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NADIGEST  December 2019, Week 4

NADIGEST December 2019, Week 4


NA Digest, V. 19, # 49


NA Digest Editor <[log in to unmask]>


NA-Digest <[log in to unmask]>


Tue, 24 Dec 2019 18:43:47 -0500





text/plain (909 lines)

Subject: NA Digest, V. 19, # 49

NA Digest  Tuesday, December 24, 2019  Volume 19 : Issue 49

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	OR Resources Online, IFORS, New Contributions
	New Book, Complex Variables and Analytic Functions
	New Book, Fast Direct Solvers for Elliptic PDEs
	New Book, Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences
	New Book, Introduction to Optimization and Hadamard Semidifferential Calculus
	New Book, Practical Optimization
	Short-Course and Spring School on SPDEs, Germany, Feb-Mar 2020
	MIT Uncertainty Quantification Workshop, Germany, Mar 2020
	Computational Integral Equations, Mexico, May-Jun 2020
	IFORS 2020, South Korea, Jun 2020
	SIPTA School on Imprecise Probabilities, UK, Jul 2020
	Summer School, Numerical Approximation of SDEs, Italy, Jul 2020
	Approximation Methods and Fast Algorithms, Germany, Sep 2020
	Fractured media, numerical methods for fluid flow/mechanics, Italy, Sep 2020
	NUMGRID, Russia, Nov 2020
	Research Scientist Position, Computer Vision/Machine Learning, SZU
	Postdoc Position, Applied Mathematics and Human Genetics
	Postdoc Position, Nottingham (UK)
	Postdoc Positions, Applied Mathematics, UC Merced
	Postdoc/Research Technician Positions, BCAM
	Postdoc/PhD Positions, KAUST, EPFL, KTH, and RWTH
	PhD/Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, FAU
	PhD/Postdoc Positions, Uncertainty Quantification, DTU, Denmark
	PhD Position, Mathematics/Computational Science, FZJ, JSC, Germany
	PhD Position, Weierstrass Institute Berlin
	PhD Positions, Berlin-Oxford Research Training Group
	PhD Positions, Mathematical Statistics, Umeå University
	Contents, Information and Inference, 8 (4)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber [log in to unmask]
Date: December 20, 2019
Subject: OR Resources Online, IFORS, New Contributions

The aim of the IFORS Developing Countries Online Resources page is to
offer the OR worker all publicly-available materials on the topic of
OR for Development. It also aims to provide a venue for people who are
working in the area to share their completed or in-process work, learn
from others, and stimulate comments and discussions on the work.
Regarding IFORS Developing Countries OR resources website, its regular
updates - and your possible submission of "free" (not copyright
protected) material, you might occasionally visit

"Operational Research" (OR) is the discipline of applying advanced
analytical methods to help make better decisions. By using techniques
such as problem structuring methods and mathematical modelling to
analyze complex situations, Operational Research gives executives the
power to make more effective decisions and build more productive

The International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS; is an almost 60-year old organization which is
currently composed of 51 national societies. Regional Groups of IFORS
are: ALIO (The Latin American Ibero Association on Operations
Research), APORS (The Association of Asian-Pacific Operational
Research Societies), EURO (The Association of European Operational
Research Societies), NORAM (The Association of North American
Operations Research Societies). IFORS conferences are taking place
every three years. IFORS 2020 will be celebrated in Seoul, South Korea

PS: Feedback is welcome via [log in to unmask]


From: Kris ONeill [log in to unmask]
Date: December 24, 2019
Subject: New Book, Complex Variables and Analytic Functions

Complex Variables and Analytic Functions: An Illustrated Introduction
By Bengt Fornberg and Cecile Piret

This is the first primary introductory textbook on complex variables
and analytic functions to make extensive use of functional
illustrations. Aiming to reach undergraduate students entering the
world of complex variables and analytic functions, the authors utilize
graphics to visually build on familiar cases and illustrate how these
same functions extend beyond the real axis. The book covers several
important topics that are omitted in nearly all recent texts,
including techniques for analytic continuation and discussions of
elliptic functions and of Wiener-Hopf methods. It presents current
advances in research, highlighting the subject's active and
fascinating frontier.

2019 / x + 361 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611975-97-0 / List $84.00 /
SIAM Member $58.80 / OT165

Book details:


From: Kris ONeill [log in to unmask]
Date: December 17, 2019
Subject: New Book, Fast Direct Solvers for Elliptic PDEs

Fast Direct Solvers for Elliptic PDEs
By Per-Gunnar Martinsson

This is the first textbook to detail the active field of fast direct
solvers, presenting fast solvers from the point of view of integral
equation formulations, which enable unparalleled accuracy and speed in
many applications. Fast Direct Solvers for Elliptic PDEs provides an
accessible introduction to boundary integral equation methods, the
fast multipole method, fast direct solvers for both dense and sparse
linear systems, and randomized algorithms for factorizing
matrices. Written with an emphasis on mathematical intuition rather
than theoretical details, the text is richly illustrated and provides
pseudocode for all key techniques.

2020 / xvi + 315 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611976-03-8 / List $84.00 /
SIAM Member $58.80 / CB96

Book details:


From: Kris ONeill [log in to unmask]
Date: December 17, 2019
Subject: New Book, Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences

Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences, Third Edition
By Nicholas J. Higham

Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences provides advice on
all aspects of scientific writing, with a particular focus on writing
mathematics.  Its readable style and handy format, coupled with an
extensive bibliography and comprehensive index, make it useful for
everyone from undergraduates to seasoned professionals. This third
edition revises, updates, and expands the best-selling second edition
to reflect modern writing and publishing practices and builds on the
author's extensive experience in writing and speaking about

2019 / xxii + 353 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611976-09-0 / List $69.00
/ SIAM Member $48.30 / Student $34.50 / OT167

Book details:


From: Kris ONeill [log in to unmask]
Date: December 24, 2019
Subject: New Book, Introduction to Optimization and Hadamard Semidifferential Calculus

Introduction to Optimization and Hadamard Semidifferential Calculus,
Second Edition
By Michel C. Delfour

This second edition builds upon its prior edition's foundation,
showcasing new material linked to convex analysis and nonsmooth
optimization. It presents a modern treatment of optimization and
Hadamard semidifferential calculus while remaining at a level that is
accessible to undergraduate students. Appropriate as both a textbook
and a reference, it includes exercises related to problems in such
fields as engineering, mechanics, medicine, physics, and economics
along with answers.

2019 / xvi + 427 pages / Hardcover / 978-1-611975-95-6 / List $99.00 /
SIAM Member $69.30 / MO27

Book details:


From: Kris ONeill [log in to unmask]
Date: December 17, 2019
Subject: New Book, Practical Optimization

Practical Optimization
By Philip E. Gill, Walter Murray, and Margaret H. Wright
Classics in Applied Mathematics 81

In the intervening years since this book was published in 1981, the
field of optimization has been exceptionally lively. This fertility
has involved not only progress in theory but also faster numerical
algorithms and extensions into unexpected or previously unknown areas
such as semidefinite programming. Despite these changes, many of the
important principles and much of the intuition can be found in this
Classics version of Practical Optimization. This book provides model
algorithms and pseudocode, presents algorithms in a step-by-step
format, and contains a wealth of techniques and strategies that are
well suited for optimization in the twenty-first century and
particularly in the now-flourishing fields of data science, "big
data," and machine learning.

2019 / xx + 401 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611975-59-8 / List $74.00 /
SIAM Member $51.80 / CL81

Book details:


From: Guenther Gruen [log in to unmask]
Date: December 18, 2019
Subject: Short-Course and Spring School on SPDEs, Germany, Feb-Mar 2020

The DFG Research-Training-Group 2339 "IntComSin" -- a joint venture of
the Universities of Erlangen-Nurnberg and of Regensburg -- announces
the spring school "PDEs meet uncertainty: New analytical and numerical
concepts", March 15th-19th, 2020, Ellwangen (Germany) together with
its pre-course "Stochastic compactness and SPDEs", Feb. 11th-13th,
2020, Erlangen (Germany).

The pre-course will be given by Martina Hofmanova (University of
Bielefeld) , the lecturers of the spring school will be Benjamin Gess
(University of Bielefeld and Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics in
the Sciences, Leipzig), Fabio Nobile (EPFL Lausanne), and Andreas
Prohl (University of Tubingen).

Both events are designed for PhD-students, PostDocs, and junior
scientists who are interested in
- existence theory for nonlinear SPDEs with multiplicative noise,
- numerical concepts to discretize SPDEs,
- uncertainty quantification via multi-level Monte-Carlo methods or
  spectral methods based on polynomial chaos expansion.

For more information, see
or , respectively.


From: Anne Reinarz [log in to unmask]
Date: December 19, 2019
Subject: MIT Uncertainty Quantification Workshop, Germany, Mar 2020


MUQ (MIT Uncertainty Quantification) is a library of uncertainty
quantification-focused algorithms and a system for seamlessly
connecting these algorithms with complex models.  Our goal is to
provide an easy and transparent way to set up and efficiently solve UQ
problems. See

Topics include:

  -  A broad variety of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
  -  sampling algorithms
  -  Transport maps
  -  Adaptive polynomial chaos expansions (PCE)
  -  Random field representations
  -  Regression and Gaussian processes
  -  Surrogate modeling for inference and forward UQ

When: March 30 and 31, 2020
Location: Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (Garching by Munich)
Sign up:
Contact: Andrew Davis, [log in to unmask]


From: Mike O'Neil [log in to unmask]
Date: December 18, 2019
Subject: Computational Integral Equations, Mexico, May-Jun 2020

Casa Matematica Oaxaca (CMO), together with Banff International
Research Station (BIRS), have five available slots for researchers
from Mexican institutions to participate in a workshop in Oaxaca at
Casa Matematica (BIRS affiliated) on "Challenges in Computational
Methods for Integral Equations" from May 31-Jun 5, 2020.

The application form must be completed by Feb 18, 2020 at:

From the list provided at the above link, please select workshop
20w5060. Young researchers or doctoral students may participate in
this call to access these five available spaces. Senior researchers
may also participate in the call; however, preference will be given to
young researchers.

Candidates will be evaluated by a committee of experienced researchers
from important Mexican institutions such as: Instituto de
Matematicas UNAM, Centro de Ciencias Matematicas UNAM and CIMAT.


Please contact [log in to unmask] with any questions.


From: Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber [log in to unmask]
Date: December 21, 2019
Subject: IFORS 2020, South Korea, Jun 2020

The Organizing and Program Committees for IFORS 2020 welcomes all
operations researchers to attend the 22nd Conference of the
International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS).

Dates: June 21-26 (Sun-Fri), 2020
Location: Seoul, Korea
Abstract submission closes: 17th January 2020
Submit an abstract:

Interested in organizing one or more sessions? Please go to the list
of Area Chairs at and send
email to the Chair(s) of the most relevant area.

Please visit the IFORS 2020 webpage ( to learn more
about important dates, abstract submission, registration, special
issues of journals, the social program and accommodation.

The IFORS 2020 conference will highlight global developments in
operations research and show how the tools of operations research are
expanding their impact on society, health, science and industry. IFORS
conferences, held only once every three years, provide a platform for
experts from around the world to showcase the diverse potential of
state-of-the-art operations research techniques and technologies.
IFORS 2020 offers a unique opportunity to network with operations
research analysts, industrial users of operations research, and
academic and industry experts from all parts of the globe.


From: Marco De Angelis [log in to unmask]
Date: December 20, 2019
Subject: SIPTA School on Imprecise Probabilities, UK, Jul 2020

The Risk Institute will host the next SIPTA summer school.  The school
will run from Monday to Friday, 13 -17 July 2020. Register here. We
warmly invite all the students and researchers in imprecise
probability (IP) to

This is a great opportunity to meet likeminded researchers, learn more
about IP and enjoy a set of extracurricular activities.  The School
will feature a number of speakers who are renowned leaders in their
field.  The topics and speakers so far confirmed are: (1) Game
theoretical decision theory, by Glenn Shafer; (2) Inferential models,
by Ryan Martin.  Other topics will be: Intro to IP and credal sets,
uncertainty communications, and expert aggregation.  Lodging, lunches
and refreshments will be provided to graduate/PhD students.

We are setting up a small webpage where we'll be posting updates and
information about the School:


From: Dajana Conte [log in to unmask]
Date: December 17, 2019
Subject: Summer School, Numerical Approximation of SDEs, Italy, Jul 2020

The summer school aims to provide an overall perspective on the
numerical integration of stochastic differential equations. It is
organized in theoretical lectures as well as on laboratory training
sessions, held by

Evelyn BUCKWAR ("Johannes Kepler" University of Linz)
David COHEN (University of Umea)
Desmond HIGHAM (School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh)

School venue is the Department of Mathematics, University of Salerno,
on 14-17 July 2020.  Grants for covering the expenses will be issued
to a certain number of participants on a selection basis.

Further information is available at the website


From: Stefan Kunis [log in to unmask]
Date: December 22, 2019
Subject: Approximation Methods and Fast Algorithms, Germany, Sep 2020

We invite you and the members of your research group to participate in
the Mecklenburg Workshop on Approximation Methods and Fast Algorithms,
September 21-25, 2020,

The workshop continues a longstanding tradition of workshops on
approximation theory and related fields held in Northern Germany
since the 1990's. The upcoming workshop is dedicated to the 60th
birthday of our colleague Jurgen Prestin. Invited Speakers are

- Frank Filbir (TU Munchen)
- Hrushikesh Mhaskar (Claremont Graduate University)
- Holger Rauhut (RWTH Aachen)
- Winfried Sickel (FSU Jena)
- Manfred Tasche (Universitat Rostock)


From: Stefano Berrone [log in to unmask]
Date: December 21, 2019
Subject: Fractured media, numerical methods for fluid flow/mechanics, Italy, Sep 2020

We are pleased to announce the first edition of the FRAME conference:
FRAME 2020 - Fractured media: numerical methods for fluid flow and
mechanics to be held on September 21-24, 2020 at Politecnico di
Torino, Italy.

The conference is aimed at presenting and discussing cutting-edge
issues about modeling and development of numerical tools for porous
fractured media simulations.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: Flow in fractures;
Influence of roughness inside the fractures; Flow in fractured porous
media; Up-scaling and homogeneization; Coupled thermal, hydraulic
and/or mechanical processes in fractured media; Fault reactivation and
fracture deformation; Fracture propagation; Self organization of
fracture networks; Non-linearities (such as geochemistry, dissolution
inside the fractures etc...); Verification benchmarks; Uncertainty
quantification/risk measurements; Artificial intelligence applied to
fractured media, Graph based methods, model reduction.

Further information can be found at


From: Lennard Kamenski [log in to unmask]
Date: December 20, 2019
Subject: NUMGRID, Russia, Nov 2020

The 10th International Conference on Numerical Geometry, Grid
Generation and Scientific Computing (NUMGRID) celebrating the 130th
anniversary of Boris Delaunay will be held November 25-27, 2020 at the
Dorodnicyn Computing Center in Moscow.

Conference website:

We invite technical papers presenting results particularly in the area
of in numerical geometry, grid generation, and their theoretical
foundations; a detailed description of the relevant topics can be
found at

Accepted papers presented by participants will be published in the
peer-reviewed conference proceedings (Springer LNCSE series).
Extended versions of selected papers will be invited for submission to
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics (CMMP).

Important dates:
Jun 21: paper submission deadline
Aug 30: initial acceptance notification
Sep 20: revision submission deadline
Oct 04: revision acceptance notification
Nov 23-24: winter school
Nov 25-27: conference
Nov 29: final paper acceptance notification
Dec 13: final camera-ready submission deadline

If you are planing to participate, we cordially ask you to submit an
abstract early to allow us for better planing; the full paper can be
uploaded later within the paper submission deadline.


From: J. Lu [log in to unmask]
Date: December 17, 2019
Subject: Research Scientist Position, Computer Vision/Machine Learning, SZU

Job Type: Full-Time
Duration: 3--4 years
Number of Position: 2 positions

Salary: about 350000 - 700,000 RMB (100,000 US dollars) per year.
Closing Date: Open Until Filled

Description: We have projects that are looking for Research scientist
in Computer Vision, Image/Video/Signal
Processing/Analysis,Mathematical Imaging, Machine Learning,
Optimization, etc.

We have no teaching tasks and Check in/out policy for Research

- Prof. Jian Lu (Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Advanced Machine Learning
  and Applications, Shenzhen University)
- Prof. Ke Chen (University of Liverpool)
- Prof. Lixin Shen (Syracuse University)
- Prof. Yiqiu Dong (Technical University of Denmark)

Those who are interested in Research Scientist please send their C.V.
to Prof. Jian Lu, Emails: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]


From: Gilles Gnacadja [log in to unmask]
Date: December 22, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Applied Mathematics and Human Genetics

Postdoctoral fellowships at the interface of applied mathematics and
human genetics available at deCODE Genetics, a wholly-owned subsidiary
of Amgen in Reykjavik Iceland

deCODE Genetics:

Official job posting:


From: Andrea Cangiani [log in to unmask]
Date: December 19, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Nottingham (UK)

Research Associate/Fellow position, Long-term anatomical fluid
dynamics for new univentricular hearts palliation

We are offering an exciting opportunity for a researcher, whose
expertise lies in computational partial differential equations, to
work on a multidisciplinary MRC-funded project aimed at modelling the
circulation of blood in individuals with univentricular hearts.  The
project is a Newton Fund UK-Malaysia partnership, comprising a team of
mathematicians, surgeons and engineers, aimed at improving the
long-term prognosis of children with univentricular circulation by
establishing a new simulation-assisted treatment
protocol. State-of-the-art multi-scale numerical modelling techniques
based on polytopic finite elements will be developed and combined with
artificial intelligence techniques to produce an open-source
computational tool for the analysis of surgical procedures and their
impact on later-life conditions.

The successful applicant will be based in the School of Mathematical
Sciences at the University of Nottingham, joining the local project's
team of Dr Andrea Cangiani, Prof Antonio Corno, Dr Edward Hall, and
Prof Paul Houston and in close collaboration with the University of
Leicester team of Dr Aldo Rona and Ivan Tyukin.

The preferred candidate will have a PhD in mathematics or closely
related subject, expert knowledge of finite element methods for PDEs,
and strong background in programming. Experience with biomedical
modelling, artificial intelligence, adaptive mesh refinement, and
parallel programming is desirable.

Informal enquiries may be addressed to
[log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]

Fixed-term contract until 30 December 2021 with a minimum salary of
30,942 GBP per annum with relevant PhD.

Closing date of 03 Feb 2020. Apply online at


From: Roummel Marcia [log in to unmask]
Date: December 17, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Applied Mathematics, UC Merced

The National Science Foundation has granted the University of
California Merced Department of Applied Mathematics a five-year award
to establish the Data-Intensive Research And Computing (DIRAC)
Research Training Group (RTG) focused on the theme of Computational
and Data-Enabled Sciences. Four different Small Mentoring and Research
Training (SMaRT) teams constitute this RTG: (i) Energy and the
Environment, (ii) Mathematical Biology, (iii) Imaging and Sensing, and
(iv) Scientific Computing.

The UC Merced Department of Applied Mathematics invites applications
for Postdoctoral Researchers to participate and engage with the DIRAC-
RTG starting July 1, 2020 . This 3-year position requires the
successful candidate to conduct research and teach 1 course each
semester during the academic year.  Preference will be given to
candidates at the early stage of their careers. We are seeking
exceptionally qualified candidates with expertise matching at least
one of the SMaRT teams. Special attention will be paid to applicants
who can collaborate with researchers in applied mathematics and other
fields in natural sciences, engineering and/or social sciences at UC

The minimum qualifications required for this position is a Ph.D. in
Applied Mathematics, Mathematics or a related field and having some
teaching experience at the collegiate level are required at the time
of application.  Applications are now being accepted at Review of applications will
begin on January 18, 2020; this search will be open until the position
is filled with a final closing date of June 30, 2020.


From: Irune Diaz Gonzalez [log in to unmask]
Date: December 24, 2019
Subject: Postdoc/Research Technician Positions, BCAM

We are glad to announce you that we have launched a series of projects
related to different areas of applied mathematics. We are looking for
2 postdoctoral fellows and 1 research technician to collaborate in
those projects.

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Applyed Analysis: The preferred candidate
will have experience in the analytical study of partial differential
equations describing physical phenomena. A preference will be given to
candidates with experience in complex fluids, in particular
Navier-Stokes equations (regularity and or qualitative properties) or
related fluid mechanics equations.

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Harmonic Analysis: The current postdoc
position is aimed to work on topics within the framework of Harmonic
Analysis and its application to PDEs. In this concern, the potential
problems will be related, in a broad sense, with the study of
properties of singular integrals and other objects in connection with
solutions to elliptic and parabolic equations.

Research technician in Maths & Artificial Intelligence: In the
framework of the BCAM "Maths & Artificial Intelligence" strategy, a
series of projects in this field will be launched in different areas
of Applied Mathematics. This project deals with: Artificial
Intelligence, Machine Learning and Temporal Data.

Deadline for applications: January 15, 2020


From: Raul Tempone [log in to unmask]
Date: December 17, 2019
Subject: Postdoc/PhD Positions, KAUST, EPFL, KTH, and RWTH

Several Postdoctoral and PhD Student positions are currently available
at the aforementioned four universities for a collaborative project
with a starting date of April 1, 2020. The candidates will be involved
in the three-year project "High Dimensional Hierarchical Optimization
methods for Machine Learning and Stochastic Optimal Control".

Background or expertise in one or more of the following areas will be
considered when selecting candidates: Machine Learning, Neural
Networks, Numerical solutions of PDEs and SDEs, Numerical
Optimization, Uncertainty quantification, Approximation Theory,
Applied Probability and Bayesian statistics, Optimal Control and
Dynamic Programming.

Strong interpersonal qualities from the candidates will be appreciated
as they will be working in a highly collaborative project and will be
expected to spend part of the time at the collaborating institutions.

Qualifications: A successful candidate preferably has completed a MSc
or PhD, for PhD student and Postdoc positions respectively, in the
field of applied mathematics or computational engineering, or in any
field related to one or more of the aforementioned areas of research.
Excellent analytical, computational and programming skills are

Interested applicants should send their application to
[log in to unmask]
See also:

The positions will remain open until filled, but the candidate is
expected to join the team on April 1, 2020, or as soon as possible.


From: Nicolas Neuss [log in to unmask]
Date: December 16, 2019
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, FAU

The Department of Mathematics at the Friedrich-Alexander-University
Erlangen-Nurnberg (FAU) is looking for a mathematician or
theoretically interested physicist, engineer etc. (TVL-13 3/4, 24
months) within the project ``Structural changes and inactivation of
enzymes during drying and particle formation of levitated
droplets''. The project is in collaboration with the Institute of
Pharmaceutics as well as the Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics
at FAU and financed by the DFG.

The project is concerned with modeling and developing numerical
methods for the drying and particle formation of an elevated droplet
due to evaporation.

- Master/Diplom or PhD in mathematics or related fields, in particular
  expertise in partial differential equations and numerical methods
- experience or willingness to work in mathematical modeling of
  physical problems in continuum mechanics,
- programming skills,
- fluency in English,
- knowledge of German is of advantage.

The position is to be filled as soon as possible. The employment is
limited to 24 months but may be extended depending on available
funding.  For Master/Diploma candidates it is expected that the
candidate will do a PhD within this project.

FAU is seeking to augment the number of women in research and hence
encourages female scientists in particular to apply for this
position. Handicapped persons will be preferred in case of equal
ability and qualifications. If desired, a member of the equal
opportunity office of FAU can participate in the selection process
without any disadvantage for the applicant.

Please submit your full applications including CV, certificates,
motivation letter as pdf-files to [log in to unmask] (reference:
evaporating droplets).

Deadline for application: February, 28, 2020. The position is open
until filled.

Further information: Prof. Dr. Eberhard Bansch, Applied Mathematics 3
(Scientific Computing), [log in to unmask]


From: Per Christian Hansen [log in to unmask]
Date: December 19, 2019
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Positions, Uncertainty Quantification, DTU, Denmark

The Technical University of Denmark opens a 3-year PhD position and a
2-year postdoc position, both starting June 1, 2020 (or as soon as
possible after that). The positions are part of the research project
CUQI, Computational Uncertainty Quantification for Inverse Problems

These two positions deal with goal-oriented UQ where the objective is
to perform UQ for a Quantity of Interest (QoI) defined on the solution
to an inverse problem. Some challenges here are how to develop fast
computational algorithms and how to compute the QoI directly from the
data, if possible. These activities are done in collaboration with the
Dept. of Mathematics, Virginia Tech, and candidates must spend some
time there.

Both the PhD and the postdoc will be responsible for integrating goal-
oriented UQ in a general computational platform for UQ for inverse
problems. This involves a combination of theoretical considerations,
development of computational methods and algorithms, and evaluation of
results on selected inverse problems, e.g., sound source reconstruc-
tion, electrical impedance tomography, or image analysis.  For more
details and to apply: and

The applicants will work in a team of PhD students, postdocs and
faculty members in the Section for Scientific Computing, and they must
contribute with research towards the overall goals of the CUQI
project. Applicants are expected to give limited contributions to
teaching and training activities as well as supervision of students.


From: Andreas Kleefeld [log in to unmask]
Date: December 19, 2019
Subject: PhD Position, Mathematics/Computational Science, FZJ, JSC, Germany

The Julich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) operates one of the most
powerful computer systems for scientific and technical applications in
Europe and makes it available for research purposes to scientists at
Forschungszentrum Julich (FZJ), in Germany, and throughout Europe.
Important fields of the work of the "mathematics and education"
department at JSC include mathematical modeling and the development
and optimization of innovative numerical methods and algorithms on
massively parallel supercomputers.

For the earliest possible date, we are offering a PhD position in the
field of mathematics and/or computational science.

Please check our web site for details about the program, the job
description, and the application process:


From: Patricio Farrell [log in to unmask]
Date: December 20, 2019
Subject: PhD Position, Weierstrass Institute Berlin

Candidates with an interest in solving PDEs numerically are invited to
apply for a PhD position at the Weierstrass Institute Berlin
(WIAS). The candidate will be part of the newly established research
group on "Numerics for innovative semiconductor devices". The paid
position comes with travel funds, no teaching obligations (though
teaching can be arranged for if experience is desired) as well as
international collaboration partners.

The Weierstrass Institute is an applied maths institute, right in the
center of Berlin's flourishing mathematical landscape.

More details can be found here:

The deadline for the application is the 31st of January, 2020.


From: Peter Bank [log in to unmask]
Date: December 19, 2019
Subject: PhD Positions, Berlin-Oxford Research Training Group

The recently established Berlin-Oxford International Research Training
Group (IRTG) 2544 "Stochastic Analysis in Interaction" offers 8 PhD
positions (75% TVL E 13) for 3 years starting April 1st, 2020, or soon

Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the IRTG is a
joint research initiative of the stochastic analysis group of FU, HU,
TU and WIAS Berlin with its counterpart at the University of
Oxford. The advertised positions will be based in Berlin and will
offer ample opportunities to interact also with members of the Oxford
team, most notably in a 6-months exchange.

Embedded in a truly international environment, the IRTG students will
get excellent research training in a structured programme focussing on
challenges at the mathematical foundations of Stochastic Analysis as
well as on challenges arising from its various applications, e.g., in
physics, biology, finance or data science. The combined expertise from
the Berlin and Oxford groups will provide a significant breadth in
depth and fertile ground for our students' ambitious research ideas.

Successful candidates will have an MSc degree (or equivalent) in
Mathematics (or a closely related field), strong knowledge of
stochastic analysis, and feel eager to engage in the exchange of ideas
with the teams in both Berlin and Oxford.

Deadline for applications is January 20, 2020 (for now).

Please see for the
official job ad and for instructions how to apply.

Our IRTG webpage offers more information on
the Berlin-Oxford IRTG 2544.


From: Armin Eftekhari [log in to unmask]
Date: December 21, 2019
Subject: PhD Positions, Mathematical Statistics, Umeå University

The Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics at Umea
University is opening two (or more) PhD positions in mathematical
statistics, broadly focused on developing learning theory for deep
neural networks based on convex lifting. The position is for four
years of doctoral studies which include both participation in research
and postgraduate courses. Last day to apply is January 27, 2020.

For more details and to apply, please visit:

WASP is Sweden's biggest research initiative. For more information on
WASP graduate school, please visit:


From: Alex Beaumont [log in to unmask]
Date: December 23, 2019
Subject: Contents, Information and Inference, 8 (4)

Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA
Special Issue: Optimal transport in data sciences
Links to all articles in the issue are available online at:

Editorial: Information and Inference special issue on optimal
transport in data sciences, Gabriel Peyre, Marco Cuturi

On parameter estimation with the Wasserstein distance, Espen Bernton,
Pierre E Jacob, Mathieu Gerber, Christian P Robert

Estimating matching affinity matrices under low-rank constraints,
Arnaud Dupuy, Alfred Galichon, Yifei Sun

Uncoupled isotonic regression via minimum Wasserstein deconvolution,
Philippe Rigollet, Jonathan Weed

Data-driven regularization of Wasserstein barycenters with an
application to multivariate density registration, Jeremie Bigot, Elsa
Cazelles, Nicolas Papadakis

The Gromov-Wasserstein distance between networks and stable network
invariants, Samir Chowdhury, Facundo Memoli

Adaptive optimal transport, Montacer Essid, Debra F Laefer, Esteban G

A central limit theorem for Lp transportation cost on the real line
with application to fairness assessment in machine learning, Eustasio
del Barrio, Paula Gordaliza, Jean-Michel Loubes

End of Digest

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