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NADIGEST  March 2020, Week 5

NADIGEST March 2020, Week 5


NA Digest, V. 20, # 12


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Sun, 29 Mar 2020 18:57:32 -0400





text/plain (1391 lines)

[External Email]

Subject: NA Digest, V. 20, # 12

NA Digest  Sunday, March 29, 2020  Volume 20 : Issue 12

Today's Editor:

        Daniel M. Dunlavy
        Sandia National Labs
        [log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

        Call to Action and Rapid Request regarding COVID-19
        Lightning Laplace and conformal mapping codes
        CFP, Organize the Next Householder Symposium
        Symposium Honoring Prof. Hans J. Stetter Postponed
        Extended Deadline, Free Boundary Problems, Germany, Aug-Sep 2020
        Summer School, Matrix Methods and Applied Linear Algebra, Russia/Italy, Aug-Sep 2020
        Induction Course for New Lecturers in the Mathematical Sciences, UK, Sep 2020
        Software Engineer Position, Five
        Junior Professor Position, Simulation Software, Univ of Stuttgart
        Research Associate Position, SISSA mathLab, Trieste, Italy
        Group Leaders Position, Data-Integrated Simulation Science, Stuttgart Univ, Germany
        Research Position, Adaptive Decomposition Methods for ML, HAW-Hamburg
        Postdoc Position, Autotuning Exascale Applications, UC Berkeley and LBNL
        Postdoc Position, Computational Math, MOX, Politecnico di Milano
        Postdoc Position, Networks/data science, Univ of Edinburgh
        Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis
        Postdoc Positions, Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Munster
        Postdoc Positions, Statistics, KAUST
        PhD Fellowship Position, Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Munster
        PhD Position, Cardiff Univ
        PhD Position, MODAL team, Inria Lille
        PhD Position, Numerical Analysis of PDEs, Monash Univ
        PhD Positions, Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Munster
        PhD Positions, Numerical Mathematics, Univ of Twente
        Contents, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 38 (2)
        Contents, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 25 (2)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Steven Lee [log in to unmask]
Date: March 20, 2020
Subject: Call to Action and Rapid Request regarding COVID-19

Per the evolution of the public health emergency declared in response

to the coronavirus disease outbreak


outbreak/ please consider the following two items to help address the

crisis. Each link provides information for how to follow-up.

Call to Action to the Tech Community on New Machine Readable COVID- 19


AI experts called to develop new text and data mining techniques that

can help the science community answer high-priority scientific

questions related to COVID-19. The dataset represents the most

extensive machine- readable Coronavirus literature collection

available for data and text mining to date, with over 29,000 articles,

and more than 13,000 of which have full text

community-new-machine-readable-covid-19-dataset/ For the 10 key

scientific questions related to COVID-19, see


DOE Office of Science RAPID REQUEST: Coronavirus Disease 2019


Dear Colleague Letter for ideas about how the Department of Energy and

the National Laboratories might contribute resources to help address

COVID-19 through science and technology efforts and collaborations.


From: Nick Trefethen [log in to unmask]
Date: March 18, 2020
Subject: Lightning Laplace and conformal mapping codes

I am happy to announce the availability of Matlab codes LAPLACE and

CONFMAP to solve Laplace Dirichlet problems and compute conformal maps

in polygons, circular polygons, and other simply-connected planar

domains.  These codes make use of the "lightning Laplace" algorithm,

involving rational functions with poles exponentially clustered near

corner singularities.  Typical problems are solved to 6-10 digits of

accuracy all the way up to the corners in less than a second on a

laptop, with subsequent function evaluations requiring microseconds

per point.

Details can be found at, which shows

example plots produced by executing laplace('L') and confmap('iso').

CONFMAP requires Chebfun in the Matlab path (because it uses AAA

rational approximations), but LAPLACE does not.


From: Heike Fassbender [log in to unmask]
Date: March 23, 2020
Subject: CFP, Organize the Next Householder Symposium

Against the backdrop of COVID-19's spread, the Householder Committee

has decided to cancel the Householder Symposium 2020 in Selva di

Fasano. It is intended to organize the next Householder meeting in

June 2022 (instead of 2023) in Selva di Fasano followed by meetings in

2025, 2028, ....

For this reason, the call for proposals to organize the 2023

Householder Symposium has been changed to a call for proposals to

organize the 2025 Houeholder Symposium. The deadline for submitting a

proposal will be April 1, 2022. Further information will be available

in due course.  We apologize for any inconvience this may cause.


From: Dirk Praetorius [log in to unmask]
Date: March 24, 2020
Subject: Symposium Honoring Prof. Hans J. Stetter Postponed

Given the rapidly growing problems due to the Corona pandemic, we have

decided to postpone the celebration of the 90th birthday of Prof. Hans

J.  Stetter (TU Wien, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing).

The new date will be fixed as soon as possible. Please feel kindly

invited to leave a message in the guestbook, which clearly remains





From: FBP 2020 organisers [log in to unmask]
Date: March 27, 2020
Subject: Extended Deadline, Free Boundary Problems, Germany, Aug-Sep 2020

We are pleased to announce that registration and the call for

contributions is still open for the 15th International Conference on

Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications 2020 (FBP 2020). The

conference will take place on the Mitte campus of the Humboldt

University (HU) of Berlin, August 31st to September 4th, 2020.

Full details can be found at

The FBP conference is a flagship event that brings together the free

boundary/partial differential equation community and is organized

every few years with the most recent occurrences in Shanghai (China,

2017) and Cambridge (UK, 2014) after the historical beginnings of the

conference series in Montecatini (Italy, 1981). FBP 2020 is hosted by

the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS)

Berlin. The conference will include plenary talks, invited

mini-symposia, and contributed sessions.

The deadline for submission is April 15th.


From: Carmine Di Fiore [log in to unmask]
Date: March 20, 2020
Subject: Summer School, Matrix Methods and Applied Linear Algebra, Russia/Italy, Aug-Sep 2020

The 2020 edition of the Rome-Moscow summer school of Matrix Methods

and Applied Linear Algebra will be held during the period August 24 -

September 25, 2020

As for the previous editions it consists of two parts:

- August 24 - September 9 (2020), Institute of Numerical Mathematics

  and Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

- September 9 - 25 (2020), Department of Mathematics, University of

  Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy

The school is open to advanced undergraduate, master's and PhD

students. A preliminary list of lecturers and courses is:

- Mikhail Botchev, TBA

- Raymond Chan, Linear algebra in imaging

- Dario Fasino, Markov chains and higher-order stochastic processes

- Vladimir Lyashev, Matrix algebra in wireless communication

- Nicola Mastronardi, Accurate computation of eigenvalues and

  eigenvectors of matrices

- Roberto Peirone, TBA

- Francesco Tudisco, Topics in matrix methods for data

The deadline for applications is Monday May 4, 2020.  However,

expressions of interest received within Monday April 13 are highly


To apply for the school and for any further information please visit

the school's website - (2020

edition) - that will be regularly updated


From: Pamela Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: March 25, 2020
Subject: Induction Course for New Lecturers in the Mathematical Sciences, UK, Sep 2020

Induction Course for New Lecturers in the Mathematical Sciences 2020

Wednesday September 16, 2020 - Thursday September 17, 2020 Isaac

Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 20 Clarkson Road,

Cambridge, CB3 0EH, UK,

Through a community initiative supported by the Institute of

Mathematics and its Applications, the Isaac Newton Institute for

Mathematical Sciences and the Heads of Departments of Mathematics

Sciences (HoDoMS) and endorsed by the Royal Statistical Society and

the London Mathematical Society, we are delighted to announce that in

September 2020 the two-day Induction Course for lecturers new to

teaching mathematics and statistics within Higher Education will once

again take place. The Induction Course takes place at the Isaac Newton

Institute for Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cambridge and

commences mid-morning on the 16 September, and ends late-afternoon on

the 17 September.

The Induction Course for New Lecturers in the Mathematical Sciences

has been designed by the mathematics community so that it is ideally

suited for anyone who is new to or has limited experience teaching

mathematics or statistics within UK higher education. It will be

delivered by individuals with significant experience of teaching in

the mathematical sciences and will focus upon the specific details and

issues that arise in mathematics and statistics teaching and learning

within higher education including topics such as: Lecturing;

Supporting student learning; Making teaching interactive; Assessment,

examinations and feedback; Linking teaching & research; Using

technology to enhance teaching and learning; Using examples and

mathematical problem solving.

Registration is currently open at


From: Jonathan Sadeghi [log in to unmask]
Date: March 23, 2020
Subject: Software Engineer Position, Five

Five is a European leader developing software for self-driving


With experienced founders, renowned academic advisors and world-class

scientists and engineers, our team is at the leading edge in research

and the application of research to the real world.

What will you do?  You'll be a vital member of a new team developing

production scale software to support statistical models for

perception.  You will be part of a multi-sited, multidisciplinary team

who work closely with our Research Scientists and Engineers. We work

with large-scale image and video datasets to develop software/models

that are used in various parts of our simulation pipeline.

More information:


From: Dominik Göddeke [log in to unmask]
Date: March 26, 2020
Subject: Junior Professor Position, Simulation Software, Univ of Stuttgart

The University of Stuttgart establishes a W1-Professorship

"Sustainability and Usability of Simulation Software" (f/m/d) through

the DFG Cluster of Excellence EXC 2075 SimTech. We look for applicants

with substantial, internationally visible research contributions in

the development of open source simulation software.

Submission deadline is April 24, 2020. For further details, see



From: Gianluigi Rozza [log in to unmask]
Date: March 21, 2020
Subject: Research Associate Position, SISSA mathLab, Trieste, Italy

A new open position (18 months) as research associate at SISSA,

International School for Advanced Studies, Mathematics Area, mathLab,

Trieste, Italy ( is available with deadline April 9,

2020 at 1pm (Rome time):


The position is in the framework of FSE FVG: European Social Fund

program 2014-2020 sponsored by Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia

and in cooperation with Fincantieri spa.

The project is 'Numerical simulation and mathematical modelling for

design of new hydrodynamics shapes to reduce drag, noise and

consumption for immersed part of cruise ships'

Field of the research activity: efficient geometrical parametrisation,

reduced order modelling, computational fluid dynamics for naval

applications, optimisation, control, data assimilation, shape

parametrisation, reduced order methods.

Competences: mathematical modelling, numerical analysis, scientific

computing and programming, CFD.


From: Jenny Kopsch-Xhema (SimTech) [log in to unmask]
Date: March 19, 2020
Subject: Group Leaders Position, Data-Integrated Simulation Science, Stuttgart Univ, Germany

EXC 2075 was established in 2019 in the framework of the German

Excellence Strategy with an initial funding period of seven years. It

builds on the previous EXC 310 which ran from 2007-2018 establishing

the University of Stuttgart as a world leading research center for

simulation technology. A Cluster of Excellence is the most significant

and substantial grant for collaborative research funded by the German

Research Foundation (DFG). SimTech is the only Cluster with a research

agenda of integrating simulation science and data science into a new

paradigm bringing together interdisciplinary teams of researchers from

seven faculties at the University, nearby academic institutions, and

international research groups.

To complement our research activities, we are looking for highly

motivated young scientists with an outstanding early-career track

record (typically two years after obtaining a doctorate) and

substantial international research experience in fields contributing

to the Cluster's research agenda. Successful candidates have

received excellent academic degrees in engineering, natural sciences,

computer science, mathematics or in related areas and have acquired

profound experience in one or more of SimTech's areas of expertise:

multi-phase flows, porous media, engineered and biological structures,

particle simulation, systems and control, machine learning,

computational mathematics, scientific and high-performance computing,

visualization, traceable adaptive compute infrastructures. We

encourage excellent young scientists from other academic fields

related to simulation and data science to apply.

Selected junior researchers will start and lead a new independent

group within the Cluster of Excellence which will be funded for up to

four years, including the group leader position (TV-L E14), funds for

doctoral projects (TV-L E13), as well as start-up funds and annual

budget. The new groups are expected to establish a competitive

research program which contributes to the Cluster's success by

collaborating with other SimTech researchers within one of the seven

project networks

Please submit your application before 17 April 2020 by e-mail to

[log in to unmask] with a single PDF attachment comprising

cover and motivation letter, academic CV, list of publications, 3-page

description of past and future research activities, degree

certificates and transcripts of records from Bachelor/Master/PhD

degrees. Applications and two reference letters should be addressed to

Prof. Dr. Thomas Ertl, Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science,

University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 5a, 70569 Stuttgart. Further

information and an application form can be found here: Please be aware

of the risks regarding confidentiality and the integrity of your

application contents when sending your application via unencrypted



From: Ivo Nowak [log in to unmask]
Date: March 16, 2020
Subject: Research Position, Adaptive Decomposition Methods for ML, HAW-Hamburg

In the project "DADLN - Dynamics and adaptive decomposition of machine

learning networks" of HAW-Hamburg, Department of Mechanical

Engineering and Production, funded by the Federal Ministry of

Education and Research (BMWF) within the research program

"Explainability and transparency of machine learning and artificial

intelligence", a full-time research position is available for 3 years,

starting, probably, on May 2020.  The salary according to TV-LE 13

will be probably 3.500-3.900 Euro depending on your

qualifications. The candidate will develop decomposition-based

optimization methods for machine learning based on the new

optimization framework Decogo (in Python). We expect that you have a

strong background in optimization methods, machine learning and

software development.  We offer a nice working atmosphere within a

recently founded team of researchers of the HAW-Hamburg and University

of Hamburg. Applications should be sent to [log in to unmask],

including a full CV and a research statement why you are interested in

optimization methods for machine learning. For further information see


(in german) and


From: James Demmel [log in to unmask]
Date: March 27, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Autotuning Exascale Applications, UC Berkeley and LBNL

We seek a postdoc to join our team at UC Berkeley and LBNL that is

using machine learning for automatic performance tuning (autotuning)

of applications meant to run efficiently on future exascale

computers. This work is funded by the DOE ECP (Exascale Computing

Project). The work will involve developing software tools,

collaborating with other ECP projects and domain scientists in an

interdisciplinary team to apply autotuning to their codes, and

documenting work and results in publications to be presented at

scientific meetings.

Basic qualifications for this position include a PhD, within the last

3 years, in computer science, applied math, statistics, computational

science, or a related technical field; knowledge of statistical

learning and machine learning techniques; demonstrated coding

experience on large scale parallel machines; proven experience in

parallel programming in high-level languages, such as Python, C/C++,

MPI and OpenMP; being a proven consensus builder in a highly

collaborative environment; and excellent written and oral

communication skills. The term of this position is for 1 year, and


Please contact James Demmel, UC Berkeley, [log in to unmask], to

apply for this position (


From: Carlo de Falco [log in to unmask]
Date: March 27, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Math, MOX, Politecnico di Milano

Simulation of Free-Surface Fluids with Complex Rheology.

We invite applications for a one-year postgraduate research associate

position at the MOX - Modelling and Scientific Computing -Lab of the

Department of Mathematics of Politecnico di Milano.

The researcher is intended to work in the framework of a joint

research project between Politecnico di Milano and the Italian Space

Agency (ASI) that aims at developing numerical and statistical methods

integrating satellite observations and physical knowledge for the

assessment of natural risks.

The main task for the researcher is initially to develop numerical

methods for tracing the free surface in fluid flows with complex

rheology, the foreseen application context being that of simulation of

landslides or lava flows.

The numerical methods to be developed are expected to be implemented

in an existing numerical code for the discretization of PDEs on

adaptive cartesian oct-tree and quad-tree grids.

The deadline for application is April 17, 2020, expected starting date

should be as soon as possible after May 1st, 2020.

The official application procedure is described at :[ID]=8874

For informal inquiries please contact Prof. Luca Formaggia at

[log in to unmask] or Prof. Carlo de Falco at

[log in to unmask]


From: Des Higham [log in to unmask]
Date: March 28, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Networks/data science, Univ of Edinburgh

Two year post-doc position in modelling and spectral analysis of

large- scale networks arising from urban applications.  Based in

School of Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh, UK.  Closing

date 22-Apr-2020.

Details at

Use Vacancy Reference 051847


From: Jilu Wang [log in to unmask]
Date: March 28, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis

A two-year or three-year postdoc research fellow position in numerical

analysis is available under a joint project between Beijing

Computational Science Research Center (CSRC: and Shenzhen JL Computational Science and

Applied Research Institute (Shenzhen, China).

The postdoc researcher will be affiliated with one of the two

institutions above, and supervised by A/Prof. Jilu Wang. The

appointment start date can be negotiated. The postdoc researcher will

work on development of computational methods and numerical analysis

for one of the following problems: shallow water equation, ocean

circulation simulation, surface evolution and surface PDEs, fluid

dynamics. The normal salary is about USD 40,000 per year (after

tax). The applications will be reviewed until the position is filled.

Applications should include a CV with a publication list. Applications

should be sent to A/Prof. Jilu Wang via email: [log in to unmask]


From: Imke Franzmeier [log in to unmask]
Date: March 24, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Munster

Open Call for Postdoc Positions at the University of Munster

- salary level E13 TV-L, 100%

- in all research areas related to the Cluster of Excellence

- The duration of the postdoctoral positions is up to three years.

- The expected starting date is no later than October 2020.

- Deadline: May 01, 2020

Please find all relevant information about the position and the

application requirements online at:


From: David Bolin [log in to unmask]
Date: March 20, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Statistics, KAUST

Two postdoctoral fellowships in statistics are currently available in

the Stochastic Processes and Applied Statistics research group

(, lead by prof. David Bolin, at King

Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).

The research area of the positions is statistical models based on

stochastic PDEs and their applications in spatio-temporal statistics.

Possible research topics include: Construction of non-Gaussian models

and the analysis of their properties; Numerical discretization methods

of SPDEs and their use for computationally efficient statistical

inference; Multivariate random fields; Spatio-temporal models; Random

fields on manifolds and graphs; Applications in medical imaging and

environmental sciences.

The positions come with a very competitive tax-free salary as well as

free housing and free health insurance. The starting date is flexible,

and the postdoctoral appointments are renewable annually for up to

three years.

Qualifications: Expertise in two or more of the following areas is

necessary: Stochastic partial differential equations; Numerical

solutions of PDEs and SDEs; Spatial and spatio-temporal statistics;

Stochastic processes; Numerical optimization, Uncertainty

quantification; Scientific programming. The candidate will be expected

to work in a collaborative research environment with PhD and MS

students within the group.

For further details, please see


From: Imke Franzmeier [log in to unmask]
Date: March 24, 2020
Subject: PhD Fellowship Position, Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Munster

Open Call for the Ada Lovelace Fellowship at the University of Munster

- salary level E13 TV-L, 25%

- offered to exceptionally strong candidates in the PhD programme

- increasing gender equality within the mathematical sciences

- supplementing doctoral positions: applications may also be combined

  with the application for a 75% PhD position.

Please find all relevant information about the followship and the

application requirements online at:


From: Tim Phillips [log in to unmask]
Date: March 27, 2020
Subject: PhD Position, Cardiff Univ

EPSRC DTP studentship in Least Squares PGD Mimetic Spectral

Element Methods for Systems of First-Order PDEs

Many mathematical models that describe problems in science and

engineering are defined in high dimensional spaces. The mathematical

description of these problems is invariably in terms of a system of

partial differential equations (PDEs). For practical problems these

systems do not possess analytical solutions and therefore it is

necessary to solve them numerically. It is important that the system

of algebraic equations obtained as a result of discretisation is a

compatible (mimetic) and physically consistent system so that the

numerical approximation is an accurate representation of the physical

solution to the problem.  The governing systems of PDEs is written in

terms of an equivalent system of first-order differential equations

which is subsequently formulated in terms of a least squares

functional. The exceptional stability of least-squares formulations

has led to the widespread use of low-order finite elements in their

discretization. Unfortunately, these methods are only approximately

conservative, which generally leads to violation of fundamental

physical properties, such as loss of mass conservation. In many cases

this drawback can outweigh the potential advantages of least squares

methods. As a result, improving the conservation properties of

least-squares methods is crucially important.

Informal enquiries to Professor Tim Phillips ([log in to unmask])

Applicants should apply through the Cardiff University online

application portal, for a Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics with an

entry point of October 2020

UK/EU applicants only. UK Research Council eligibility conditions

apply.  A 1st or upper 2nd class UK Honours degree (or equivalent)

and/or a Master's degree is required in mathematics or a related



From: Hemant Tyagi [log in to unmask]
Date: March 27, 2020
Subject: PhD Position, MODAL team, Inria Lille

There is a PhD position available in the MODAL team at Inria

Lille. The topic of the thesis is: "Large scale inverse problems on

dynamic graphs", this includes problems such as clustering and

ranking. The complete description of this position can be found here:

Profile of an ideal candidate:

- Masters degree (or equivalent) in Mathematics/Computer

  Science/Statistics (or related fields).

- Good knowledge of linear algebra, probability theory and optimization.

- Interest in theoretical aspects of a problem, writing proofs etc.

- Knowledge of at least one of: MATLAB, R, Python or similar languages.

- Comfortable with English (written and oral).

Interested candidates should apply on Inria's job portal: along with the following documents: CV (with

names of references), application letter, transcripts, copy of master

thesis (if applicable).

The deadline for applying is 22nd April and the expected starting date

is 1st October 2020. For further information related to the position,

contact: [log in to unmask]

Hemant Tyagi,


From: Ricardo Ruiz Baier [log in to unmask]
Date: March 16, 2020
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Analysis of PDEs, Monash Univ

A PhD thesis is available to work on the design, analysis, and

implementation of new mixed finite element methods for interface

problems involving fluid-structure interaction in porous composite

materials. See

This type of problems are encountered in numerous phenomena in

material sciences (characterisation of performance in photovoltaic

devices), the mining industry (sedimentation of polydisperse

suspensions interacting with rake mechanisms), and biomedical

applications (perfusion of soft living tissues). It is expected that,

apart from the PDE, numerical analysis, and scientific computing

aspects of the project, the student is actively engaged in the

applicative portions of the research.

We are looking for candidates with academic excellence as well as

having motivated to work on applied problems using sophisticate

numerical methods for nonlinear and coupled PDEs. Applicants must have

A Master degree (or equivalent) in mathematics, engineering,

scientific computing, or related disciplines; A solid background in

PDEs and finite element methods; Some programming experience using,

e.g., Python or C++; Provable strong oral and written communication

skills in English.

Candidates are invited to contact [log in to unmask], providing

their academic record, to know whether they satisfy the 1st class

honours equivalence (which is a requirement for eligibility at


Informal inquiries can be then forwarded to A/Prof Ricardo Ruiz Baier

with the subject "Inquiries - PhD Interfaces", and the application

process requires to include a motivation letter, and a CV with

detailed academic record and two references.

This round of application closes on March 26, 2020.


From: Imke Franzmeier [log in to unmask]
Date: March 24, 2020
Subject: PhD Positions, Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Munster

Open Call for PhD Positions at the University of Munster

- salary level E13 TV-L, 75%

- in all research areas related to the Cluster of Excellence

- The duration of the doctoral positions is up to three years.

- The expected starting date is no later than October 2020.

- Deadline: May 01, 2020

Please find all relevant information about the position and the

application requirements online at:


From: Matthias Schlottbom [log in to unmask]
Date: March 19, 2020
Subject: PhD Positions, Numerical Mathematics, Univ of Twente

The group Mathematics of Computational Science offers two PhD

positions (4 years full-time contract) in Numerical Mathematics.

One project considers the numerical approximation of high-dimensional

partial differential equations, see!/1147578/phd-in-numerical-analysis

for details.

The other project considers the efficient numerical solution of

Maxwell eigenvalue problems for photonic quasicrystals, see!/1149686/phd-in-numerical-methods-for-


for details.

The application deadline is May 15th, 2020. Please use the above links

to submit applications electronically.


From: Yonghui Yu [log in to unmask]
Date: March 24, 2020
Subject: Contents, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 38 (2)

Journal of Computational Mathematics, Volume 38 (2020), Issue 2


A High-order Accuracy Method for Solving the Fractional Diffusion

Equations, Maohua Ran and Chengjian Zhang

Error Analysis of a Stabilized Finite Element Method for the

Generalized Stokes Problem, Huoyuan Duan and Roger C.E. Tan

A New Approximation Algorithm for the Matching Distance in

Multidimensional Persistence, Andrea Cerri and Patrizio Frosini

A C0-Weak Galerkin Finite Element Method for the Two-dimensional

Navier-Stokes Equations In Streamfunction Formulation, Baiju Zhang,

Yan Yang and Minfu Feng

Robust Inexact Alternating Optimization for Matrix Completion with

Outliers, Ji Li, Jian-Feng Cai and Hongkai Zhao

A Balanced Oversampling Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems

with Observational Boundary Data, Zhiming Chen, Rui Tuo and Wenlong


Piecewise Sparse Recovery Via Piecewise Inverse Scale Space Algorithm

with Deletion Rule, Yijun Zhong and Chongjun Li


From: Raimondas Ciegis [log in to unmask]
Date: March 19, 2020
Subject: Contents, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 25 (2)


The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis

and Differential Equations ISSN 1392-6292, ISSN 1648-3510 online,

Electronical edition:

Raimondas {\v{C}}iegis (Editor) Volume 25, Issue 2, 2020


Regimantas \v{C}iupaila, Mifodijus Sapagovas and Kristina

Pupalaig\.{e}, M-matrices and Convergence of Finite Difference Scheme

for Parabolic Equation with an Integral Boundary Condition

Yinxia Wang, On Time Periodic Solutions to the Generalized BBM-Burgers

Equation with Time-Dependent Periodic External Force

Sameerah Jamal and Andrew G. Johnpillai, Fourth-Order Pattern Forming

PDEs: Partial and Approximate Symmetries

Zhengjia Sun, Fuzheng Gao, Chao Wang and Yi Zhang, A Quadratic

$\mbox{\bm {C^0}}$ Interior Penalty Method for the Quad-Curl Problem

Baowei Feng and Haiyan Li, Decay Rates for a Coupled Viscoelastic

Lam\'{e} System with Strong Damping

Imre F. Barna, Gabriella Bogn\'ar, Mohammed Guedda, L\'aszl\'o

M\'aty\'as and Kriszti\'an Hricz\'o, Analytic Self-Similar Solutions

of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Interface Growing Equation with Various

Noise Terms

Derya Arslan, A New Second-Order Difference Approximation for Nonlocal

Boundary Value Problem with Boundary Layers

Mart Ratas and Andrus Salupere, Application of Higher Order Haar

Wavelet Method for Solving Nonlinear Evolution Equations

Wojciech M. Kempa, On Time-to-Buffer Overflow Distribution in a

Single-Machine Discrete-Time System with Finite Capacity

Michal Posp\' i\v sil, Representation of Solutions of Systems of

Linear Differential Equations with Multiple Delays and Nonpermutable

Variable Coefficients

End of Digest

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