v3.00: Karlsruhe High Quality Partitioning
        Professor Position, Mathematical Data Analysis, Univ Saarbrucken
        Professor Position, Nonlinear Optimization, Montreal
        Postdoc Position, Algorithms for Inpainting-Based Image Compression
        Postdoc Position, Krylov Methods, Charles Univ, Czech Rep
        PhD Positions, Numerical Mathematics, Charles Univ, Czech Rep
        PhD position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Twente
        New Deadline, ACOM Special Issue on Integral Equations, Mar 2021
        Contents, Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing, 8 (3)
        Contents: Constructive Approximation, 52 (1)

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From: Chen Greif [log in to unmask]
Date: August 06, 2020
Subject: Dominik Schoetzau (1970 - 2020)

It is with deep sadness that we share the news of the passing of our
friend and colleague, Dominik Schoetzau. Dominik obtained his PhD from
ETH Zurich, working under the supervision of Christoph Schwab.  After
completing a postdoctoral fellowship in Minnesota under the
supervision of Bernardo Cockburn, he joined the professorial ranks of
the Department of Mathematics of the University of British Columbia in
Vancouver in 2003.

Dominik's main area of expertise was numerical methods for partial
differential equations, and in particular, finite element methods. He
was a world-renowned expert in Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods,
and made significant contributions that were instrumental in turning
those techniques into a powerful and broadly used family of
methods. Dominik published landmark results on the error and
convergence of Local DG methods, providing rigorous analysis for
establishing their utility. He also made significant contributions to
the efficient numerical solution of finite element discretizations of
Maxwell's equations, fluid dynamics equations, incompressible
magnetohydrodynamics, and other important problems.

In 2004, Dominik was diagnosed with brain cancer. He fought it with
dignity and determination, underwent three surgeries, and survived for
16 years, until he passed away peacefully on July 29, 2020. Despite
his health struggles, Dominik continued to produce impactful
mathematical results in the past several years, up until 2020. In his
most recent research project he and his collaborators have published a
sequence of papers proving exponential convergence of hp-FEM for
elliptic problems, which addressed decades-long open challenges.

Dominik was a wonderful, kind, humble, and good-hearted human being,
who was well-liked by everyone who knew him. His contributions in the
field of numerical analysis are outstanding and long lasting. A
brilliant mathematical career has been cut cruelly short. He will be
dearly missed.

Chen Greif and Nilima Nigam


From: Christian Schulz [log in to unmask]
Date: August 03, 2020
Subject: KaHiP v3.00: Karlsruhe High Quality Partitioning

Release of KaHiP v3.00.  We are proud to announce the release of a
major update of our graph partitioning framework KaHiP (Karlsruhe High
Quality Graph Partitioning). KaHiP is a family of high quality graph
partitioning programs. It contains various graph partitioning
algorithms that can be configured to either achieve the best known
partitions for many standard benchmark instances or to be a good
trade-off between partition quality and running time. Since the last
major release we added:
- node ordering algorithms to compute fill-in reduced node orderings
- ILP based exact solvers and partition improvement algorithms
- global multisection process mapping algorithms
- and a lot of minor improvements of our system

This is round of improvements and extensions is due to Alexandra
Henzinger, Alexander Noe, Wolfgang Ost, Daniel Seemaier

The code is available under MIT Licence.
- open source implementation / website
- github

We are glad for any comments, stars and error reports (or even bug
fixes) that you send us.


From: Joachim Weickert [log in to unmask]
Date: August 07, 2020
Subject: Professor Position, Mathematical Data Analysis, Univ Saarbrucken

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at Saarland University
(Saarbrucken, Germany) is inviting applications for the following
position (tenured full professorship, German salary scale W3)
commencing at the earliest opportunity:

Professorship (W3) for Mathematics and Computer Science with a Focus
on Mathematical Data Analysis (reference number W1731)

The successful candidate will have exceptional research and teaching
skills, international visibility, and a research direction in
mathematical data analysis, with a preferred focus on the mathematical
foundations of deep learning. Expertise in at least one of the
following areas should be demonstrated: continuous optimization,
applied harmonic analysis, compressed sensing, modelling and numerical
methods for differential equations, inverse problems, control theory,
and information geometry. Additional connections to analytic areas
such as convex analysis, differential geometry or Lie groups are
welcome. We expect a willingness to collaborate with other groups of
the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science as well as interest in
interdisciplinary co-operations, including within larger collaborative

Online application deadline: August 16, 2020.

More information:


From: Dominique Orban [log in to unmask]
Date: August 03, 2020
Subject: Professor Position, Nonlinear Optimization, Montreal

The department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering at
Polytechnique Montreal is seeking a to fill an open position in
nonlinear optimization. More details are available at the following


From: Joachim Weickert [log in to unmask]
Date: August 07, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Algorithms for Inpainting-Based Image Compression

The Mathematical Image Analysis Group at Saarland University
(Saarbrucken, Germany, https:/ has an opening
for a post-doctoral researcher for up to 24 months.

The successful candidate will be employed within the ERC Advanced
Grant INCOVID (Inpainting-based Compression of Visual Data) for
Joachim Weickert. We develop novel methods for lossy compression of
images and videos by storing only a small, carefully optimised
fraction of the image data (e.g. pixels, derivatives, edges). The
missing image structures are interpolated with so-called inpainting
techniques that may use variational models, PDEs, integrodifferential
equations, patch-based non-local methods, radial basis functions, or
deep learning techniques. This requires to model and solve challenging
optimisation problems and to develop fast inpainting
algorithms. Addressing some of these questions is the central
objective of the position.

Requirements: PhD in mathematics or computer science with a focus on
either non-smooth continuous optimisation, discrete optimisation,
numerical methods for PDEs, applied harmonic analysis, sparsity, or
machine learning. Experience in variational or PDE-based image
analysis is a plus. He/she should be a team player, have a strong
publication record, and a good command of the English language.

Starting Date: As soon as possible.  Salary: German Salary Scale E13.
Please e-mail your application (pdf) to Joachim Weickert . It must
contain a CV, a transcript of records, a publication list, and the
names of two references.  Closing date: August 20, 2020


From: Stefano Pozza [log in to unmask]
Date: August 08, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Krylov Methods, Charles Univ, Czech Rep

Postdoc Position, Krylov methods and ODE approximation, Charles Univ,
Czech Rep

A postdoc position is available within the framework of the Primus
Research Programme "A Lanczos-like Method for the Time-Ordered
Exponential" at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles
University, Prague.

The appointment period is two years, with the possibility of
extension. The anticipated start date is January 2021, although this
is negotiable.

We are looking for candidates with a strong background in numerical
linear algebra. In particular, we seek applicants with expertise in
matrix function approximation, Krylov subspace methods, and finite
precision analysis. The applicant must hold a Ph.D. degree by the
start date.

Application deadline: November 9, 2020.

More information and application instructions:


From: Stefano Pozza [log in to unmask]
Date: August 08, 2020
Subject: PhD Positions, Numerical Mathematics, Charles Univ, Czech Rep

Two Ph.D. positions are available within the framework of the Primus
Research Programme: "A Lanczos-like Method for the Time-Ordered
Exponential" at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles
University, Prague.

The four years of Ph.D. studies will be done under the supervision of
Dr. Stefano Pozza (PI of the project) in the Department of Numerical
Mathematics. The department offers an international environment at one
of the top universities in the Czech Republic, and the oldest
university in Central Europe. The students will also have the
opportunity to work with external collaborators from France, Italy,
and the UK.

The applicants must hold a Master's degree by the start date of Spring
2021 (to be announced) and should have a strong interest in numerical
linear algebra and numerical analysis. Knowledge of Matlab or other
programming languages is necessary. Applicants will have to prove
their English language level by passing an exam (it is possible to
waive the examination under some conditions, see

Application deadline: November 9, 2020.

More information and application instructions:


From: Matthias Schlottbom [log in to unmask]
Date: August 06, 2020
Subject: PhD position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Twente

The group Mathematics of Computational Science offers a PhD position
(4 years full-time contract) in Numerical Mathematics.

The project considers the efficient numerical solution of Maxwell
eigenvalue problems for photonic quasicrystals, see!/1261550/phd-in-numerical-analysis
for details.

The application deadline is August 23rd, 2020. Please use the above
links to submit applications electronically.


From: Alex Barnett [log in to unmask]
Date: August 06, 2020
Subject: New Deadline, ACOM Special Issue on Integral Equations, Mar 2021

Due to COVID-19, and the uncertainty of the future date of the delayed
OCCMIE integral equations BIRS workshop at Oaxaca, we have revised the
deadline for submissions for the special issue (topical collection)
"Advances in Computational Integral Equations" (ACIE), in the journal
Advances in Computational Mathematics (ACOM).

The revised deadline is: March 31, 2021.

This special issue will go ahead, but no longer be associated with any
workshop. As before, submissions from the global research community
will undergo ACOM's usual peer-review process.

Topics of interest include: boundary integral equations; singular
geometries; randomized algorithms; high frequency waves; inverse
problems; HPC; software packages; numerical analysis; time-domain.

The guest editorial board: Stephanie Chaillat, Adrianna Gillman,
Gunnar Martinsson, Michael O'Neil (chair), Alex Barnett,
Mary-Catherine Kropinski, and Timo Betcke.

For details:


From: David G. Yu [log in to unmask]
Date: August 07, 2020
Subject: Contents, Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing, 8 (3)

Contents, Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing (SOIC),
Volume: 8, Number: 3,  September 2020

This issue is available at

Convergence Analysis of a Stochastic Progressive Hedging Algorithm for
Stochastic Programming, Zhenguo Mu, Junfeng Yang

CQ-free optimality conditions and strong dual formulations for a
special conic optimization problem, Olga Kostyukova, Tatiana
V. Tchemisova

Minimax-robust forecasting of sequences with periodically stationary
long memory multiple seasonal increments, Maksym Luz; Mikhail

Sample Paths Properties of Stochastic Processes from Orlicz Spaces,
with Applications to Partial Differential Equations, Lyudmyla Sakhno,
Yuriy Kozachenko, Enzo Orsingher, Olha Hopkalo

A Note on CCMV Portfolio Optimization Model with Short Selling and
Risk-neutral Interest Rate, Tahereh Khodamoradi, Maziar Salahi, Ali
Reza Najafi

Volatility Modelling of the BRICS Stock Markets, Rosinah M
Mukhodobwane, Caston Sigauke, Wilbert Chagwiza, Winston Garira

Overdisp: A Stata (and Mata) Package for Direct Detection of
Overdispersion in Poisson and Negative Binomial Regression Models,
Luiz Paulo Lopes Favero, Patricia Belfiore, Marco Aurelio dos Santos,
R. Freitas Souza

Tail distribution of the integrated Jacobi diffusion process, Nguyen
Tien Dung , Trinh Nhu Quynh


From: Ed Saff [log in to unmask]
Date: August 02, 2020
Subject: Contents: Constructive Approximation, 52 (1)

Constructive Approximation
Volume 52, Issue 1, August 2020
Table of Contents

A Discrete Realization of the Higher Rank Racah Algebra, Hendrik De
Bie and Wouter van de Vijver

On Accumulated Cohen's Class Distributions and Mixed-State
Localization Operators, Franz Luef and Eirik Skrettingland

Conditionally Positive Definite Matrix Valued Kernels on Euclidean
Spaces, J.C. Guella and V.A. Menegatto

Zeros of Faber Polynomials for Joukowski Airfoils, N. Levenberg and
F. Wielonsky

Minimal Soft Lattice Theta Functions, Laurent Betermin

Pointwise and Uniform Convergence of Fourier Extensions, Marcus Webb,
Vincent Coppe and Daan Huybrechs

Correction to: Lattice Algorithms for Multivariate L-infinity
Approximation in the Worst-Case Setting, Frances Y. Kuo, Grzegorz
W. Wasilkowski, Henryk Wozniakowski

Constructive Approximation
An International Journal for Approximations and Expansions
Published by Springer

End of Digest

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